Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 61

It was definitely not a bad choice to work at the restaurant. Slurp I could at least get a meal, and they even paid me a small amount every month.

Of course, I could always just leech off Hyeji or Jeong Ahyeon like a parasite, but…

‘The protagonist is going to get 5,700 characters of hate, huh?’

[You’re definitely an idiot! Though, these days it’s 7,800 characters.]

‘Oh, right. That’s even longer than the main story.’

I decided to exclude Elcia from my plans. If I teamed up with her, I wouldn’t just miss my meals; I might end up chewing on tree bark and roots!

That’s something I couldn’t endure.

But busy hours—specifically lunch and dinner—meant I had to join in and help out. In other words, after the peak hours, I’d have to scarf down my food and rush back to class.

Plus, it wasn’t just about being hungry.

From the kitchen came cranky shouts, annoying sounds, and grumbling all around. Grumble, grumble All of it amplified my irritation.

And the moment I started hearing complaints and demands, my patience began to wear thin.

But I had to endure. I had to hold on even more during these times.

‘How is this a sweet potato development? If I don’t work, I can’t even eat sweet potatoes!’

[Fortunately, they give milk along with sweet potatoes here, don’t they?]

As I was transporting side dishes, suddenly, I heard a sound from the back of the restaurant that sounded like snoring. Zzz…

Curious, I went to check it out, only to find a bunch of enormous beasts gathered there.

Wild boars, snakes, mountain goats, eagles, raccoons, and deer—all these creatures were staring at me without any sign of caution.

‘…Is this the front line?’

[Looks like they’ve been eating well. Why do they all look so healthy?]

Behind the restaurant stood several colossal mountains. The Academy decided to leave some nature intact instead of clearing everything for development, but the reality was that they kept it like that to take advantage of tax benefits under the guise of environmental preservation.

When you create a natural environment, the inhabitants naturally follow. So when I dumped food waste into the trough, the mountain residents came to take care of it in an eco-friendly way.

Just in time, customers had arrived. I dumped all the accumulating food waste into the trough.

Unable to contain their impatience, the guests immediately dove into the trough, inhaling the food as soon as it arrived. Nom, nom!

[Looks like they’re living more luxuriously than you are.]

‘I haven’t even eaten yet!’

Among them, one particularly large, fierce-looking wild boar suddenly lifted its head. It was massive enough to rival the unicorns I had seen before.

The boar, looking like the leader of wild beasts, threw two meatballs at me and let out a low grunt. Grrr… Then it began to scratch the ground with its front legs, looking quite displeased.

[What’s it complaining about?]

‘They say it’s a two-star rating. Too bland!’

Soon, the other beasts, who had been gobbling happily, started looking up, barking loudly in their own ways.

They were all joining in to express their discontent over the leader’s complaints.

“Hey, you beasts! I’m a delivery person, not a chef!”

But as soon as I shouted, their reactions intensified. They demanded their seasonings be right, wondering why I was the only one enjoying tasty meals and when they would get their special meals.

Meanwhile, the trough had been cleaned out completely. Not a single crumb was left.

[Are they really complaining about blandness after eating all that?]

‘I messed up. I should’ve over-salted everything instead!’

It was summer after all. It was hot in the kitchen and outside.

Thanks to that, I was drenched in sweat. My irritation levels were soaring too, climbing steeply.

Suddenly, the leader started shouting and rising up. As its massive body loomed over me, it covered my entire field of vision.

‘Damn it, I thought it was just a disaster, but it’s like Stalin.’

[How dare that pig see revolution in its dreams!]

‘What do those vermin think they’re doing, crawling up to me? Insects that can’t even regress?’

Then the leader planted its four feet firmly on the ground and began charging at me, ready to show me a lesson for ignoring its opinion.

Its eyes were filled with madness, and its massive body was accelerating more and more.

Fast movement combined with tremendous mass—I was up against a seriously intimidating weapon.


[Go away! The crazy dog in this area is you!]

‘Damn it, I’m dead meat.’

My opponent was just too strong. The leader was charging right at me.

“I’ll fill the color of your lacking revolution with your blood!”

As I saw the leader’s charge, I switched from a bipedal stance to a quadrupedal stance and, without dodging, I charged straight at it, ready to clash heads.



Two solid heads collided, creating a loud explosion. Boom! The sound of something breaking came from one of the heads.

Of course, it was from the leader’s head.

Due to the overwhelming force, the leader’s head shattered.

With a final wail, the leader collapsed into a cold corpse.

At that moment, hearing the explosion, one of the kitchen staff rushed out, visibly irritated.

“Kim!! What the hell are you doing back here—”

But the staff’s irritation vanished in an instant.

Replaced by shock and fear.

Ignoring the staff’s sudden change of expression, I hurled the slain wild boar into the kitchen.

Then I glared at the dumbfounded beasts, growling.

“Any beast wanting to prove its strength, step forward.”

Just moments ago, these beasts who were causing a ruckus began to avert their gazes, instinctively sensing the impending danger.

Confirming that there were no beasts daring to rush at me anymore, I commanded them.


Recognizing the massive difference in power, all the beasts began to lower their heads.

It was a scene that could be imagined only by Noah, who created a massive ark.

I promptly announced to the beasts bowing before me, “From now on, I shall stand in the heavens.”

That day, the disaster god vanished.

In its place, the mountain god was born.


Not long after, I requested the wild boar I had tossed into the kitchen to be properly processed.

The kitchen staff, initially showing signs of complaint, eventually gave up and gathered their tools to clean it up.

A perfectly normal scene.

‘There’s a madman who can kill a wild boar with just his head.’

[Looks like there will be fewer staff in the kitchen ignoring you from now on.]

Moreover, some of them were actually pleased and raised my status.

The reason was that they felt I had punished those rude beasts who thought they could crawl up without knowing their place.

Previously, I felt bad for giving them food, but they were starting to get picky about meals as time went on.

In the end, without any complaints, most of the kitchen staff gathered to begin cleaning up the leader.

Some were sporting cheerful expressions while others wore looks of terror.

Hearing their murmurs, Piece spoke to me.

[Is it true? They say that boar belonged to the Chief.]

‘Let them come. I’m already pissed with my account locked; this is perfect.’

[What will you do if they actually show up?]

‘I just hope I have enough cash on me. I want to collect cash every time they come.’

Teacher Kang Hyung-wook also said: There are no bad dogs in the world.

In the end, that wild boar was just a nuisance because its owner was an idiot who ended up getting killed.

‘We usually call that a natural death.’

[Yeah, I’m curious about how much meat I’ll be getting later.]

Lunchtime was nearing its end. I needed to eat quickly, but the rest of the kitchen staff still looked busy.

So I went to the least busy supervisor and started asking for my food.

“Where’s my food? Give me my rice. I need to go to class now.”

“Oh, just eat whatever. It’s over there.”

The supervisor pointed to a pile of rice stacked high on a single plate.

It had all sorts of meat and fish fillets mixed in.

[…Isn’t that just dog food?]

‘Damn it, where did my human rights go?’

But as I ate, I found it surprisingly well-balanced and quite tasty.

The meat melted in my mouth. The fish was perfectly grilled.

Crunchy vegetables proudly highlighted their presence.

And the mixed rice had pills that felt like nutritional supplements revitalizing my body.

‘Tsk tsk. Today’s meal was delicious.’

[Not much time left. I should wrap this up.]

With little time remaining before class started, I quickly wolfed down my meal and dashed off to the classroom.

Just after I left, a staff member came in, struggling to carry a gigantic steak.

“Shinwoo! I’m a bit late, right? Hurry and eat your lunch! Huh? Where did he go?”

The staff member had been searching for me, but by then, I was long gone.

In the end, the staff couldn’t find me and returned, disheartened.

And what remained was a droopy yellow dog that found its bowl empty and was left crying. Whimper…

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