Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 60 Cold hearted killer

It's crazy how fast the end of the first arc came. This story wasn't the first I wrote but it just sort of felt easier to write than the others so far. With Naruto, I didn't know the timeline as well as I'd have liked and with my original, it was a huge effort to pace out the story. I'd just like to thank everyone who's supported me in the process of making this. I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to beg for comments, ratings, and likes. Please feel free to do so.

Solomon ran over and the man tried attacks but really just stood still as he let Solomon run up and bear hug him. The power he was using fizzled out as my containment plan came into play. I walked over and slowly took off his shoe as Solomon squeezed him in a bear hug. I could tell that he had been gifted mid-superhuman strength and was using powers to augment it up to high superhuman. Solomon’s strength was at least a rank higher and he had the bonus effect of not being affected by magic or mental compulsions. I felt my mental shield swat away attempt after attempt to enter as I grabbed his now barefoot.


He kicked and thrashed as he screamed and yelled curses at me and I took a step back to avoid it before saying. “Solomon. Break his legs.” One of Solomon’s arms stopped bear-hugging him and reached down slowly grabbing at his leg. A moment later he pulled his hand back up and did the same with the other leg. Solomon was on Superman's level of strength. With a casual effort he pulped the man's legs and the only reason he didn’t cry out in pain was most likely a power to reduce sensations or give him more willpower to not cry out.


Already his leg was showing visible signs of recovery but it wouldn’t recover before ten minutes were up. “Now that I can hold on for the ten minutes without interruption I’ll tell you what's going to happen. I’m going to steal your powers first. That is going to happen and there’s nothing you can do about it. Then I’m going to heal your legs.”


The look of surprise on his face would be quickly washed away with horror as I explained. “I don’t want any of the damage done to you to be from anyone else. All the pain you’ll feel from the moment you are stripped of your powers will come from me.” He flailed around again but with his legs broken it was easy to hold his leg with no power behind it. I continued.


“After you’re fully healed I’ll do the normal torture stuff. You know, the stuff you see in movies. Rip off your toe and fingernails, and maybe pour sand into your eyes. Just the basic stuff at first you know.” I had to calm myself down and control my breathing as I continued. “Then I’ll smash your knees and elbows. They’re some of the hardest bones to heal properly and every time you feel a tweak of pain from moving a certain way I want you to think of me!”


Once again I had to calm myself down as I almost shouted the last part. “I need to make an example out of you so that’s not all I’ll do. I’ll cut off your fingers a knuckle at a time while leaving one index finger so you can kill yourself when you get sick of the pain. I’ll cut your face and leave you horribly scarred. Finally, I’ll slice your Achilles tendons making it so you can’t walk properly.”


The fear in his eyes slowly grew and his body continuously fought for its freedom on some self-preservation instinct. I continued. “You don't need all your organs either. I’ll take your kidney and a lung to help pay for your mistakes. Normally I’d smash your teeth, maybe cut your tongue out but I want you screaming my name in frustration. I want everyone in earshot to know what I did to you so they know I’m not someone to be trifled with.”


I started to dig into his leg with my fingernails so I let up on my grip so I didn’t need to heal that as well. I calmly asked him. “Do you know why I’m doing all this instead of just killing you? Why would I leave a potential threat alive when I have you dead to rights? Because I know how useless you’ll be without your powers. It serves my purpose better if you’re left alive than dead in a ditch. Anyone who comes at me will be given a swift and easy death but if they come at me through people I’m close with… They’ll wish they were dead.”


He bit his lips until the point of it bleeding as I continued. “In just five more minutes you’ll have all your powers stripped from you and we can begin the fun.” We sat in silence with only the sounds of grunts coming from the man whose name I didn’t even know. To break the tension I asked. “So you see that big clash with the Justice League and the Light? Crazy stuff makes you really see how tiny we are doesn’t it.” We sat in silence for a few minutes before I remembered. “Oh! I also got to cut off your dick since you came for my women.”


He started begging for his life after that.




I wiped the blood off my hands as I finished doing clumsy surgery. If I couldn’t keep him alive with biomatter control he’d have died five times over. I wonder how coherent he still is since I didn’t put him to sleep to do the surgery. I let out a sigh of both exhaustion and contentedness as the black market dealer I contacted carted away the organs I harvested. 


I looked over the changes that gained his powers again and could only let out a soft smile at how everything turned out. I had to make many deals with people to get everything set up to easily find him but it was worth it in the end. My new analyze power allowed me to give a rough estimate of a person's ability. Knowing exactly what I could do let me see my stats perfectly.


Mid superhuman strength

Mid superhuman dexterity

Mid superhuman endurance

Low superhuman intelligence

Peak human charm



Power siphon+

Perfect mental defenses

Self biomatter control

Diagnostic touch

Energy storage


MSH(Mid superhuman) regeneration

Increased magical affinity/knowledge

Plant control

Dual cultivation

Earth control (Sand limitation)

Extreme muscle expansion

Indomitable will

Mind control

Flight +1

Item box

Power bestowal

LSH (Low superhuman) senses

Weapon storage


Mind reading

Psychic battle form

Mental communications network


Physical enhancement boost

Environmental adaptability


The statistical increases weren’t so important and I didn’t remember what they were before I checked but the powers I showed were what I had before absorbing the man. Besides the repeats in all the psychic skills, I looked at what I got from siphoning him.



Fire control

Earth control (sand limitation removed)

Wind control

Force field

Mental compulsion

Mental recall

Hyper cognition

Psychic shock

Psychic dead zone

Psionic blast

Psionic reinforcement

Aura of rending blades

Soul strike

Bound weapon

Dream walk

Mind link

Bind familiar

Energy shield

Electric generation

Tremor sense

Blind sight

Battle focus

Accelerated perception

Accelerated body

Speed burst


Strength reduction touch


Bioluminescence generation

Moonlight absorption

Gravity control


…Good lord, that's a lot of powers. Now, why didn’t he use any of them someone might ask? It’s because he was inexperienced and sat there trying to mentally control us while Solomon ran up and gave him a bear hug. Solomon happened to have a dampening field around him with a similar effect to the dampening collar I had taken from Sandman. It leaves your strength and mental powers alone but turns off the uses of other powers.


Director Carter sent me out with the prototype version of it when I told her my plans to capture a superhuman. The big problem with the field is it didn’t stop psychic attacks or weaken the person so I could only come with people who couldn’t be mentally controlled. I’ll have to give the old lady a box of Cuban cigars so she can act like the previous director of SHIELD did.


Fucking over Fury and having him pushed to just the leader of the AVENGERS initiative of SHIELD while Carter was remade director wasn’t my end goal but it was still a huge slap in his face that it happened to him. It also meant I didn’t have to deal with that jackass anymore and his budget was cut down to less than ten percent.


I made a few calls, the first being the bodyguards I placed on Nat, Cass, and Steph. They’d still be paid their millions even though I found the psychic in less than a week. Slade, Deadshot, and Bullseye were expensive but having a sniper overwatch to make sure they weren’t targeted was necessary in my opinion.


Another half a dozen calls to let people hired to find the psychic and calls to my girlfriends to let them know the man was found finally had me breathe out a sigh of relief. The man I left behind was not only crippled physically but I read through his memories and found he had no plans for revenge after I started torturing him. He was a defanged snake that would slither away if he was given his freedom… He’ll still rot in a cell for his life for what he did though.


I took a deep breath as I thought of my future plans. This man pushed them forwards faster than I was really comfortable with but he needed to go before he could go underground. The mental band I put on myself slowly started to unfurl now that he was caught, I made my last call to SHIELD for his capture and walked to the nearest restaurant to get a celebratory meal.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 85+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 23

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