Isekai Rohan

572 Bethel

Finally arriving at Thrud castle, to gaze upon the ruined stone walls, scarred by claws, flames and destruction alike, Bethel Clam, Chloe Bedevere and Violet swiftly rode their skeletal mounts through the destroyed gates.

Due to the amount of injuries the dhans had suffered, due to their inexperience in real warfare, the march had been greatly reduced in mobility. Fortunately, they had somehow accomplished their goals even if it didn't go exactly as planned.


Gary, Lucas, Oliver and Jin peeked their heads over the wall as they were the first to pick up on the weirdly sounding hooves that trampled the grounds without flesh. Whilst the elf was hoping for remnant dekans to dual to the death with, Gary was greatly shocked to see the man he had been following since his earliest memory return transformed. Even if Clam no longer looked like a bodybuilder on steroids, the characteristics, the way he carried himself and the way he liked to style his hair were the same. Heck, even the messy looking tie was worn the same. And although Gary had no mana heart to imbue his sight with, he could instinctively tell that Clam was returning as an upgraded man, a power house in his own right.




The crowd below, who weren't afforded the vantage point and information first hand sighed in relief, as they fulfilled the orders given to them. Smiles of joy, happiness and laughter filled their hearts as their gazes landed upon the friendly banners that flew atop their ranks. Trichia duchy's easily recognisable sword blessed with wings, and the easily recognizable black and gold attires that appeared unsuited for battle, but were in fact proven to be highly effective when worn by Trichia's renowned elites.


Clam launched himself off the skeletal horse that dematerialized in response, threw his arms around Gary's shoulders, surprising the man as his growing envy and jealousy subsided, melting the ice as the two reacquaint themselves. Sharing their recent experiences, the battles they had to endure, and the confusion they felt when the dekans were spotted far from Thrud's walls.


Leaving the men behind to mingle and mix between humans and dhans who now fought upon the same side, Bethel chuckled as she recalled the documents she had once glanced over, that told of the dhan's attempts at assassination through Del Lagos. People who were once enemies, now fought for the same cause. And honestly, she was extremely glad that no one appeared to be spiteful and petty, in grievance to past aggressions between the races that now decorated Thrud castle, be they human, dhan, elf or dark-elf, they now stood under the same banner.


"Bethel, glad to see you well."


Miku, followed closely by Mimi who simply waved, as she was mute, greeted the pink headed warrior, before leading her to the commander's suite, located within the heart of the castle.


"How is everything? How did you manage to frighten the dekans so hard? They were literally running with their tails between their legs." Bethel couldn't help herself from grinning, recalling the recent memory and her performance in disrupting and causing heavy losses deep within enemy lines. Something she imagined a [Hero] would do, and thus attempted.


Miku frowned, as her blue pigtails continued to sway with every step she took. Mimi sported an expression upon her face that made it increasingly clear that their success came at a cost.

Opening the commander's door gently, Bethel followed the dhan into a spacious room decorated with flowers all across the walls and furniture. And upon the king sized bed, Rosemi was silently sleeping as her chest weakly rose and descended. Seeing the state of the woman, the sickly pale skin tone, the lacklustre dull blonde of her hair as well as the worryingly slow tempo of her breathing, Bethel's gaze quickly shot to Miku for answers. 


"I honestly don't know the specifics, as she's been asleep since the dekans retreated. According to the knights from her household, she used a ability that belonged only to her bloodline, and the cost of which is what you see now... The healers have examined her already, they say she'll be alright, as it is only a matter of time until she wakes up. Similar to how the duke occasionally exhausted himself past his limits, and ended up becoming bedridden."


Bethel quietly nodded, as she digested the news. Within her mind, she wondered as to which between the two was more qualified to be called a hero. Breaking her out of her thoughts, Miku passed a sealed scroll into her bosom.


"Orders for you, I don't know what's written on them so just see for yourself."


Although being unconscious, Miku and Bethel had fulfilled their obligations to receive and report the woman designated as head of the dhan military, leaving the pink headed woman to herself, Miku and Mimi continued to tend to Rosemi as they gently fed the woman potions whilst wiping her body with a soft warm towel.





Dear Bethel

As I do not have the authority to grant you absolute weight via the royal blessed sceptre, I shall thus grant you a fraction of my afforded power. Leave your injured at Thrud to recuperate, take what you need, whether it is men, weapons, armours or food, and march south towards Einhoren. During your transit through the deadlands, the dekans have found a way to bypass Thrud, we're currently lacking in messengers and scouts and thus have no further information to give you.

I apologise, as I'm sure you must be exhausted from the long march, but please make haste. As someone who also shoulders a burden, forgive me. Since you're reading this transcript, something must've happened to me. 

This burden of ours, carry it with a heart crafted from mithril. Stay adamant, become unyielding, fight like a hero, rise no longer as a commoner, but as a noble.


With sincere congratulations




Baroness Bethel Everett




Speak to Oliver, to retrieve a temporary insignia that will identify you as my designated captain.



Rosemi de Lumix




Asai speaks of you in high regard, don't let us down~

Also, your peerage should prevent the nobles from getting in your way, as I have no doubts they'll be fighting over the scraps, trying to acquire merits if you were to remain a commoner. Nonetheless, if they still cause you any trouble, note down their names and I'll speak to them when I can. Good luck, Goddess Loha with you. 






Having finished reading the contents of the scroll, and receiving the friendly reminder that her work was yet to end, her mindset instantly shifted from desiring rest and relaxation and back towards a conviction to fight. Finding herself incredibly foolish for allowing herself to lower her guard, she instantly spun upon the spot and marched out of the commander's quarters.

The instant she curved around the corners, she bumped into Oliver who had just managed to finish greeting his seniors, Chloe Bedevere, Violet and Clam, people who had directly given him training and advice prior to being introduced to Asai as a potential talent and after.

"Lady Bethel, inject your mana into it." The card presented to her appeared no different than that of her adventurer's identification. However, after sending her mana into it, triggering its internal glyphs and system into motion, her new name appeared in beautiful scripture.

Baroness Bethel Everett.

"Thanks Ollie."


Marching on by, as she had priorities that were awaiting her, Oliver quietly remained within her shadow as he followed closely by.



Finding the most well dressed, decorated and protected group of men within the vicinity, who were full of boisterous laughter and joy as they celebrated their victory and success at defending the wall. Bethel uncaringly burst their little bubble and plunged her newest identification card into their sights. Whilst the name was nothing new, as they were viscounts and counts in their own right, and was afforded greater authority than a mere baroness would have. The shiny golden emblem and illuminated glyphs that glistened behind the name identified her as Rosemi's temporary stand-in, until the regent says otherwise.


"As temporary commander, I'm acquiring your knights, soldiers and men. I will be leaving my injured behind to reinforce the wall, whilst I march south to save the people of Del Lagos. Do me a favour and start repairing the walls rather than celebrating and popping open bottles of fucking wine! Any complaints you have, you're free to speak them after I've finished fighting on behalf of humanity."

Locking eyes with their squires, messengers and servants who were only there to pass on their orders, Bethel now ignored the speechless nobles who were fighting their urges to lash out at the lowly baroness, but unable to, due to the fear of punishment due to her temporary position of power. Believing it to be wiser to seek revenge after her authority was revoked, after the war was concluded, they gave their servants the green light to rally their men, and thus transferring their knights to the baroness.


Bethel Everett turned and marched off towards the stables, before reuniting with the dhans who were ready to rock and roll, in addition to the elves who still desired further combat experience and tales to tell upon returning to Via Marea. Chloe, Violet, Clam and Gary were ready to ride on out as the two elves were easily capable of sniffing out the lingering tension amongst the men.


Within just a couple dozen minutes, trained men had formed ranks and platoons, although the majority were tired, their morale was high and their desire to protect the common people were strong.

















After ensuring no one was able to see her face, as she rode upon the fore, Bethel couldn't help but cringe and blush as she thought back to how she made her demands to the nobles who were drowning themselves in wine. Having acted and spoke in a way she thought a [Hero] would, she giggled to herself as she believed her little performance was good enough.

Whilst her body language, habits and tone was still quite rough and out-spoken, her flawless skin, beautifully crafted face and mesmerizing curves had carried her performance, as the nobles were honestly quite starved for sex, and thus were distracted from processing and crafting up words and demands of their own, losing the chance to acquiring greater merits for their households.

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