Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 42 Magical inventions

I was woken up by a wet feeling around my cock. Having somehow gotten the covers over me I only had to look underneath to see that Stephanie was trying to get a morning protein shake out of me. I groaned in pleasure at the feeling as I pulled off the covers and ran my hand through her hair.


She was handling it like a professional already and I think she had a thing for blowjobs. She stopped me last night and asked if she could taste herself on me. Holy fuck if I wasn’t already hard a steel when she asked I’d have hurt her with my poking erection. She tried to kiss me and I put my fingers in the way before having her wipe her lips off first.


I ask her. “So what's the plan for today?” I put my clothes on and toss her shirt towards her while levitating her pants up. She sprayed herself down with a few spritzes of perfume. “Just going to do a bit of patrolling. Batman is still busy looking for his son so when he finds him it’ll be an all hands on deck thing.” I watched her as she clothed herself.


She caught on and gave me a sexy reverse striptease before asking. “So what about you?” I walked out to the living room while answering. “Ahh. Now that I have the prototype done I’ll probably get permission from SHIELD to make more. You think Batman would want some of these made?”


“I know I want one. I’ll ask him.” She put a Keurig pod in and started her cup of coffee. I explained the runes I could add to it and decided to do double the protective runes. I’d have to sacrifice the temperature control rune but it might even make the capes bulletproof. After making breakfast and heading out I walked over to the surveillance van.


“Hey, how's it going? Some breakfast sandwiches for you guys. Couple of questions, did my materials show up and does Fury want me to make a couple of these cloaks?” Talking with them it turns out most of the materials did show up. I smiled as I could finally play around with making actual magical items.


I’m taken to an elevator and down several floors then we walk down a hallway fifty feet and enter through blast doors. Inside is a small mountain of metal and beside it is several trees worth of wood. I laugh at the setup they made for the gems to be in their elemental equivalents. Aquamarines were soaking in water, rubies in an oven, emeralds placed next to an industrial fan and topaz buried in dirt.


Fuck… I forgot to mention diamonds but I guess that’ll be for later then. Mana infused diamonds could be used as batteries for magical equipment. I get to work teleporting around and buying several large blocks of plastic. Spending most of the day making several different versions of the cloaks, I finish and leave all but one of each for SHIELD. I’ll give the cloaks to Black Widow, Cass and Steph. Black Widow has the camouflage function, Cass is more defensive and Steph has the utility one. 


I spent the rest of the day calling around and getting two forges and anvils delivered via portal to the room. The sun was setting as I got everything into place and could feel the montage music almost starting as new ideas for magical products flooded my mind. The next day I gave them all their cloaks. Gave Nat who slept with me a deep kiss then went back to work making staves. 


Having levitation on both the cloak and staff didn’t make sense. Instead I put telekinesis onto the staves. That would allow some control while flying before they learned to fly using just levitate. Before the day finished I requested more materials and had two lathes delivered via portal. Next day after giving Cass a deep kiss I got back to work. I finished up defensive robes that would blunt all forms of damage including magic. 


Figuring out how to add magical collection to cloth I could slowly have them build up their own mana. Just being in the presence of a magical item would slowly attune you towards that type of magic. This is often detrimental like having an aquamarine around your neck would improve your water affinity but it would hurt your fire affinity while worn.


Going all one affinity would lock you out of general magic so while that was one of the usual methods people would gain magic through accidentally but staying the neutral affinity was the smarter choice. Checking the robes I made sure they were bullet proof and would allow any who wore them to use their mana pool. 


It wouldn’t be much but any person without mana could use the stored mana to use the wand and cloak. Both required a spark of mana to activate. Anyone who became higher than a 0 circle mage wouldn’t need the robes but to learn magic it was necessary and would speed up the process.


The next day of work I kissed Steph goodbye and started making the knives from the meteoric iron. The giant pile that was brought in contained about twenty pounds of pure stuff with about a hundred and fifty mixed in. At least that was what was left after making the staves. So I had four tons of magicless iron to work with as well.


Making knives and a few swords sharper than they naturally could be. Without needing to run around looking for giant pieces of equipment I also make a few other magical tools. I make several of the newton’s cradle bafflers and a few glamour masks that would let them appear as someone else.


The final item was an experiment more than actual proven magic. Everything I made was something made in the past but the new item was theoretical. It was a mana/chi collector. It would pull mana/chi into itself allowing it to infuse items stored inside and… It worked. 

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