Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 89 Powering up

Peter swung through the city as the police radio spoke in his ears. Another fender bender on Houston Street. Nothing to concern himself about, the man at the edge of the building waving at him though. He landed and the man didn’t get up, he just remained sitting on the ledge of the building. It only took Peter a glance to recognize him, which put him on edge.


The man casually asked. “Hey, can I get some of your blood?” The question put Peter off guard. Why would the man want his blood? Was it for a nefarious plot? Was he going to use it with his magic to curse him? He couldn’t answer before a needle floated up behind him and jabbed him in the arm. WHAT!? How did it bypass his spider-sense?


“How’d it bypass my spider sense?” The man only smirked at him before asking. “Do you know how your powers work?” Peter hadn’t really thought of it before. The man continued. “The powers work to even keep your identity a secret even unconsciously. So it has to be based on your beliefs. You don’t think medicine is a danger so a needle with the flu shot is enough to bypass it.”


The man floated the needle over before pouring the entire contents into his mouth. Spiderman almost wretched as the man made a grimacing face before saying out loud. “Nope, can’t use your blood. The spider bite isn’t floating around, it is combined with your DNA. You’re effectively not human anymore. So I can’t use your blood to synthesize a spider drug, unfortunately.”




Slade Wilson got a weird call from a former employer. Ten million for a few ounces of his blood. He just couldn’t figure out why. People have tried to reverse engineer the “miracle” drug out of his blood before with no success. It was too well diluted, and the technology just wasn’t at the level to reverse engineer the drug from it. 


At least that’s what he thought, until the man showed up with two briefcases full of the money, and just drank the blood in front of him.




Maya Hansen was currently unpacking boxes after moving. She had been removed as one of the key scientists of the think tank of A.I.M. and was trying to figure out what to do next in her life. They had plumbed her depths of knowledge and spit her out, taking everything, but her extremis formula. She knew that if she mentioned it, she could have kept her job, but then that would have been stolen from her as well.


No, it was best to cut her losses and look for work elsewhere. A sudden gust of wind came through the window. She moved over to close it before realizing she hadn’t opened the window. As she turned around, one of her boxes fell to the ground. It was the boxes containing the extremis vials! 


She rushed over to the box and saw that all twelve vials of the virus were still there. She didn’t notice the one vial that was slightly less full compared to the others. She also didn’t notice the letter placed on the table in the middle of the room.




Shuri was one of the most intelligent people on the planet. She had made multiple contingencies that strengthened the Wakandan defenses to the point the world could attack them and the outcome wouldn’t be clear. At least that’s what she thought.


Wakanda was one of the most technologically advanced civilizations on the planet. So it didn’t make sense that without any of their sensors, or the patrols, or even just the logistics of someone moving the products in and out wouldn’t be caught. It should be impossible for five hundred pounds of vibranium to go missing. It should be impossible that half of their heart-shaped herb plants were stolen either. On top of everything, one of Shuri’s prototype suits was stolen.




Lorina Dodson(aka White Rabbit) had mostly recovered from what had happened to her. Somehow, against all odds, she was still alive. All of her known allies lay dead, or in jail, or working for the man who destroyed her life. Well, to be fair, he was also the one who rebuilt her life. She was lucid again. The fog of insanity had faded enough for her to know she had done wrong.


Her days were spent in the mansion of the husband she murdered when she first had her psychotic break. She sat in quiet contemplation over everything that went wrong in her life, and she knew one day she’d get up and start living again. She just couldn’t pull herself out of the funk yet. She still wanted to grieve.


Her thoughts often drifted to the man who put her here. Who put her in this depressed state, still alive but almost unwilling to move on? She wished… She wished he’d just come back and make her feel happy. To help fill the void in her life that he left with himself. The man that she was thinking about popped out of thin air between herself and the TV. 


He asked. “Heya White. Any chance you can get ahold of your M.G.H. dealer for me?” She screamed in fear while still being aroused thinking about him. She screamed in fearousal.




I walked into SHIELD after what felt like a lifetime of side missions. I just felt out of place here now. Still, I liked the people enough to stick around, even after I got what I wanted. Captain America and Director Carter were both growing to be good friends of mine. Director Carter was pregnant, so I didn’t want to step on their toes and leave. As the director of the MANA division, I was still a huge part of the day-to-day operations of the SHIELD.


SHIELD had essentially rebranded itself to America’s covert ops department, and we started to swing more and more into the role making our ground troops stronger. As cool as White Tiger or Iron Fist as team captains would be, it made more sense to strengthen the tens of thousands of normal ground troops to their level of strength.


That’s why I had shown up and asked Steve for his blood. Without really even asking me why he bled out a little blood into a vial I had prepared for him. I grossed him and Director Carter out as I downed the blood. The formulation for the super soldier serum was now mine as well, but that was only the first part of it.


Even incorporating it into my own body would only give me a paltry boost to my own stats. No, I wanted to perfect it along with everything else. I wanted to make a true super soldier serum. It took me a few breaths to reverse-engineer the formula and make it so it wouldn’t require gamma radiation to activate.


One of the drawbacks to the serum is it would put you at peak human, but the growth afterward was still possible. A person who used this version could still grow two or even three times as strong after constant use and struggle. The serum would let a normal human lift half a ton once, but Captain America could bench press a ton of weight fairly easily.


The super soldier serum places you at peak human and unlocks your potential to get stronger on top of that. What if I altered it so it would increase the speed at which you improved? Adding in the heart-shaped herb me and Poison Ivy has been mutating to its full potential. A perfected extremis. The mirakuru drug without the insanity. MGH but not addictive and permanent. Finally, breakthrough pills that would allow normal humans to break through and begin gathering chi naturally… 




Natasha’s point of view


It had been a while since I got to spend some good quality time with Danny. He was always so busy now, besides our scheduled sex session, we didn’t see much of each other. Cassandra and Stephanie both penciled in date nights with him, perhaps I should do the same. I mean, I am having his children after all, the least he can do is take me out every once in a while.


We sat on a wooden swing bench, he had placed it pointing towards the sunset. I was pulled into his chest with his arm wrapped around me and his hand placed gently on my belly. It was still too soon for me to be showing but soon, soon the baby bump would appear. I wasn’t looking forward to my body stretching to accommodate two humans, but from what I heard it isn’t that bad for super soldiers.


The hour or so of just quiet enjoyment of each other's company was amazing. I knew I loved the man, but it was nice to know he cared for me as well. After the sunset, he turned and looked me in the eyes and asked. “Do you want to do drugs together?”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 120+ 

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One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

Farming is OP Chapter 10

Dragon Ball Z Young Roshi Chapter 05

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