Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Another day at Charlotte’s room

"So you want me to... stream?", Charlotte asked warily, rightfully so.

"Yeah! This will help you with socializing!", Silla handed Charlotte a round webcam.

Charlotte inspects the webcam, letting some Reverie goo into the machine to check the inside. 

"What are you doing, little one?"

"Checking for demonic sigils.", Charlotte replied.

Silla pouts, "That's very rude! I only put them on my private stuff!"

Charlotte gave Silla a suspicious stare, Reverie found nothing bad so she retracted it. She will believe Silla, for now.

"So, will you stream?"


"Why?", Silla frowned.

Charlotte pointed at her head, "Because I know to make myself popular in an hour at most. Having the embodiment of imagination is handy."

"Tsk, you can't have the joy of having subscribers and achieving milestones with that mindset.", Silla sighed, "But I guess I can't force you to do things you don't like, not so gradually anyway."

So she would just suddenly force me...

"Anyway! Have you packed your clothes? We will be going this Sunday!"

Charlotte looked over at her suitcases, three of them, one for each occasion. The red ones are sleeping clothes. The blue one is for outdoor clothes. And yellow is for going to fancy places. Inbetween them, Charlotte put some of her items for the ride.

Though she held onto her fake knife, she does not know why but she felt it was important for her. She looked at Silla, then back at her knife, then back at Silla, and back at her knife.

Charlotte stabbed Silla in the stomach, with enough force to make it go through her stomach. Silla was knocked to the wall, bleeding out of her stomach. Charlotte widens her eyes, looking at her now bloodied knife.

There was no force when I stabbed her...

To Charlotte, the knife went through Silla like butter, her fist was the thing that sent Silla to the wall, not the knife. Staring at the knife, disregarding the grumpy Silla.

"That was not really nice! Why did you do that?!", she yelled, rubbing her now-healed belly.

Ignoring Silla, Charlotte asked. Reverie, is this connected to an Akashic?

Why yes~! 



Charlotte was taken aback a bit by Reverie's outburst. She smiled wickedly. So Reverie has a limit...

Silla stared at Charlotte, at her wicked smile, "Ch-Charlotte...? Are you... alright?"

"Yes. I feel good.", she looked back at Silla with a crazed look.

"Are... you sure?"

"Silla. Can I stab you again?", she asked expectedly.

"No! Even if I can shrug off lethal attacks, the pain is annoying!!", Silla retorted, pouting.


"Welp, I'll be out of your room now that you discovered bloodlust. I don't want a child in my care stabbing me a whole bunch, so bye!", Silla hurriedly left the room.

Charlotte closed her knife, now knowing it was a lethal weapon like any other normal knife, but more dangerous.

"Reverie, why can people see the knife?", Charlotte asked, looking down at her eight-pointed star pendant.

Well~ because what the knife represents is more~ outward. It wouldn't be very fun if you attacked people with an invisible knife that could cut through concrete like butter!

I see...

Charlotte pushed her knife back into her pocket, she also made a mental note to carry the knife everywhere. Well, making a note for Survive in case she forgot.

Got it.

Now without Silla, Charlotte finally has peace. It was somehow more boring than it should be, with no one to use her knife on. As Silla said, she was on bloodlust, and there were no targets around.

"Also, why do I still have the pendant?"

A souvenir of sorts ~ you can keep it if you want~

"Can I have it visible?"

I can make it visible if you want~!

"Then do it."

Aww~ no 'please'?

"...Please make it visible."

That's the spirit! Done!

Nothing changed for Charlotte personally, there was absolutely no weight to the pendant. Charlotte could not use it as a weapon, more of a decoration than anything.

Does this pendant have a name? I think it should have a name.

Okay! Suggestion time everyone! Mine is Chaos Star!

The Pendant. 'The' is important in the name.

Compass Rose, is nice and simple.



Charlotte thought about using her dice again but decided to go against it. This pendant represents Survive, the embodiment of survival.

"I will go with The Pendant. It is simple and... mysterious? Hey, does anyone wearing this gain the ability to not feel pain?", Charlotte questioned Survive, and it delivered.


With that answer from Survive, Charlotte starts to look over her shelves, which were delivered yesterday, one made of wood and was as tall as her ceiling. With the amount of books she has, Charlotte thinks about having another shelf in the near future. She went through the section which contained her manga, right next to the comic section.

They took out a manga called 'Zozo's Bizarre Adventure, Golden Gale' and flipped through the pages. She stopped at a certain page, the start of the infamous seven-page beatdown.

She smiled.

Another idea came to Charlotte. Passively, Reverie imagined all the things she could do while breaking someone. 

While reading her books, Charlotte moved away from the normal subjects and got into novels. She found herself enjoying protagonists who are morally gray, chaotic people, and outright commit war crimes more than the standard good, selfless people.

Why? Because to Charlotte, villains are cool. Now that Charlotte looks back, the three people she interacted the most with are kinda evil in one way or another. 

On the alignment chart, Silla would be a Neutral Evil, seeing how she sees this as a part of something fun and messes with Charlotte to the point of sending her to Hell. An evil person who would hit Charlotte's weakness the moment she had the chance to.

Athen is hard to pinpoint, but to Charlotte, the Princess of Zagreus would be a Neutral Good person, she acts nice and caring to Charlotte but that's about it. At heart, Athen might be a good person but does not actively seek out justice.

Charlotte chuckled a bit, she found the word 'Justice' funny now that she understood what that meant to the Akashic Records.

Issac, the Director of this organization, is a Lawful Neutral man, how he accepted Charlotte's torture for the greater good Charlotte has no information about, but at the same time extended his help and basically gave her everything she now owned. His ideals are a bit hard to point out.

Then Charlotte thought about herself. Where would I land in the alignment chart?

Charlotte knew herself as an empty person, she only followed her interests and only listened to others with a reluctant mind. She was easygoing, agreeing because the people around her were adults. Adults know best, right? That was not true at all.

Only Charlotte knew what was best for her. Was she a chaotic person? Not in the slightest, she herself was quite calm though have a lot of repressed emotions due to Survive.

Emotions are what boost a human's capability. I store emotions. Unleashing them at the right time.

She will one day have to unlock her emotions. A day she looked forward to, or one she would tear everything apart. Maybe that day Charlotte would know if the creature in her abyss was a monster or a hero.

At the end of the day, none of it matters that much. Charlotte would still be Charlotte, just something for her to keep an eye on herself.

Fiddling with the webcam in the hand, and with nothing more to do other than to read another book. Charlotte decided to set up the webcam. Except for the fact that Charlotte did not have a PC setup in the first place. Charlotte did not know why she avoided having one.

So in the end, she called Silla, and not Athen. Why? Even if Charlotte dislikes Silla, she still is more lenient than Athen.

Silla rushed over with a smile, not even a minute had passed. She got behind Charlotte and sat down on the bed.

"So! What do you wanna do!?", Silla asked with excitement.

Charlotte looked over at her desk full of books, "I need another table... and a PC setup..."

"Aww~ anything for you, little one! Just don't fucking stab me, okay?", Silla widen her smile.

"I... did ask?", Charlotte recalled.

"I didn't expect the knife to work! At least warn me about that!!", Silla pouts, "Now, you can use mine if you are desperate. Just turn on incognito if you are searching for questionable things, I don't want anything you search to mess up my private fun time!"

"Okay...? What does that even mean?", Charlotte tilted her head, wondering.

"You'll know when you get older.", Silla waved it off.

"So... how long will I have to wait?", Charlotte turned back to the main topic.

"Eh, probably 3 days. But we'll be in Las Vegas by that time, so maybe after we get back!"

"That's a deal.", Charlotte nodded.

"Hey! Making deals is my thing!", Silla laughed.

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