Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 51 Murdering scum

Bit of a darker chapter here.

I could tell Batman didn’t believe me, but I wasn’t trying to trick him. I was trying to hide how much blood I was covered in from murdering him, and if Cass cycled chi to her nose, she would have caught on. I quickly opened another portal in the same room I dumped the body in before pushing everything through really quick and casting. “Esnaelc.”


The blood quickly dried and flaked off me into nothingness before I turned around to face them. “Yep, got away, he wasn’t the other mind controller though. I’d have felt him trying to attack my mind if he was.” I made a portal to my kitchen and grabbed out a banana. I was getting a bit peckish and had enough mana to do so, so I did. It left me back at the dizziness stage of almost completely empty.


“I think it’s two 100s working together.” I ate the banana before saying. “The guy with them wasn’t the mind controller, he seems fairly cowardly and the guy who came out to gloat was more on the stupid side. Them working together lets them accomplish far more than them working separately.” I was blatantly lying about my real thoughts on the matter. I couldn't have anyone following me to the next dead man walking.


I tossed the banana peel towards a trash can and would have missed without a telekinetic hand to help correct its path. I heard the sirens start to blare and I said. “I think we’re done here.” We made our way back home and each girl gave me a kiss goodnight before heading inside.


I made it into my room, and stripped off my costume, before I portalled to their secret base.




He knew that incompetent fuck would end up being caught. Yea he was charismatic and had convinced him they worked better together, but that didn’t mean anything when it came to Batman. He wanted to leave the city and go somewhere smaller, but the damned handsome fool convinced him to stay.


He thought himself as a good guy, but could never get girls to like him before. Picking the mental controller bundle seemed like the smart thing to do, but after thinking about it after he had chosen, he regretted not just making himself extremely strong and handsome.


He knew he fucked up even more as the boost to his intellect kicked in. Going from average to low superhuman made many of his previous mistakes stick out like sore thumbs. A controlled gunslinger who fired as the fat man beside him collapsed was the only reason he survived the first explosion of fighting when they all appeared in the clearing.


Meeting that fucker afterwards, and having him convince him to work together was his second huge mistake. Seeing the man siphon powers from his mind controlled victim, he knew it was too much of a good deal to pass up. He could mind control them and his partner could suck their powers out before giving some to him.


His partner must have known he was wary of him. His partner gave him the strength users bundle they ganged up on to take. He also gave him the pyrokinesis he stole from a low tier villain, because it didn’t suit his style. The man was hastily packing his clothes into a suitcase and was ready to leave as he felt all of his connections start to fade. Even the subtle one he left in his partner, in case he decided to betray him disappeared.


So much for living forever, so much for just the two of them standing at the top. If he lived for another few years he’d be happy. As he was making his way to the door a clapping sound came from behind him. He turned to look and saw an even more handsome man than his first partner. He spoke with a velvety voice.


“Well, well, well. Look what we’ve got here. I’ve never seen a walking dead person before.” The man had that look of a predator about him. He knew people like him in the other world, and all of them were so dangerous it was best to avoid them. If someone like him made it over then there was no use begging for his life.


Running was still an option, but he seemed far too calm. He wasn’t sure how the man even got inside, so he might have some type of teleporting ability. He decided to close the distance, using his strengthening skill to bring him to mid superhuman for a short period of time. Almost closing the distance in a second the man just stood there with a smirk on his face. His emotions were so high he was crying without even noticing, his teeth clenched so hard they started to crack.


As he reached for the handsome man, he was suddenly missing his arms and legs. The brief motion of his arm and the flash of the lightsaber was the only thing showing what happened. He cried now and begged now that his chances of escaping were zero. “Please!” That was all he got out before the man put his hand on him and cut his head off.




It was hard for me to not shout into the man's face as I killed him. “You have sex slaves in your basement and think I’m going to just let you go!?” I didn’t shout though. I gave him no indication that I knew what these two were up to as I cut his head off with the lightsaber. Picking his head up by his hair, I kicked it towards a corner and managed to hold back on not spitting on his corpse.


I teleported his body to the research department of SHIELD then I went down and freed the slaves from their chains. The mind controller only controlled them until he got them chained in the basement as it took mental power to keep someone under his control. That’s why he started targeting other mind controllers. He could daisy chain their connections letting him control more the more controllers he had under his control.


It was honestly a brilliant idea for how to use the mental communications network. He would have been much more dangerous if he hid from the beginning. Once again I was glad at their inexperience as I stole his powers. Freeing the women I didn’t recognize any of them. Sure they were attractive but nothing special. They weren’t actors or models. The girls had their lives ruined because two idiots wanted holes to fuck. It sickened me but I knew there was evil like them in the world. I called for another SHIELD clean-up crew to make sure I didn't miss anything. That put a window on how much time I had to rob the place before the crew arrived so I got to work.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 85+ 

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 12

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 20

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