Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2638

Seeing Mobius’ translucent body, Lin Yuan subconsciously laughed.

The feeling that his closest partner is by his side makes Lin Yuan feel very at ease.

Mobius can exist in a substantive form in reality, proving to Lin Yuan how much improvement Mobius has gained through this evolution.

Mobius’ promotion gave Lin Yuan a feeling that his hard work had not been let down.

Lin Yuan is looking forward to the changes in the spirit lock space.

Lin Yuan set off directly to the Suo Ling Space, logically speaking, the Suo Ling Space should be the place Lin Yuan is most familiar with.

For more than a year, Lin Yuan spent the longest time in the spirit lock space.

But now after entering the spirit lock space, Lin Yuan found that the entire spirit lock space was in a state that made him very strange.

In the beginning, the area of ​​the Locking Space was only forty square meters, like a small utility room.

But this small utility room was neatly tidied up by Lin Yuan.

It’s just that no matter how tidy it is, because Hualing Pond needs to occupy a certain place, Lin Yuan also needs to set up a workbench.

This makes it difficult to use this small space.

Fortunately, as Mobius’ rank continues to increase, the area of ​​the spirit lock space continues to increase.

Lin Yuan has also made good improvements in the use of the lock spirit space.

After Mobius was promoted to the diamond rank, the area of ​​the lock spirit space was 960 square meters.

Such an area is not only enough for Lin Yuan to use, but also nearly half of the area can be spared for Lin Yuan and other spiritual activities in the lock spirit space.

Lin Yuan extravagantly placed a reclining chair made of white sandalwood, a jade-like wood, in the spirit lock space.

The reclining chair made by Hu Quan himself is full of details, engraved with totems of mountains, rivers, plants, trees and beasts.

In terms of craftsmanship and care, it is not inferior to the red sandalwood longevity fish tank placed in Guiyuan Manor.

During more than a year of working under Lin Yuan, Hu Quan’s level of spirit artisan has been greatly improved.

Through Hu Quan’s works, even a layman can intuitively see the superb level of Hu Quan’s spirit craftsman!

When Lin Yuan was sleeping in the Locking Space, he was lying on the recliner made by Hu Quan.

But now the spirit lock space seems to have become a small plane, and Lin Yuan couldn’t see the end of the spirit lock space at a glance.

Lin Yuan only heard what Mobius said in a serious tone.

“The partner’s current spirit-locking space is a relatively complete state.”

“The area of ​​the spirit-locking space is related to the concentration of spiritual energy. As the concentration of spiritual energy increases, the area of ​​the spirit-locking space will continue to increase.”

“Although the current Locking Space cannot be seen at a glance, the area is not infinite.”

“If you want to calculate the area carefully, the area of ​​the lock spirit space is about the size of Xia County!”

Lin Yuan was so startled that he couldn’t speak for a while, when did the place where he was born in this life become a unit of measurement! ?

In fact, in Lin Yuan’s heart, he felt somewhat indebted to the spiritual creatures like Feng Su Xun that could only live in the spirit-locking space on weekdays!

After all, the area of ​​the spirit-locking space is only that big. For a goblin like Jinlian Jinzhu little fairy Jinse who has no activity needs, the area of ​​the spirit-locking space is not a restriction.

However, for spirit creatures such as Wind Speed ​​Antelope and Huihui that need enough area for activities, the area of ​​the spirit lock space will undoubtedly restrict the nature of Huihui and Wind Speed ​​Speed ​​Antelope.

If the nature of a spiritual creature is affected, it will greatly reduce the happiness of the spiritual creature.

But now the area of ​​the spirit-locking space has increased greatly, and even if Custom Xun Ling and Huihui run from one side to the other in an area as large as Xia County, they can still run for more than an hour.

Such an area is enough for Wind Speed ​​Antelope and Hui Hui to use.

The swamp world Lin Yuan will eventually integrate it with the main world, which makes Lin Yuan have to arrange those arrangements in the swamp world.

It’s not that Lin Yuan hadn’t thought about placing those resources in the spirit lock space before, but the area of ​​the spirit lock space is really too small!

The container walnut forest planted in the swamp world, the large-scale cultivation of Bingliang radish, and the sacred Arakawa orchid buds cultivated with various swamp soils, these three alone will occupy an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square meters.

Right now, the increase in the area of ​​the spirit-locking space has just solved Lin Yuan’s urgent need.

Not only the container walnut grove, but also Bingliang Luoyuan and Arakawa orchid buds have places to settle.

The clever civet paradise, the workshop of the hundred question beasts and even the floating island whales can all be placed in the spirit lock space.

No matter how majestic the Floating Island Whale’s body is, it cannot be bigger than a Xia County.

Lin Yuan intends to plan an area in the spirit lock space for Hu Quan to work in the spirit lock space.

Bring some spirit craftsmen to arrange and build the spirit lock space well.

The heaven and earth spirit, Yingri Wanglian, is arranged in the spirit lock space, so that the spirit lock space can continue to be in the sunny sky.

When Lin Yuan segregated the Heaven and Earth Spirit Reflecting Sun Wang Lian, he segregated ninety-nine plants.

These Yingri Wanglians have all been cultivated by Master Hong Shen, and they can just come in handy.

In addition to Yingri, Wang Lianlinyuan obtained a large number of plant spirits that can simulate the climate in the Shenmu Federation.

Hearing is still collecting such spirits for himself until now.

It’s just that due to the limited area of ​​the spirit-locking space before, many spiritual objects that can simulate the weather collected by listening, Lin Yuan, were not displayed.

Putting it out now can not only improve the aesthetics of the spirit lock space, but also create an excellent environment for Huihui to improve her strength.

It is definitely impossible to hand over such a large spirit-locking space to Fengsuan Ling and Huihui.

If such a large area is left to Hui Hui and Feng Su Xun Ling to take care of it, how can these two little guys stand it! ?

Rather than arranging for human beings to take care of themselves in the spirit-locking space, Lin Yuan prefers to cultivate a batch of spirits that can take human form.

When controlling the Deep Brahma Federation, Lin Yuan really discovered a special spiritual creature.

This special spiritual creature is called Spirit Core Jasmine.

The spiritual core jasmine is a kind of spiritual thing that requires a lot of spiritual energy, but does not require high purity of spiritual energy.

Because of this characteristic of the spiritual core jasmine, the spiritual core jasmine is not as delicate as other spiritual creatures, and can directly swallow energy ores.

As long as there are enough energy ores, the spiritual core Jasmine’s promotion is as fast as an ant queen laying eggs!

It only takes a few months for a spirit core jasmine to go from a normal level to a mythical level 3 with sufficient energy ores.

After discovering the spiritual core Jasmine, many core members of the Founder family frantically made a contract with the spiritual core Jasmine, thinking that they had discovered a treasure.

But the spirit core Jasmine is a spiritual creature whose ability can be classified as housekeeping. Even if it evolves into a mythical species, it still has no combat power.

However, the spiritual core jasmine is a good housekeeper and plant cultivator after she transforms into a shape.

It will also give the environment an aroma, like a high-end aromatherapy.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the spirit core Jasmine can’t kill other spirit creatures, but the combat power cannot be compared with other mythical three-level spirit creatures.

After all, Lingxin Jasmine’s physical fitness is there.

But as a spirit creature of the third realm of mythology, it can overturn against a diamond-level spirit creature, no one can bear it!

Moreover, the spiritual core Jasmine was promoted to the third realm of mythology and transformed into a human form, and she was not outstanding in appearance.

It can even be described as ugly!

Even if the spiritual energy professional has bad intentions and wants to start a romantic love story with the spiritual core Jasmine he has contracted with, he really can’t do it.

This caused the upsurge of Jasmine, the spiritual core of the Deep Brahma Federation contract, to subside in an instant.

No matter which world it is, there will always be people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The children of the hidden noble family in the Deep Brahma Federation also have a contract with the spiritual core Jasmine, and these children of the hidden noble family will provide relatively high-quality resources for the spiritual core Jasmine.

In the end, it was discovered that the purer the concentration of spiritual energy absorbed by the spiritual core Jasmine during the growth process, the higher the value of the appearance after turning into a human form.

The ability to cultivate plants is also stronger.

The fragrance it releases also has the effect of nourishing the soul, calming the mind and promoting the growth of spiritual power!

This discovery revived the spirit core jasmine’s popularity, but Naihe would need more resources to cultivate such a spirit core jasmine than cultivating ordinary spiritual creatures.

Compared with this kind of vase that can only serve as an auxiliary function, aura professionals still prefer those spiritual objects that can fight.

Lin Yuan felt that he could make some spiritual core jasmine and plant them in the spirit lock space.

With the current spiritual energy concentration in the spirit lock space and the ability to produce spiritual energy, the spiritual core jasmine can be cultivated in a very short period of time.

At that time, the work of cultivating and taking care of the servants of the plant spirits in the lock spirit space will be handed over to these spirit core jasmine!

Lin Yuan immediately told Jin Qianxun of his needs.

Jin Qianxun will arrive at Huiyao in five days to participate in the Federation of Nations. At that time, Jin Qianxun will bring the resources Lin Yuan needs and hand them over to Lin Yuan.

And promise to bring Lin Yuan the most high-quality spiritual core jasmine.

Although Jin Qianxun doesn’t have great talents, his ability to handle affairs can still be guaranteed!

Not only has the area of ​​the Locking Space been greatly improved.

Whether it is the area of ​​Hualing Pond or the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, it has been improved to a certain extent.

Hualing Pond is now in the Locking Space, and it has become a miniature lake no smaller than Qianjiao Lake in Guiyuan Manor.

The increase in the area of ​​Hualing Pool can prove two things.

One is that the ability to transform energy ores in the spirit lock space has become stronger.

Energy ore is the most common resource in the main world.

Because the air in the main world contains aura, energy ores are not non-renewable resources.

With the support of the main world, Lin Yuan can consume energy ores recklessly.

Lin Yuan placed more space equipment beside the Hualing Pool, and these space equipment were filled with energy ores.

For the work of filling energy ores, the wind speed antelope is already handy.

Afterwards, I will continue to hand over this work to the wind speed antelope!

Xiao Hei’s exclusive feature [Aura Mark] changed when he was promoted to Lingchao Mojiao.

Lin Yuan can cultivate dragon-blood spirit creatures that can release spiritual power, and let these spirit creatures with dragon-blood blood provide Xiao Hei with spiritual power.

Increase the storage rate of [Spiritual Imprint] for spiritual power.

It was because Hualing Lake was too small that Lin Yuan transferred Xiao Hei to Qianjiao Lake.

Lin Yuan felt that the area of ​​Hualing Pond was large enough, and he could transfer Xiao Hei back.

Along with those Spirit Gathering Goldfish and Bliss Angelfish that have awakened the blood of the dragon species.

Once it is transferred back, it will not only increase the speed at which Xiao Hei can gather spiritual energy, but also the spirit-gathering goldfish that have awakened the blood of the dragon species can grow up quickly in a short period of time.

The production speed of the fairy fish of bliss is not fast, but the production of fish clothes of the fairy fish of bliss will increase greatly in the spirit-forming pond of the lock spirit space.

Hualing Pond had already given Lin Yuan a great surprise, but the area of ​​the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss expanded even more exaggeratedly than Hualing Pond.

The area of ​​the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is almost the same as the total area of ​​Guiyuan Manor, and the spiritual creature of heaven and earth, Qifeng Wutong, has obviously obtained great benefits.

A sycamore tree that was originally about eight meters had grown wildly to more than one hundred meters at this time. There is no upper limit on the height of the spirit lock space.

The more than 100-meter phoenix phoenix tree is rooted in the center of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and it is still able to hold the field.

There are a few more bird’s nests formed by the branches of the phoenix phoenix tree surrounded by branches.

In the past when there was only one bird’s nest, it was only used by Yinyin, but now Gold Wing can finally nest on the Qifeng Wutong.

Huihui also found a nest suitable for her size.

When Huihui was perched on the Qifeng sycamore, the Qifeng sycamore was shrouded in large clouds.

The golden leaves release brilliance, like a sacred tree left over from ancient times.

Lin Yuan only heard what Mobius said.

“I found that Qifeng Wutong is very close to the original energy in the grace of heaven and earth, so I distributed part of the original energy to Qifeng Wutong.”

“From my point of view, Xifeng Wutong is very similar to Hui Hui’s state at that time, and has reached the limit of the spirit of heaven and earth.”

“It’s probably one step away from being promoted to the spirit of the scroll.”

Lin Yuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then couldn’t help but feel dark in his heart.

If the spiritual thing does not have the blood of the spirit of the scroll, it is difficult to evolve towards the spirit of the scroll.

If it is said that Huihui, a spirit creature of heaven and earth, was promoted to the spirit of heaven and scroll by accident, then what should be the explanation for the change of Qifeng Wutong! ?

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, Android and Apple are both available. 】

Could it be said that the ultimate growth limit of all the heaven and earth spirits in the world is the spirit of the scroll! ?

Of course, this is just Lin Yuan’s guess.

Lin Yuan is going to have a chance to chat with Zi Qing.

If this is the case, Lin Yuan feels that with the resources he currently has, he is capable of cultivating the spirit of the scroll.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to investigate the data of Qifeng Wutong, he saw Yinyin flying towards him.

Yinyin spoke happily and happily.

“Lin Yuan, after Xifeng Wutong grows up, I think he has helped me a lot!”

“When I was just promoted to the mythical species, I already felt that Qifeng Wutong had no effect on me.”

“The current Qifeng Wutong can actually increase the energy in the different fire!”

“Every time Qifeng Wutong absorbs a bunch of intermediate-level strange fires, it can exert the feeling of absorbing a bunch of high-level strange fires!”

“I just love Qifeng Wutong so much!”

Lin Yuan was a little surprised by Yinyin’s words.

Unexpectedly, after Xifeng Wutong absorbed the grace of heaven and earth, there would be such a change in ability!

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