Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 61 Power giveaway and new boss

My three girlfriends sat around as I called in a meeting now that I didn’t have to worry about a potential mind rapist stealing them. I made sure probably more times than any of them were comfortable with as they sipped their cocoa. I handed over a piece of paper to each of them and Stephanie was the first to ask. “What’s this?” 


I sipped my cocoa as I sat down. “It’s a list of all my powers. I’ll let you know right now one of the powers I got gives me the ability to steal powers and another one the ability to give powers away.” They looked at the list in confusion again before I clarified.


“The top part of the list are powers you can have right now if you wanted while the second part are powers I’ll need to build up first before you can get them.”


I left off the powers I had no plans to ever give away like energy storage, camouflage, and gravity control. Powers that I could grow were also on the list along with the more useless powers like bioluminescence generation. Sure I could use the powers in clever ways but a bullet or a spell would just be faster and less goofy. After thinking about it I decided to load up Natasha with my psychic powers because I really didn’t want them and they’d be better suited for her than me.


For that reason, her list was significantly larger than the other two. There were also the two unborn children of mine in her stomach. At any point, Steph or Cass could leave but Natasha was stuck with me for the next eighteen years at least. Maybe giving her powers wouldn’t do anything or maybe there was a chance at them getting all or none of my powers but I knew for sure they wouldn’t get the powers I received after their conception unless I transferred them.


Cass was the first to choose. “Pyrokinesis.” I wrote that down before saying. “Some things I noticed about pyrokinesis is it’s weaker than a fully powered fire control power but still useful. I’ll also give the other girls a chance to get fire control first if they pick that one to get when I can trade it away without losing it.”


She affirmed her choice with a nod before going back to the list. She also picked her power she’d have to wait for before Steph or Nat picked either of theirs. “Fire control…” After a few minutes of looking, Nat put her paper down before she said matter of fact. “Telekinesis and flight.” We waited for Stephanie to make her decision.


“Can I… Can I get two of the ones that I’ll have to wait for? I would eventually like to get all your control powers to round out my magic proficiency and save my mana.”


I wasn’t sure what would happen when I eventually got all of them. I was missing water and maybe lightning to get the full element spectrum and if I recall there was a ten-point power that gave full control over the elements like that. I just agreed with her. “Sure we’ll get you all of them eventually but I’ll give you low superhuman regeneration just so you have one now as well.”


I handed over the powers and all began to use them. The moment Cass got hers she let out a fireball scorching one of my curtains which drew a glare from me. I decided I’d have her make up the cost to me later as I’d have to steal more blackout curtains to replace them. Each headed off but I caught a hold of Nat before she left.


“I also want to give you some bonus powers since I’m not sure if they’ll be inherited by the children if I give them to you.”


Pyrokinesis, LSH regeneration, indomitable will, mind control, psychic battle form, psychic shock, psionic blast, electrokinesis, magnetoreception, bioluminescence generation

Now some might ask “Why give away your powers?” to that, I say “Fuck you I do what I want!”. My enemies would most likely target the people I was close to and having new secret powers could be the difference between life and death. I highly doubted I’d need any of those powers otherwise I’d die.


I no longer had any of those powers except the low superhuman regeneration. Indomitable will was great for just about everyone else but with my mental shields it was mostly unnecessary. Electrokinesis was another I would miss but if my children could gain powers that would be a good one for them to start with. I decided to keep mental compulsion just in case it could be inherited. I’d rather not have a three-year-old be able to make anyone do anything they want without them or anyone else knowing.


Mind control was fairly obvious but mental compulsion could be done over and over again with barely any way to notice. I had a power specifically for noticing it and it still happened to two of my women. The psychic shock must have been what he used to get the drop on the other mind controllers. It was risky to use it against the other hundred but somehow he made it work.


We had a quickie before she went off to work. Her new job at SHIELD was as the right-hand woman of the new director so she couldn’t be late. I should go in today too… I didn’t want to though. Maybe just go in for a few hours? Yeah, I can do that. I was in for an entire ten minutes before I was called up to the boss's office.


“You called for me, Miss Carter?” Standing beside her is Captain America with a Cheshire grin on his face and Natasha on the other with a similar smile. On Agent Carter’s beautiful face is a stoic expression. The deal I made was for her to pull some strings to push help from SHIELD in my direction and I would give her youth back. Biomatter control is truly a power I don’t know what to do without.


It was absurdly expensive to do it but de-aging valuable help would always make sense. A vast majority of my time was eaten up reducing her age a few years at a time then waiting for SHIELD’s information network to find the people I needed help from. She heard what I said, saw how SHIELD was being run, and slammed Director Fury back down to the head of the Avengers initiative Fury.


Captain America was an old soul where monogamy was a foregone conclusion. He would never marry anyone besides Carter but there was just too big of a difference in their ages. Putting her back into her twenties put them closer in age than they were originally. I think she was like twenty-four or five in the original movie and Steve was eighteen. Steve might be a bit older than her now actually.


“We’ve been talking about your particular branch of SHIELD and I’d just like to get your opinion on some things.” She pulled up the surveillance video of the magician's division of SHIELD and it was completely different from how it had been under Fury. Men and women in lab coats tested different products while trying to use the scientific method on all the new products I was creating. Like a beehive, people moved back and forth continuing to do important work around the elephant in the room.


Standing in the center of the room was a gigantic hulking statue-like thing everyone was ignoring. I could only chuckle. “Yeah, that was… It’s my nuclear option I was making for myself but I guess the guy I was making it for got caught too quickly. I’ll probably scale down its size and powers for SHIELD to use on field missions.” She finished her sip of coffee before asking.


“Can you clarify what that is and what it can do for me please?”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 95+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 23

One Piece: Fleet Strategist Chapter 05

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