Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 78

“Which fcking dog lit the fire?!”

A male student staggered out from under the tree roots, complaining.

Following him, numerous students began to emerge from the roots one by one.

There were quite a lot of them.

It was enough to make one think most of the students were taking the exam.

They started looking at each other with suspicious eyes, beginning the hunt for an impossible culprit.

“You’re a Fire Starter! You started the fire!”

“I’m a Heat Ability User! You’re the one who came in with a lighter to smoke earlier!”

“Can that lighter create such a fire?!”

“Wasn’t someone holding a Molotov Cocktail? I think I saw someone earlier.”

“I’m innocent! I haven’t used a single one yet!”

The sight of them raising their voices and arguing was truly entertaining.

“Why the hell is the fire spreading inside?!”

“How am I supposed to know?! Did someone bring oil or something?”

“Hey! What’s that flowing down your legs?! That’s oil, isn’t it?! You did it!”

“No way!! This is from earlier… Anyway, it’s not me!!!”

The last female student flushed suddenly and began to scream.

Then several other female students also grabbed their skirts all of a sudden.

Male students, wearing dumbfounded expressions, awkwardly turned their gazes elsewhere.

Looks like they might be the ones involved in the act.

Meanwhile, the person who pointed this out realized what it meant and slowly lowered his accusing finger.

’How can there be such a large amount of water in a dry area?’

[Weren’t we definitely supposed to be taking the exam right now? And in the midst of this commotion?]

‘Dogs! I still haven’t even had sex yet.’

As far as I knew, sex still meant chicken and beer.

In line with that, it means pizza and beer.

However, their search for the culprit didn’t last long.

The monsters I had followed arrived just in time after they started coming out.

Seeing the monsters, the male student who seemed to be the leader began questioning the blonde female student who had followed me.

“Hey! Did you bring all of them here?!”

“No!! I saw them clearly following Kim Shinwoo!”

“But why did they come all the way here?!”

“I don’t know! Looks like that bastard Kim Shinwoo is in trouble!”

The boss monsters following me were roughly about 30 in number.

Some recognized where I was, but they didn’t charge at me.

Instead, they began targeting the students who had popped out from under the tree roots.

Fck!!! Everyone, get ready to fight!!!”

The male leader was busily giving orders to several students.

With no way to escape, everyone awkwardly positioned themselves and prepared to face the monsters with weapons in hand.

In an instant, when the monsters charged.

Their cozy nest turned into chaos in the blink of an eye.

One student was running away while crying, and someone shouted at him.

At the same time, injured students began to scream and moan as attacks were allowed.

Everything confirmed that the place they had stepped into was indeed a battlefield.

[Still, they’re holding up somewhat well.]

‘That’s only until the real ones arrive.’

If the academy’s training was effective, they were a somewhat competent group.

Even considering the sheer number of students.

They blocked the monsters’ attacks and seized opportunities to inflict critical wounds on the monsters.

Conversely, the other students cooperated to fend off the attacks of monsters.

For a makeshift party, they were putting up quite a fight.

However, as I said, the moment the real monsters arrived.

The tide began to turn completely.

The giant centipede’s intrusion.

It was enough to crush the students’ hopes.

An overwhelming mass. An equally rapid speed. Plus, an incredibly tough shell.

An assembly of absurdities.

Thanks to that, the students quickly found themselves outnumbered.

And their ranks were dwindling at a rapid pace.

[What will you do about those?]

‘At least I have to save the people.’

[Good idea, but how?]

Instead of answering Piece’s words, I left one grenade remaining from the ones I had and threw all the rest, along with the Molotov Cocktails, straight into the battlefield where they were fighting.

That’s right.

Right in the middle of the battlefield they were in.

[You crazy fcker! What are you doing!!!]

‘Ah, I said I’d only save the “people.”‘

Those guys having sex here aren’t even worth treating like people.

They’re just beasts.

‘So damn envious, you fckers.’

With the sound of multiple death cries, flames began to unfold everywhere.

Simultaneously, grenades started to explode here and there.

The grenades Hyeji prepared had such excellent performance it made me wonder if they were the grenades I knew.

In the end, numerous students disappeared from the exam site, leaving only their death cries behind.

Ultimately, what remained was a multitude of monsters.

[Can you take on all of them?!]

‘Are you insane? Why would I fight them?’

[…Then who will fight them?]

Before I could answer, the monsters suddenly began to fight amongst themselves.

It was like watching a turf war among monsters.

The difference was that in Monster Hunter, they fight once and then part ways.

But here, they fight until one of them dies.

[Why are they suddenly fighting each other?]

‘Looks like you didn’t listen to class properly.’

[Hearing you say that makes me kinda angry.]

Typically, in a dungeon, there is only one boss monster.

There can’t be more than one.

A boss monster is highly sensitive about its territory and will fight without regard to the odds to defend it.

In other words, they will fight until one is left.

Thanks to that, their hostility towards humans is extremely high compared to lesser monsters.

Humans are the most alien beings to them, yet also the intruders who invaded their territory.

And currently.

All the dungeons have merged into one dungeon.

If there are multiple boss monsters in a dungeon where human prey is nowhere to be seen, it is of course inevitable that they start biting each other to secure their territory.

There can’t be more than one boss in a single dungeon.

Overall, the giant centipede was dominating the remaining monsters.

However, being dominant doesn’t always yield good results.

As a result, attacks began to concentrate solely on the giant centipede.

[They can form alliances, yet you’re causing havoc among your classmates.]

‘If there are no humans, consider it natural death; please consider it euthanasia.’

A while later.

All the monsters except the giant centipede had their throats slit.

Even though it faced a combined assault, the giant centipede still managed to kill them all.

However, it paid a slightly hefty price.

Most of its legs were sliced off. The middle part of its body was severed. One of its pincers was broken.

Both of its antennae were damaged to the point that one would doubt its ability to regenerate.

Moreover, a large crack formed in the center of its head shell.

After the fierce confrontation, the giant centipede was panting heavily.

‘Finally left alone, huh.’

[End it now.]

I carefully moved above the trees to catch the giant centipede’s blind spot.

Then I threw the last remaining grenade at its exhausted head.

The grenade bounced slightly over the giant centipede’s head before—



It produced a strong explosion.

As a result, the giant centipede’s head shell was shattered.

Since it had already been cracked, the grenade’s explosion was the final blow.

Through the broken shell, relatively tender flesh became visible.

That was my target.

The giant centipede, unable to move and only able to scream, had no strength left.

I leaped towards the flesh inside the crater above its head, enhancing my body with magical power.

“For the sake of Demacia!”

[That line is not your ultimate move; it’s your Q ability.]

With both hands holding the Two-Handed Sword upside down, I plunged down into the gap in the shattered shell of its head.

Combining my weight and falling speed created a furious thrust.

Thanks to that, the unique long blade of the Two-Handed Sword sank fully into the centipede’s flesh.

Unlike earlier, it seemed to be in significant pain as the centipede began to thrash around this time.

I gripped the sword and held on while pouring magical power into it as much as possible.

“Ouch! My hands are slipping!!!”

[Destroy it!!!]

Light began to seep out from the wound where the blade was inserted.

That fleeting time felt like an eternity.

The dim light gradually turned bright.

And finally, it became a brilliant light.

With a strong explosion—


‘…That sounded a bit strange.’

[It’s like something stone just got smashed.]

The area where the sword exploded looked extremely grotesque.

Of course, when I say grotesque, I’m talking about how it looked for the centipede.

The shell of its head shattered into pieces, scattered everywhere due to the internal explosion.

At the same time, a gigantic pit appeared in the flesh where the sword had been stuck.

It looked incredibly painful.

Now the giant centipede lay on the ground, unable to even thrash about.

Despite this, its life force was so tenacious that it continued to let out low whimpers.

I then threw my body into that pit, bringing my right hand close to the deepest part.

And with my left hand, I gripped my right wrist to prevent it from bending.

Lastly, I circulated magical power through my right hand and cast the transformation technique of my signature move.

Here I go.

[Cheonma Repulsor - Full Burst.]

Five times the amount of the Cheonma Repulsor exploded from the palm of my right hand.

Simultaneously, I felt a strong recoil that made it seem like my right wrist would break.

The force was so strong that I doubted whether I was still holding with my left hand.

Moreover, my right shoulder and elbow burst apart.

It seemed like pouring five times the magical power was still a bit too much for me.

However, the power was incredible.

It created a crater of a size that’s on a completely different level compared to the sword explosion.

[Looks like improvements are needed.]

‘Still, it’s impressive. I like it.’

In that moment, everything started to gradually disappear.

That’s right.

The exam had come to an end.

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