Into Unscientific

Chapter 377

Chapter 376 – This Is Hkust! ! (8.2K)

Chapter 376 This is HKUST! (8.2k)

Considering the enormous pressure on Xu Yun’s shoulders, Tian Liangwei didn’t say much during the drive.

After all, we are all adults, so it’s about as good as saying comforting words once or twice, and any more will become chanting.

In this relatively dull atmosphere.

The car finally arrived slowly.

HKUST campus.

Because of his habit, Tian Liangwei drove very slowly in the school, unable to reach the speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

So Xu Yun has enough time to observe the situation outside the window.

At this time, the time point was approaching two o’clock in the afternoon, which was just around the corner of class, and students began to walk to the classroom in twos and threes.

Looking at these students swiping their phones, Xu Yun couldn’t help feeling curious:

How many of them are watching their own news?

What was your thought after reading that article?



Or the shame of being a fellow alumnus?

to some extent.

Today’s Xu Yun should be regarded as the famous University of Science and Technology – but this name is not very good, like 114514.

More than ten minutes later.

Tian Liangwei’s car parked outside the administrative building in the East District of HKUST.

USTC covers a very large area, and there are actually many floors that can be used as conference rooms.

For example, the physical research building, the second floor of the physical and chemical building, etc., but the functions of the principal’s office are relatively limited.

The administrative building located in the East District is undoubtedly the favorite place for many bigwigs to hold meetings.

At this time, Wang Qingchen had been notified by Tian Liangwei in advance, and was waiting at the entrance of the administrative building.

Seeing Tian Liangwei arrive, Wang Qingchen walked up quickly, and took the initiative to help Tian Liangwei open the door:

“Academician Tian, Dr. Xu, you are here.”

Tian Liangwei thanked him, then glanced at the administrative building, and glanced at the windows on each floor:

“Xiao Wang, how is the meeting going?”

Wang Qingchen sighed, his face a little heavy:

“It’s still not over, but I asked when Secretary Zhang came out to change the water. The situation of the meeting is still very anxious.”

“It’s not over yet?”

Tian Liangwei was stunned for a moment, it took him more than an hour to come from the company headquarters:

“How did it take so long? Something is wrong.”

Then Wang Qingchen led Tian Liangwei to the front desk of the administrative building. After completing relevant registration, the three of them walked into the building.

“Xiao Xu.”

Come to the stairs.

Tian Liangwei stopped, patted Xu Yun on the shoulder, and said:

“I’m going up to a meeting with Xiao Wang now, you can find a place in the lobby to rest now.”

“Don’t be too nervous, everything will be discussed later.”

Xu Yun nodded heavily:

“I understand, teacher, don’t worry, I can hold on.”

After reading the messages of many WeChat friends before, Xu Yun also wanted to understand some things while temporarily regaining his power.

At this point, he doesn’t need to worry too much.

The words ‘the general trend of public opinion has become’ not only represent a crisis situation, but also explain another situation in a sense:

Xu Yun’s “persecution methods” have almost reached a critical point.

The most that those Internet bombers can do is to continue to exert pressure on speech, and the other is to send wreaths to their families, or run outside the school to pull up banners.

That is, the situation is still urgent, but there is no need to fight for another hour or two.

To put it more bluntly, it can be temporarily opened.

After Tian Liangwei left.

Xu Yun sat down in a relatively remote corner and began to think quietly.

no doubt.

It is obviously impossible to break away from the University of Science and Technology if the current situation is to be reversed. The University of Science and Technology is the core of the tactics.

But it doesn’t mean that Xu Yun can’t do something by himself, the two don’t conflict.

And the means that I can use right now.

Tell the truth.

The first thing Xu Yun thought of was “Yongle Dadian” and the special mission of Yuxi.

If one of the above two can appear in the world, then the effect of clearing the source brought by the buff will definitely help the current situation.


Although the “Yongle Canon” has been confirmed to be stored in the Yongling Mausoleum, the opening time of the entire mausoleum will be more than half a year at the most conservative time. If there is a slight delay, it will start in a year or two.

At that time, the grass on Xu Yun’s grave was three feet high.

As for Yuxi

Not to mention following the reminder of the halo, this thing will not be in my hands even after the task is completed.

Just opening another dungeon at such a juncture to break the chapter, Xu Yun estimated that he would be beaten to death by readers every minute.

So whether it is “Yongle Dadian” or Yuxi, obviously it cannot be used at the moment.

So apart from these two, what else does he have?

No clue about DNA storage technology?

AI mods?

Clotted gelatin?

Microbial batteries?


Xu Yun thought of something in his mind:

One of the rewards after completing the wheat dungeon was the cowhide bag in which Gauss’s manuscript was stored.

To know.

Among the manuscripts that Gauss handed over to Xu Yun at the beginning, there was a volume “Proof of the Non-Existence of Odd Perfect Numbers”.

It is a problem that has plagued the mathematics community for nearly 350 years!

Although its status in the mathematics world is not as good as the Riemann conjecture or the Hodge conjecture, it is also a very important research direction.

Whether it can get what kind of honor Xu Yun can’t say, this thing is probably at the Fields threshold in terms of honor, and the level of Chern Shiingshen level—that is, if the peers have no mathematical achievements in the past four years, they may be able to get Phil. Here, but if the results get together, you have to step aside.

So Xu Yun is not sure about the honor, but if the solution is announced, then the enthusiasm it will bring will not be too low.

At least

The official media will inevitably end, there is no doubt about it.

Even judging from Xu Yun’s current age, once this result is announced, it may even cause a sensation in some media outside the Internet.

And this power may help his situation.

Of course.

This “help” does not mean that it can directly prove Xu Yun’s innocence.

Instead, when Xu Yun counterattacks, he can maintain a certain degree of fairness on the public opinion side.

As for the feasibility

Xu Yun thought about it, it seems to be quite big?

Now he already has Gauss’s manuscript, as long as he supplements and revises some of the expressions, it will be a finished volume.

At the same time, with the contacts of Tian Liangwei or Academician Pan, it is not difficult to publish urgently—especially in the face of such a large achievement, some journals may even specialize in supplementary publications!

If it is not possible, it is also possible to dump the preprint website.

Think here.

Xu Yun vaguely had some plans in his mind.

This method works!

The same is true for God King.

Once such a planet is discovered, it will also be a big news that can end the official media.

But on the other hand.

Whether it is the manuscript or the **** king, they can only be regarded as the ‘help’ for the icing on the cake.

It is still far from enough to reverse the situation.

That is to say, it belongs to the ‘card’ that can be played – it is the kind with a relatively large face, but there is still a gap between the ‘bomb’ and ‘king bomb’.

Look at all the backhands.

Currently, there is only one option in Xu Yun’s hands that meets the ‘bomb’ level, and that is the gravity gradiometer.

This is a truly embargoed resource that is on the same level as the lithography machine, and even more important than the lithography machine to some extent.

Currently, the most critical measurement module of the gravity gradiometer has completed the ground state processing. If all the thinking cards are used up, Xu Yun is about 70% sure that he can break through smoothly.

If this important weapon of the country can be released, Xu Yun has no doubt that he can make a comeback—or in other words, when this thing appears, what Xu Yun needs to consider is not the issue of “reversal”, but the issue of “protection”.

But the problem is

If Xu Yun takes out the gravity gradiometer in a short period of time, it will be difficult for Xu Yun to explain his explosion from the behavior.

Secondly, this turnaround is not a self-evidence based on evidence or logic, but an act of turning the tables.

That is, directly 404 topics related to Xu Yun.

This approach is bound to leave a lot of trouble in the future, and it is difficult to convince the public.

Maybe as soon as this head is done, the hat of the second generation of X will be put on, and it will be difficult to wash it off in this life.

Besides, some people on the Internet are not easy to directly mention their real names, but they can have a bunch of nicknames.

For example, words such as 456, electronic cigarettes, and overalls with split heads, everyone can know who the other party is.

Therefore, Xu Yun is still reluctant to do such a thing until the situation is completely hopeless.

It can only be regarded as a backhand in extreme situations, just like you clean up the C drive, formatting is no way.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn’t help but sighed again.

all in all.

Currently, the only means he can use are the two ordinary cards Gaussian Manuscript and Shenwangxing, plus a Gravity Gradient Meter King Bomb that will cause endless troubles.

Besides, if he wants to prove his innocence, all he can think of is to start with the other party’s account, that is, to find out the possible pains of the other party.

For example, to prove that the pet blogger [Tiao Tiao wants to be full] received money.

Or find out the records of the black hand behind the scenes buying the navy, etc.

This can be tried by Xiao Rong, the possibility of success is not very great.

In case any exciting content can be found, publishing it in the name of a foreign hacker group seems to be a means-recently, two countries that are at war have been doing this.

But this method is still difficult to reverse in the short term, and there is a lot of room for refutation.

Then Xu Yun put himself into the perspective of HKUST and thought about it, and found that

It seems that I can’t find any particularly suitable method.

Theoretically, the most effective way for the University of Science and Technology is to issue an announcement with the official seal, with the appendix [Confirmed with the assistance of the police, Xu Yun, a student of our school, is not involved in XX behavior].

If we can ask the Internet police to come out to support the evidence, and then start some self-media competition for popular science imidacloprid, it should be able to pull back some wind reviews.

At that time, a small number of cockroach medicine customers will continue to place orders or repurchase, and “one cockroach extermination” will continue to sell tepidly. There is no problem with profitability, but the development speed has dropped significantly.

Xu Yun, on the other hand, was labeled as ‘talented but not virtuous’ when he narrowly escaped a catastrophe, and has been criticized all his life.

Even if he wins the Nobel Prize and becomes an academician in the future, he still cannot escape all kinds of diss.

This should be the most reasonable and most likely ending, and most of the above meetings discussed this plan.

As for a complete turnaround, clean up more than 80% of the innocence

Let’s put it this way.

If the University of Science and Technology can reach this point, Xu Yun will go back to the 1850 copy on the spot to eat the ax of wheat!

Think about it.

Xu Yun couldn’t help leaning back on the sofa in the rest area, took out his phone again, and opened Weibo.

At this time, the topic of #徐云# has risen to the third place in the hot search, and #中科大# has come to the eleventh place.

At the same time, due to the recommendation of big data.

As soon as Xu Yun entered the discovery page of Weibo, the official Weibo news of Huadun Biotechnology appeared in front of him:

About 20 minutes ago.

Official Weibo posted an announcement with the company seal, plus a photo of the recording site.

The general content of the announcement is that Xu Yun has been smeared by rumors. I hope you don’t believe all kinds of rumors on the Internet and don’t open the box. At present, the company has called the police. It is recommended that you wait for the follow-up.

Below it is a lot of scolding and doubts, such as [xxx also said the same before entering the game].

Xu Yun is no stranger to this sense of déjà vu. In the past, when some other companies and celebrities had accidents, the scene below the relevant announcements was also the same.

I didn’t expect that my appearance would also enjoy the treatment of the little boy landslide

But soon.

Xu Yun noticed another Weibo post.

The content of this Weibo is very simple, just a few dozen words:

【Hot searches occasionally see related content of #徐云# and #中科大#, without any interest relationship, but I hope you don’t rush to draw conclusions, wait for no hurry (Hold fist emoticon package)】

and the nickname of the blogger is

Ying Xiaotian.

The moment Xu Yun saw this name, a scene appeared in Xu Yun’s mind:

Accompanied by a certain piece of magical music, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes danced a more magical dance. After the dance, a low-pitched narration sounded-“Visit Hailan House twice a year, Hailan House, A man’s wardrobe.”

“Oh my god.”

Looking at Ying Xiaotian’s Weibo, Xu Yun couldn’t help feeling a little emotional.

Back then, Ying Xiaotian and Hai Lan’s House had achieved each other, but they were suddenly slandered by an actress when they were at the peak of their acting careers.

Afterwards, several good buddies turned against each other, their endorsements were robbed, and the film studio terminated the contract.

The pressure of public opinion is not inferior to Xu Yun who is involved in this matter.

Because of this, Ying Xiaotian was almost forced to withdraw from the circle, and only a few celebrity friends such as Yang Zi chose to support him.

He has been splashed with sewage like this, and it was not until many years later that he was rehabilitated with the release of a surveillance video.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Ying Xiaotian, an artist whom he had never met before, would actually speak up for him?

To know.

Even if Ying Xiaotian has been slandered before, it is still very risky to make these remarks.

For example, at the bottom of this Weibo, there are many remarks insulting him for collecting money and laundering.

Perhaps only those who have been exposed to the rain will hold an umbrella for others.

Xu Yun could only silently record this favor in his heart, hoping to have the opportunity to repay it in the future.

Da da da-

While Xu Yun was scrolling through Weibo, a few footsteps suddenly came from the stairs not far away.

Xu Yun does not have the special ability to distinguish people by hearing sounds, but when he heard these footsteps, a thought popped up in his heart:

The meeting should be over.

as predicted.

After a while.

I saw a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, carrying a briefcase in one hand and a thermos cup in the other, walking quickly out of the corridor, and walked straight to the door.

Xu Yun recognized the identity of the other party. This person is Cao Bin, a party leader of the School of Engineering Science.

Then soon.

A few more people left one after another. They were all high-ranking officials of the University of Science and Technology that Xu Yun hadn’t dealt with much but recognized their identities.

Xu Yun quickly put away his mobile phone and waited quietly—Academician Pan will definitely go downstairs with Tian Liangwei, and Tian Liangwei is over 60 years old, so they must be at the bottom of the stairs.

as predicted.

About three minutes passed.

The figures of Tian Liangwei, Academician Pan, Lu Chaoyang and Wang Qingchen appeared in the corridor prescription.

Xu Yun quickly stood up and walked to the crowd:

“Teacher, Professor Lu, Director Wang.”

Academician Pan stepped forward to size up Xu Yun, and asked:

“Xiao Xu, has your family contacted you?”

Xu Yun nodded quickly, and a warm feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Academician Pan’s phone call to his family earlier smoothed out Xu Yun’s most worried area:

“I have contacted. If you hadn’t come forward, I still don’t know how to explain it to my mother.”

Academician Pan just waved his hand lightly when he heard the words. He didn’t take too much credit, but pointed to the rest area where Xu Yun got up:

“Come on, let’s talk in the past.”

Xu Yun has no objection.

After arriving at the rest area, the five of them settled down relatively casually:

Academician Pan, Tian Liangwei, Lu Chaoyang, and Wang Qingchen sat on a long sofa in turn, while Xu Yun sat on the single sofa next to him, doing a state of listening attentively.

Then Academician Pan and Tian Liangwei looked at each other, and Academician Pan suddenly turned serious, looked at Xu Yun and said:

“Xiao Xu, I have something to tell you, you’d better be mentally prepared.”

Xu Yun’s heart trembled suddenly:

“You say.”


Academician Pan was silent for a moment, then sighed faintly:

“Xiao Xu, I might wrong you this time.”

Xu Yun’s fist on his knee clenched, and his throat became inexplicably dry:

“Teacher, the school is… ready to give up on me?”

Xu Yun didn’t even notice that when he said this, his voice was trembling a little.

But soon.

Xu Yun’s dim eyes were awakened by Academician Pan again:

“What? Give up on you? Xiao Xu, is HKUST so unreliable in your heart?”


Xu Yun suddenly raised his head, staring blankly at his teacher.

I saw Academician Pan touched the armrest of the sofa, and stepped on the floor twice with his left foot:

“Xiao Xu, do you still remember the history of USTC’s southward migration?”

Xu Yun’s mood was a little erratic at this time, but he quickly replied:

“of course I remember.”

For every HKUST student.

The history of HKUST’s southward migration is a tragic story that will never be forgotten.

In 1969.

Affected by the changes in the domestic and foreign situation at that time, the state formulated a document called “Notice on Decentralization of Higher Education Institutions”.

In just a few years, a large number of colleges and universities moved out of Yanjing.

Among them, the most thorough migration and the most bleak process is undoubtedly the University of Science and Technology.

When the University of Science and Technology was preparing to relocate, it sent a total of two teams to Shashi in Jingchu and Henan Province to find a suitable relocation address.

At that time, there was a cadre school of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shashi, so the University of Science and Technology originally thought that going to Shashi would be easier to be accepted.

But this team encountered difficulties—although Shashi received the team, he euphemistically expressed that he did not have the ability to accept a school.


Even though the team going to Yu Province carried a personal letter from a certain leader surnamed Liu at that time, they were still declined.

After returning to Yanjing, the two teams reported this fact.

So then.

HKUST sent two more teams to inspect and select sites in southern Jiangxi and southern Anhui.

Subsequently, Gannan expressed his resolute refusal to accept the University of Science and Technology, not even allowing the visiting team to enter, and it is said that even the dogs were released.

Only the leadership team in southern Anhui did not refuse, and said that the whole province tightened its pants and wanted to support USTC.

So USTC moved to Luzhou.

During the relocation of HKUST, the total amount of goods shipped reached 865 tons.

A total of more than 35,000 boxes of books, equipment and other items were shipped out, and more than 490 households of teachers’ families were moved out.

Organized the relocation of teachers, students, and staff to more than 6,000 person-times.

The predecessors of the University of Science and Technology even dug out the concrete blocks of the laboratory, the scrapped boilers, and the cables buried in the ground, and loaded them all on the train going south.

It is only due to the capacity of the times.

During the relocation process, HKUST lost nearly two-thirds of its equipment and more than half of its teachers, but did not resign any student—in that unspeakable era, many students were actually going to be expelled.

It is on this basis.

The University of Science and Technology later created the first youth class, established the first graduate school in the country, and established the first national key laboratory in China

Although the shame of the University of Science and Technology of Fang Elbow was mixed in the process, it was purely accidental and could be regarded as an error within the allowable range.

So why do you say that HKUST members have a special sense of belonging? It is because this is the spirit passed down by the ancestors.

On comprehensive teaching ability.

HKUST really can’t make it into the top five, and generally hovers between 10-15.

But if you talk about cohesion.

USTC is undoubtedly second to none in China, at least it can enter the top three.

Looking at Xu Yun who recalled the history of USTC’s southward relocation, Academician Pan adjusted his glasses again:

“Xiao Xu, USTC didn’t give up any student in that era, let alone now?”

Xu Yun opened his mouth and subconsciously asked:

“Then what you said to be wronged is what I mean.”

Academician Pan still did not directly answer his question, but instead asked:

“Xiao Xu, do you know why we had such a long meeting above?”

Xu Yun shook his head very bachelorly.

If memory serves me right, Tian Liangwei seems to have complained about this too.

Academician Pan was silent for a moment, took out his mobile phone from his body, and shook it in front of Xu Yun:

“Because in the middle of the meeting, we got a call.”


Xu Yun blinked:

“Whose phone?”

This time, Academician Pan didn’t give a damn:

“Hou Xingyuan, Dean Hou, he has clearly conveyed an instruction to us.”

“What instructions?”

“Let’s wrong you for a few days first, and wait until all the monsters and monsters jump out, and launch a counterattack with the strength of the Faculty.”

Xu Yun stood on the spot in a daze when he heard the words.


Continue to stay overnight tonight, ask for a monthly pass! !

(end of this chapter)

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