Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 122 Aunt May throws hands

Aunt May’s Point of View


Somehow my life that should have ended was saved and since then everything has gotten better every day. Slowly I grew to love another man who wasn’t my Ben. We were doing a ribbon cutting on a new soup kitchen in Harlem and as the new owner of F.E.A.S.T. I needed to be there to do the ribbon cutting. Peter sat beside me as I made a short speech.


As I went to cut the ribbon I heard gunshots. A large group of criminals came out holding the crowd at gunpoint as six of Spiderman’s villains came out to interrupt my unveiling. Kingpin, Doctor Octavia, Green Goblin, Kraven the Hunter, Carnage, and Blockbuster. Each was someone I was scared of separately but together they made a truly terrifying team.


I couldn’t help but ask them with a quivering voice. “W-what do you want?” As if he was waiting for me to ask Kingpin’s eyes fell on me. “Oh, just looking to stop a problem before it gets any bigger. You were clearly in on Negative Man’s business if he left everything to you.” I wasn’t sure why he left everything to me but they did note that his will was changed shortly before he took his own life.


There were no signs of fraud so they did away with it but it left his daughter and business partners out of the huge chunk of business and money they were promised. Kingpin, the main benefactor in the death of Negative Man, was so pissed he hired a team to shake me down. Scared, I was so scared I couldn’t move. He spoke but the words were impossible for me to hear.


He looked around as the rest of the group started harassing the crowd which broke me out of my own head. “Please, if you’re going to hurt anyone only hurt me. This crowd did nothing to deserve being mistreated.” The giant bald man only smiled at me as he kept approaching me. I glanced at where Peter was and was happy he managed to make it away. It meant that soon Spiderman would be here to deal with them.


He stood before me, our eyes level as I was standing on a two-foot platform as I made my speech. He smirked before saying. “I hope you have no hard feelings for what I have to do to you for what Negative Man did to me.” A punch came by so fast I couldn’t even see it. It smashed me back into my own building but something was wrong… Why didn’t I feel any pain?




Peter Parker’s Point of View


“Aunt May!” I couldn’t help but scream as I watched her get punched into the new building where she was having the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I was only focused on Kingpin and didn’t notice that Doc Ock had spotted me flying in and intercepted me. All of them worked together to quickly overwhelm me. This was the strongest sinister six I had ever faced with all being close to strong enough to fight me evenly by themselves.


As I was struck to the ground for the fourth time I noticed something odd. My new girlfriend was still here even though I told her to run away. She only had the power to talk to animals from what she told me. She targeted Blockbuster who was about to deliver a blow to me with a lamp post he ripped from the ground. Diving into him at a speed even I would have had a hard time getting to she knocks him from the crowd of surrounding villains giving me a chance to break their encirclement.


I was worried, that even with her being so strong she might get hurt because we were outnumbered by so much. As I thought that another superhero slammed into Kingpin's back. I could tell they were new to their powers. They were clumsy and the person didn’t use any punch or kick, just flinging their body into the gigantic man knocking him off his feet and dozens of feet back from just the sudden force slamming into him.


The person who was wearing a set of robotic armor looked in my direction. As she spoke it caused me to freeze in place because I recognized the voice. “Peter behind you!” She pointed and as I turned about to be hit by a sneak attack from Carnage a beam of electricity struck him causing his body to seize up and he just landed on me instead of striking.


Doc Ock seeing that there was another super without someone to lock them down attacked the newcomer. Slowly we began to gain ground as another group of superheroes showed up as my girlfriend beat her opponent. Three of my villains were taken into custody leaving only Kingpin, Carnage, and Green Goblin the only ones that escaped.


It was hard to not talk to her. Where did the armor come from? Why was she so strong? A thousand questions came to my mind as she closed the distance and grabbed my hand to calm me down. She whispered low enough to not be heard by the crowd that was now cheering. “It’s okay Peter… I’m okay.” I could only smile behind my mask as Chat approached me on the side.


“Jeez. I leave my boyfriend alone for a few minutes and he starts holding the hand of another girl. If I was the jealous type I might assume something is going on between you two.” I could only burst into laughter as every other girlfriend I had would have jumped to that conclusion. I’d have to explain it to her later after they got everything back under control.


Aunt May climbed back up on the stage that miraculously survived the fight and picked up the now dusty mic before she whispered into it. “How do I remove this armor? Armor go away! Face mask off! Change back into clothes please.” As if the armor understood her pieces began to shift back into the beautiful dress my Aunt had been wearing during the first speech. 


She asked again. “I mean. If you can change into anything can you swap to a different color? I’m feeling purple now.” The black dress altered again shifting to a royal purple as it grew more frills and cloth flowers appeared on her clothing. I knew the news would target her for being friends with Spiderman so I wasn’t looking forward to the news.




“Can you believe that May Parker knows Spiderman! I wonder how he tricked her into believing that he was one of the good guys. This only proves my theory that Peter Parker isn’t Spiderman even further. If his Aunt was a super-powered person she would have been working alongside him from the start!” Jay Jonah Jameson was going on and on about how pretty Peter’s mom was as he theorized about her powers. Was it the suit that made her strong? How did she get the suit? Was she currently dating anyone? JJJ wondered if she would make any more appearances at the shelters because he needed to get an interview with her when he could.


Peter only shook his head at how brazen Jameson was being over Aunt May. He ate the leftover food from the opening of the soup kitchen as his new girlfriend leaned into him. Life was finally looking up for Peter Parker. He wondered how his life turned out so good.


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