Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 79 Reed removed

My thoughts kept leading me away to other things as my hand twitched. I felt nervous about committing a crime for the first time in a very, very long time. As if the world fought against what I wanted to do, a valve ruptures open and sprays me with steam. Suddenly I wasn’t so invisible as my body was outlined by the steam going around and started to become wet.


I teleport away, cutting my losses. If I continued trying to get my last victim I knew my secret identity or some other bullshit would happen. I came back to the end of the fight as Raven dragged her brothers towards the portal. At least I think that’s what she’s doing, she’s heading towards the huge source of magical energy coming from the Baxter building.


I follow behind her and so do most of the other heroes. Some of the small fry heroes seem to realize they’re not needed anymore and head in different directions. If I hadn’t stopped the lesser demons we’d be fighting our way through an army of them right now. It was somewhat peaceful as we followed the path of destruction back towards the epicenter of the problem.


Entering the large room full of destroyed science equipment in one corner are Reed, Susan, and their son and daughter. After reworking many other heroes and villains and making them weaker Franklin was one of the ones that was nerfed into the ground. He was a cosmic-level threat before but now his powers were altered into localized reality warping.


He still could probably make anyone in this room die or be removed from history but he couldn’t rewrite the entire universe or go against the stronger entities that still existed. If he overtaxed his powers it would also exhaust him. As Reed held their son and daughter while Susan looked withered from keeping up a force field it appeared they were in bad shape from stopping the demons.


Seeing us Susan dropped her powers as relief filled her face and she fainted from exhaustion. I managed to teleport and catch her before she slammed her head on the ground making sure not to touch her longer than necessary. She was a married woman and that was a line I wasn’t willing to cross.


Teleporting back over to the portal I quickly scanned the controls before waving over Reed to close it. Raven tossed her family members through and just before it closed I thought of a little gift I could give them. “Hold on for a sec.” I teleported to the science division and grabbed a few things. As quickly as I could I made a holy bomb.


I happened to have blessed metal and the ingredients to make a magical bomb ready just in case but I hadn’t expected the demon invasion. As quickly as I could it was still several minutes and by the time I got back Raven was arguing with Reed to not close the portal. With a side eye, he looked at what I made so I just explained.


“Didn’t have anything prepared for demons so had to whip this up. Holy bomb to make them think twice about coming back. It won't give her brothers more than a little sunburn but all the lesser demons in a mile radius of this portal will be dusted for good.” I activated it and then lobbed it through the portal. Everyone waited for it to explode before I urged Reed to close the portal. 


“What part of the word bomb did you not understand?” As if he snapped out of a fog he began to frantically flip switches and press buttons. If we were actually hit it wouldn’t kill us but being blasted with that much magical energy might cause unforeseen problems. Who knew if Reed would lose his powers or Raven would go berserk from being suddenly flooded with magical holy energy.


Frustration did give back her body after her time ran out so that was a big plus. I’d rather not have had to go back into her head to fix the problem. Some said she did go too far when she kept punching Belial while he was unconscious but he was still alive. Somehow everything worked out even though it seemed a little anticlimactic.




The fallout from the demon invasion was heavy. More than five thousand people died. The previous Ultron and Brainiac fight resulted in forty thousand deaths but this one was thought to have been completely preventable. Reed Richards was bogged down by lawsuits and lost the CEO position in his own company.


It would take years for all the lawsuits to go through but he was looking at over twenty billion in damages by the end. A week passed and as hard as I tried to convince Poison Ivy to be my girlfriend she refused but still lived at my house… Ate my food and ended up in my bedroom many of those nights… One day it just clicked that Poison Ivy was a tsundere. 


Harley was all for being my girlfriend until she and Cassandra met each other in my kitchen. Cassandra yelled at me for the first time until I explained that I was trying to reform Harley. The faces Harley made behind her back as I talked didn’t help convince the two to get along but they at least weren’t fighting on sight of each other. Same with Stephanie but she forgave Harley quicker when they went out for a girls night probably making a spinoff comic in the process.


Poison Ivy was on a different level compared to the other girls in horniness. She constantly wanted to have sex and could have sex with me multiple days in a row because her body recovered fast enough. The suicide squad went on their way after the party and I was still trying to figure out everything they had stolen from my house.


Every day I’d be looking for something and then realize it was most likely stolen. I had a laugh at the situation until I was looking for the TV remote for over an hour before I realized it was probably stolen. I caught Harley shoving my good silverware down her pants and I had to spank her ass as if she was a child because no other method worked to get her to stop.


If she wanted to steal she had to go to the store like I did when I stole the good silverware in the first place. A hard rule I followed is you don’t steal from friends or family. That’s basic human decency and we’re decent folk who only steal from stores. Also, who would you sell the stuff you stole to if you lost all your friends from stealing from them? Things slowly got back to normal before Raven showed up at my mansion.


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