IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 24

I wheezed as I took a hit from a bat, "I know who you are!" The man said, I wasn't able to properly talk to him seeing that he apparently charged at me the moment that he saw me walk by, I was caught by surprise, and of course, that led to an event where I was mercilessly battered by the guy known as DareDevil. I shot a glare his way, the two gigantic eyes on the suit enlarging as I did, I didn't want to fight him but it seemed I was left with no choice, so, pulling back my arm, I shot a punch.

And missed.

DareDevil simply dodged it with ease, and I realized that my punch really wasnt that fast whenever I held back, and if I did hit him with everything, he would probably also dodge given that my strongest punch would leave me open for counter attacks, leaving me in a daze and all that sweet stuff. So, basically, I did not know how to fight someone who had such good reflexes that even though he is blind, he can easily dodge, and that was a problem. But take this, that was just one of my current many dilemmas, because as we speak, the girl who caused Implant to be inactive is going here as I speak, and how do I know that? Well,

"I am holding him off, go faster!" Were the words of my attacker as I fought him, well, I guess it is more of like a one sided beat down with me attempting to punch him and him just dodging everything I threw but-

"Ah fuck this, why am I still inside my head when I am clearly gonna get beaten down in a few more minutes?"

- I didn't really care, so, what does it mean when the guy is talking to someone in the middle of a fight? it means that he is calling reinforcements, and the only reinforcement that I knew from this fellow right here is that girl, it really isn't that hard to connect the dots. So, with no choice but to actually take things seriously, I threw another punch,

And DareDevil easily dodged it, but I already intercepted that so I then released another Jab straight to the center of his chest this time, I knew this wouldn't really give him a lot of options when it comes to dodging, because I would it no matter what, and true to my words, my hit connected.
I grinned, then I tried to punch him again, my blow earlier had already left the man in a daze so it was quite easy to land another punch.

Air left the vigilante's mouth and with a gasp he tried to flail his arms, no doubt trying to grab something to put him back to stability. But I simply took that as an opportunity and released another blow straight to his chin, my right hook connected and I felt his bones colliding with my fist, giving him no time to recover, I once again threw a punch his way, this time targeting his face, I gave it my all in an attempt to knock him out before his friend arrives,

my hit connected,

and for a moment, when he fell, I thought that I had rendered him unconscious, and it was completely to my surprise when I realized that the guy tried to stand up, I saw blood drip down his nose from the visible part of his mask, and it was then that I realized that Implant was starting to drool, "Calm down! Jesus! We already have enough on our plate! Don't add killing a vigilante into it!" I yelled out, and DareDevil looked at me as if I was some sort of lunatic, and then his face had struck a sudden sense of realization, "There is another one of you out there isn't it?" He said, his voice scared, "A father and son duo, one eats and the other is... this." He added, well, I guess he wasn't wrong but we aren't really father and son, more of like partners, and so correcting him I said-

"Wrong, but yeah, there are two of us," I said, "Implant, show him." My frame grew 1x bigger when I said that, turning me into a hulking monster that towered over DareDevil, "Hello." The symbiote said, his voice shaking with excitement, but contrary to the monster's tone, DareDevil was shaking, "What the hell? How is that even possible?" He muttered, his voice fearful, "So you're just a crazy piece of shit? That's what?" He asked, his voice seemingly that of understanding, and Implant laughed, "I know what you are thinking, boy. But no... there is actually two of us, I am not another persona," The monster said, he then went back inside Jack's body, one that went back to being a rather lean young man, Jack then spoke- "What he said is true, we are technically separate people," The teen wanted to talk, and if DareDevil was willing to do so as well, then things should be able to progress well, especially with that girl.
And thankfully, the vigilante seems to be interested in negotiations as well, "Fine, let's say that you are not insane, why would you let that monster eat criminals?" Were his words as he stood up, Jack knew that the vigilante is the one who wins if he kept up with this but the teen didn't care, let him wait for recovery and reinforcement, "Because he needs to eat, it isn't an evil thing, more of a physical need, like an animal that hunts." When he said that, the vigilante looked down, contemplating things,

"Right," He finally stated, "But that doesn't explain why he would let some girl beat up her abuser." He added, "He clearly has sadistic tendencies." He finished,

Jack argued back - "Well, yeah, but that really doesn't apply to the fact that HE needs to eat though."

The vigilante stood silent. for a moment, and that was when his back up has arrived, "Alright I am here!"

Peter Parker. Implant thought, it seems that the two heroes have met. And even made contact. Interesting. Jack couldn't help but agree.
"And what brings you here. Spiderman?" he spoke with glee, a two on two didn't sound so bad, Implant can easily beat these two should the need arise, New York's new hero spoke-

"NO, the question is, what brings YOU here?" His voice was resolute and Jack could feel his gaze piercing him, the guy was definitely pissed at him, or perhaps he was just being overtly cautious?
"You kill people without thought," He added, "You are a real threat that must be dealt with, and if it takes the tow of us to do so, then I will-"

"Wait," Another voice chimed out, DareDevil. "He can still talk to people, I think it's best if we hear his story first."

Silence followed and Jack eventually told the two what was up, about how there are two of them and how the other one is an alien that needs to eat, of course, as expected, the two of them didn't exactly like what he said, but they were willing to listen regardless. "So, with that being said, how about we all make a truce, you let me eat people every three days, and I leave you both alone?" He asked, but before Jack could look around a web had already shot itself from Peter, and it was slowly making it's way to his face, from the corner of his eye Jack saw a civilian-run away from the scene, but not before that person took pictures.

Great, now he gets painted as a bad guy.


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