Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 81

Chapter 81


Several people were stunned, and they all turned their heads to look at Gu Ze.

Gu Ze was also confused at this time.

Is it a duplicate name?

“You said your name is Gu Ze?”

Gu Ze asked a little strangely.

“I’m Gu Ze… No, I’m not Gu Ze…”

the robot repeated twice, as if stuck.

“You say, is it a repeater?”

March Seven whispered to the rest of humanity.

“March, don’t be careless! This guy gives me a very dangerous feeling.

Walter frowned, he had already raised his cane, accumulating strength.

Somehow, Gu Ze’s heart also inexplicably floated a trace of unease, unspeakable unease, as if some unpredictable danger was waiting for them.

This feeling became more and more intense, making it difficult for Gu Ze to ignore, and his heart couldn’t help but beat wildly.

This throbbing is even more violent than when encountering those powerful enemies in the virtual space.

He couldn’t help but also began to mobilize his strength, intending to strike first and defeat the other party first.

“The chip is damaged…, the body is damaged

…” “The assassination mode continues…” The

robot suddenly raised its head, its eyes shining bright red.

“Haha! Destroy them!

Wang Dezhu laughed.

Who knows, the robot did not make a move on Gu Ze, but smashed Wang Dezhu’s head with a kick, and then looked at Gu Ze and them.

A huge rock spear flew out, and invisible gravity covered it in an instant.

Walter and Gu Ze did their best, and the feeling that this guy in front of them was too dangerous, forcing them to dare not stay.


I saw that the robot quickly raised its hand, and actually took the attack of the rock spear so easily.

Walter’s gravity suppression was also randomly killed, pressing down from top to bottom, and the robot only bent down slightly, and then stood straight again, as if that gravity did not exist.


Walter and Gu Ze were taken aback.

This robot not only blocked the attack, but also appeared to be very comfortable.

What is its strength?

“Gu Ze, be careful.”

Walter pulled down his glasses, his eyes full of war.

“This battle is not expected to be easy to fight.”

Gu Ze nodded repeatedly, and the throbbing in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, he remembered something, quickly touched out his mobile phone, and secretly sent a message to someone.

The robot threw away the rock spear and swung its arms, extending two sharp blades.

Its body was half-squatted, its steps twisted, like an off-string arrow bursting out, the air was distorted, and it instantly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Where did it go?

The four immediately became alert.

Gu Ze noticed that the ground in front of them was rapidly shattering, extending towards them in a straight line.

“It’s coming!”

Gu Ze’s heart jumped, and just when he wanted to speak, he saw a blurry silver-white figure had come to his side, and then completely revealed his figure in a sonic boom that followed.


The silver-white blade slashed out, cutting a dangerous arc in the air, straight towards Gu Ze’s neck.

Gu Ze hurriedly raised the flame gun, although the action was slower than the robot, but fortunately there was a vigilance just now, so he still reacted in time.


The blade collided with the flame gun and splashed Mars, and Gu Ze’s whole person flew out directly, this force was amazing, and it was impossible to resist.

“Gu Ze!”

The other three were just about to say something, only to see the robot turn its head and stare at them again.

Suddenly, a suction force appeared, pulling the robot’s figure madly, towards the energy of a dark black spiral.

Resembles a black hole!

At the crucial moment, Walter quickly performed this trick.

However, the robot did not panic in the slightest, its hands closed to the black energy, and the golden energy appeared out of thin air, slowly compressing the black energy, causing its spiral to slowly stop.

Walter was surprised: “What! Three

seconds later, the black hole had been compressed into a small black dot, and the robot held the black dot and punched Walter.

Walter quickly raised his cane, only to hear a muffled bang, and Walter was beaten backwards repeatedly.

The robot grabbed the void, sneaked forward, and slashed out one knife after another, Walter could not resist, and there were knife wounds on his body.


The dark blue arrow shot out, it was March 7’s attack.

A mechanical shield suddenly appeared around the robot, and although the shield was badly damaged, it still blocked March Seven’s arrow.


March Seven did not expect that the other party would take his attack so simply.

Just as Walter was on the left and right, a figure rushed over, Gu Ze picked up the bat, with a dazzling blue light, and hit the back of the robot.


The robot kicked Walter and turned around and slashed out hard, knocking Gu Ze’s bat away.

This guy

Gu Ze took out the Yan spear and was about to continue the attack, but saw the opponent’s body crouching down again.

“Ten steps and one kill, start…” the

robot’s electronic voice came out coldly.

Immediately after, its figure disappeared in an instant, just like just now.

No, it should be said, faster than just now!

Gu Ze could feel that the other party should be rushing towards him, and at this time, he suddenly felt a huge sense of danger filling his heart.

It’s like death is near!

He didn’t have time to open the shield, this guy’s attack was too sudden and fierce, as if he was pinching time, calculating that he could not cope.

Gu Ze had to wave the flame spear, step forward, and kill with a string of flames.


A loud noise exploded in this space, the flames evaporated, and two figures also appeared in the firelight.


Gu Ze spat out a mouthful of blood, a knife mark appeared between his chest and abdomen, and as the scar expanded, the entire body seemed to be cut, and the blood splashed, splashed on the ground, and then fell directly on his back.

With this move alone, Gu Ze was defeated head-on by it.

“Gu Ze!”

March Seven hurried over and picked him up.


There were footsteps, and March Qi looked up and saw that the robot was walking towards them, and it flicked the blood stains on the knife, which seemed extremely relaxed.

A terrifying power emanated from it, making March Seven shudder.

“March! Miss Stopyun! Take Gu Ze and go quickly!

Walter said loudly in the distance.

He came a little stumbling, his face full of solemnity.

“This guy… I’m afraid we can’t handle it.

Walter held his cane, and an invisible force spread out, suppressing the robot’s movements, but it could not completely stop its pace, only slightly delayed.

At this moment, a huge shadow shrouded here, and everyone looked up, only to see a golden majestic body standing in the sky, dressed in armor, raising a long knife and slashing hard at the robot.

Along with the long knife, an unstoppable thunder like a waterfall covered the robot with a roaring sound.

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