Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 77 Getting emotional

I cycled through fear quickly. Telling her that this was all a lie and that her friends were outside getting torn apart while she was in there. The biggest problem now was did she had emotions based on the Teen Titans TV show, based around the emotions of the lantern ring, or off the actual emotional spectrum. Each came with its own problems because how do you show life and death or courage and timidity as an emotion?


There were six base emotions with all branching emotions as offshoots of the original six. Love, fear, anger, sadness, surprise, joy. I had already hit all the main emotions but I could still feel dozens more batting to show themselves. With her gaining control over the main six she began to settle down so I gave her a heads up.


“Right now you’re in control of the six root emotions but at any point, other emotions can overwhelm you. If that happens you need to realize what is happening and get them under control or they can overwhelm you. We’re also going to head back into your mind now as we need to get all of them under control and over there we have a chance to get all of them at once.”


I almost completely forgot. “I’m currently slowing time down in our minds so a second is about a minute. I can only do that for about a minute so we only have like fifty minutes to figure out how to get your emotions under control or you’ll have to figure it out in real time while also fighting your brothers.”


We enter her mind and I’m surprised at how white everything is. It’s a perfect visual representation of her bottling her emotions… Let’s see how far the white really goes. We walk for about a minute before the white starts to fade away and I chuckle out loud. She asked why I was laughing and I answered. “I’m going to assume the white area is a representation of your emotionless state and the power you had access to. So that means this dark area is the representation of your emotions and untapped powers.”


Once again she looks confused before I explain. “If we go at the pace we were going at before it’ll take us over a hundred minutes to reach the end. We need to start teleporting to your repressed emotions or we’ll run out of time.” I held my hand out for her to grab and could tell she was both tentative to touch me and the lust part of her wanted to do more.


The moment I came in contact with her, before doing anything else, I checked her kinks out of curiosity. She liked tall muscular men with big penises. The kind of man you’d see on a romantic book cover. She wanted a more cute than handsome man which would be very hard to find if she was looking for a tall muscular man. She liked a strong man, the kind that can protect themselves but also be gentle and whisper sweet affirmations in her ear. 


She had a lot of almost contradictory kinks but from the lust I got from her, I knew I was at least in the ballpark of what she likes. I had slowly been making myself taller and more muscular while we were in here just in case. The big one she didn’t want anyone to know was she liked pain. She had daddy issues and deep, deep down the demon part wanted her to mate with the strongest person she could get her hands on, bonus if they killed her father first to prove their strength.


That shit wasn’t happening though. Trigon was as big and bad as big bads can get. Maybe in a year or two, I’d be able to fight on equal ground with him but unless I heavily cheated he’d fuck me up and anyone who I brought to fight him. Even Superman couldn’t fight him by himself and the lives lost to fighting him right now would be too much. Either way, I was getting sick of teleporting forwards trying to reach the end.


The first rocky platform I spotted I headed towards. I called out loud. “Alright, we don’t have time to play hide and seek. I know that none of you want to lose to the demons right now so we’ll do this. Any emotion that can touch Raven can control her body for ten minutes after the fight with her brothers.”


As I speak, different colored dots appear completely surrounding us. Instead of all the emotions rushing at the same time each stood behind the six root emotions making six teams of emotions trying to gain complete control. All teams began to rush at us at once and I decided to not play fairly. The same thing I did outside I did in our minds as I placed a forcefield around us without strengthening it with magic. I doubted these emotional constructs could strike with the same force as a true demon.


The groups began to fight with two of them fighting far less effectively while the anger was mopping the floor with all of them. I made some popcorn as we watched their numbers decrease from over a hundred to barely twenty. With several nods of acknowledgment, the remaining emotions knew if they didn’t attack now they’d have no hope of touching Raven before I dissolved them.


As they pounded against the force field I smirked as I gave them all credit for making it to the end. I gave them my best carnival games operator. “It’s showtime folks. Touch the pretty lady, win a prize!” Teleporting to them and striking without giving them a chance seemed like it would go against the spirit of the contest and might actually leave behind negative emotions that could fester and try to take hold at a later time.


Because of that, I decided to let a few through to touch her. The four “evil” emotions left needed to be cut down to one or maybe two. Blitzing towards them I smash through one with enough force to turn her to dust instantly. Grabbing the next closest I swing her body and fling her at some other close-by emotions, bowling them over and scattering a few.


By the end, eight emotions managed to reach her even with her fleeing from them. The three more… Suggestive emotions may have gotten through without much resistance from me. I also tried to make sure one of each emotional root made it in as well for balance purposes. If she completely ignored her anger or sadness she might redevelop some of the problems she had with sealing her emotions.


Getting a tiny taste of each might go a long way to helping her make them a part of herself again.



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