Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2650

There is no need for me to be obsessed with being the ruler of the Dark Continent and the Sandbar Continent.

Lin Yuan may have deep meaning in letting Zhai Wanmi follow him!

At this moment, the Su Yin people changed their obsession with being the rulers of the Underdark Continent and Sandbar Continent to only wishing the Underdark Continent prosperity and prosperity for generations to come.

And he still has to follow Lin Yuan.

On the one hand, it is because Su Yin people have expectations for the magnificent world outside the main world.

On the other hand, being by Lin Yuan’s side and being appreciated and protected by Lin Yuan is the best way to make the Underdark Continent and Sandbar Continent prosperous!

People are always selfish.

The people of Suyin contracted the thing of the holy source, Juelian Poppy, which made Su Yinren understand human nature far better than others.

Su Yin people never suppress and avoid the expression of human nature.

It is precisely because you know what you need most that you can be more grateful for what you have now.

I have been going in the wrong direction for such a long time. After participating in this Wanbang Federation, Su Yinren is going to contact Lin Yuan.

In the next period of time, the people of Suyin are planning to turn the development of the Dark Continent and the Shazhou Continent into a good cultivation of Lin Hope.

After the natural disaster of the undead comes, the situation of the entire main world will change greatly, and the major forces will reshuffle their cards.

Because the Dark Continent and the Sandbar Continent are indirectly controlled by Lin Yuan, the development will definitely be better than other continents.

The current development of the Hanwen Continent has proved this point.

During the period of Su Yinren’s reflection in his heart, the representatives of the major federations were shocked by what they said a month later.

But the representatives of these federations knew that what they said a month later was not empty words.

Months later, at this time, it is impossible to use empty words to prevaricate everyone, because empty words can be easily seen through!

The representatives of the major federations waited with bated breath for what they would say next month.

“Su Sheng of the Sleeper, the Tadian’s plan, is not sure when it will suddenly start, but according to the situation that Hui Yao has, it will be within a month or two!”

“The situation is critical. The metal rock slab I just took out shows that Huiyao is prepared to deal with this disaster, and it is to increase everyone’s confidence.”

Months later, before the words were finished, the atmosphere at the scene became turbulent.

Everyone’s attention was focused on the first half of Yue Hou’s sentence.

The Susheng of the Sleeper will start within a month or two, such a short period of time is too late for the major federations to react!

Everyone heard that there was an intention to have the major federations relocate people to the vicinity of Huiyao after a month.

Not to mention that doing so would abandon the original foundation of the Federation.

The point is that even if they decide to abandon the original foundation of the Federation, there is no way to complete the migration within a month or two.

A feeling of despair permeated the hearts of the representatives of the major federations.

Yue Hou had expected that such a remark would trigger such a situation.

Yuehou coughed lightly and tapped the table with her hand.

After attracting the attention of the representatives of the major federations, Yue Hou spoke seriously.

“The establishment of the Federation of Nations is to protect the common rights and interests of all human federations.”

“Don’t abandon or give up in the face of disasters is the code of conduct of the Federation of Nations.”

“After the meeting, all federations will get a marked location. You only need to arrange for the citizens in the federation to transfer to the marked location. Then there will be island whales to take you to the nearby mainland of Huiyao!”

“This is Huiyao’s efforts for all federations, and the sincerity of defending mankind to survive this disaster!”

These words a month later caused a sudden change in the desperate atmosphere at the scene.

If it is true as said a month later, then it is not impossible to complete the migration of the entire Federation.

It’s just that if we really want to do this, how many island whales does Hui Yao have to arrange! ?

And does Huiyao really have so many island whales that can be put into use? ?

Huiyao is powerful as one of the three major federations, there is no doubt about it.

But sending hundreds of thousands of island whales at a time is too amazing!

As long as there are fewer island whales sent by Huiyao, it is impossible to complete the migration.

Although the representatives of the major federations had doubts in their hearts, no one dared to question what Yue Hou said at this time.

The general trend of Huiyao has been achieved, and there is no need for the cooperation of the Freedom Federation and the Azure Federation. Huiyao has already become the absolute core of the Federation of Nations!

Yue Hou naturally discovered this too, and Yue Hou knew in her heart that she no longer needed to create momentum for Hui Yao.

After a month, I decided to give some confidence to the representatives of the major federations.

“I would like to ask you a question here. Do you know what the real ruling power of the Sea Clan is!?”

The questioning after a month made the representatives of the major federations think about it in their hearts.

A powerful federation is qualified to negotiate with the Sea Clan and conduct maritime trade.

Federations without five-star builders basically dare not face the sea.

There are many federations with only four-star builders who are trying their best to build fleets and cultivate island whales, hoping to trade with other federations.

But in the end, everything ended in failure.

Human beings face far more dangers in the sea than on land.

The eight sea emperor clans will send one after another lords to control the sea area in pieces.

However, since this question was asked a month later, it showed that the real ruling power of the Sea Clan was not the Sea Emperor Eight Clans.

Months later, I asked about the blind spots of most of the federation representatives present, and of course, several federation representatives gave the wrong answer of the Sea Emperor Eight Clans.

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Those federation representatives who knew the real ruler of the Sea Clan subconsciously looked at Mirror God and Yushen, as well as the two heads of the Zhanlan Federation of Zhanlan Federation.

Among the people present, only these four are the most qualified to answer the questions after the month.

Mirror God and Yu God surrendered to Hui Yao on behalf of the Freedom Federation, and it is true that they were controlled by Yue Hou.

But this does not mean that Mirror God and Yu God have completely lost their previous spirit.

The current Mirror God and Yu God still maintain their original arrogant attitude when facing the Azure Federation.

Looking at each other with the god of mirror Yushen, the two heads of the Zhanlan family finally looked away.

Only then did Mirror God speak.

“The real ruler of the Sea Clan has always been the Ocean Labyrinth.”

Originally, the mirror god wanted to say that the reason why so many island whales could be arranged in a month later was because of the ocean maze.

But in the end, Jingshen kept his mouth shut, and didn’t say a single answer other than the question after the month.

The change of status made the mirror god have learned to be good, even the foolish god is the same.

In the case of swearing to Yue Hou, the two simply cannot afford to break the oath.

And Yuehou still controlled the souls of himself and others even though he and others had already made an oath.

Facing Yue Hou’s distrust, Mirror God and Yu God couldn’t resist at all.

Although the two are the crown princes of the Freedom Federation in name, they are actually no different from Yue Hou’s retainers.

Fortunately, the strength of the two of them lies here.

The imminent natural disaster of the undead that the main world will face gives the two of them the ability to flex their muscles.

In the long process of resisting the undead, the two of them still have a chance to make Yue Hou change his views on himself.

Hearing Mirror God’s answer, those federation representatives who had never heard of Wangyang Labyrinth firmly remembered the name Wangyang Labyrinth in their hearts.

I guessed in my heart why Yue Hou would ask such a question.

After a month, I took the words of the mirror god and said.

“That’s right, the real ruler of the sea is Wangyang Labyrinth!”

“Wang Yang Labyrinth will integrate all existing wild island whale resources in the sea area, and use these wild island whale resources for the transfer of major federal citizens.”

“Besides, other marine spirits can also be used as a means of transportation.”

“As long as you can be sure to arrive at the designated location, no one will be left behind!”

“I can guarantee that.”

“This is also the guarantee that Wangyang Labyrinth gave us when Huiyao reached a strategic deployment with Wangyang Labyrinth!”

These words a month later made the federation representatives present finally regain their confidence.

At the same time, I felt grateful to Hui Yao in my heart.

The Freedom Federation previously cooperated with Tadian, who wanted to destroy mankind, but when Huiyao cooperated with Wangyang Labyrinth, what he considered was the well-being of all mankind.

This is the gap between the two federations!

Many representatives of the Federation expressed their gratitude to the month after.

Months later, there was no time left for these federal representatives to say a word of thanks.

He patted the table with his hand and said in a very serious tone.

“It stands to reason that at this time, we should clarify the responsibilities of the Federation of Nations with everyone.”

“But it’s obvious that everyone’s thoughts are impossible to focus on this matter now.”

“It’s better to leave the responsibility of the Federation of Nations until later to divide.”

“Now you pass the news back, and then start to study matters related to migration.”

After finishing speaking a month later, he asked the two deacons at the door of the meeting room to open the door of the meeting room.

Indicating that the representatives of the major federations can leave!

Months later, his behavior once again won the respect of these federal representatives.

Otherwise, the first Federation of Nations will be held, and there will be too many things to discuss at the meeting.

It will take three days and three nights to finish this meeting, let alone talk.

And at such an urgent juncture, no representative of the Federation wishes to waste this time.

In case the undead natural disaster breaks out early, three days is equivalent to the lives of hundreds of millions of citizens.

The fortifications of Huiyao have been completed, and it is the most worry-free human federation right now.

But Huiyao still thinks about other federations in this situation.

Months later, I wanted to mention the allies of humans in Tianjuan Annex.

But after seeing the bewildered faces of the representatives of the Federation when Mirror God mentioned the Ocean Maze, Yue Hou gave up this idea.

These federations with only four-star builders don’t know about Wangyang Labyrinth, and most likely they don’t know about the existence of Tianjuan Pavilion.

So it doesn’t matter if you say it or not.

If it is over-interpreted by those federations who know it, it is very likely that some federations will be too optimistic in crisis.

This is not good!

Moon Queen sighed softly.

In the face of this disaster, I have done everything I can, and the next step is to look at the action capabilities of the federations themselves!

The two Patriarchs of the Zhanlan Family who came to Huiyao from Zhanlan Federation were thinking about how to make a decision, whether to enshrine Huiyao on the altar.

As a result, the issue of federal ordering was not discussed at all after a month, and he did not pretend to be the lord of all nations.

After explaining the disaster that the main world will face, they ended the meeting hastily.

This made the two Patriarchs of the Zhanlan Family somewhat ashamed.

If the Zhanlan Federation stood in the position of Huiyao, they would not have made such a choice.

The two azure blue family patriarchs who attended Huiyao were the decision makers of the azure blue federation who most resisted being attached to Huiyao.

At this time, the thoughts in the hearts of the two of them changed to a certain extent.

Zhanlan Federation knows Wangyang Labyrinth, but has no ability to cooperate with Wangyang Labyrinth.

If the situation is really as critical as it said a month later, it would be impossible for the Zhanlan Federation to resist the natural disasters of the undead on its own soil. Migration is the only option!

If the Zhanlan Federation wants to complete the migration, it also needs the help of the island whales sent by Wangyang Labyrinth.

After the two Patriarchs of the Zhanlan Family prepared to go back, they truthfully informed the other Patriarchs of the Zhanlan Family of the situation.

Then everyone makes a decision together as quickly as possible.

Months later, after the Federation of Nations was held, the tension in my heart was relaxed.

It’s just that in the next month, it will be even more troublesome to face the jobs that other federations will migrate and receive one after another.

First of all, the territory of Huiyao is not enough for so many citizens of the Federation to settle down.

Secondly, even if Huiyao’s territory is large enough, it will be impossible for those Federation citizens to settle in Huiyao after a month.

If you really do that, it will undoubtedly infringe on the rights of Huiyao citizens and squeeze the resources of Huiyao citizens!

The nearest continent to Huiyao is the Hewen Continent.

The Horror Continent is controlled by Lin Yuan. Based on his understanding of Lin Yuan, Yue Hou feels that Lin Yuan is probably not willing to destroy the existing environment of the continent he rules.

In the next two days, I plan to discuss with Lin Yuan the resettlement of the major federal residents.

In the eyes of others, he is the decision maker of Huiyao.

However, when faced with some real decision-making issues, it is necessary to ask Lin Yuan what he meant after a month.

Because 90% of Huiyao’s current prosperity is created by Lin Yuan.

The Su Yin people did not stay in Huiyao after opening the Wanbang Federation.

As the actual rulers of the Underdark Continent and the Sandbar Continent, the current Su Yin people must fulfill their responsibilities and complete the migration of the citizens of the Underdark Continent and the Sandbar Continent.

For other federations, it is a bad thing to move out of the environment they have lived in for a long time.

But for people living on the sandbar continent, migrating to a more suitable living environment can be said to be a great thing!

The Dark Continent has several deep water alleys adjacent to the sea, and migration is very easy.

However, the Sandbar Continent is not adjacent to the sea. Citizens on the Sandbar Continent need to reach the adjacent Godmother Continent in order to complete the transfer through the Deepwater Lane built by the Godmother Federation!

Su Yinren is going to have a good talk with Godmother through Bupo’s relationship.

The Su Yin people can accept the request of the Goddess to let the residents of the Goddess Federation evacuate first, and then the citizens on the sandbar continent to evacuate.

But I was very afraid that Godmother would cause some small stumbling blocks in the process.

Through Bupo’s relationship, it should be much easier for me to communicate with the goddess.

Before leaving Huiyao, Su Yinren called Lin Yuan.

Originally, Su Yinren was used to communicating with Lin Yuan by reading letter paper with his heart, but now Su Yinren thinks it is more formal to make a phone call.

At this time, Su Yinren’s heart was both sober and a little apprehensive.

I hope that my previous obsessions will not affect Lin Yuan’s opinion of himself!

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