Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 32 Banyan Tree King in the Deep Mountains

Qin Niu looked at it for a while and decided to continue walking deeper into the mountain.

Now that he has a sword, and the probability of explosive slashing with his slashing skills has been increased to 20%, he is much more courageous.

The further you go into the mountains, the less visited you become.

The probability of discovering various natural and earthly treasures is also much higher.

Of course, the chance of encountering ferocious beasts and venomous snakes will also increase significantly. The old people in the village always warn the young people in the village not to go deep into the mountains, saying that there are ferocious beasts that eat people.

The most widely circulated version of the story: At the age of thirty-one, Xu Zhenchang made a lot of money from planting, bought land, built a magnificent brick house, and arranged a marriage with a matchmaker, marrying a girl from another village. wife. After paying the betrothal gift, the date was decided.

Seeing the marriage approaching day by day, it has been raining continuously for days.

The rain finally stopped at noon on the first day of the wedding, and the sky became clearer.

Xu Zhenchang has purchased everything else, except for a load of good firewood.

So he promised in public a high price of fifty cents to buy a load of firewood for the wedding.

Generally, sycamore wood is used.

Because this tree is considered a good tree for Phoenix to rest on, it represents happiness, nobility, and good luck.

But whenever someone in the village celebrates a happy event, they go up the mountain to cut down sycamore trees.

Naturally, I picked the one closest to the village.

Slowly, all the sycamore trees in the nearby villages were cut down, and no one dared to cut them down on the mountain of the Yan family, a big landowner.

So I could only keep searching deep into the mountains.

So much so that it became increasingly difficult to find sycamore trees.

Some families even plant one or two sycamore trees in their yard on the day their son is born. When the son reaches the age of sixteen and is old enough to marry a wife, it will come in handy.

Xu Zhenchang's family used to be very poor, so naturally they were not prepared for this.

So he promised a high price of fifty coins to buy a load of firewood made of sycamore wood.

No one took the job.

Because ordinary firewood can be sold for seven cents a load. In order to get a wife, Xu Zhenchang could only grit his teeth and increase the purchase price to 100 Wen.

It is said that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

100 Wen is equivalent to ten days' income of an ordinary farmer.

Liu Dazhuang, a woodcutter from the village, took over the job.

Confidently, I entered the mountain with my hatchet and pole.

Looking at his confident look, the villagers secretly guessed that Liu Dazhuang must have paid attention to it when he went to chop wood in the mountains. Know where there are sycamore trees to cut down.

Someone took over the job, and it was an experienced woodcutter. A stone in Xu Zhenchang's heart finally fell to the ground.

Carrying a load of sycamore wood to welcome the bride tomorrow will definitely go very smoothly.

Because sycamore wood represents auspiciousness and joy.

Until the sun went down, no one saw the woodcutter Liu Dazhuang coming out. Liu Dazhuang's wife and son were a little anxious.

This kind of thing has never happened!

The Liu family is prosperous and considered a wealthy family in the village. Worried that Liu Dazhuang was in danger, Liu Dazhuang's wife invited the Liu family of the village and several other well-connected villagers to go up the mountain to look for Liu Dazhuang.

As a result, everyone searched deep into the mountain and found blood stains.

Everyone's heart sank, knowing that something might have happened to Liu Dazhuang.

Following the bloodstains, I found a large pool of blood and filth among the fallen firewood, as well as two feet with straw sandals on them.

When Liu Dazhuang's wife saw the pair of straw sandals, she cried and fainted on the spot. These are my man's shoes, his feet... wuwu, you died so miserably! Liu Dazhuang's wife wailed several times, After holding in his breath, he fainted.

The villagers quickly took Liu Dazhuang's feet and Liu Dazhuang's wife out of the mountain.

Later, an experienced hunter from the village checked the bite marks on the feet and determined that they were caused by an eye-catching insect.

The eye-catching insect is a metaphor for the tiger.

Its eyes are like two hanging green lanterns in the dark night, and the big bug means tiger.

Ordinary people are afraid of tigers and even dare not say its name.

After talking about my fear, I would actually encounter a tiger when I went up the mountain to cut firewood.

I don’t know how Xu Zhenchang got married later. I only know that the Liu family still doesn’t talk to Xu Zhenchang. When we met on the road, the Liu family turned their heads and walked over with cold expressions.

Qin Niu explored the depths of the mountain. The main purpose this time was really not hunting.

He wanted to practice quietly, and it would be best to build a practice place on a big tree.

The practice of Changchun Gong requires understanding nature. He believes that being immersed in nature can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Also, he was very interested in the method of raising weapons that Master Ou told him.

It would be great if I could find a place to keep my knives.

As he continued deeper, it became difficult to see the traces left by humans.

Some large trees with a diameter of more than half a meter have gradually begun to increase. Without human felling, many trees can live for more than five hundred years, and some can even live for five thousand years.

In addition to these towering ancient trees, ferns, low shrubs, trees, various weeds, and creepers are also important parts of the forest.

They are like a harmonious big family, living happily in this mountain.

The further he went, the more lush the vegetation became, and there was no path at all. There were overgrown thorns, and his progress became more and more difficult.

And the deeper into the mountain, the stronger the uneasy feeling becomes.

He is still very weak now, and there are too many creatures in the mountains that can kill him.

Looking around, the visible range is very small, surrounded by lush firewood and trees blocking the view. When he was in it, he was really as small as a speck of dust.

He was not reconciled to not finding a suitable place for meditation and knife maintenance.

Decided to walk inside again.

After walking for about two miles, he found an ancient banyan tree with a diameter of more than two meters.

The more common trees with long lifespan are apricot trees, banyan trees, sycamore trees, cypress trees, etc.

Ancient camphor trees are relatively common in areas where humans live, but in deep mountains and old forests, they cannot compete with other trees, so they are relatively rare. Moreover, camphor trees grow quickly and have brittle wood.

In heavy snow and strong winds, large branches can easily break.

Wounds can easily attract insects and ants to invade.

Insect infestations are fatal to many trees.

This banyan tree is made up of trunks like braided ropes, which are joined together to tower into the clouds. The branches and leaves spread out in all directions, like a gorgeous umbrella, covering a distance of several hundred meters in radius.

The vegetation within the canopy was crushed by him until it became dull.

No other larger trees can be seen at all.

Qin Niu's heart skipped a beat when he saw it for the first time.

He chose it as a training base in the mountains. Its tree body was tall enough to help him avoid attacks from many snakes, insects, ants and beasts.

If nothing else, just the mosquito bites in the mountains are enough to make people miserable.

This banyan tree suited his eyes very well.

As I got closer, the pounding feeling became stronger.

This is a very special and strange feeling.

In the vast mountains, this tree was the only one that brought him such a heart-pounding feeling.

Choose a flat branch at the height of the tree to build a high-altitude platform, sit on it and meditate, it should be a very good experience.

You can even breathe with the trees of an entire mountain.

He took off the basket on his back and climbed up like a nimble monkey.

At a height of about eight or nine meters above the ground, he selected a flat location with branches separated. This height is just right, so you can get a good view and identify every move within hundreds of meters around you.

You don’t have to worry about the wind being too strong and the tree body swaying and falling when you sit on it and practice.

After taking a short rest, he took out his sword and prepared to cut off the main branch in the center.

The thickest branch had to be cut off to build a spacious platform for him to meditate and practice.

It is surrounded by auxiliary branches, so it will be very safe for him to sit inside and practice.


A single slash of the knife will directly produce an explosive slashing effect.

Using this sword tailor-made for him is simply a pleasure. The performance of the slashing martial arts is obviously more stable, and the power is also much greater.

The probability of an explosive slash has doubled.

Hey, why is this tree bleeding?

Qin Niu looked at the chopped part in surprise.

I saw light green liquid seeping out.

This ancient banyan tree should be the largest and oldest one nearby.

Along the way, he encountered many ancient trees, but this ancient banyan tree was the only one he chose at a glance.

At first he thought it was because the tree was extremely tall and towered among all other trees, so it caught his eye, and that was why his heart suddenly moved.

It doesn't seem that simple now.

The thrilling feeling a tree gave him was strange in itself.

Now he cut it with a knife, and green 'blood' oozed from the tree, making him realize that this tree was probably different.

It has a life of its own.

I am attracted to it, is it because I practice Changchun Gong?

Qin Niu thought of a possibility.

Because this has never happened.

He has been practicing Changchun Gong for only a short time and his skill is extremely weak.

Only when you encounter this kind of special huge tree can you have a sense of it.

Is this tree a spirit? Is that why I feel something?

He had read stories about plants and trees becoming spirits in books.

This banyan tree should be more than a thousand years old. It absorbs the essence of heaven and earth in this mountain every day, and is blessed by the sun and moon. It is really possible to cultivate into a spirit.

I slashed it, but nothing happened.

Qin Niu felt a little scared in his heart, but out of curiosity about mysterious things, he wanted to find out.

His current position was at the waist of the tree.

Its total height is at least over fifteen meters.

It was impossible to see what was hidden within the dense canopy.

Generally, big trees like this are a paradise for birds to inhabit.

It's just strange to say that I don't know if it's because the birds have left their nests to look for food, or if there's another reason. Not a single bird was seen.

This suddenly filled his heart with a strange aura, and when he looked at the tree again, he felt even more gloomy.

Out of his instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil, he thought it would be best to leave as soon as possible.

You can find any training place, there is no need to practice on this evil ancient banyan tree.

Thinking like this, he quickly climbed down the tree.

It's easy to go up this big tree, but extremely difficult to come down.

Fortunately, his climbing ability was not weak, and after a lot of effort, he finally got down from the tree without any danger.

It landed safely on the ground without any danger.

This made him a little bolder.

He raised his head and looked at this ancient banyan tree with a strange aura again. It was still the same as the first time he saw it. It's heart-pounding, but nothing unusual when watching it.

I'd better leave quickly, don't be like the woodcutter Liu Dazhuang in the village, who was eaten by monsters and was left with only one pair of feet.

He picked up the basket and walked back the way he came.

He walked at least more than a mile in one breath, which was more than 500 meters away!

He thought to himself that it should be safe now.

As soon as he raised his head, he was immediately frightened out of his wits.

It's over, it's over, I'm afraid I encountered the legendary ghost hitting the wall today.

After walking so far, we are still under the banyan tree.

The most fearful thing is to encounter this kind of thing in the forest. Many people say that they are suffering from poisonous miasma and have hallucinations, so they are spinning in circles.

He pinched himself and it hurt.

Counting on your fingers, one plus one equals two, and two plus one equals three.

It's totally fine with a clear mind.

He picked off another leaf and looked at it carefully. The veins on the leaf were clearly visible, and even the burrs on the back could be seen clearly. There are no problems with vision.

So what's going on?

Now he already regretted going into the mountains to investigate.

The life creed I followed before was that if I don’t listen to old people’s nonsense, I will be happy for several years.

But now, because he didn't listen to the old man's words, he is facing a disadvantage.

Finally, it blossomed in many fields such as planting, insect control, and cultivation, and its strength gradually improved. Now trapped in this deep mountain, if you are not careful, you will die.

Old man Liu once took Qin Niu into the mountains and told him that if he got lost, he could look at the sun or moon in the sky to judge his location. Then find the right direction and keep walking forward to get out.

It should be morning now, and the dew has not yet dried in many places.

When he entered the mountain, he remembered that the red sun had begun to rise in the east.

But when I looked up at the sky, I could see nothing except the lush leaves of the banyan tree.

It is like an umbrella, covering the entire sky.

Much like the legendary one covering the sky with one hand.

Qin Niu was frightened, but he didn't panic.

The more you encounter such evil things, the more calm you must be.

Although he is only sixteen years old, he has a calmness and calmness that other children do not have.

As for bravery, he considers himself relatively timid.

But let's call him timid. When he faced Wang Haikun, he was afraid on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about the chances of winning with a knife to kill Wang Haikun, and what consequences he would face after killing the person.

Also, at such an old age, he dares to kill wolves and black bears on his own.

Not to mention this village, even a village with a radius of a hundred miles would be hard-pressed to find such a brave young man.

If he really had to describe him, the word Shen Yong would be more suitable for him.

Be cautious and brave, not the kind of brainless person.

Dad Liu told me, don't be afraid if you can't see the moon or the sun. Tear your clothes into strips and tie one to a branch at a distance.

Qin Niu did not hesitate, and decisively picked up the sword to cut off the hem of the clothes and tear them into strips of cloth.

Hey, I remember this knife was stained with a lot of banyan tree blood. How come it's clean now?

It's really crazy today.

Weird things happened one after another.

Qin Niu thought that the green banyan tree blood stained on the blade had been wiped clean by his clothes.

But after checking the clothes, there were no traces at all.

I don't care about that now, let's find a way to escape from here first.

After experiencing this strange incident, his awe of the mountains increased a hundredfold.

Decisively cut off the hem of the clothes with a sword.


It was still as sharp as cutting iron, and he easily cut off the hem of his clothes.

But when he was cutting, he noticed something strange about the sword in his hand.

It's like... it's exciting.

Swing the knife and try to chop at a piece of vegetation in front of you.


With almost no effort, large tracts of low vegetation were cut down.

A very light green sap also oozes from the broken parts of these plants and trees. Moreover, their wounds seemed to be healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I am afraid that if I entered the training place of some 'great immortal' today, I would definitely have a narrow escape from death.

Qin Niu's heart has sunk to the bottom.

The sword was stained with some light green juice, but the juice exuded from these plants was obviously much lighter.

The sap exuded from the ancient banyan tree is dark green, while the sap exuded from the vegetation under these banyan trees is very light.

Almost transparent.

Only a little bit of light green can be seen.

Qin Niu became excited when he felt the sword again, but it was far less intense than before.

Just a little excited.

He stared at the light green juice on the sword.

I saw them getting smaller and smaller, and in less than a moment, they all disappeared.

Was this absorbed by the sword?

Qin Niu could only think of this possibility.

Of course, it's also possible that it's air-dried. But it doesn't look like it, because if it is air-dried, there will definitely be some marks on the blade.

But there are no marks at all on the blade.

It's really evil.

He did not study the matter further, but used his sword to cut the hem of the clothes into thin strips of cloth. Then he tied a piece of cloth to the branch of an unknown tree next to him.

Walking further, about ten meters away, he found a more eye-catching small tree and tied a piece of cloth on it.

In this way, I tied a piece of cloth every ten meters and walked out step by step.

The crown of this ancient banyan tree covers a radius of about 300 meters at most. According to the method Old Man Liu taught him, he only needs to tie up to thirty cloth strips to get out of this maze.

The two chapters are combined and difficult to separate. Thank you Hao for not confiscating the reward and supporting it.

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