In Marvel with the ultimate Santa System [MCU x SantaClause1,2,&3]

Chapter 15: It's The Holiday Season

Lakeside, Illinois December 22nd 1991

The time has come, with Christmas just a few days away all that is left is contacting Bernard to come pick me up.

Now the question is, should I bring Charlie along?

The tension between me, Laura, and Neal still exists and I have no doubt that if I took Charlie with me they would call the police. 

Sure they didn't take any legal action against me, like what happened in the film, but taking Charlie without informing them where is definitely a red flag. 

So... what if I take them with me to the north pole? That should be doable as long as I tell Bernard to bring the sleigh and it would avoid the whole fugitive issue. Alright this sounds like a plan, now all I need to do is make a call.

Lakeside, Illinois December 24th 1991

"Bernard thank you for agreeing with my request."

"It is no problem Santa. Its a weird situation since your the first human Santa in a long time, but I understand that family matters and if Charlie already knows then it only makes sense that his parents would to."

"Agreed, but I have a question where is the sleigh?"

"Back in the north pole getting prepare for your flight tonight."

"Ok... then how did you get here?"

[ Warning! Item acquired. -Magical Sliver Bell- when rung a steam locomotive, known as the Polar Express, will appear. Use as transportation to carry a large group of people to any location you have visited before special note: only people who believe in Santa can hear the bell ring]

This is amazing. I remember watching this movie as a young boy with my family. One of my dreams was to ride the Polar Express. Now having the chance to ride this famous train with my son is incredible. 

 "Ok so transportation is covered, but what if Laura and Neal don't agree to come along?"

"Then we many need to just take them with us. Fortunately I called in a favor from Sandman"

Bernard then removed a jar from his coat and carefully handed it to me.

[ Warning! Item acquired. -Sleepy time sand- Produce by the mythical being the Sandman. When the sand makes contact with skin, it causes the subject to fall into a deep sleep.] 

"Ok hopefully the Express is all we need to convince them if not I can already imagine what to do with this sand. Tell the Sandman thank you for me."

"Don't worry you'll get the chance when you attend your first mythical being meeting"

Interesting... Ok everything has been planed for and set. Time to go see Charlie.

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