Chapter 30: Damn It, Diva!

Gahhhhhhhhhhhh! How could I have been stupid! So Weak! So ARGH! It's so infuriating!


How could I let them treat me like that! We are not even in the city, for fucks sake; she has no fucking right! I swear if I see her again, ill wring that stupid neck of hers.


I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I HATE THEM. They can all burn in hell for all I-


I snapped my head towards Diva and was met with her blank uncaring mask.

“I get you are angry, but you need to be calm. Trust me; you will get your payback. Trust me on that.”

My body was shaking with rage.“It's just..... It's just not fa-.” Suddenly, Diva’s hands wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug. Pushing me against her cold hard armour, It's funny. In a few days, the thought of being pressed against her would have scared me like you wouldn’t believe. Now though…..

Her hand stroked against my head, and soon the anger I had started to melt and disappear. Her hand went down my back and pulled me in tighter. Sending electric shocks all down my body.“Sometimes I forget.” She said with her voice coated in longing

“Forget what?”

“That you are still very young.”

“Young? Arent I older than you.”

She chuckled. “I guess you are, Apollinaris. I guess you are.” She said, rubbing her hand on my head. I could feel my heart racing. A weird warmth built in my body. How is she able to make me feel like this? We should go. We’re drawing a lot of eyes.” I looked around. Loads of people were staring at us.

“What's going on? Is she okay?”

“ooooh, a nature spirit. They are rare.”

“Are they a couple?”

“Who is that masked lady? Is she a noble of some kind?”

My cheeks suddenly started boiling. Oh no, not again. Dont look at me like that! Like a flash, I pulled away from Diva.

“feeling better?”. A familiar warmth spread through my cheeks. AHHHH. Not again” My feet twisted, and I started walking before she could say anything again. As I started walking, my mind returned to that time in the cave where she pushed me up against the wall and- I violently shook my head.

“Damn It, diva…..”

 Why does she make me feel like this? I walked even faster. The sooner we can go to the hotel, the better. I picked up the pace even more, to get to the adventures guild faster. Thankfully that tailor was nice enough to give directions just before we left. I took a right and shot down the road. I wasn't worried about Diva. She could easily keep up with this pace without even noticing. I turned my head around, and there she was behind me. All tall, dark and mysterious. Did he always look that cute? I shook my head and tried to ignore the tightness in my chest. Damn it, Diva. I blame you for this.

In no time, we made it to the adventure guild. The building looked similar to the library, but the doors were black Iron instead of oak. We walked towards the iron door. I placed my hands and pushed. Nothing. I pushed again.

“what the hell! These things weigh more than the moon! How the hell is someone supposed to open these?”

 I pushed even harder, but the door didn't budge a centimetre, let alone an inch, Is the building locked? At this hour? Diva walked up next to me and looked over the door. She then wrapped her hand around the handle and pulled the door….. It easily swung open.”

“I wouldn’t say it weighs as much as the moon but around the same as a normal door.” She said Smugly.

“Shut up, diva,” I said as I walked into the guild. It was filled to the brim with people. The sounds of hundreds of people talking and moving around filled the air. We walked past several different adventures. Some were Tall, burly giants. Whilst others were short and scrawny. Some wore heavy plate armour and had swords and axes as big as Apollinaris. Whilst others wore light or no armour at all and had bows instead of swords.

“Wooooow, this is amazing,” I yelled.

“Yeah. It is. It's just like a fantasy movie in here.”

Movie? I guess that’s something from Diva's old world. Whatever they are, they must be pretty cool if it managed to remake all this.

“Hey, look over there.”

She pointed towards the reception desk. Right, we have stuff to do here. We walked towards the reception desk. Thankfully, they weren't busy despite the large number of people in here.

“Hello! How can I help.” The receptionist said with the fakest smile possible. I took a step forward.

“Hi, we are looking for a blacksmith. A tailor recommended asking the guild for a recommendation.”

“Well, you have come to the right place. We are currently partnered with  Black Works Metallurgy. They are well reputable blacksmiths in this town, and if you are registered with us, you get a 10% discount on your first purchase. Would you like to register today? It will only take a few moments of your time.”

“No, it's fine. Can you-“

Diva placed her hand on my shoulder again.

“Do you want us to register?”

She gave a small nod. I sighed internally. She must have her reasons. I turned back to the lady.

“On second thought, we would both like to register.”

“Fantastic. Can I have your first and last names”

“of course, I'm Apolinairs Laskaris, and my mistress is Diva Just Diva.”

“Great. And can you tell me your classes?”


“Yes, are you a mage, warrior, healer so on and so on.”

“Oh, ehhhhh. I guess I would say I’m a mage, and my mistress is a” I gave Diva a brief look over. What would she be? I mean, she does fight with her hands a lot soooo

“My mistress is a warrior” I looked over to Diva. Who stood completely emotionless. I guess she doesn’t disagree.

“Perfect.” She placed two shiny copper cards on the desk with our names on it.

“As new adventures, you start at copper rank. The more jobs you take and the more experience you gain will allow us, the guild, to upgrade your rank. Your rank does not affect what jobs you can take but does show how experienced you are. And some jobs may ask for people of a certain rank only. ”

“That makes sense. Where can we pick up jobs?”

The lady lifted her hand and pointed to a wall. The wall was covered in sheets of paper and was surrounded by loads of adventures.

“Just pick up a job from the wall. Bring it to us. We will approve it, and you can go on your way. By the way. The guild and its associates are not responsible for any loss of property, limbs, life and loved ones and anything you cherish on your adventures. So please choose your adventures wisely.”

So basically, we are on our own, then? I sighed and picked up the cards. I gave Diva hers, and we walked to the job board. The board was filled with loads of sheets of paper. Things ranging from collecting herbs in the forest to monster extermination.

“Anything that interests you, mistress.”  Diva scanned the board for a few seconds before walking over and tearing a piece of paper off the board. She quickly read it before passing it off to me.

“Lost and found. A diary belonging to someone has been lost in a cave in the forest. Low risk, reward 350 silver pieces. It Also Says we have to return the diary to his house for us to complete it.” I looked over to Diva, confused. Why would she pick this job? This is too charitable for someone like her.

We walked back to the receptionist, who quickly looked at our piece of paper before stamping it and giving it back.

“The time to complete the job is one month. You may be fined if you do not complete the mission in that time.”

“Thank you,” I said before we both turned tail and started walking out of the adventure guild.

“So…. I'm a warrior now?” Diva chimed.

“Why? Is that a problem?”

“no, none at all. I'm surprised that’s how you see me. I always thought I would have been a rogue.”

I looked her up and down. No way she would be a rogue. She is about as subtle as a basilisk in a china shop.

“Hmmm, I don’t see it. Either way, it's not important. Why did you choose this job? I know you're not doing it out of the goodness of your heart.”

Diva gasped. “Apollinaris”, She feigning shock. “ I am appaled you would think I would only help someone if it benefitted me.”

I gave her a deadpan stare. “ Right. You’re a good Samaritan. How could I forget? Let's just ignore the stuff you did to you know who in the cave. But jokes aside. Why did you choose this one.”

“Do I need a reason?”


“Well, I chose it because it looked interesting, is all.”



“Really? That’s why you're doing it? No ulterior motives at all.”

Diva raised her hand and crossed her chest.

“Scouts honour. That’s why I'm doing it. And to level up, but that’s a given.”

Hmmm, I still don’t believe her, but it doesn’t matter. As long as it helps me burn that city to the ground. I could feel my anger start to boil. Meeting that bitch in the store has reminded me of why I'm here and what I should do.

“Your making such an ugly face. Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?”

I nodded towards her.

“Good. Focus on that. The time will come. As for now, let's head back to the hotel and rest. We’ve had a busy morning. Let's take the rest of today to relax and enjoy ourselves.

And without a further word, we made our way back to the hotel.


Sometimes later…..

I opened the door and tossed the books onto the floor. I stretched my back, and several loud cracks sounded throughout the room. Dammit, Diva, making me carry all the crap; ill have to get her back for this someday, but before that. I raised my hand and sniffed my armpit. Causing me to gag. I smelt like crap.

“If it isn't a problem with you im going to take a bath.”

Diva was busy looking through the books once more. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the bathroom. The bathroom was massive, as Diva said, and the bathtub was the biggest I've ever seen. You could fit 5 people in here. I walked over to the tap and pressed the red rune. Suddenly the tap started gushing out water. I walked over toward one of the mirrors and started taking off my clothes. Once I was done, I grabbed some of the shampoo and soap the inn was nice enough to give us.

I walked over to the tub and sat on the edge with my feet dangling in the rising torrent of water.

“Mom would have loved to have seen this. Her dream was to someday own a large luxurious house…”

Thinking about it, Mom would have loved to have visited this town; she would have been dragging us all over the place. Taking us into every single shop, laughing loudly and with a smile so bright that it could make the sun jealous. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I wasn’t going to cry anymore. Crying won't help me get closure. The only thing that will is seeing that city in a big flaming ball of fire.

The water kept rising until. Finally, the tap switched off, leaving the water at the edge close to spilling over. I slunk into the steaming water.


 It was the perfect temperature. I could feel all the aches and pains melt away from my body.

“I needed this” I grabbed some of the shampoo and worked it into my hair. Soon the bath started to fill up with white foamy bubbles. Suddenly, the door opened. I snapped my head towards the door just in time to see the door shut, and Diva walk in.

“Whew, I'm beat. You got Room for one more?” Diva said as she took off her robe and dumped it on the floor.

“Wait! One more y-y- you can't come in!”

“Why not? Were both girls here.”

“Well, yes, no NO! That's Not the point. You cant come in. There is not enough space.” Diva gave me a deadpan as she looked between the bath and me. Crap! Why is this bath so huge!

“I'm coming in”

“Wai- Dammit”

Why now! I'm not ready for this. I mean, It’s not like I don’t want her in. Diva’s hot. Wait Hot? Aghhhhh no! DAMMIT, DIVA MAKING ME FEEL LIKE THIS!!

“Thank god that’s off,” She said as her robe fell on the ground. “Ya know, Once I conquer the world, I'm going to make wearing clothes illegal.” Diva slowly walked towards the counter to grab some soap. A weird heat started building in my legs as even more thoughts of that time in the cave raced through my head.

“But then again. I am looking forward to my dress. So I guess they're not all bad.” She said whilst stretching. Watching her body increase the heat more.

Diva chuckled. “ Ya know, if you told human me that I would look forward to wearing a dress, he would have punched you in the mouth.”

“W-w-why would h-he do that?”

“Well,” she said as she settled into the tub.



“AHHHHHH, that’s great. I needed this.” She slunk deeper into the water, keeping her head just out of the water.

“As I was saying. he was one of those manly men. Eat only red meat and drink beer sorts of people. It's weird. The more time I spend with this body, the more my previous life feels alien.”

“Do you miss it? That life?” She paused for a few seconds. Her face was visibly thinking it over.

“No. Not at all. That person and I are completely different. We had different priorities and goals in life.”  She reached out of the water and grabbed some of the soap.

“It's funny looking back. Everything I cared about in that life, like football, movies and whatever bullshit political drama that was going on that week, was all pointless and a waste of my time. I mean, I wasted so much time on things that really didn’t matter. I was an idiot.”

“Really? There was nothing at all from that life you care about now. Not even your family ?”

She let out a small chuckle. “What family? I was an orphan Apollinaris. My “Family” Dumped me outside an orphanage when I was still in the cradle and never once bothered to see or even inquire if I was okay or, hell, if I was even alive. So no, my “Human” Family is not important to me. However, my current family is. All of my children. And the ones I haven't had yet are all important to me. Hell, you are part of that group as well.”

“Wait. You see me as…. Family?”

“Yes, absolutely. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No! Not at all...... thank you” I could feel heat begin to build again, but this time it was different. It wasn’t in my face but it was in my chest, coming from my heart. Dammit, Diva, if you keep saying stuff like that, ill have o choice but to….

“Well, enough of this sappy miserable talk. She said as she grabbed a towel and shampoo. “I heard the hotel has entertainment in the lounge, Odatis belly dancing think? No idea what it is, but it sounds fun.”

She rubbed the shampoo into the towel and started cleaning herself. I did the same. Soon the bathtub was filled to the brim with soap and suds.

Diva made quick work cleaning all the grooves in her armour soon; she was ready to clean her back however.

“Dammit, I can't quite reach. Apollinaris, are your hands-free?”


“Are your hands-free?”

“Y- yeah.”

“Good, can you clean my back for me? I can't quite get under the plates.”

“ sh-sh-sure.”

She handed me the bathing towel as she lent over the edge of the bath, exposing her naked back. I moved over behind her And started cleaning. My heart was beating like a marching drum. I need to keep calm. I grabbed the towel and started working it into her armour. Contrary to its looks, her armour was tough. Incredibly tough. Just how strong was that mana beast to completely shatter it in multiple places?

I took the washcloth and started working in the gaps.


SHE PURRS!?!? I continued working as she slowly purred in the background. My heart was beating even faster. I started to rub my legs together. This is not good. I don’t think I’ll be able to go any longer. I continued rubbing her back and cleaning in the gaps, all whilst trying to resist rubbing my legs too.

“I-i-I, I think I'm done.”She pulled off from the side and turned to face me.

“Thank you. Now turn around.”

“W-What w-why?”

“Well, I have to return the favour. Now turn”

I did as I was told. Diva grabbed my washcloth and started working it onto my back.

“Ahhhhhh. You're good at this. Higher”

She did as I asked and started working on my shoulder blades. When did Diva get good at this

“AHHHHHH” I yelled out.

Whatever, it doesn’t matter. I relaxed my back and put all my weight on the side of the tub. I felt Diva move closer to me and press her chest against my back.

“Hey, do you want me to make this more interesting?” she whispered in my ear. Her breath sent shivers down my spine. Without thinking, I nodded.

Suddenly her clawed hand started slowly rubbing my leg, sending more shocks down my spine. Soon her hand started to move up and up towards my nether regions.

Steam escaped my mouth as I panted heavily. “Diva”

“Shhhhhh. Don’t think too much, just enjoy it….”

Her hand slowly inched up to my pussy.

“Oh my, you're so damp down here. Just like before.”

Memories flashed in my mind of the cave. Even now, I could feel her tongue wrestling with mine as she played with my body.

“Ugh! Ahhhhhhhh!!!”

“Shh, not so loud. You don’t want anyone to hear you now, do you?”

She whispered into my ear as her hands deftly circled my folds sending more shocks and pleasurable waves through my body.

“Divaaa In *ahhhhhhhh*”

“In what?” She said mischievously. It was hard to focus on what she was doing down there.

“Inside….. *Ahhh* I want them inside…” I let out a piercing moan as her thumb brushed over my clit.

“as you wish, my apollinaris.”

Without warning, all her fingers plunged into my depths. My moans sounded out through the bathroom as Diva played with every part of me. Suddenly I felt her body move closer to me, pushing me harder into the side of the bath and then, without warning, she bit my ear. A mixed wave of pain and pleasure flowed throughout my body. I could feel her hot breath beating against the side of my face. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Im about to AHHHHHHHH!”

I came hard. Diva slowly pulled her finger out of me. making sure to play with my clit one last time

before completely pulling away

“Oh dear, I think I may have overdone it”, she said coyly. Her hands slowly slipped out of me, leaving it sadly empty.

“I would love to do more, but we have a schedule to keep.” Without warning, she exited the bath, leaving me to bask in the afterglow of my orgasm.

“This was fun, Apollinaris. Let's bathe together again some other time.” And with that, she left me in the bathroom.

“Damn *pant* it *pant* Diva”

WOOOO chapter 30. This is now my longest-running (And most popular stories) anyway; thanks a lot for reading. 

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