Imperial Uncle

Chapter 26 - Start reading

King Wang has always regarded himself as a romantic but not unkind person. So far he has never made any vows with anyone. What’s more, Queen Nahe of Fanbang is far from the sky, and even if I hadn’t broken the sleeve, I could not have anything to do with her.

I sincerely submit my comments, one by one, that this incident is not a joke, or that the king is an enemy nation.

I said, Qi Yan listened, I didn’t know whether to believe or not.

Kai Li interrupted me a few words: “Although the envoy said so, it may not be the emperor, or the queen intended it, the relationship between the emperor and the uncle, or somebody with ulterior motives, impostor. I wonder if the envoy Said, what did King Huai look like when he swore with the Queen that day? “

Qi Zheng smiled with a lost hand: “I haven’t asked yet. I want to ask Uncle Huang first.”

King Blessing said: “Otherwise, first ask Nahe’s envoy. Has the queen told him what King Huai looks like, and if so, let a few people who are about the same age as King Huai go with him and go to the minister Once it is made, let him recognize it, is it clear? “

King Zong and King Lu are very good. Only King Jia has objection: “There are various methods for the alienation. The barbarian woman is a queen, and there is no need to pay her own name. I am afraid it has happened. The envoy has never seen it. The person who swears with the Queen, even if they have heard the description, is estimated to be general. I do n’t know how many years have passed since the oath was taken. If the appearance of people has changed a few years ago, even if the Queen comes in person now, it is estimated that it must be distinguished For a moment, how could the envoy be able to tell? “

I said, “The minister is a good person. If he has seen it, he should say something about it. He should recognize it. Whether it is useful or not, first ask. Otherwise, the real minister dedicated his life to the court and did justice to his relatives. When he arrived in that country, the queen saw that people were wrong. Wouldn’t both of them be a lifetime delay? “

Qi Li laughed aside: “Uncle Huang is in a hurry, and he has to say what he wants to do with his relatives. I am afraid that the emperor will not agree. Uncle Huang really wants to be angry.”

Qi Zheng raised his eyebrows and looked at me for a moment, then said, “Also, this matter is related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and it is not a trivial matter. Then, according to Qi Li, go and ask the envoy first.”

About half an hour later, the **** sent to inquire came back and said: “The envoy said that the Queen not only spoke of His Royal Highness, but also drew a portrait of His Royal Highness in the palace. He has seen that if His Highness Huai stood before him, he should recognize it. “

The people in the temple, together with the emperor’s nephew, looked at the king again.

King Fuk said: “That pretty girl is really infatuated.”

I got on, “I just don’t know what it is.”

Qi Zheng looked at me again, but said nothing.

So the king went to the envoy to let him know.

Diplomatic confession is different from letting the wrongdoer confess to the prisoner in the lobby of the Ministry of Justice. It needs to be gentle, tortuous, and more courteous.

Therefore, for this recognition, many setbacks were prepared in advance, led by the Ministry of Rites, and the emperor ordered a small feast in the Royal Garden to entertain the envoys, and then let the king and a few older people, similar to me Prince Shizi went to the banquet.

The king returned to his house to change his casual clothes, and then entered the palace. He first met a few nephews in a small hall, and then went to the imperial garden together.

The envoy was about forty or fifty years old, with dark skin and a wrapped head, and his two beards turned upwards. I wondered if he had deliberately sculpted this type of paste into an exotic style. He stared directly at the king and several of his nephews approaching him. After I waited at the table, he whispered to someone around him, who seemed to be a Han Chinese official in that country.

The envoy’s Han official turned to the top and said, “Your Majesty, Lord Arunan said that these princes and princes are very strange to him. There is no such person.”

After hearing this, the king felt a sense of cloudlessness.

Qi Yan sat in the upper throne and smiled, “The one in the purple shirt is the uncle’s uncle.”

The Han official immediately whispered to the ambassador, and the ambassador slammed straight at me again, and then murmured to the ambassador to the Han official. The Han official followed and said, “His Majesty, Lord Arunan said that it would never be the present Highness of the King, and the Highness of the Queen, who is the Queen’s favorite, is strong and steady, and has a square face. man.”

Envoy Arunan dipped some wine in his hand, drew a few words on the table, and muttered a few words, and the Han official followed by saying, “Master Arunan is good at painting. He can redraw the portrait painted by the Queen . Tell who your Majesty is. “

He did not say earlier that he tossed the king back and forth and mixed up with a royal feast, and then he slowly spoke out such important matters.

Ben Wang was too lazy to even get on fire, just wanted to see who was so interesting, and in the name of the king, hooked up the Queen of He.

I was able to clarify the relationship, and the rest of the people were okay, except that King Jia was obviously a little lost. Regarding which one of the Queen’s cherished kings was in the end, everyone in the room was very interested, and Qi Yun immediately ordered someone to send them ink and ink. Fanbang people admire my Middle-Turkish culture. Although Arunan, the envoy of the Nakhine Kingdom, can not speak a few Middle-Turkish dialects, he is still familiar with my pen and ink. He rolled his sleeves and grabbed the pen, and after a quarter of an hour he drew a personal head on the paper.

The two eunuchs stepped forward and held the painting. I looked intently. The square faces of the human head, thick eyebrows, and a few short mustaches were a steady man. I’m afraid he is indeed an acquaintance of the king.

Qi Zheng said: “This person, I should never have seen him, and it is indeed a lot different from Cheng Jun.” Zong Wang, Jia Wang, Fu Wang, and Lu Wang also said that they had not seen each other, a lot worse. Only Kai Li twisted his eyebrows and said, “This man, he seems to have seen somewhere …” He stroked his forehead, “as if … as if … only scanned one or two eyes, as if … People in the uncle’s house … “

The king had already remembered it, and he stood up and admitted: “The emperor reported to the emperor, Shou Wang Shizi said well. Look at this portrait, it looks like Hansi in the palace.”

The queen of Nahe eventually became a farce. He started to mention Hansi to Yuqian in the palace of Huaiwang. He was also very inexplicable. He would only tremble in the palace of Jin Mao, complaining of wrongdoing, and tearful communication. Finally, check the facts with the envoy, and then ask the year, only to understand the cause and effect.

Three or four years ago, when the two countries had just ceased their truce, Queen Nahe once disguised as a business traveler and sneaked into my capital. A Japanese king went to a pavilion to find happiness, while Han Si and the others were waiting outside the door, and happened to meet Queen Nahe.

It is hard to imagine that the grandeur of the daughters is queen. The Queen He thought that the Xianggong Mansion was specially opened for women. She wanted to come in and see. In order to prevent the trouble, the others such as Yaxing would come forward and stop. In personal terms, several Koreans and four have better tempers, soothed words, and persuaded others not to embarrass the woman. It is presumed that the queen secretly promised him this. At that time, it was raining. The Queen didn’t know the road and was separated from other people. Walking back and forth on that street, Han Si couldn’t bear to see it. She bought an umbrella on the roadside and sent her outside the city gate. Follow the meeting place.

The queen then said to Han, today you and I are in love, I will definitely come back to find you, and I will not disappoint you.

Han Si thought that this feeling was a kind feeling, this was just a promise to repay. Because in my dynasty, no woman really said such things to men.

But this is indeed a pledge, the Queen did not break the oath, she came to ask the husband.

Han Si burst into tears and vowed with a curse. He told the queen that he was Han Si and he was a bearer, but because it was not a glorious thing for Wang to visit the Prime Minister’s Mansion, he did not dare to reveal which bearer he was.

The envoy said that the people who had sworn with the Queen did say that he was Han Si, but the Queen felt that he was by no means an ordinary person, and because he had prevented other attendants from attending, it was actually his attendants. She made a note of the pattern on Ben Wang’s sedan, and found that it was the sedan of the King’s Palace, and regarded Han Si as his king.

When the matter was checked, Han Si and the envoy in each room were in the same room. There was no possibility of confession. The things that were spoken were indeed tangled and deducted.

Han Siyi, a bearer, has such a fate, even more exciting than the legend. It only affected the king to toss out a few sweats.

After checking it out, Qi Xun told me to go to Yu Shufang and finally said a word of relief: “The queen of the country is really bizarre. You are really implicated by innocent people.”

I said, “It’s okay, but the minister did scare a cold sweat at that time. I was really afraid that the emperor would send the minister to Fanbang to do justice with him.”

Qi Min smiled, “I didn’t say, I won’t let you have a new princess come in? Why is Cheng Jun so distrustful?”

I immediately said: “Of course, the minister is afraid to dare, but the emperor only said that he would not let the princess enter the door, but he did not say that he would not let the minister pass, so the minister was still a little worried.”

Qi Yan looked at me closely, smiled again, and then took a few steps, as casually said: “This matter is not over yet, I do not know that Queen Nahe knew that the king of pregnant in her heart is indeed a bearer, and will He won’t want him to be a husband. If she wants to, here you have to give Han four titles, at least to make this matter more decent. The uncle’s house is really talented, and there are many wonders. “

I said, “This matter is the marriage of God-given Hansi. The so-called Sansheng Book is already doomed, and it has nothing to do with the minister.”

Qi Zheng stopped: “But after all, it still involves you. In this case, you also hurt a lot. The knife wound on your arm has not healed yet. Go back and take a rest.”

I knelt down and bowed my head: “The court resigns, and the emperor, please don’t overwork.”

Qi Zheng’s voice said above me, “Sometimes the emperor is so worried about me, I’m very pleased.”

I walked out of the Imperial Study Room and walked slowly towards the gate of the Imperial City. I crossed a bridge and saw a familiar dark blue on my face. I couldn’t help but moved again. I stopped and laughed, “Liu Xiang, it ’s a coincidence. . “

He lifted his sleeves to me, as usual, politely: “His Royal Highness.”

I also politely said to him: “Look at Liu Xiang going inside, and there is still work to be done?” He raised his lips: “His Royal Highness King Huai went out, it seems that the business is done.” I laughed twice: “I’ve always been busy with nothing important and trivial.”

The smile still lingered on his lips: “Hearers heard that there was a husband in His Royal Highness’s House.”

Is this a joke? After he came out of the water that day, how could he still joke with me, I’m afraid he just wanted to go far. Is it ridicule? I know he’s not the kind of person who likes to ridicule. Then it’s just an ordinary politeness. To me, it’s a phrase that can make me a joke to comfort myself.

I then said, “Yes, I have another character in the palace of the King, and it seems more and more talented.”

Liu Tong looked at me with his clear eyes, and I said, “Liu Xiang has more work to do, and the king will not delay you, and leave first.”

He raised his sleeve and said quietly, I continued to go outside the city gate.

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