Chapter 54 - Spoils
The best part about surviving a space battle is picking up all the loot you’re left with at the end. For me, the ‘spoils’ started coming before I even started searching the converted freighter.
You have gained experience!
You are now Level 21.
Small Ship Pilot increased to 8/100.
+1 DEX
Gunnery increased to 3/100.
+1 DEX
Navigation increased to 11/100.
+1 WIS
Perception increased to 11/100.
+1 WIS
For winning a space battle against a force of superior numbers without taking significant damage, Starlight Raven and Shadowdancer have earned the Ship Perk: Dauntless.
For eliminating an enemy ship in a single attack while under stealth, Shadowdancer has earned the Ship Perk: Sniper.
For capturing an enemy capitol ship without sustaining casualties, the Valkyries have earned the Group Perk: Raiders.
The fact that we could get ship and group perks was new to me, though I certainly wasn’t complaining. It probably was a way to encourage people to form groups rather than lone wolfing it. I quickly checked out the perks while we were docking with the remains of the freighter.
Ship Perks
In an engagement that should have left this ship broken and bleeding atmosphere, its crew overcame great odds and conquered a superior foe. The effect of this ship’s shields and armor increased by 10%. 10% less likely to receive critical hits.
Some ships are feared because once you see them, you know there is no escape. This ship is feared because by the time you know it is there, you’re already dead. +10% to ship’s Stealth. +25% to all attacks made while in stealth.
Group Perks
Taking a ship in a hostile boarding action is one of the most dangerous things a group of fighters can do. Even when everything goes right, some casualties and deaths are expected. You took an enemy ship without losses. +30% to all ship-board combat while in a group consisting solely of those with the Raiders perk. Bonus is lost when non-Raiders are in the group. When in a group with non-Raiders, entire group gets +5% to all ship-board combat.
That would be very useful in the future, I was sure. For now, though, I paid attention to the readings we were getting from this freighter. The penetrator round from the Shadowdancer’s big gun had gone clear through the ship, leaving a half-meter wide hole in the ship from stem to stern. Actually, no, the exit wound was bigger, since it looked like half the engine was no longer in attendance. This ship was never going anywhere again.
The entire ship had been opened to vacuum because of the violence of the attack, and these pirates clearly didn’t train for emergencies or maintain their backup systems. Most of the dead had suffocated trying to claw their way to breathing gear. In one compartment, it was clear that someone had switched the emergency breathing gear with emergency booze storage, which did crap all for the dead man floating next to it.
That kind of thing basically set the tone for the rest of the ship. We left Shearah on the ship, and the rest of us (even Sona) were moving through the derelict freighter, taking whatever credits the pirates may have had on their bracers, and any items that seemed worth taking. The captain of this rustbucket had some really nice toys, actually.
Fireball Ring
This ring contains the crystalized knowledge of a Psy power. Merely putting on the ring gives one access to the power contained within, though at reduced effect. However, channeling some of your XP into it allows you to learn the power directly, and gain bonuses while you’re at it. Once the power is learned, this item loses all function until it is passed to a new wearer.
Contains: Advanced Fireball (Energy Psy Power)
Can activate Fireball power for 100 PP. 5m blast radius, dealing 500 damage to those inside.
5000 XP: Learn Advanced Fireball as a power. Gain +10% Energy Affinity.
Great Healer’s Ring
This ring contains the crystalized knowledge of a Psy power. Merely putting on the ring gives one access to the power contained within, though at reduced effect. However, channeling some of your XP into it allows you to learn the power directly, and gain bonuses while you’re at it. Once the power is learned, this item loses all function until it is passed to a new wearer.
Contains: Greater Healing (Physical Psy Power)
Can activate Heal power for 100 PP. Heal target for 150 HP.
5000 XP: Learn Greater Healing as a power. Gain +10% Physical Affinity.
Frozen Armor Ring
This ring contains the crystalized knowledge of a Psy power. Merely putting on the ring gives one access to the power contained within, though at reduced effect. However, channeling some of your XP into it allows you to learn the power directly, and gain bonuses while you’re at it. Once the power is learned, this item loses all function until it is passed to a new wearer.
Contains: Ice Armor (Energy Psy Power)
Can activate Frost Shield power for 100 PP. Shield prevents 100 HP worth of damage from ranged attacks.
5000 XP: Learn Ice Armor as a power. Gain +10% Energy Resistance.
Great Enhancer’s Ring
This ring contains the crystalized knowledge of a Psy power. Merely putting on the ring gives one access to the power contained within, though at reduced effect. However, channeling some of your XP into it allows you to learn the power directly, and gain bonuses while you’re at it. Once the power is learned, this item loses all function until it is passed to a new wearer.
Contains: Total Enhancer (Physical Psy Power)
Can activate Body Enhancer power for 100 PP. +20 to all physical attributes for 1 minute. When duration ends, costs 400 ST.
5000 XP: Learn Total Enhancer as a power. Gain +10% Physical Resistance.
Honestly, these rings were the best things on the ship. The pirates didn’t have any weapons I’d deign to allow into my collection (I already had as good or better), and other than raiding the captain’s wardrobe for some clothes that looked like they’d fit me nicely, there wasn’t much for us here. Oh, other than the fighter pilots and flight crews for the fighters.
The two launch bays basically allowed the Blackfish to carry and launch a short squadron of eight fighters. Well, they were all scratch-built things, or ‘fuglies’ as they were sometimes called. No two of the eight fighters were the same, and they all looked like they were held together primarily with duct tape and prayer. The fact that someone strapped missiles onto these things was a special kind of crazy. Especially when it became clear that these missiles were fabbed off a printer, instead of being built by a legit supplier. If the fabricator was anywhere near as poorly maintained as the rest of the ship… Best not to think about that. Especially since the torpedoes for taking out ships looked even sketchier.
The only fighter that looked to be in halfway decent condition (and the only one that wasn’t a fugly), was the one that clearly belonged to the leader of this ragtag squadron. One of the old Rapier class fighters, it was at least fifty years old, though this one clearly had been upgraded over time to be at least competitive with twenty-year-old fighters. Even if all eight were like this fighter, however, they would have been easily taken out by any modern warship. The old fighters used on Choson Ring were better than these. Good for use against merchants, but not much else. Still, I could probably find someone willing to buy it as a ‘pleasure craft’. Plenty of people wanted to play at being a fighter pilot.
We took the fighter (after getting the missiles well away from it) and stored it in the Raven’s cargo bay, and slapped slave collars on the pilots and crews (totaling just twelve people). It would have been sixteen, but the lead pilot and a few others tried to get mouthy, so I shot a hole in each of their helmets and let them suck vacuum. That put everyone else in a much more respectful frame of mind. With any questions about their new status resolved, we packed the new chattel aboard the shuttle and headed over to the Savage Rose.
The Rose was in far better condition than Blackfish, but that wasn’t saying much, from my point of view. Maybe it was because I was Navy in real life, and in game I’d been spoiled by Raven being in top form, and Shadowdancer just coming off the line, but I expected a certain level of repair from ships. And this pirate vessel is something I could only charitably call a deathtrap. Definitely wasn’t keeping this. We’d haul it into port and sell it. But in the meantime, it would be the perfect place to keep the new slaves.
By the time I arrived, the Valkyries had finished ‘processing’ the crew of the Rose, and they were all now slaves of the Black Star Trading Company. I nodded to Jackie, and said, “Report.”
The former merc came to a semblance of attention, and said, “The ship is secure, Master. Fifty-three crewmembers and officers accounted for. There were two captives in the Captain’s quarters, wearing slave collars already. No casualties on our part, despite the ship’s best efforts.”
I winced, and said, “Figured as much. Pirates don’t know how to take care of a girl. Very well. Contact Captain Nyna, and have her arrange for a prize crew. The Valkyries will be in charge of security aboard the Rose until we get to Dimiya, and can arrange for the sale of the vessel and the pirates. Raven and I have reviewed the logs of your attack, and have found you performed well above expectations, especially for this being your first action together.”
I smiled at her, and said, “You and your team are to be commended. I do not doubt that we will have plenty of work for you in the future. I am authorizing a disbursement from company funds to each of you. When we reach port, you will have five hundred credits each to celebrate as you see fit, and the personal weapons and armor of the pirates aboard the Savage Rose are yours to do with as you see fit.”
Jackie smiled, and said, “Very good, Master. The girls will be happy to hear that. Won’t lie to you, sir, but when I was purchased, I knew for certain I was going to end up as some merchant’s glorified bedwarmer and bodyguard. Glad to have a Master that cares more about my talents than my ‘assets’. The rest of the girls feel the same way.”
Chuckling, I simply nodded at her words, after all, it was the normal thing to expect with attractive female slaves. “Well, send my regards to the girls. And just so you know, yes, I did purchase you for your talents, though I hold your assets in high regard as well. But before you get concerned, I won’t be adding ‘those’ kinds of duties to your responsibilities unless you ask for it, or I have need to punish you for some reason. And you may pass that along to the girls, as well.”
I laughed at the flushed expression on Jackie’s face, that looked like it didn’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved, and moved towards the captain’s quarters to see about these two captives that had been held there. I’d leave the interrogation of the captain and others to Ashera and Carissa. Maybe we’d be able to find a pirate base to loot? Or at least sell the location to?