Infinite travels of existence

Chapter 4: A New maybe friend

I stand looking out over the rising moon and sigh in relief loving the peace that my last life did not give in abundance. I look at my back and see my wings still fully spread and smile softly before I think of them disappearing before they transform into motes of lights. I sigh as I feel the weight on my back lessen and I stretch and move my back slightly as I return to this state. I think of the system and try to activate it so that I can see how much my powers have assimilated.

[10% assimilated]

I am shocked by how much assimilation I have gained from just a day of flying around with my wings. 

[Yes, user the reason for this high assimilation is that at the start of assimilation the process is very fast before turning very slow as it gets higher and higher in percentage. Also, a new ability has been gained caused by the increase in assimilation]

I nod slightly at this understanding the premise of the lower the percentage the easier it is for me to gain assimilation. But then I look down at the end of the response. and smile at the response. 

"Wait a new ability, ooohhh what kind?" I ask honestly excited and curious as to what this new ability could be. 

[As you wish user the new gained ability is the ability to hide your dragon characteristics when among normal humans]

I think on this for a moment before I realize this could be quite useful. As it would mean that I would be able to hide all the dragon parts meaning dragon hunters will not even notice me. I sigh at this as I realize this would make travel around the world much easier. I quickly turn a run into the house, stopping to make sure that my shoes are off before heading toward the bathroom where I look at the mirror before asking the system to activate the new ability.

As I look directly at myself in the mirror I watch as my body begins to shift and change altering its form. The horns regress into my head slowly like a sword being sheathed. The scales on the different parts of my body seem to dig into my skin even though I feel no pain. As it finishes, I look on at myself in the mirror all indications of myself being part dragon gone. I smile softly as I look at myself in the mirror and being reminded of how much everything has changed from what my life used to be like. I sigh as I decide to keep this form for a bit and not go back to my dragon one for a little while. I walk out of the bathroom and out to the kitchen to get ready to my dinner. 

As I am collecting the ingredients from the pantry, I begin to hear rain which shocks me slightly as there was only overcast last, I saw. My eyes move to the window on the right of the kitchen and see the sky dark and the rain heavy. I simply shrug and begin to hum to the sound of the rain very happy that my house has an air con that keeps it at the perfect temperature. As I have all the ingredients splayed out on the table and ready to be used I grab my dagger and get ready to start cooking when I stop as I hear a knock at the door. 

My eyes move to the door and the windows on either side only showing the dark rainy weather only illuminated by the lights with my house. I quickly walk to the door my dagger still in hand and ready to deal with any and all threats that might come my way. My hand grasps the door as I slowly open it to see a back haired green-eyed women standing around 6ft. on her back is what looks to be a metal axe. I look at her for a moment as I feel something snap together between us what it is I do not know. She does the same as we stare at each other for a few moments before I hear a new noise. I look to her side to see a metal scaled dragon with green eyes which makes me raise my eyes in shock before looking back at the girl. 

"Umm hi I am heather and this is windshear." She motions toward the dragon, her words are like a lovely musical to my ears as I continue to listen. "Do you mind if we wait inside you home there are no caves on this island and the storm is too heavy for use to set up camp outside." Her words seem genuine as I too did not see any caves when I was flying over the island. I then look at her dragon who sees to be just as drenched and miserable in the rain as her. 

I Nod and fully open the door and motion for them to enter. As they enter they stop just beyond the doorway shocked as they look around this house with technology they have never seen before. I close the door behind them to make sure no rain follows them inside before quickly moving toward them. 

"Wait here for a sec I will go and grab some towels for you to dry yourself off with." My words confuse heather slightly as I move to the bathroom and grab a couple towels and walk back out to see them standing in the same spot still looking around absolutely shocked by what they see. Heather turns to me and sees what I am holding and seems to understand slightly what I was talking about. I hand her a towel which she looks at for a second before using it to dry herself off. I then move to windshear and begin to dry her off using the other towels that I grabbed which windshear seems to very much like. As I finish drying her off, she nuzzles her long neck against me in thanks shocking heather.

"How are you making her be so nice to you, she is never this nice with anyone other than me." Her question sits in the air as she hands me the towels and I motion for her to take her shoes off which she does as I put the towels in the dirty washing basket in the bathroom.

"I guess I am good with dragons." I say as I walk back out after taking a few moments to think about it in the bathroom realizing it is probably because I am now part dragon in a way. I see windshear snuggling into the big cushion on the side of the room as heather tries to stop her to no avail. I simply softly laugh causing heather to look over at me and see me smiling. "Let her sit there I haven't had a use for that thing so she can use it as a bed." My words are soft and caring as I walk up beside heather and squat down and begin petting the dragon as she falls asleep. 

"You hungry?" I ask as I stand and look at her to which she nods making me happy as I walk toward the kitchen with her close behind as I begin to gather additional ingredients as I will now be feeding someone new. "If you have any questions, you are free to ask as I cook." I say as I watch her cautiously lean on bench and watch me before opening her mouth to begin asking her questions.

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