In the apocalypse of natural disasters, she has a universal APP

Chapter 13 The End of the World Syndrome

After thinking about it for a while, she sighed softly and looked at her phone. There was no new news for the time being, and it was time to wash up. She simply let her mind go and took a shower.

Before washing, she pulled down the band-aid on her finger. Seeing that the little eye that had been punctured with a needle to draw blood had long since healed, she took it off and prepared to wash.

The aroma of shampoo and shower gel soothed her nerves. She rinsed her hair and wrapped it, then returned to the air-conditioned room with a towel around her body. The coolness in her pores made her shrink back comfortably. She slowly dressed and wiped her face, feeling her whole body Light and comfortable.

It was still early, so she finished blow-drying her hair and devoted herself to the business of screening houses. In the meantime, she checked her mobile phone and played two games. The time quickly slipped away.

Since she had to get up early, she didn't plan to stay up late anymore. She set the alarm clock for the first time in a long time, climbed into bed comfortably, and looked at the bright red 100-day countdown in the guide in her mind. She originally wanted to wait until midnight to see it reach 99, but As he watched, he felt sleepy and fell asleep.

When Wei Jiao opened her eyes the next day, she felt strangely awake. She lay quietly for a while, then reached for her phone and looked at the time. It was not yet eight o'clock when the alarm clock was set.

She put the phone back, raised her head and lay quietly for a while, then slowly and gently moved a tiny thought in her mind.

Then she saw a countdown reminder of 99 days until the end of the world. The huge red numbers were shining brightly. She took a slow breath and exhaled heavily.

It's true, everything I experienced yesterday is true.

The end of the world is coming, the world is going to collapse, and disaster is coming.

Feeling depressed, she turned over and sat up.

The morning sunlight slid down the curtains and hung quietly at the bottom, revealing a refreshing feeling that was very different from the noon sunlight; the popularity of the community has long been ripe, and I didn't have time to wear earplugs last night, and now they are in my ear canals. Instead of the bloated tampon, there were rustling footsteps, distant and near sounds of wheels, and not too noisy human voices.

Wei Jiao sat blankly until the monotonous vibrating sound of the alarm clock also joined in. She pressed off the alarm clock as if she had just woken up from a dream, jumped out of bed and went to wash up. She felt better than ever.

Yes, everything I experienced yesterday is true. She has a golden finger, can play big tricks, and can fully protect herself in the apocalypse. Today, she will go to see the house with full motivation.

Brush your teeth with warm water, hit your face with cold water, and the foamy water swirls and leaks, taking away all the bad emotions. Wei Jiao packed herself up refreshed, wearing a pair of cool suspenders and shorts. She also remembered to bring a sun hat and an umbrella. After packing her things, she threw them directly into the space, put on her slippers and went out.

In fact, the appointment time was still early. She made the appointment so early because she wanted to have breakfast outside. When she was sitting in the small bun shop, she was still in a daze. It had been a long time since she had breakfast outside like this.

In fact, Wei Jiao didn't miss it at all. She didn't like to go out, but this store had been in her memory for so long that she couldn't help but feel happy when she found out that it was still open.

The last time she came to this bun shop, she was still a little bun. She couldn't eat half the drawer of steamed buns and steamed dumplings. The open white porcelain bowl filled with purple rice porridge was bottomless, so she couldn't eat it. After finishing the drink, the small shop was not bright. The thick yellowed plastic table mat had a slightly greasy feel, and the tabletop with deep wood grain underneath seemed no different from now. What was also no different was that people were eating in a hurry. The smiles on the faces of the office workers leaving, as well as the fat boss and his wife.

The steamed dumplings ordered by Wei Jiao arrived late. She had already eaten half of the steamed dumplings before they were freshly baked from the huge steamer and added to her table while steaming.

Use a flat-bottomed stainless steel spoon with a sharp edge to stir the soft white sugar into the purple rice porridge. The aroma of the grains will explode with the chewy rice grains. Add vinegar and a little chili oil to a small white porcelain plate, then soak a chopstick in shredded pickles and stir. The soft steamed bun skin absorbs a lot of it with just one dip, and the oily steamed dumplings don't look greasy at all. How can it not be considered a particularly hearty breakfast?

After eating and drinking, she got in the car and set off again.

This small bun shop was hidden in a community. She entered through the north door and exited through the south door, taking a shortcut.

The atmosphere in the community is relaxing. There are aunties walking slowly in twos and threes, and there are also young people hurriedly carrying briefcases. The fruit stall on the roadside has been set up. She slowed down the car and passed a speed bump. From the corner of her eye, she saw a man with yellow hair getting a haircut. The door of the store.

Ah... Since it is a natural disaster due to high temperature, why not shave your hair during your free time? This thought passed through Wei Jiao's mind and she drove the car steadily out of the south gate of the community.

There is a wide road outside the south gate. She turned the road with ease, and drove through the bustling vegetable market while getting caught in the traffic. The old people who got up early walked slowly with their backs bent, and their gray hair shone silvery in the morning light. silky light.

Gradually driving into an unfamiliar road, Wei Jiao followed the navigation and drove slowly, arriving at her destination smoothly. Before the time came, she leaned back in her chair and looked through the car window at all kinds of people passing by on the roadside.

It's strange. Wei Jiao is still very sure that she still doesn't like humans very much, but since she learned the news of the doomsday yesterday, she seems to have been washed away by water today. Looking at all ordinary people and ordinary things, she feels particularly novel.

Suddenly, a woman running in the morning ran past the car. She wore a hat with a headband and a close-fitting sportswear. She folded her arms firmly and swung her ponytail behind her head left and right, causing Wei Jiao's eyes to wander. So far away.

Real life seems to have never seemed so real for a moment.

She sent a message to the landlord and after receiving the reply, she got out of the car and walked slowly to the entrance of the community with such a strange feeling of neither getting up nor getting down, neither happy nor sad.

She was already dissatisfied before she even stood at the door. There was a driveway in the middle of the community gate, with small doors on both sides for people to pass through. However, there were no security measures at all. The small iron gate for people to pass through was blocked with a brick by someone. Even if there is a crack, the barrier to stop the traffic is only a thin one.

There was someone in the security booth, but he didn't seem to pay much attention to the comings and goings of people. He was holding his head up and seemed to be awake.

...It looks like a very unreliable community, Wei Jiao thought, and frowned with regret. She still had no experience, so she should have looked at the actual scene on the map in advance.

If she wants to rent a house that she can stay in safely in the apocalypse, the defense of the community is very important. This community can be considered to be located in a busy city, the surrounding area is relatively prosperous, and the door is so weak, no matter who is going to come in, no matter who comes.

Tsk, this won't work, Wei Jiao made a decisive cross in her mind, picked up her phone, and looked at the message interface with her landlord with some hesitation.

Although it has been definitely ruled out, but... she has already arrived at the door, and she has even sent a message to others. By now, everyone on the other side should be on their way to pick her up. It is really not good to leave directly...

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