chapter 9: Shower thoughts (18+)


First 18 plus chapter. The steamy stuff happens towards the end. Enjoy.

I dragged her into the room full of metal cages and threw her into one. She was too distraught to even react to what I did. I summoned one of my children to keep an eye on her for the night. I would deal with her now, but it's been a really long day. I left the room and walked towards the sleeping area. I had to make sure everyone was dead, and Just like the camp outside, the bloated pink bodies of the bandits were strewn all over the place.

I did a quick head count and discovered I had 30 bodies in total, it's not a lot, but it will be enough to sustain the hive for a few days. But only for a few days, I will have to find a solution to my food problem. The thought of food caused my stomach to rumble; I looked down towards the bodies, and my stomach roared again. I sighed. Let's focus on feeding myself first.  

20 minutes later…….


+ 8000 resources


I wiped bits of pink flesh off my cheeks.

<*Burp* hic… that was very filling.>

In total, I ate 9 bodies and only got 8 thousand resources for it. With that sort of return, I'm really going to need to get on top of the food situation. I walked out of the sleeping area and towards the boss's room. Thankfully, he left the door open for me. I peered into The room, and my jaw nearly hit the floor. This room was fit for a king! There was a large 4-poster bed occupying the centre of the room. The bed was draped with several expensive white-looking sheets. I walked further into the room, and to the right of me, I saw weapons hanging from the wall. The weapons consisted of different types of swords and War axes. On the left of me, there was a large chest of drawers with a glass display box with a mask inside it. I approached the box to get a better look at the mask. The mask was white and looked to be made of some of ceramic. The mask didn’t have any designs and was, in fact, quite plain, like it was meant to be painted. I reached out towards the mask, but then pulled it away. No, something was odd about this mask. You don’t keep a mask this boring on display for no reason.

I walked away from the mask and decided to explore the room some more. At the rear of the room, I noticed a small door. I walked over and opened the door, and inside there was a small stone bathtub in the centre of the room.  Behind it, there were several wooded barrels. The room was illuminated with white glowing rocks embedded in the ceiling. I walked further into the room and saw a mirror mounted on the wall showing my reflection.

<Jeez, I looked like something that crawled out of hell>

My armour was stained scarlet with blood. I turned around and saw that my robe was littered with dirt, blood and bits of pink flesh and white bone. My dark green lips were now bright red with blood.

<I really am a messy eater. > I said whilst chuckling to myself

Right, change of plan. I’m taking a bath. I inspected the large brown barrels and saw they were filled with water. I quickly put 2 and 2 together and started dumping the water barrels into the tub.

<Great, I now have water, but I really don’t want to be taking a cold bath again.>

 I looked all around the room, looking for some way to heat this water.  On the far side of the bathroom, I saw there were 2 red and blue buttons. Eureka! That’s probably it! I walked over and pushed the red button. Suddenly the bottom of the bath started to glow red, causing the water to start bubbling and boiling. Soon the bathroom began to fill with steam, and the room temperature increased rapidly.

I took off my bloodied robe and started to inspect my body. And do you know what, I'm not half bad. If you look past the blood and guts, I'm pretty desirable. I had a well-rounded ass that had a little bit of jiggle and a pretty, albeit angular-looking face. The only place I was lacking was in the breast department, as in I don’t have anything there; It's just flat angular armour. I sighed, It's better this way; large breasts would just get in the way. By the time I had finished admiring myself, the water had stopped bubbling, and the bath had stopped glowing. I tentatively put one leg into the bath.


I let a bunch of happy screaks as the heat moved up my body.

<Perfect temperature>

I slowly brought the rest of myself into the bath and sunk deep into the water. The water started to turn red as the blood started to dilute into the water. This was bliss. I slowly started scrubbing myself and thinking back to the day I had. And boy, was it a day. waking up in an egg, the letter from Cindi, meeting my children for the first time all incredible moments and then…… Let's not think about THAT part. I kept washing my body, removing bits of blood from the crevices in my armour. Whilst doing so, I kept thinking of what Cindi had asked me to do. If I want to complete her mission, I  have to accept that my children will die. Sadly, My enemies won't just lie down and let me kill them all, Which is unfortunate. I stopped scrubbing and gazed at the ceiling for a while.

<I guess I'm just going to have to kill them all, and for every one of my children I lose, I will slaughter a thousand.> I felt a sadistic smile creep onto my face.

I kept scrubbing my body and thinking about myself, specifically my body. A part of me feels like I should be more…… concerned?...... Surprised?  I don’t know how to describe the feeling, but I  know I should be feeling something about this change, About not being human anymore, and yet I don’t. I don’t feel anything at all; in fact, I feel happier like this than I ever did in my old life as a human.

<human.> I mumbled the word to myself. Just thinking about humans fills me with an awful feeling. Just thinking about the way they talk, look and smell. I just… I felt rage start to boil inside me again.  I need to relax. I need to stay calm. This is my relaxing time.

I kept scrubbing and thinking about my day and how easily I killed all those people. It came easy, almost naturally to me, which is weird because I was never the murderous type in my old life. Don’t get me wrong, I am very familiar with death, I was a detective. After all, investigating homicides was what I did, so seeing dead bodies was a normal weekday for me. Anyway, It's not like it matters anyway there, human. The only good uses for them are food or to help expand my hive.

Speaking of hive. Let's specialise some eggs.

I pulled up the hive management screen, making sure to ignore all the notifications. It's probably important, but I can’t be bothered dealing with that now.


  • Population of hive: 80
  • Resources: 8300
  • Total amount of Eggs: 15

Unspecified Eggs: 15

Specified Eggs: 0

  • Unit types.





8300 resources and 15 eggs to play with; let's see what I can get.  I opened the unit types menu and was met with the same 4 starting units I had.


  • Royal Fly

Whilst almost identical in appearance to a regular housefly. Internally they are completely different. Royal Flies possess both impressive speed and agility compared to regular flies. Additionally, Royal flies also boast a large amount of intelligence. Royal flies work as an extension of their queen and, as such, will be able to share certain abilities that she has. Royal flies can only exist inside the Queen's living hive and will reproduce automatically.

Gestation: 10 per 1/hr 

Resources: 100

  • Worker unit.

The backbone of any functioning hive. The role of the worker is to build, repair and maintain the hive. They can also fulfil simple logistical roles for the hive as well. Workers have the ability to create a form of wax that they can shape and mould into whatever the queen or hive desires.

Gestation: 3 days

Resources: 500

  • Basic combat unit.

These are the basic combat drone. They exist as the sword and shield of the hive and will make up the vast majority of a hive's combat forces. The basic combat unit may be the weakest combat unit that the hive can have, But what they lack in offensive power, they make up with quantity due to their incredibly short gestation period.

Gestation: 1 day.

Resources: 250

  • Nursing Unit.

Nurses are responsible for raising future generations of the hive by looking after and raising the larvae after it hatches. Nurses have specialised organs that allow them to do so.

Gestation:  5 days

Resources: 750


Decisions, decisions.  What I need to focus on the most right now is expansion, and for that, I will need workers and nurses. But then again, food will become an issue soon and having some basic combat drones to help me hunt will be useful. I could just get them all, but it would put a lot of strain on the food supply and 15 larvae. That’s a lot of kids to look after. I thought about it for a few minutes and decided to get all of them. It will be hard, but  I think it will be worth it. I selected 5 of each unit.


Are you sure you want to specialise these eggs?

[YES] [NO]



I quickly pressed yes, and the menu faded out of existence.



-7500 resources


 Suddenly an unbearable warmth started coming from my stomach and started spreading down to my crotch.


I started letting out moans as the heat started building and concentrating in one place.


My hands started slowly moving down my body. Every time I touched my body, it sent electric shocks through my body. I went further down until I reached the source of the unbearable heat. It was coming from my pussy. I started breathing heavily, as a sudden urge to explore my body came to me. I slowly moved my fingers around the edges of my folds. Each gentle touch sent electric shocks down my back.

<this…………is…..intense HNGhaaaaaa~~~~~!!♡♡♡> I kicked my legs out of the bath, sending a torrent of water onto the floor.

My moans got louder and louder. Thank god it’s just me here. I continued to get more daring with my touches. I started rubbing and circling my folds. Each touch sends more and more pleasurable waves through my body.

 <I…. need…. more.>

I started circling my pussy until I finally bumped into. IT . the strongest I had experienced yet sent my legs flying into the sky,  sending another wave of bath water. I nearly climaxed right there and then.

<Guess…,i.....finally…. found…the clit” I said between deep breaths.

The heat in my cunt kept building. I went back to touching the sides of my folds, but this was not enough. I steeled myself, put two of my fingers together, and shoved them straight into my pussy.


<AIIIIIIIIIIII♡♡♡♡♡> I let out an ear-piercing squeal. My insides were incredibly sensitive and wet. I tried to pull my fingers out, but my inside gripped them tightly, not wanting to let them go. I eventually managed to get them out, which sent more waves through me.


I started furiously fingering myself, causing water to splash out of the bathtub. Using my thumb, I started massaging my clit, which sent explosions of pleasure through my body. Suddenly, pressure started building at the core of my pussy, causing me to start fingering more violently. I continued more and more. I got my other hand and started twisting my clit, making the pressure increase until finally. Like an explosion, I had my first earth-shattering orgasm.

I lay in the bath and breathed heavy steamy breaths as the heat from my pussy began to fade. I slowly pulled my fingers away from my reluctant pussy.

<If…that’…making the eggs…. What’ gonna be …when…I impregnate…them> my head was too filled with pleasure to think. The one thing I knew was that I can't wait for tomorrow ♡.

also, would you guys be interested in me making a glossary for all the skills?


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