Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Eighteen

Greja watched on as Raizen calmly walked out of the store with a lot on her mind. She had of course ‘seen’ the entire interaction he had with the individuals standing outside the shop. From how he calmy responded to their questions while stating he just wanted to enter the shop, to his apparent confusion about the whole thing, to slapping the man down to the ground and walking past the last two and entering the shop.

She found it interesting that not only was he respectful initially, but he was also direct when clearly annoyed too much. She couldn’t help but wonder if that was a trait of Infernals? They were known to be a fiery race of people, no pun intended. And that strength he showed in the slap, He was firmly on the path of cultivation now, reaching the Body Tempering Realm. But he wasn’t a cultivator just a few days ago...just how monstrous is his healing ability to be able to be perfectly fine after breaking through the first time?

To her knowledge he didn’t even have any potions or other resources to help him heal. It was literally just his body and constitution being naturally monstrous. Life was truly unfair. All those years ago it took her two weeks just to be able to walk again. Well, she wasn’t apart of The Clan back then, so she didn’t have any resources at all to help, not even a damn potion but still, he didn’t use any either. Either way, no use in worrying about that for now. Ah those two from before are back.


Raizen found himself back at his house after leaving the shop with numerous thoughts going through his mind.

Hmm so based on what Greja said my healing is a result of my own natural body. So, the Tutorial itself wasn’t responsible for anything I’m experiencing. The lack of hunger, the speed at which I healed, and even the way I felt during the conversation with the two people guarding the shop. It’s all me. Hmm It seems I have a lot of self-searching to do. Anyway, she also mentioned more than a couple times that I need to talk to this Outpost Leader person. It was apparently he who carried me back to the Outpost when I fell unconscious in the forest. So, I guess I really do owe him a visit.

I’ll look to talk to him tomorrow, for now I’ll proceed with the plan of a massacre in the forest. I think this is the best plan of action right now for a couple reasons. First my black flame, I’ve been slowly coming to terms with the fact that for some reason beyond my knowledge that I’m no longer a human, maybe I was never a human to begin with? I’m not sure but the fact remains that right now I’m something known as an Infernal.

And whatever an Infernal is, has to be something relatively important in the grand scheme of things. I haven’t been oblivious to the reaction I got from the metal people, nor the fact an Item randomly showed up in the shop with my name on it, and now the fact that the Leader of the Outpost themselves saved my life. I don’t think that’s normal. I don’t have all the answers, but what I do know is that I still look like a typical human, the only physical difference I have apart from fast healing are my black flames.

I need to be able to use them at will, and so far, the only time they’ve manifested was during battle when my life was on the line. I wonder if it’s a safe assumption to think that action would be repeatable. The only thing I can do is try. Apart from that I need to get used to my current strength when fighting and I think Goblins are the best bet to help me do that, I was already able to easily kill one before cultivation, and I think that should have only gotten much easier. It should be a great opportunity to learn how to control my strength in a real world scenario in somewhat relative safety, I think. Even if I were to kite them or run into another large horde, I believe I should be able to handle it.

And finally, the root of all problems. Money. My goal has gotten a lot easier to reach with it going from 1 Gold Coin to 1 Silver Coin, but it’s still far away.

By this point in time the sun had long since set, and Raizen was once more standing outside the Outpost with his spear, and pouch tied to his waist after being emptied of coins.

He decided to experiment a bit with his body before fully delving into the forest just to get a quick grasp on everything.

Raizen didn’t actually walk too far from the Outpost to begin his light experimentation with his body, so he was still within the sights of Eriog, who was still dutifully standing guard in front of the Outpost.

So, this young man really is an Infernal huh…I guess that would explain why is already up and in full health again considering how I saw him the other night. Jrino flew overhead with a body in his arms that seemed battered, bruised, and broken, yet that same body is now standing before me with not only a full slate of health, but also advanced in his cultivation. Even the large explosion I saw in the distance that night sent a shiver down my spine.

A non-cultivator managed to naturally generate something so strong and profound that a Core Formation cultivator like myself felt a tinge of fear. He is going to dominate this Tutorial and probably his entire planet if he chooses to. Having that type of natural power is not something that the majority can compete with.

And there he goes, running off into the forest to commit another massacre. I think we expected for a few talented individuals and groups to shine in the Tutorial but I’m not sure we expected a damn Infernal to be here, I had never even met one in my life before now. Sigh…I don’t think Jrino will be watching him tonight as there shouldn’t be anything too dangerous for him in there at his current level, but the next stage is close, and it will be interesting to see how he handles that. Not to mention the stages afterwards, they will only get far more dangerous.

There is a reason why a universe tended to experience on average a 50% death rate per planet, there have even been cases were not a single person survived their planets Tutorial.


Ah it’s begun. A part of me feels a little bit sorry for the Goblins.

Although Eriog didn’t think Jrino would be watching, the man in question was once again floating unseen above the Outpost. If a Nascent Realm cultivator didn’t want to be seen, no realm below them could ever hope to do so.

He floated wordlessly, sometimes nodded his head when he saw something good from Raizen’s action, but more often than not he frowned disapprovingly, seemingly not liking something Raizen did.

“It seems we have a lot to correct whenever we get his training going. So many wasted movements. What were they doing on this planet before the Tutorial?”

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