Book V Prologue - Trade Chat
NERV Game Site – Official DAtS Offline Forums
Backlog, DarkAvariel, Knocker, GrimDark, BloodForTheBloodGod, Queen’s_Bitch, Lord_Kickass, BackDat@55Up, DoYouEvenDPS?, M.Mollen, Requiesce-in-Pace, MacD, HaveGunsWillTravel, Guardian, GunKitty, ElfMama, Not_the_Face!, Anonymous3, Anonymous9, AggregatorOfSorrows, LeashLord, WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot, Dolcett, Red5, and HalfFullMonty are in the chat.
Backlog: Things aren’t looking good for people in the Empire. First Nomads get kicked out of Sol, and now the whole damn place is about to go up in flames, either with itself or with the Confeds.
Not_the_Face!: Yeah, but there are opportunities there, if you know how to make a deal.
Knocker: Need a ship to do any real dealing, and those are hard to come by since a couple Nomads showed the Empire how much damage a Nomad at the helm can do. First the palace, and then M.Mollen.
M.Mollen: Heh. I just did what I had to do in order to keep my crew breathing. If the new Emperor wasn’t such a murderous prick, I wouldn’t have to be going through half the stuff I’ve been up to.
GrimDark: Is that Heresy I hear?
Anonymous3: Skulls for the skull throne!
Red5: *tosses GrimDark a spare bolter*
GrimDark: My thanks, brother.
Lord_Kickass: Anyone know a good way to earn a lot of money quickly? I’m in a lot of trouble.
DarkAvariel: What happened this time?
Lord_Kickass: I got smuggled out of Sol in return for doing a couple jobs for some thugs. The job went south, and I only managed to escape by taking out a sizeable loan.
HalfFullMonty: Damn, you’re just digging that hole deeper, aren’t you?
GunKitty: You consider resetting?
Lord_Kickass: But if I reset, I’ll never catch up to that bastard that stole my ship!
M.Mollen: You’ve failed twice in direct action already, and the ship’s AI likes me better than you, anyways. She hated the name you gave her. Said if she had to listen to your plans on how you were going to get ‘so much ass’ with your ‘pimped out ride’ one more time, she would have spaced you herself.
Guardian: Can confirm.
HaveGunsWillTravel: Seconded. She thinks you’re a self-centered jackass, and an idiot to boot.
GunKitty: Oh, so this is the guy you were talking about?
MacD: Lol. Kick, you might as well accept that you’re too fucked to do anything about it now. Sounds like your best bet is to find a nice sugar momma to collar you and clear your debt, or reset.
Lord_Kickass: But you can only go through chargen once every three RL months. The game’s only been out a month in RL!
GunKitty: Yes, well, that does suck for you, doesn’t it?
DoYouEvenDPS?: Where you at?
Lord_Kickass: Someplace called Dabara. Unless I can pay the loan off, I’m going to need to do a job for the guy who rescued me. And the job requires a gender swap mod, and some other augs, which also go on my bill.
Anonymous9: What job would require that?
Lord_Kickass: Dunno. Sounds like a simple run. Go to some no name planet outside any of the major powers, and pick up samples of the nanite tech they have there. Stuff you can’t get in the Empire.
M.Mollen: You can get it, but it is expensive, and practically a death sentence to use on anyone. Nasty shit, but worth plenty of coin if you are too desperate to care.
GunKitty: How do you know about this stuff?
M.Mollen: That’s what I do. I drink, and I know things.
AggregatorOfSorrows: Guys, sorry to change the subject, but does anyone know what is going on in Jagloth?
Queen’s_Bitch: Something happen on one of the newbie worlds?
Dolcett: It is funny, I had just gotten my Slaver up to level 20, when I started getting all kinds of warning messages, and then was booted out of the game. Forced reset due to permanent character death.
Guardian: OUCH! So back at square one?
Dolcett: Not quite. I got a bunch of bonuses, so I was able to carry most of my skills and levels over, and get some better gear, but Jagloth is no longer on the list of starting planets.
HaveGunsWillTravel: Anyone have eyes on Jagloth?
LeashLord: Things are funny here. The fleet showed up two weeks ago, and have been enforcing a travel ban. No ships in or out of the system. And anyone trying to get up from the planet to one of the orbital stations gets shot out of the sky. Even so, Hibachi Station has gone silent, like the planet.
WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot: Important, Leash – What exactly are they calling it in any messages? Travel Ban? Blockade?
LeashLord: Eh, Quarantine. Same thing, right?
Guardian: Fuck.
HaveGunsWillTravel: Shit.
M.Mollen: No, Leash. Similar, but not the same. Travel bans and blockades would be for political or public safety reasons mostly, or to keep a fugitive from escaping before they can find them. Quarantine means they’re scared of some disease getting loose, one bad enough that they can’t cure it, or cure it quick enough to halt the spread.
LeashLord: Wait, WHAT? Oh hell, no. A disease that causes permadeath and restart? I’m out! Someone get me out of here!
Dolcett: There are no ships leaving the system Leash. You’re stuck there until something happens.
LeashLord: FUCK!
M.Mollen: If it is any consolation, I doubt the Quarantine will last too much longer. The Confederacy will need those ships elsewhere when the Empire starts its attack.
ElfMama: But what about the disease?
GrimDark: It is now that we perform our charge. In fealty of the God Emperor (our undying lord), and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world, and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial justice account in all balance. The Emperor protects.
Red5: The Emperor protects.
Requiesce-in-Pasce: Well, that is a bit of a big job, even for the Smoker’s Club.
ElfMama: They’ll kill them? Everyone on the planet?
M.Mollen: Yes. If it is a choice between letting a disease capable of overrunning a world that fast loose on the galaxy, or killing people, then they will likely glass the planet from orbit, turning it into a dead world.
LeashLord: And what about the stations?
M.Mollen: It depends on how far things have spread. That is why they’ve been shooting down anyone trying to get to the stations from the surface. When the order is given, anyone who has been exposed will be purged.
LeashLord: Fuck that! I gotta get out of here!