In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[38] The Birthday Girl (1)

Chapter 38: The Birthday Girl (1)

“You are really interesting,” Robin said. “I thought you were special, having defeated a Warlord at the age of 16, but this revelation is mind-blowing.”

“Stop saying that, it’s the 4th time you said it in the last five minutes.” Hashirama reached out a hand that she accepted, and he pulled her up from the stairs that led down to the tomb. “Step back, I’ll close the gate.”

Robin stepped to the side and Hashirama moved to close the lid-like gate. With a thud, the gate fell on the spot. As it was made of wood, with a layer of ground on the top, it easily faded into the ground, as if it was never there, to begin with.

“When are you going to Wano?” asked Robin when he finished, walking closer to him to face him. “The message said to hurry.”

“It did, but nothing too bad should happen before the year 1524.” Meaning two years from now. “There are other prophecies similar to this, and I assume they were all made by the same guy. Anyway, I am not saying I will laze around for two years, but there is no need to panic just yet.”

“How do you know that there are other prophecies?"

"Last time I checked a property doesn't ask questions. Shut up."

"....So are you going to fulfill that message's request?” with her arms crossed, head tilted, Robin asked as her eyes kept staring at him with curiosity. “Fascinating…”

“I mean the message said ‘planet’ not just ‘civilization’. So assuming it means the planet will be destroyed, like an explosion or something, I wouldn’t survive myself. I don’t want to die, and neither do I want death to claim anyone I am close to. So yep, I am going to fulfill the request.” Hashirama explained with a worried frown and then muttered something that Robin couldn’t hear. “But to think Gear 5 cannot defeat that ‘Hand’ person…”

That, too. Who was that? Hand That Brings Ruin – was that Imu? For now, it was safe to assume that’s the case since Hashirama recalled how Imu once marked an ‘X’ on a map and the island under that mark got erased right then and there. Maybe that’s their power, that is initiated by their hand, and therefore that nickname?

“Huh? Did you say something?”

“I said your curious gaze and soft smile are turning me on, you better stop,” Hashirama said as she immediately blinked and took a step back. “Anyhow, about what I was saying, don’t worry about Wano yet. We have a mission at hand, and we better complete it first. Mikita is in danger, and we should be leaving right about now.”

“Oh,” Robin blinked and suddenly recalled why she was in Alabasta, to begin with. A frightened expression took over her face. “Oh my god, that’s right-! When will we leave?”

“I am sending a clone with you,” Hashirama said as he tapped the ground with his feet and a wooden copy of himself rose from his shadow, quickly taking his colors too by the time it was above ground. “You’re not going to Nanohana, we won’t leave from there since Jaya is opposite that direction. So we will go to the other end of the country, to a stranded seashore. The clone will make a wooden ship for us to use.”

“…A clone? You’re not coming?” Robin looked confused.

“I will,” Hashirama sighed and pointed at the royal palace in the distance. “But I have a potentially angry princess’ birthday to attend. Today’s the 31st, her birthday is on the 2nd of February. I can only leave after that.”

“But wouldn’t we be late then?”

“Yes, but the time limit is four days. My ship will be faster than any other since I will be using my powers to make it move, so we will be able to reach Jaya in time.” Hashirama explained and Robin looked troubled. “…Listen, Mikita will not die, Bellamy should be really careful about this; he will not take a chance that’d make you not come. We will reach there before the time limit ends, trust me.”

Hashirama had to attend this birthday no matter what; there were very important reasons behind that.

“It’s fine.” Robin sighed. “I understand I suddenly came and asked for your help without considering your personal life, I am just glad you decided to help. I will be leaving then.”

Hashirama nodded, and then he whistled after taking a deep breath. Like the swift nature of wind, a single huge duck ran from the horizon and stopped right in front of Hashirama.

“Karoo,” Hashirama leaned down a little to the 4”11 duck’s eye level.

Karoo was Vivi's pet, a part of the Super Spot-billed Duck race. Karoo was the leader of the Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops of Alabasta, the fastest transportation system in Alabasta.

“Karrrooo!” the duck quaked with its left wing forming a salute. As Vivi’s pet, this thing was naturally very familiar with Hashirama, enough to respond to his whistle.

“You are going to take this miss here, and my clone, to the left sea shore of Alubarna,” Hashirama ordered, patting the creature on its back and watching it frown. “I know it’s Vivi’s birthday, but don’t worry you’ll be able to meet her. Just take them there and watch over them, alright? I am trusting you with them.”

“Can’t we just use one of those centipedes of yours?” asked Robin as she looked at the duck with suspicion.

“Hey, don’t look down on Karoo. This girl can outrun a bullet, I kid you not. Besides there is a more important reason why I am sending her, you’ll know when I see you next time.”

Robin just blinked, opening her mouth to say something before closing it.

With that, Hashirama nudged his chin at the clone. The clone then picked Robin up in his arms and, all to her surprise, jumped on top of Karoo. Karoo hesitated for a moment and looked at the distance in the royal castle, before she shook her head and ran off.

 “Whew,” Hashirama flicked his forehead and grumbled. “Fuck this shit.”

*  *  *

Not even a minute after Robin left, when Hashirama was on his way back home, Vivi came running to find him.

“There you are…! I knew I would find you here.” Vivi halted her running in front of him, skidding against the ground and leaving a mark behind. She peaked to his side. “Where is Robin?”

“Why are you looking for her?”

“I just remembered I forgot to invite her to my birthday earlier,” Vivi said. “So I came here to invite her now.”

“Well, too late.” Hashirama pointed at the gate. “She just left, too far to call back by now.”

“Aww,” Vivi sighed deeply. “Can’t you call her back?”

“She has important stuff to do,” Hashirama shook his head. “Anyhow, should you really be running about in the public now? Your coming-of-age is coming, you’ll be an adult in two days, you should stay away from the public’s eyes and prepare yourself for the event.”

Vivi pouted her lips. “You are not ‘public’ though, you know? I am glad you didn’t leave with Robin; I could tell something like that might happen, so I warned you earlier. Thank you.”

Hashirama’s eyes flickered from one side to another, very fast, and then he yanked Vivi by her waist. Her chest hit his and something pushed against her crotch.

“A-” Vivi’s face flushed in an instant, her eyes blurring. “W-what are you doing?!”

“Feeling you up?” Hashirama asked in a tone of obviousness while his hand lowered to cup her butt.

“T-that’s-! I didn’t mean it literally! W-why are you suddenly-”

“Tch,” Hashirama cut her off with a click of his tongue and released her. “No fun. Go back, I have some thinking to do.”

Hashirama walked away, Vivi still red in her spot, as her blush turned into anger at being discarded just like that.


*  *  *

It has been two years and six months since Hashirama defeated the Warlord and claimed the title of Hero Knight. It brought him unimaginable fame and authority within the country, and even outside it—as he was talked about in the newspaper.

Maybe it was an old habit resurfacing, now that his sister wasn’t around, or maybe it was the fact that he wasn’t in his greatest mood—or maybe both? Whatever the case, he loosened his muscles after that, accepting the approaches of noble women and such. Though he did get himself back in control after the first six months or so.

That was the loose side of his life the past few years, while the other side was hard-boiled training. He trained himself and trained the soldiers of Alabasta. Naturally, not everyone respected him at first with the title of Hero Knight, it was a rather odd jab at the other knights, to call a teen by that title. So there were rebels and whatnot, however, that didn’t last much longer when he began training them.

Chances of pirate attacks were high, so more soldiers were drafted in, and now the country had enough capital to house all these upper-class salary men, spread across all the cities and ports. So the country was safeguarded against pirates, with the soldiers rarely failing—but when that happened, there was Hashirama to take care of the threat.

Alabasta was flourishing with natural resources, with the forests deeper and more lively than ever—with a majority of the country now covered in trees instead of sand. Natural resources, crops, all kinds of veggies—now the country had enough not only for the people living there but enough to supply it outwards.

Alabasta was now one of the powerhouse kingdoms in this world, and though there was no official ranking for countries, anyone would accept that Alabasta was on the top tier.

The country didn’t have to depend entirely on Hashirama, either, the people could maintain the crops and plants easily, and they could cultivate their own lands. Hashirama was now a legendary figure in the country, who didn’t have to work and just enjoyed his life in luxury.

‘And all that would be coming to an end today.’ Hashirama recalled what he had said to himself that day when he was announced a hero. ‘These same people are going to start cursing me tomorrow morning.’

It was February 2nd; the sun was setting in the west, as a suited-up Hashirama Senju walked to attend the birthday ceremony of Princess Vivi.




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