Isran the Great

1.1 New Form

NB: If you see any similarities to existing stories they are either intentional or not (lol you'll never know). Feel free to point them out. The story overall however is not a copy of existing works. I hope you enjoy my quite frankly cliche tale :)


“Oh how wonderful, you’re intact.”

Isran blinked up at the woman bent over her. She recognized her, but her thoughts were taking a while to orient themselves. A little overwhelmed with the rush of information she was receiving.

Beauty that had no words to describe was presented before her on a figure an hourglass would pale in comparison to.

“Or are you not intact? Oh dear, I might have broken another one Vycor.”

Isran frowned. Vycor? She knew that name. If only her brain would slow down she would be able to make the connection.

Another woman, man?--Isran wasn’t completely sure at the moment--leaned over her, joining the stunningly beautiful woman before her. This person would be better described as a beautiful man but from their rounded chest, Isran came to the opposite conclusion.

Vycor turned to look at the other woman. She said nothing, but the stunning stranger answered back.

“Are you sure? The last one exploded.”

“Exploded?” Isran mumbled in slight panic. She didn’t want to explode. What was even going on? Where was she?

Vycor tilted her head again. Seemingly communicating with the other woman silently.

“Ah I see, well isn’t that fortunate for you Isran.”

Isran shivered when her name left Sephia’s lips. Sephia, that was the woman’s name. She finally remembered. Who were Sephia and Vycor? Her thoughts were still a bit jumbled.

“Where am I?”

Sephia smiled softly, her worried expression easing. Isran thought her heart was going to explode. It was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

“Our house, but that is unimportant. We have a proposition for you.”

Isran let herself get pulled onto her feet. Her hand tensed slightly in Sephia’s hand. It was so soft. She was starting to feel light-headed.

When she was on her feet she noted that it felt strange standing up. Almost like she hadn’t used her legs in a very long time.


Isran thought it was impossible but Sephia’s smile grew even softer. “Yes, come, sit.”

Isran was silently led to sit on a beautiful couch. The other woman sitting on a loveseat opposite her. Vycor sat first and Sephia sat on her lap, melting in the quiet woman’s embrace.

“I apologize for your confusion but it is best if you don’t remember some things.”

Isran blinked and glanced around the room they were in. It seemed like an ancient Roman room, Isran couldn’t be too sure.

“Why am I here?” Isran mumbled frowning at the women in front of her.

“The details aren’t too important but we’re giving you a second chance. To live again.”

“I died?”

Sephia nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. Quite unfortunate but things happen. You remember video games yes?”

Isran nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

“Well, if you accept our offer of reincarnation you might get to play some video games.”

Vycor shifted a bit and Sephia lifted an eyebrow in response. “What do you mean that isn’t a good selling point.”

Isran swallowed nervously. Their silent communication was a bit unnerving.

“Reincarnation? Are you gods or something?” Isran could feel her cognitive abilities slowly returning to her. She still couldn’t recall where she knew the women from, but if she knew their names she probably wasn’t in danger. A very shallow line of reasoning but Isran had more things to worry about. “And how did I die?”

Sephia waved her hand. “How you died is unimportant. There isn’t much we can say but I’d recommend you accept the offer.”

“What happens if I don’t?”

Vycor lifted her hand, a vague form of a human floated above it, as tall as a pen. Isran watched as the form disintegrated, slowly dissipating till there was nothing left. She swallowed.

“I see.”

“Is that a yes?”

Isran looked down at her lap, pausing briefly at the translucent color of her skin, the longer she looked the fuzzier her form appeared.

“Yes.” She nodded.

Sephia laughed softly. “Splendid. Onto the exciting stuff, how would you like to look? Your new form.”

Isran thought about it for a few minutes. She appreciated the women, or maybe gods, not hurrying her up.

She was always short before. “I’d like to be tall, a little above average.”

Sephia nodded and Vycor materialized a book and pen from nothing and began to write.

“I’m not picky about my hair, as long as I’m not bald. If possible I’d like to be muscular, not like bulky or anything, just I don’t know hot?”

Sephia laughed. “Go on.”

“Uh...” Isran scratched her head. “I’m not sure, anything cool you think will help me in my next life would be nice.”

Sephia’s smile turned almost scheming, it was still as beautiful as every part of her.

“That can be arranged. I hope you like our gifts.”

Isran felt that the statement was suspicious but ignored it. If she truly was dead and not experiencing the side effects of drugs then she didn’t think asking for too much was fair.

“Where I’m going, you said video games? Is it like an anime or something?”

Sephia nodded. “Yes actually. I’m sure you’ll have fun there. Unless you aren’t a fan of video games, then that will probably not be a fun experience.”


Sephia waved her hand dismissively. “Oh but don’t worry too much about it. It’ll probably be better than you’re imagining.”

Isran nodded slowly. “Anything else I should know?”

Sephia hummed in thought. Vycor glanced at the woman, god? seated on her lap.

“Oh, reproduce please.”

Isran blinked. “What?”

Sephia laughed, a melodic and beautiful laugh. “Oh don’t look so worried, it’ll be fun. That is our only ask. Reproduce. You don’t have a time limit so have the mini yous whenever you have the urge.”

“Uh...” Isran’s voice shook. “Ok, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Sephia stood. “Wonderful. Oh and don’t be boring, have fun. Maybe with a little more than 2.”

“A little more than two?” Isran mumbled, her vision fading along with her consciousness.

“Those that will help you reproduce silly.”

“Reproduce, more than two.”

Her sight was completely gone by the time Sephia said her last words, a little giggle following them. “Have fun Isran.”

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