It makes sense for me to be a demon in the second dimension, right?

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Prosecutor Li, this is… A mosquito? ”

Jung Hyun-woo and everyone gathered.

Watch as Lee Seung-hwan uses tweezers to put the flattened mosquito into the evidence bag.

They all showed their bewilderment.

It’s just a dead mosquito, and that’s evidence?

See everyone’s doubtful eyes.

Li Chenghuan stood up confidently and said.

“Guys, let’s make a hypothesis.”

“Put yourself in the hands of this thief.”

“The night he stole it.”

“It will take a lot of time to enter the room and find the safe and mechanism.”

“Plus the hot weather and a lot of mosquitoes.”

“So he ordered a plate of mosquito coils.”

“I want to repel mosquitoes.”

“It just so happened that at this time, a mosquito was always flying around in front of him, and the buzzing sound seriously interfered with his work.”



“He casually slapped this mosquito to death! Rub your hand on the wall. ”

“But coincidentally, this mosquito has sucked enough blood from him!”

“So, the dead mosquito with the thief’s blood left on the wall forever, maybe many people have seen this mosquito that was shot to death, but no one has ever associated mosquito blood with a thief…”

After listening to Lee Seung-hwan’s reasoning.

Everyone at the scene was directly stunned.

And this time.

Jung Hyun-woo also reacted the fastest, and he excitedly pointed to the evidence bag in Lee Seung-hwan’s hand and said, “Prosecutor, you mean that this mosquito’s blood contains the DNA of that thief?!” ”

“That’s right, I’m sure that this blood is from the thief, as long as the residual blood is sent to the DNA testing agency, the owner of the blood can be matched from the database.”

Li Chenghuan said lightly.

“West One Eight! So it is! ”


“My God, prosecutor Li, how did you come up with it?”

“This reasoning is wonderful!”

“That’s right, it’s flawless!”


“Hahaha, it’s worthy of being a prosecutor, as soon as you make a move, the case will be broken! As soon as you come, we will have the backbone of our master! It’s really admirable! ”

“So this is the strength of the prosecutors?”

“That’s awesome!”


The five bodies admired by the policemen fell to the ground.

Even Ma Dongti, who has always been five big and three thick and has a fiery temper, said in a tone full of admiration: “Prosecutor Li, you are really a god!” ”

Li Chenghuan waved his hand: “Well, don’t say anything about praise, now our most critical problem is to take these mosquito blood for testing, compare DNA, determine the true identity of the suspect, lock his location, and then quickly arrest him, we don’t have much time.” ”



“Subordinates, this will be sent for testing!”

A group of subordinates and police officers said.

Now the case has made great progress, and it can be said that it has been broken in half.

Everyone’s confidence rose again, and each did his job.

Take action.


Gangnam District Police Department, inside the physical evidence analysis room.

Ma Dongti walked out of the examination room with a test tube.

Respectfully said to Li Chenghuan: “Prosecutor Li, the DNA and gene sequence map in the mosquito blood have been extracted!” ”

“Now you just need to get the database and compare it.”

“Well, I’ll go see with you.” Lee Seung-hwan nodded.

Then a group of people came to the database.

Under the operation of the technician.

The sequence information of this DNA was entered.

“Database scraping…”

“Data comparison…”

“Looking for similar DNA sequences…”

On the computer, the data jumps fast.

The crowd’s breathing began to become tense.

Is Lee Seung-hwan’s reasoning correct?

Is there really suspect’s blood in mosquito blood?

Does this thief really exist?

Success or failure is here!

In the eyes of everyone nervously expectant.

Computer screening.


Immediately after, a row of character identity pictures popped up!

There are five suspected suspects in total.

The first is a woman, a sixty-year-old man, and these two can basically be ruled out.

Most of the profession of thieves are young men who are strong and healthy.

The next three photos are all three men.

The first one is called Lu Yong-shou, 34 years old this year, a Jeju native, a university teacher, decent work, harmonious family, no bad previous convictions, excluded!

The second, Choi Yuxuan, 32 years old, a native of Busan, an unemployed vagrant, has three criminal convictions, all of which were sentenced to prison for theft and just released last year.

The third is Wu Tuxun, 40 years old this year, a native of Incheon, a farmer, unmarried….

“Nishihachi bone! It must be Cui Yuxuan, this guy! Ah Xiba, I caught this cub several times, but I didn’t expect this thief to be him! ”

Seeing Cui Yuxuan’s information, Ma Dongti directly cursed.

It seems that he is familiar with this Cui Yuxuan.

“Sheriff Ma, are you familiar with this Cui Yuxuan? Any idea where he lives now? ”

Lee Seung-hyun asked.

“Of course, Prosecutor Li, don’t worry, this cub can’t escape this time, I will immediately take someone to capture him!”

“Just wait for my good news!”

Ma Dongti said sharply.

“Very good, I will write you an arrest warrant now, you take my search officer to arrest this thief, I will interrogate it personally!”


Ma Dongti received the arrest order and went to arrest people in a frenzy.


Cui Yuxuan has been trembling recently.

He never expected that because he lacked money to spend, his head was hot and he stole a safe from a villa in Jiangnan District.

But millions of dollars in cash were found inside!

There is also a thick notebook.

At first, when he saw the money, he was especially excited and excited, and felt that he had become rich.

You know, that’s millions of dollars!

With that money, he can not only go back to his hometown in the countryside to build a big house, but also have quite a surplus!

Maybe even marry a wife!

Happy and happy from now on, food and clothing!

But when he opened the notebook like a ghost, the contents inside scared his souls!

At this time, he realized whose things he had stolen.

Not an actor star, not a wealthy business director.

It’s the home of the chief prosecutor of the Seoul District Public Prosecutor’s Office!

That notebook is the stuff of the Attorney General!

The various money transactions, profit transmission, and a large number of unsightly photos recorded in it made Cui Yuxuan’s three views ruined and shivered!


It’s all over!

He couldn’t wait to poke himself in the eye.

Because those contents are not at all for low-level fart like him to watch!

And he has a hunch that the police will definitely come out to investigate!

The only good thing is that when he committed the crime at that time, there were no traces and no clues.

The police, you shouldn’t be able to catch him, right?


He shivered and hid for three days, not daring to go out or take out the money in the safe to spend, for fear of being discovered by someone with a heart.

After three days, he found that he had not found anything on his head.

That’s a sigh of relief.

Open the door of the rental house and get ready to go out for a good meal.

As a result, he stepped out of the gate with his left foot.

A few fierce policemen rushed out.

“Stop! Don’t move! ”


“Hands on your head!”

“Crouch down…”

“Cui Yuxuan, you have an incident!”


Shout at the same time.

Several plainclothes police officers have already controlled Cui Yuxuan.

It’s fast.

He didn’t even react.

Until he was put in a police car.

He came back to his senses.

And then the face turned pale!

After all, it is impossible to escape!

He looked bitter and his throat was hoarse: “How did you find out?” ”

PS: In the real case, our Xia Guo police did catch the burglary thief from the mosquito blood on the wall.

PS: Chapter 10, please support a wave of flower collection evaluation votes, kneel to dads!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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