Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 993 - plan to start

The charter woman continued to spit: “I don’t know how many people want to rent but can’t rent it. Based on the fact that you paid the rent easily in the past, I will give you three days, and within three days you must pay me the money. If it’s cleared up, otherwise you’ll move out for me, and I won’t refund your deposit. E Xiao ┇ said `—1”

After finishing speaking, the renter turned around and left the front door, and started knocking on the door of the apartment next to it, Wang Li closed the wooden door, and a cold light appeared in his eyes: “What the **** is going on, this scene doesn’t look like an illusion at all , Is everything about the Redeemer really an illusion?”

After thinking about it, Wang Li sighed: “Forget it, whether it’s true or not, let’s settle the rent first.”

Listening to the loud voice of the renter outside, Wang Li felt irritated. The renter bought the apartments on the first floor of the building. All of them were single-room apartments. They collected tens of thousands of rents every month, so she could be said to be a rich woman. .

Xun washed neatly, put on his coat, Wang Li left the apartment, rode his bicycle, and went to his work.

Wang Li is an ordinary part-time worker, with a low education, but with a high school education. After he came out, he never found a good job. He worked part-time almost every day. Afterwards, he had to laugh in front of the charter wife, and it can be said that he lived a very humble life.

Soon he came to a part-time job, a convenience store, and quickly entered the changing room. After changing his clothes, Wang Li started his day’s work.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed, and Wang Li has completely integrated into his role, or it was originally his role, but every night, Wang Li did not do nothing like in the past, but began to recall the Lord of Redemption. All memory, he always felt that things were not so simple.

“I don’t know if this world is true or not, but here I can’t exert any natural power at all, the environment is similar to the earth, and I don’t work for a day in my current state. I can hardly afford to eat. This kind of life is not what I want. If The memory in my dream is real, so there must be something that can change my current state.”

a month. During this period of time, Wang Li has tasted all kinds of difficulties. I don’t know if he was born unlucky. There will always be various unfortunate things that find him and go out in the rain. Being pushed by someone on the road, falling into a sewage ditch, etc., etc., is also the reason why Wang Li firmly recalls the memory of the Lord of Redemption every night, because he wants to get rid of this world.

Wang Li kept recalling the memories of the Lord of Redemption, because the memories of the Lord of Redemption were too many, too vast, Wang Li did not possess supreme wisdom, he could only recall a little bit, and his brain seemed to cover it. An inexplicable barrier. His thinking ability was restricted to a certain extent, and he was at the level of an ordinary person. He kept looking for things that were beneficial to him, and today he finally figured out how to get rid of his current situation.

“Science, in my memory, I know almost all scientific knowledge. This knowledge is absolutely beyond the current world. What I have to do is to test these scientific knowledge. If they are real and feasible, then I can prove that the Lord of Redemption My memory is definitely not false. And now everything is the catastrophe that I am going through the disaster of fate.”

Thinking of this, Wang Li immediately took out a pen and paper. He wrote a math problem on the white paper, and then began to demonstrate and explain it word by word. In just a few minutes, he had clearly written down the answer to the math question from his memory.

This mathematical problem is a worldwide problem, and no one can solve it even in the earth in the past, and this world also has such a global mathematical problem, but this problem was completely demonstrated within a few minutes by Wang Li Now, just put this thing on the web. He would instantly become a world-class celebrity because it’s something that can be etched in human history, not knowing how to solve a little scientific puzzle.

There is a reason why Wang Li chose this question to analyze. First of all, the scientific system is huge. If you want to conduct experiments, you need huge funds, contacts, and status. Otherwise, it is impossible to prove the countless scientific knowledge in memory. .

And most importantly, this is a world that is almost 99% similar to the earth, but Tang San is not sure whether the basic truth here is the same, and mathematics is almost a universal thing, If the advanced knowledge in mathematics is recognized and demonstrated in this world, then the infinite mathematical knowledge in his memory is enough to raise the mathematical level of this world to an unimaginable level, which means everything in his memory All may be real.

And if this world is really illusory, then after he sees through this world, there will definitely be new changes, and Wang Li can also start his own plan to try to break away from this world and find his true self.

Wang Li had a second-hand mobile phone. He turned on the computer and quickly posted a photo of the argument formula he solved on the Internet, with his own signature on the photo.

Overnight, he had put paper photos on almost every website he could find related to math topics, and he was waiting for the world’s response.

At this time, the Internet has been completely sensational, and the NP complete problem, one of the seven major problems in the history of mathematics, has been solved.

The photos uploaded by Wang Li have been placed in front of almost all mathematicians in the world in a short period of time. They calculated frantically and carefully demonstrated every possibility of this conjecture. Finally, they came to the conclusion that this is a complete There are no flaws in the method of argumentation.

All of a sudden, Wang Li became a celebrity in the mathematics world. Countless people were looking for him and began to search for his existence. All the forums where he posted pictures were crowded, and countless comments kept replying under his posts. and asked for his information.

At this time, Wang Li had already started to write the answers to six other world-class mathematical problems, and then he continued to throw out his answers on the major forums of the Republic, and then Wang Li caused a worldwide sensation.

Countless people exclaimed that a first-level math genius appeared in the world, and this genius was located in the Eastern Republic, but within a few hours, Wang Li’s name had been on the front page of the world’s major websites, and then caused Search by countless people.

At this time, Wang Li was at home and looked at a group of people who appeared in front of him. This was a group of mathematicians who were active in the upper classes of the Republic. Each of them was a professor or an academician of the Academy of Sciences. There were ten old men in total, looking at Wang Li like a monster, while outside was filled with bodyguards, a sturdy one looking around vigilantly.

At this moment, an old man with a white head looked at Wang Li and said, “My name is Sun Zhiquan, I am the president of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of China and a researcher who studies mathematics. I would like to ask you why you put the answers to these seven problems in Do you want to gain fame on the major forums?”

Looking at President Sun Zhiquan, Wang Li made no secret: “You are right, the first purpose of throwing these things is to become famous in the world, and also to make a big name, and the second is to attract attention. , to attract the attention of those with power and means.”

Sun Zhiquan and the others looked at Wang Li suspiciously, not knowing why he said it so calmly, then Sun Zhi said solemnly: “Our Academy of Sciences is very shocked by your success in mathematics, and I hope you will join us. After joining us, Naturally you can get a great reputation, and it’s not a problem to attract people with power and money, but what are you doing it for.”

Wang Li looked at Sun Zhiquan and said lightly, “President Sun is probably seventy years old now.”

Sun Zhiquan didn’t know why Wang Li said that, so he nodded and said, “However, the old man is seventy-two, and he won’t be alive for a few days.”

Wang Li nodded and said: “If you ask me why I did this, I’m not afraid to tell you, my goal is to live forever, and I have countless perfect theories in my head. As long as someone invests, I can study longevity within ten years. The ageless way.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was shocked. They looked at Wang Li in disbelief, including Sun Zhiquan. Thinking that the man in front of him had solved the world’s seven major math problems in a short period of time, he had to believe Wang Li’s words again.

The sentence is immortal, a person who can solve world problems in a short period of time, a mysterious genius, thinking of these mysterious things appearing in a person, Sun Zhiquan has to believe that this person may really master the method of immortality. , and once this information is leaked, the whole society will undergo great changes.

Sun Zhiquan looked at Wang Li and said, “What you said is true, you can really achieve immortality””

Wang Li smiled lightly and said, “I’m all here, you think I’ll take my life as a joke.”

There is also a reason why he throws out this big news. By solving world-class mathematical problems, he feels more and more that what he remembers is real. This world is just an illusory world constructed by some means, so what he has to do It is very simple, that is to break the world, strengthen your heart, you are the Lord of Redemption, not some kind of king power, but a supreme powerhouse who is attacking the disaster of fate.

Wang Li was taken away and left under the protection of soldiers with guns and ammunition, but the news of immortality spread, and the whole world was in an uproar. (To be continued.)

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