
Chapter 194, Company Man

Adam smiled at General Cain as he said, “Hold that thought,” and activated Planar Travel Mode 1 to lock his current location into his target list then activated Planar Travel mode 2 and chose the Emperor’s throne room on the Pelza Homeworld. Instead of appearing at the top of the pyramid in an opulent room, Adam found himself floating in the air above a small town below. Adam quickly activated Flight, True Sight, and Obscure.

As he activated his abilities, Adam looked around and found some trees on the outskirts of the small town he was hovering above and began moving toward it. Adam noted that he had appeared just after sunset because he could see the last signs of the sun dipping below the horizon. He didn’t think anyone had seen him, not that he was worried, he just didn’t want the headache.

As he floated to the edge of the town and down to the ground level he noticed the people walking around. There were small campfires scattered throughout the area with people sitting around them talking, laughing, and crying. He listened as he floated by picking up some of what was said. Some complained about how the Emperor had ruined their lives while others were talking about starting up businesses to provide goods that were not available at the supply points around the town.

Adam altered course to fly over one of the supply points and saw that it looked like a market. It was effectively an outdoor supermarket. Adam activated Technomancy and looked at the code for the nanites in the area. It was an interesting application. The nanites all around the area were set to keep the surrounding area clean dry and at a stable temperature. The nanites were being used to regulate the open market area and also replaced anything that was taken. Adam watched as a couple walked in, picked up a couple of items off a shelf then walked away only to have those items remade immediately by the nanites.

Adam thought about how he could create stores like this back on Earth. He’d done something similar once before but that had been when he was in full dictator mode. People had to be able to make their own decisions. Adam refocused his thoughts because he was getting sidetracked again. Maybe he was trying to do too much. One thing at a time then. Right now he needed to lock in coordinates to get the prisoners on Earth back to their home.

He landed at a copse of trees and faced the town, then activated Planar Travel mode 1 and locked in the coordinates. Next, he activated Planar Travel mode 2 and teleported back into General Cain’s office as he deactivated Obscure and Flight. He wouldn’t need either ability for a bit.

“General, I believe it’s time we took a tour of the jail if you don’t mind,” Adam said as a new portal opened that led to the entrance to the cell block.

“You know, I’m usually the one giving orders around here,” General Cain said.

“Absolutely,” Adam said grinning as he followed the General through the portal to the security checkpoint.

“Sergeant Simmons, open her up, the Prisoners are going home,”

“Sir?” Sgt Simmons asked hesitantly.

“Just open her up and accompany me, I’ll need a witness for the report I file,” General Cain said.

“Yes Sir. But Sir you know they’re all still in a coma right?”

“Adam, is that true?” The General asked.

“I’ll wake each of them up as we get to them and send them home. Their people back in their world can explain what has happened”

Sgt Simmons, who still didn’t have a clue what was going on followed the order he was given then hit a button that unlocked the 15 cells the prisoners were stashed in. A couple of cells had more than one person in them, not that it mattered, they were all laying on cots unconscious.

Adam moved from cell to cell with the General and the Sergeant trailing behind. He’d have the nanites in their bodies wake them up then without a world the nanites would control their bodies to stand and walk through a portal that he summoned. Once they were through Adam would give his nanites in their bodies the code to go inert and close the portal. The Eterium nanites would either destroy his nanites or convert them. He wasn’t worried about what happened to them there he just didn’t want his nanites causing the Eterium nanites to evolve their programming so he shut his nanites off and disconnected from them.

It only took about fifteen minutes to get all the prisoners back to Pelza. Adam opened a portal back to the General’s office and followed the General into his office, “That should do it,” Adam said.

“Why did you want to send them back? we could have received so much information from them,” General Cain said.

“True and false. We would have been able to get some information from some of them but the risk just wasn’t worth it. The technology that the Eterium people are using is orders of magnitude more sophisticated than what we are using. Their Technology is searching for Pelza natives and technology and either breaking the technology down as soon as it finds it or making sure the Pelza natives cannot use technology no matter where they find themselves. Erika was immobilized because she tried to use a T.V. remote. What if the technology enforcing the Eterium decree decides that Earthlings are becoming a nuisance to its goals and applies the same decree being levied on the Pelza Empire to Earth as well? Keeping them here was not worth the risk.”

“When you put it like that, it makes sense, still there are those in Washington that will not be happy”

“General, since when have you ever thought I cared about anything anyone in Washington D.C. is thinking? If I was going full dictator I would have fired all of them, I might still. 131 trillion dollars in debt with no way to pay it back. Anyway, General. Thank you for your hospitality. I have other things I need to take care of. Please let the President know that I will be in touch shortly. Not sure when,” Adam said with a smile as he teleported to a spot on the road just down from the gates to a villa near Chalma Mexico.

“Thor, cease all violence enforcement protocols around my location out to a radius of 3 miles, that should be enough space.”

“Are you sure?” Thor asked.

“I’m sure. I want to see what this new Minimum damage threshold means. Right now it has a rating of 58, I want to see if it soaks damage per attack or if it soaks damage per second. That will be good to know going forward,” Adam said.

“Okay, nanites in a three-mile radius around the villa of Senior Sanchez, one of the evilest cartel bosses on the planet have been rescinded..”

“Feel free to let them know that, I want to give these jokers every opportunity to arm themselves.”

“You know you’re crazy,” Thor said.

“More like bored, I want to have a little fun. Intimidating evil people is how I have fun.

“I guess, have fun then,” Thor said.

Adam changed his clothes to blue jeans and a T-Shirt that read “Senior Sánchez es un imbécil” in Spanish which Adam knew meant “Senior Sanchez is a dick”. Once he was changed he began walking up the road toward the villa. It was the little things that could make a day fun.

The two guards at the fence looked out at the man walking up the street, saw his shirt, and did a double take then Adam heard one of them say “Can you believe the balls on that Gringo?” the first man said.

“Well, we did just get that announcement that the restriction on violence had been lifted here. Think we should ‘introduce’ him to the boss.” The 2nd man said.

“Hell yeah, this will be fun to watch,” the 1st man responded.

One of the men opened the gate and quickly made his way up to Adam, “Excuse me, senior, I believe Senior Sanchez would like a word with you,”

“Are you sure?” Adam asked In English “I was told he was a very busy man by the man that sold me this shirt down the road. He told me I had to make sure to wear it when I walked by or I would offend him greatly.

“Oh there is no doubt that Senior Sanchez would have been offended, please come with us,” the man said as he led Adam through the fence and towards the house. The 2nd guard stayed at the gate.

As they neared the house Adam noticed a couple of other guards as well as two snipers. Then he heard the snickers as they read his shirt.

“If you’d wait here senior, I’ll only be a moment,” the guard said as Adam was left standing out in front of the villa in the driveway.

Adam watched through his nanites as the first guard walked into the villa and hurriedly made his way to Senior Sanchez’s study. He knocked once and immediately received a response, “Yes?”

The first guard came in, nodded slightly, and said, “Boss, there’s a Gringo in the front you gotta see.”

“What are you talking about?”

“There’s a Gringo in the front yard, says someone sold him a shirt that, well you have to see it.”

“Why do I have to see it?”

“Cause boss, when you do, you’re going to want to kill the gringo and the idiot that sold him that shirt.”

“Your so sure I’ll want to kill him?”

“Yes boss, besides you heard the announcement, you can kill again, and this Gringo, well he was going to die soon, he’s not too smart.”

“Fine,” Sanchez said as he picked up his Desert Eagle and followed the guard back toward the front door. As Sanchez came to the front door Adam watched the tell tail signs of insanity play through the eyes and mind of Senior Sanchez as he said, “I’ll be damned I really do want to kill him,” and lifted the desert eagle and shot Adam point blank in the forehead. Sanchez was already trying to step forward to follow the dead body down to the ground so he could shoot it a couple more times when he was stopped by Adam’s unmoving and unflinching body.

Adam looked at Senior Sanchez and said, “Can I help you?”

Sanchez hadn’t lived as long as he had by reacting slowly. He stepped back quickly and yelled “Fuego!”

Immediately gunshots rang from all over the house as weapons were drawn and fired. The first two bullets to hit Adam were the sniper shots. One had even hit his right eye which had caused him to blink rapidly but nothing else. Adam checked his combat logs and noted that his logs weren’t even keeping track of damage. Each attack simply had a notification

Minimum Damage Threshold not achieved, Attack completely ignored.

Adam watched the incoming gunfire and noted that bullets that hit him at an angle bounced off. Bullets that hit him head-on either fragmented or flattened against him. Adam reached down to the pavement around him and picked up bullets that were flattened. Some were shattering into fragments but some bullets flattened themselves against Adam and dropped to the ground, all of their kinetic energy gone.

“STOP!” Adam’s voice thundered

Senior Sanchez, not one to be so disrespected at his own house stepped forward, put the Desert Eagle an inched from Adam’s right eye, and pulled the trigger. The bullet flattened against Adam’s eye and dropped to the ground.

“I do believe It is my turn,” Adam said as he had all of Senior Sanchez’s assets everywhere transferred into his accounts and liquidated everything. As they stood there everything except the clothes on the people of the estate dissolved into the ground. Within a minute everyone was on the ground and all of their weapons were gone. Senior Sanchez and his men looked around in horror as everything around them turned into a flat field of grass with a few trees.

“I will kill…” Senior Sanchez started to say as he froze in place.

Adam thought about all the things he could do but realized that the problem was a lot bigger than he’d thought. He could just kill them all but that would solve nothing. Well, it would, but it would cause more problems so he wasn’t going to go that route, at least not yet. Adam reactivated the anti-violence rule and then went to work. He started by teleporting back to his base in Hawaii and used his nanites to gather any information he needed.

Adam confiscated the wealth of all criminal organizations around the planet. It wasn’t hard. If they had the money stashed away in bitcoin or electronically, he transferred it. If they had it stashed away as cash his nanites destroyed it where it was stashed and created stockpiles of the cash at his base in Hawaii. Also, to make sure his point that criminal activity was bad got across, all of their physical assets just melted away.

Next, he targeted the governments of the world. Specifically, any politicians that had pocketed money at the expense of their Oath. The United States, now 131 trillion dollars in debt, was a great indicator of the rampant corruption going on. While there were a few honest politicians, more than 75% of them found themselves penniless and without a place to stay. Adam didn’t limit this to the United States as Government officials everywhere found themselves penniless with only their government offices to live in.

Once all the funds were confiscated and ready to go Adam bought out Labyrinth LLC for 1 Trillion dollars. The move was so astounding that the Stock Market stabilized for a few hours. That Stock Market didn’t worry Adam though, if he needed money he could make it, or create the rare element to sell to turn into more capital. In the absolute worst case he could create whatever he needed.

Once Labyrinth LLC was purchased Adam sent Dr. Ficklin a message through Thor.

“Dr. Ficklin Labyrinth LLC has been purchased by myself. You are not officially my Director of the Resurrection Department on Trappist-1e. Please work with Al and Thor to hire people that can come to your location and work with you. I would like an operation that sees to the physical, mental, and emotional needs of all those that transition back into the real world.

If you have any questions Al and Thor will get them to me if I’m in the area immediately.


Next, Adam created Portals Inc. There was no immediate response in the market which Adam was sure was about to change. Adam flew to Orlando and then out to the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. A few phone calls later and he was sitting in front of a real estate agent purchasing a hanger for the low price of 500 million dollars. The hanger was worth maybe 5 million dollars and sat behind the old Military Shoppette. The Price didn’t matter he wanted a facility at Cape Canaveral and this one had been for sale. Immediately his nanites went through the building and upgraded everything. He wasn’t even sneaky about it. The building transformed within minutes from a run-down hangar to a state-of-the-art facility.

Adam even repaved the parking lot and repainted it. While that was happening he also had a facility growing out of the Martian soil that would complete by attaching itself to the facility through a new door that was being created off the main building. Both the hanger on the base and the building on Mars he was creating had all outside power severed. They received power and atmosphere from enclosed separate sources. Additionally, Adam created a bunker of sorts under the hangar in Florida that could act as an emergency escape and quarantine center for every person currently on Mars. There hadn’t been a basement, or subbasement when he purchased the hanger. The building now had five subbasements. Power, Water, and Air came through portals to Nu Draconis where the supply was generated as needed by nanites. Additionally, each location had a battery supply that would allow the hangar and the new building on Mars to run independently for up to a week. Additionally, an airlock system was created inside that would seal Mars off from Earth.

With everything just about finished, Adam made a call.

“Elizabeth Day, World New Network”

“Hello Elizabeth, this is Adam, can we talk?”

“Adam, Adam, White Sands Adam?”

“Yes, white sands Adam”

“Sure, where do you want to meet,” she asked.

“You know me,” Adam said as a portal opened to her office allowing her to meet Adam’s eyes as she hung up the phone, grabbed her purse, and stepped through the portal.

“So where am I now,” Elizabeth Day asked.

“You are in Florida at Cape Canaveral.

“Why am I here?”

“I’m about to make an announcement and I thought I’d give your company the exclusive,” Adam said.

“What are you announcing?”

“I’m launching a new company, Portal’s Inc. The technology will allow instantaneous travel between two points. This facility will be like the one I created for the Air Force except you can talk about it and it will allow those at the Mars Station to come and go from Mars as they please. The company will be setting up portals between specific points across the globe to allow for instant travel by anyone”

“What does the United States Government have to say about this?”

“What can they say, 75% of their politicians are broke and in disgrace, their economy is tattered, and if not for the beneficence of some higher being a lot of people around the planet would be starving right now.”

“Adam, do you have something to do with the anti-violence mandate, the punishment of all the violent criminals, and the food that just keeps reappearing,” Elizabeth Day asked?

“I will neither confirm nor deny the question. By the way, you may want to contact General Cain, A hole in space opened to another dimension in the Bermuda Triangle. Just let him know I told you and that I am requesting nicely that you be allowed to make a report on the facility that is keeping a different ocean from flooding our planet.”


“Just put it on the list. I’d like to do this reveal before they shut down on Mars for the night, they have about 2 hours.

“Can I get a portal back to my office, I need to make a few calls, get a few people together…”

“Sure, I’ll be watching, just ask for the portal when you’re ready,” Adam said as he opened a portal for her. Elizabeth Day stepped through and the portal closed.

Fifteen minutes later Elizabeth Day and her camera Crew were outside the hangar. Elizabeth was looking at Adam as her cameraman counted down and the broadcast went live.

“Good evening everyone, this is Elizabeth Day with WNN news and I am currently at the Cape Canaveral base near a brand new business opened by Portals Inc. Mr., Excuse me Adam do you have a last name??”

“No, Adam is fine,” Adam said.

“Adam here is the founder and CEO of Portals Inc. Adam, could you please explain what your business is and what it provides?” Elizabeth Day asked.

“Absolutely Elizabeth, I’d be more than delighted to. Portals Inc is a company that has perfected wormhole technology that will allow instantaneous travel from one place to another. Instead of taking six to eight hours to fly across the country you could step through one of my portals and be in California from New York in the time it takes to take a step.”

“I’m sure some of our viewers are stating that this is hogwash. I know it’s not but I believe our viewers would like a demonstration.”

Adam brought up a screen that immediately connected to a screen that appeared in front of Sarah Conner on Mars, “Everyone, may I introduce Sarah Conner at Mars Base? Sarah, say hello to everyone watching WNN news right now,” Adam said.

“Ummm Hello,” Sarah said.

“Sarah, How long have you been on Mars,” Elizabeth Day asked.

Sarah glared briefly at Adam, then said, “It took nine months to get her and I’ve been here for about a year and a half so I’ve been away from Earth for over two years.”

“Sarah, what if I told you that I could provide a way for you to travel to and from Mars every day if you wished in about two seconds,” Adam said.

“First I’d say your crazy, then I say yes please,” Sarah said with a laugh. “Why? Are you going to do something like that?”

“If you’d go to your main airlock, might want to let the rest of the base know as well,” Adam said as he looked at Elizabeth Day and her crew, “And we can head on inside.” As they started walking toward the entrance Adam continued, “As everyone should know, the biosphere of Mars and Earth are completely different. Inside this hanger, we’re walking into I’ve created a biosphere that is completely separate from Earth and contains quarantine facilities for those wishing to travel to Mars and those wishing to return from Mars. The technology that will make this process almost instantaneous is proprietary but even so, secondary and tertiary systems are in place to prevent contamination.

“Are you saying that we could travel to Mars today if we wished?”

“As I’m sure it will come out someday, I have already been to Mars. In fact, that’s where I met Sarah Conner. I am so confident in the technology that prevents biological contamination because I have tested it thoroughly. Now back to this facility. This facility contains a portal that will connect directly to a new structure that has been created and attached to the main base. Anyone may enter the facility here through that airlock, though they cannot exit this facility without first going through decontamination. As I said it’s a quick process,” Adam said as they entered the main complex and looked down on a portal of Energy that sat in the center of the room.

“Is that the Portal,” Elizabeth asked.

“Yes, currently it is open and leads to the airlock on Mars. Let’s head through the airlock here on this side. Maybe you can even get a tour of Mars today,” Adam said as he lead them into a very spacious room.

“This doesn’t feel like an Airlock,” Elizabeth Day observed.

“It’s not meant to. Up to 10 people can cycle through at once. During the cycling process, any biological bugs like the Flu, Covid, or anything else that you might be carrying are eradicated from your body. This process is repeated every single time the airlock is cycled.”

“If this technology exists why haven’t you made it available to the public?

“The main reason, the human body needs to be exposed to viruses and bugs to gain resistance against them. When moving between biospheres it’s just good procedure not to bring germs from one biosphere into another unless you have no choice,” Adam said as the airlock cycled and the inner door opened. Once they were through the airlock they were in the main room with the portal. Two hallways led off behind the portal.

“What is down those hallways?” Elizabeth asked.

“There are facilities within this building that will allow people to go to Mars and remain in this building for an extended quarantine if that became necessary. There’s a full kitchen, entertainment facility, and rooms for every single member on Mars back there.”

Just then a man stepped in front of the portal and looked through it, “What is the meaning of this?” a man in one of the Mars mission flight suits said in heavily accented English.

“Commander Martin. I am Adam CEO of Portals INC, I would like to invite you to be the first to utilize our new patented technology to travel from Mars to Earth and back.”

The Commander looked around and then over to Sarah Conner who was standing off to the side as she whispered, “I’m sure, it’s him.”

“Has this been cleared by NASA or the United Nations or any other agency on the planet…Adam?”

“It would seem that the Commander needs a little more convincing,” Adam said as he started walking toward the portal. “Feel free to follow close behind Elizabeth,” Adam said as he stepped through the portal. Commander Martin had tried to block him until the nanites within his body forced him to move out of the way and stand aside as Adam lead the news team into the main room of the Mars base. There were a few windows around the room where the red surface of Mars could be seen outside. Elizabeth directed her Cameraman and he started recording everything. Once she was busy with that Adam stepped back into the airlock on Mars where the Commander was standing frozen. Adam had the nanites in the air dampen all sounds leaving the airlock as he looked at the Commander.

“Commander Martin, You have two choices. Accept that times are changing and work to facilitate this upgrade that allows for instantaneous travel to and from Earth, no more supply issues, and even the ability to visit your families again or continue to be a pain in the ass and I guarantee I will have you removed as commander,” Adam said as he released the Commander so he could speak again.

“Just who do you think you are?”

“I am the man that stopped the Alien invasion that Sarah Conner told you about. I’m also the man that plugged a rip in the Universe back on Earth and I’m also the man that made the facility that will house the permanent portal location as soon as this interview is over. Which you know wasn’t there just an hour ago.”

“There are procedures, rules…”

“Go to your office, call the President of the United States, and see what he says to do. FYI, The United States personnel on the secret military base that you know about here have been able to go back to Earth for the last month. I set that up for the military. Why should they be the only agency to benefit?

“Very well, I’ll go make some calls,” Commander Martin said as he stepped out of the airlock and went up a set of stairs to the 2nd level.

Adam stepped out, “Sarah I forgot to tell them to be careful because the gravity up here is a little less, did you let them know?

“Yes, they even recorded some great footage of them jumping higher than they normally could on Earth.”

“Adam, how did you figure out how to create portals?” Elizabeth Day asked as she turned back to Adam.

“Math class, lots and lots of equations and a little bit of time on my hands,” Adam said.

Another man came up and led Elizabeth and the News crew off to investigate the base. As they walked off Sarah Conner came up to Adam, “Thank you.”

“For what?” Adam asked.

“For saving me the first time we met?” she said.

“Sarah Conner, Come with me if you want to live!” Adam said with a grin.

“What was….I’ve seen that movie, it’s an old one,” Sarah said smiling back.

It is, but your name fits and the phrase fits the situation. Also, since you made the vibe here all weird, I figured I’d return the favor,” Adam said with a grin.

Sarah grinned back, “What did you say to the Commander, I know he wasn’t too happy.”

“He wasn’t happy because his little kingdom away from oversight just got reeled back within range of Earth. He doesn’t want to give it up. What he doesn’t understand, what I don’t think any of you have realized yet is that if I can make Portals to Mars, I can make them to other places too. There will be plenty of other places to go to get away from Earth if that is someone’s desire.”

“I can see that, do you have other places that you can visit.”

“Of course, if you decide that you’d like to try a different line of employment send me a message. You’ll be able to find the link under CEO Portals INC. Then we can discuss alternate travel destinations,” Adam said with a smile.

“I’ll do that,” Sarah said as the Commander walked up to Adam

“Adam, I am to give you every courtesy. It seems that you make people in high places very nervous.”

“That is something that I do. Now that you’re willing to listen. Another building will be attached to the main building. It will have two Airlocks, one to enter the base and another larger one that leads outside. I wanted you to be able to bring materials and even vehicles here from Earth if you wish to. The portal will change locations from the old airlock to the new one after the News Crew leaves.

“Is there anything else I should know?” Commander Martin asked.

“No, but I could order Pizza and have it delivered for the whole crew if you wish. How long has it been since any of you have had Earth Food?”

“It’ll make it through your Quarantine procedures?” The Commander asked.

“Commander and Sarah, this part is not for public consumption, at least not yet. The decontamination is performed by nanotechnology. The pizza will be absolutely fine once the nanites kill all the germs and bacteria on it.”

“You can control nanotech?” The Commander asked.

“Among other things,” Adam said.

“Very well, pizza for everyone here would be a nice change,” he said.

“Thor if you wouldn’t mind cross-correlating what everyone likes and dislikes and create the pizzas in the main room, please”

“Who is Thor?” Sarah asked.

“Don’t worry about it, just watch,” Adam said as various types of pizza with names on the boxes started appearing.

When 39 boxes of pizza appeared the commander turned to Adam, “You really are controlling nanites aren’t you?

Adam just nodded then said, “How about we get your people down here and dig in? Also, if you have any ideas on how you’d like to expand the base I’d love to hear them. It would take almost no effort to expand the base and give everyone a little more room.

“We may just take you up on that offer Adam,” the Commander said as he took a pizza box with his name on it. Adam handed Sara her box of pizza and he took his own. Just then other crew members started making their way into the room, looking for a box with their name on it. In addition, Adam provided beer which mysteriously appeared in the airlock. Pretty soon everyone had a beer, and some pizza and was chatting about what was going on back on Earth. Even Elizabeth Day stopped asking questions and just enjoyed the company of men and women that had been far from home for so long.

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