
Chapter 150 - I only have you

The e-mail from the Beijing β-star anti-ballistic missile experimental base has always been marked as “important content”. Lu Bixing stared at the first paragraph of this “important content” for five minutes, did not understand, and impatiently turned the study The indoor temperature has been lowered by five degrees, and I really want to slap the people in charge to poke a row of anger and scold them, so that they can reflect on the correct posture of reporting to their superiors.

“Zhan Lu,” Lu Bixing said, “No one has been in the attic for a long time. What about the indoor environment? Report me all the parameters.”

The robotic arm hanged from the roof like a hanged ghost and answered him: “Principal Lu, all rooms, including the basement, are under unified management. If there is any abnormality, I will report repairs here.”

Lu Bixing paused for the tea cup, silently lowered the temperature just before turning it back on.

“… has he eaten?”

This was originally their tacit understanding-Lin Jingheng only changed the nutrition cream or nutrition needle for the convenience of going to the aliens. On the star, he usually dine normally, not alas, because using a dining table together is more like It’s a ritual. Even if you don’t say a word to each other, you just silently divided the last piece of sausage into two, and one person took half of it. It seemed to be a day spent together.

The robot Zhanlu disappeared on the roof and reappeared a minute later, reporting: “I have half of the dinner I sent to the past, and my husband said not to eat, so I will take the rest away.”

Lu Bixing nodded hurriedly, and then he stayed for a while. Then he woke up and asked Zhan Lu: “Yes, where does he sleep?”

Before Zhan Lu answered, Lu Bixing said, “Bring my pillow to the study, and you let him go back to the room to sleep.”

Zhanlu went away like a worm. After a while, the manipulator stood on a pillow, and walked back from the door of the study room in a ghostly way, reporting: “Sir answered,” Don’t bother me, get out. “

Lu Bixing caught his pillow and sighed: “Then go to the attic to help him clean it up and send him a quilt … and the clothes he will wear tomorrow.”

Zhanlu’s restored mech core, if there is any dignity as a weapon, it is time to pilfer the **** to the master of the pilgrimage.

Fortunately, Zhanlu has no dignity.

He turned into a human form with all his grudges, packed his clothes and bedding, and ran up to the attic to give him warmth.

After returning, Lu Bixing asked him, “How?”

Zhan Lu said with no undulating voice: “Ignore me and shield me in the attic. Sorry, Principal Lu, I have been banned from going upstairs. Would you like to try hacking into the home system?”

Lu Bixing: “…”

“Oh,” just then Zhanlu suddenly said, “I can go up now.”

Lu Bi looked up slyly, a pair of subtle lights in his eyes.

Zhan Lu said: “There is an important military situation in the command duty room, the ‘3S’ level, and the reporting priority overwhelms the home blocking mechanism.”

The bright light in Lu Bixing’s eyes was like two little Mars under the storm, and then suddenly dimmed again.

Zhan Lu: “Simultaneous CC Chief.”

Lu Bixing bowed his head in despair: “Oh, let’s go.”

“On the periphery of the Heart of Rose, the second batch of reinforcements of the Alliance has all been put in place. The preliminary news is that there are more than three hundred large-scale armoured heavy armies, holding a huge artificial space station, medium fortress size, and preparing to launch. General Ke sent a message saying that the fortress had not been agreed by the Central Guard of the Galaxy Guard. He went to the theory. The Central Union took the “Border Defense Law” to block his mouth. He was very sorry and explained to us that at present The military arrangement at the border was not intended by the Central Army. “

The half-dead Lu Bixing’s eyes sank, and the soul floating above his head forcedly returned. Shen Sheng asked: “The communication request we have for dialogue with the Alliance has been sent for six days and has not responded yet?”


Lu Bixing said slowly: “And we can’t judge whether the central government refused to talk or the so-called ‘border guards’ of the first galaxy blocked the news.”

From the perspective of the Chief Executive, Lu Bixing believes that the Alliance Central Committee’s refusal to talk to the Eighth Galaxy, especially in private, is not very reasonable. After all, the eighth galaxy is not comparable to a huge alliance in terms of volume, and the most urgent issue of the alliance is not them.

Then Order 306 is really intriguing.

Most of the news they have heard so far are Duke’s words. Duke and the eighth galaxy are very active. Although he looks enthusiastic and cheerful, and is full of affection for Lu Xin, … Ankru is still in front of the Lu Xin stone statue It’s red under the eyes.

“Go,” Lu Bixing said to Zhan Lu, “by the way, tell him that I will convene a meeting on this matter tomorrow morning, and please ask the commander to attend on time.”

Zhan Lu was about to pass through the wall, and Lu Bixing called him again: “Hey, wait …”

“… He needs a glass of water before going to bed. Don’t cool him.”

The first galaxy.

An interplanetary cruise ship came from Votor and landed on the supply station on the edge of the first galaxy. The cruise ship stopped to resupply, and the passengers rushed out to the supply station’s restaurant.

The woman looked around in the dining room for a moment, and finally chose a small private room. There was already someone in the private room. She bent down and talked to the other person for two sentences, as if to fight the table. Then she sat in and shoved into the small room next to the seat. Bezel.

“This is an interview video of Marshal Woolf,” the woman glanced around, paired the two’s personal terminals together, and the transmission was completed in a second. “First-hand information, which was shot during my interview. Clip. “

The man opposite her asked: “Are you sure you are him? Are you sure he is conscious? Are you sure no one is threatened throughout the process?”

“At least I didn’t notice anything strange when I visited Marshal’s House.”

This woman is the woman reporter who interviewed Woolf.

Voto Daily has always been a loyal mouthpiece of the Central Union. Before the war, the management committee of the Central Union had the final say. They stood on the street for the Management Committee. Now, there are bosses armed in the Central Union, and they have become military forces. Party propaganda.

As one of the pillars of the Votor Daily, the female reporter naturally got the exclusive interview right of Woolf and made a wonderful questionnaire for the highly controversial Order No. 306. In the interview video, Marshal Woolf was clear-spoken and his face was as usual. As soon as it was announced, the rumor that “Woolf had become a puppet” was quelled.

So people’s attention was naturally drawn to Decree 306 itself.

“Order 3006 clearly targets the eighth galaxy. This command of the Military Commission has now brought a lot of speculation. Some people said that the independence of the eighth galaxy gave the central army of each galaxy a very bad head. Existence, in the future, this one must be independent, and the other one must be independent. I am afraid that it will not end well. Some people also say that the transition path of the eight galaxies has been interrupted for more than ten years. The problem of the eight galaxies is not urgent now. Against the heart of the rose, the Alliance ’s sword refers to the Central Army. This is another game between the Alliance Central and the Central Army that has grown during the war. Marshal Woolf wants to reclaim military power in order to emulate. “

“There is no basis,” the man said, “Although it is‘ birds and bows hiding ’, but now the birds are done? The Freedom Corps is staring at it, and drug crimes are emerging endlessly. Why would Woolf now throw the Central Army that is so hard to congregate?”

The female reporter hesitated: “There is also a rumor that they said that Woolf was compelled because the eighth galaxy has completely conquered the natural wormhole. The eighth galaxy has established a huge military empire outside the territory in recent years, and is ambitious. Sharpen the sword to the Alliance. “

The man frowned.

“But as soon as this statement came up, it was immediately criticized by public opinion.”

“Why, why?”

“Silver Ten Guards, have you forgotten?” The female reporter sighed and lowered her voice. “We were misled by people’s calculations at first, and the main force was almost in the hands of Lin Jingheng. If it were not for the prophet Harris, the organization would be almost … … The capricious goods held Lin Jingheng high because of this … God knew that they thought he was the culprit of the conspiracy to subvert the alliance. Also, in the years when the alliance was the most chaotic, the Freedom Army forced the opium chips by force. It is said that the Silver Ten Guards were rescued by the Alliance. Although they did not listen to the Alliance ’s orders, they were also the backbone of the opium. On the day when the eighth galaxy announced its independence, the Silver Ten Guards appeared high-profile and followed Lin Jingheng directly. The eighth galaxy, their chief who did not know where they slyly erected Lu Xin at the door of his house, is a natural shield of sentiment. Whether the eighth galaxy really looks at the Alliance, I do n’t know, but many have been favored and easy The instigated idiots don’t believe it. “

The man asked, “What else?”

“There is also important news, they said that the son-in-law project is likely to have succeeded in the eighth galaxy, and they have made a real super-armed,” the female reporter said, “Who is the chief of that eighth galaxy? Son, we do n’t know, but he is immune to the rainbow virus. “

“Where does the message come from?”

“A senior member of the Military Commission was my friend and overheard me,” said the female reporter. “They are talking about this, the source is unknown. You go back and tell the Prophet Harris to prepare him mentally. Prophets naturally judge. “

The two hurriedly exchanged information, and a prompt message popped up at the table, showing the number of the Star Cruise ship that was prepared, and passengers were asked to board the boat.

“I’m gone,” the man took a deep look at his companion, “for life and nature.”

“Life and nature.”

The man hurried away from the restaurant, noticing that a not-so-short man stood up from the adjacent private room and quietly followed him.


Wang Ailun poured himself a glass of red wine, and toasted to the empty place: “That woman has sent information to Harris. Lu Bixing is immune to the rainbow virus. We still picked up the news from Harris. He I knew it right away. Harris was afraid of fighting, and he always favored the eighth galaxy. He would definitely try to get in touch with the eighth galaxy. I ’ll cooperate with him a little. Only one thing, you are sure that the eighth galaxy Cut off the connection and close the wormhole area? What if they feel they are threatened and want to start off first? “

Lin Jingying’s imaginary figure floated next to his wrist, a three-dimensional portrait with a big palm, at first glance, it looked like an exquisite work of art.

“No, the Silver Ten Guards can’t do anything to turn the muzzle to the league, and you are not the first day to know Lin Jingheng’s untimely fool.” She said lightly, “Moreover, there is An Zhulu’s” Pearl “in Before, did they still dare to trust the Central Army? On the one hand, the hostility of the Central Alliance, and on the other hand, the Central Army ’s “virtuous and inferior snake”. And for more than a decade, it was not enough to change the ideology of a generation. Whenever the head grows up, he knows how to avoid getting into the mess of the league. “

“By your word,” Wang Ailun said, “It would be better if their useless technology could be developed and completely blasted the wormhole area. Without the trouble of the eighth galaxy variable, I believe our future will be much smoother-cheers. “

Galaxy City, home of General Lin and Engineer 001.

Lu Bixing walked on the small couch in the corner of the study, couldn’t sleep, the small couch didn’t have enough space, his legs couldn’t be straightened, and he went out as soon as he stretched out. Strange to say, when Lin Jingheng didn’t return, he slept in the study every day, and never cared about the problem that his limbs could not be turned over. Anyway, when he needed to turn over, it was almost time to get up, and he moved back to the bedroom for half a year. There are many problems.

The starlight was laid on the first floor, and it entered the house diagonally, and the clock was already pointing to the middle of the night. This night is like a year. He is like a drug addict who has no cure for his drug. He probably can only breathe until the next morning meeting.

Lu Bixing lay down and got up again, tossing back and forth four or five times, determined that he was insomnia, could not help but opened his personal terminal, opened a photo album.

A three-dimensional virtual image as big as a real person floated, Lin Jingheng turned to his side, half of his face was buried in the pillow, his palms lay down to the side, and the quilt was only placed on his waist. .

Lu Bixing looked at the image in his personal terminal, stretched out a hand, and there was a hand in the image, which perfectly overlapped with his own hand, and touched the palm of Lin Jingheng ’s open palm. The palm is the most exposed place of body temperature One, hidden under a thin cocoon, touched it with an unspeakable meaning. In the video, Lin Jingheng suddenly put his five fingers together, caught the harassing thief in the middle of the night, took his hand to his arms, pecked his head, and kept his eyes open. He said vaguely, “Be honest.”

Lu Bixing carried his overcoat in his arms, holding the sneaky shadow in his arms, and raised the corner of his mouth, and soon couldn’t laugh again. He closed his eyes and put the coat on the tip of his nose. Taking a deep breath, thinking, “What should I say to him tomorrow morning?”

Alliance, the Eighth Galaxy, the 306th increase in orders, the Central Army with a mysterious position …

According to the default settings, the album in the personal terminal turns to the last one, and then starts from the beginning.

Lu Bixing didn’t care, let it play automatically, and saw the little boy enter his room with his head down. The facial features were vaguely present, but his temperament was more gloomy and more closed. It seemed like a small animal aggrieved, and slid open the door Then, with a light bang, the boy was startled and took a step back at the door. Then, a high-manner artificial mech floated in the room, which looked like a big duck egg, and was painted on the “duck egg”. With the cartoon facial features, the green emerald spirit net spread out, and the boy was radiantly splashed. A man’s voice sounded: “Surprise! Happy birthday!”

The boy grew up little by little, and gradually took out the appearance of a teenager, sitting on the sofa with Erlang’s legs and turning over a book, as if he casually said to the people outside the camera: “Yes, Ulan College let me early next month Go to report … What are you doing? Are you adults so calm? … No, it is not important to see the enrollment brochure filling in the form, is it important to announce it? Did n’t you forget it later? …… Let me go, I’ll go, just mix the ranks and pay anyway … “

The teenager was wearing a uniform of Wulan Academy, and his face was impatient: “Do you want to send it, do you want to lose it?”

The teenager clipped the medal issued with the scholarship at his fingertips and popped it up. A “ding” sounded. It turned upside down. The teenager Lin Jingheng showed a bit of a bad smile, reached out and touched it in front of his mouth. A movement to zip up the mouth.

Lu Bixing followed the smile subconsciously.

Subsequently, the video recording with the growth of the teenager was suddenly interrupted for a period of time. In the next photo, the date recording is already two or three years later. The young man grew up like a child, half a head tall, and his thin shoulders widened. The student uniform was changed into a military uniform and appeared at the graduation ceremony of Wulan College. As an honorary graduate, he was directly conferred. No emotions were seen on his face. When he raised his hand to salute, his gray eyes narrowed and revealed It means a little cold.

He was savage and bloody, step by step, ruined his reputation as a high-profile silver fortress …

Lu Bixing didn’t know when he fell asleep. Perhaps he saw more of these images before going to bed. In the middle of his sleep, he woke up in dreams, and then the young man’s bright smile, and then his adulthood. After the frosty gray eyes, he followed him to patrol in the lonely interstellar space, and then followed him back to the graduation ceremony of Wulan College. Lu Bixing chased after him desperately, calling his name, angry. He ran off, and put his arms around the young officer’s shoulder.

In the dream, Lin Jingheng turned his head and squeezed his wrist tightly. The look looked so familiar and said to him, “I only have you.”

Lu Bixing’s legs fell off the small couch, and he went directly to the floor. He woke up, and the coat he had been holding in his hands rolled to the ground.

The clock on the personal terminal shows that at this time there is less than half an hour before dawn, and the sky of Galaxy City has seen a white belly.

Lu Bixing sat on the couch for two seconds, suddenly turned up like sleepwalking, dragged a leg crushed by himself, rushed out, and ran up to the attic.

The locked attic refused him, but ordinary home door locks are actually easy to break. Students who come to an information school can hack and pry open within five minutes. Engineer 001 seems to have forgotten to take his mind. I did not want to open the attic door with brute force.

The electronic butler was weak: “Principal Lu, this is also violence …”

Lin Jingheng was sitting on the attic window sill with a cigarette in his attic, looking back across the room of the old object.

The small door slammed, the electronic lock was short-circuited and scrapped, and the door panel fell down. He was dragged from the window sill the next moment.

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