I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 65: A Seducer

"Do you know that humans were once considered the next rising star?"

This crisp voice came from a very stunning beauty that had the body of a human and two small twisted horns on both sides of her head. She wore a veil over her face, olive green in color, matching the bright red dress she wore that only covered her shoulders, transverse strip of chest, and her waist.

She sat on a seat made entirely of faint green leather. Putting one leg over the other, showing her porcelain white smooth skin and stunning figure in front of Jim with no embarrassment at all.

"Well," Jim swallowed his throat for a moment, "I never heard something like that."

"Your generation won't hear such things," she sighed before adding, "but the old generation like me knows the truth."

"Old?" he muttered in disbelief, as this stunning lady wasn't too much older than him.

"Hahaha," she laughed and her laugh managed to kidnap his heart in an instant, "I'm not that young as you think."

"My lady seems to be exaggerating," he smiled as he added, "you aren't that much older than me."

"In look perhaps, but in years I doubt," she chuckled before leaning further on the seat as she added, "do you like what you see, human boy?"

This time he swallowed his throat in slow motion as he was extremely and suddenly nervous. He tried to evade answering such questions by glancing at the base level of the store where other disciples were stealing silent glances at his direction from time to time.

"I like this store of yours."

"This isn't mine," she said before adding, "I'm just acting as guardian here, no more."

"Thanks for the generosity you showed to me," he recalled what happened outside the store and her help to feel ashamed not to hurry to thank her the moment he reached her.

"Don't mention it," she softly chuckled, "tell me, do you want to sit and rest on my lap?" she passed her hand over her naked legs in slow and alluring say that made Jim have sweat in the next instant.

"Ahem, I have to decline that," despite feeling much bitter inside for saying that, he had this feeling that he should refuse.

"Oh," her eyes shone with green light that appeared even from behind the veil covering her face, "such a will in young age… it seems being a member of the fairy pantheon wasn't a fluke."

"What does miss mean?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation limited in this area.

"It's not that easy to refuse a word from me y'know," she laughed before adding, "I bet you know nothing about me, sweet boy."

Her tone made his soul shudder. He felt hidden pressure assaulting his body, making him unable to breath for a second.

Yet the next moment, all the pressure vanished as she sighed. "Sorry, it's an old habit of mine. I hope you won't mind it."

He hurried to nod, "I don't mind."

"Don't be afraid of me," she corrected her body, "you are somehow immune to my allure innate spell, reminding me of them."

Jim wanted to ask but he hesitated. "They are who you think," she laughed before adding, "at least I can read your mind."

This time he realized why his old man stressed over not to speak with him in front of her. "Scary," he muttered to himself and she only laughed when heard his thoughts.

"Tell me, have you seen a fairy before?" she suddenly asked and her question made him startled.

"Not yet," he said before adding, "didn't they all die?"

"Activating the lost pantheon of them meant they aren't," she softly muttered, as if she was speaking to herself, "but this isn't a bad thing. After all I was supposed to marry a human back then to elevate the statue of my family."

Her words made Jim raise one of his eyebrows. "Don't give me that look," she laughed, "I meant one of my ancestors of course. I'm not that old, hehehe."

He didn't know how to respond to her. In an instant she would act like a little girl, the next she would be like a sexy whore. She then turns into a wise old lady, and finally a dreadful beast that would be able to devour him if she wanted to.

She was a giant puzzle that he was glad he didn't have to crack.

"Tell me boy, do you know anything about the lost heritage of the fairies?" she suddenly asked, in a tone full of curiosity.

"Well," he hesitated, "I know nothing about such old secrets."

"They are secrets indeed," she nodded, "but recently rumors spread around the town about someone who has the knowledge of such secrets. I thought it was you."

Her tone made him realize he shouldn't lie to her, nor tell the truth either. "I know nothing about any of these rumors," he said, and this was the only lie he could truthfully tell.

And she kept her silence there for long moments like she was studying him.

"Indeed you are right," she sighed, "a human like you coming from a very far world can't know of such profound things."

She paused before waving her hands to the stairs, "you can go down and get all the requirements of the classes of you and the handful disciples of your team."

"Thanks for lady generosity," he was relieved so much to leave this place. He just turned towards the stairs when she suddenly said:

"If you ever found that mysterious being then ask him if he can share some secrets with me," she stopped while he paused for a moment before continuing to descend the stairs. "Having me as a backing isn't a bad thing. I can protect you here, there, and even during your bedtime."

She added this with a short playful laugh that made his soul crave to go back and devour her. Yet he hardly controlled himself as he finally reached the bottom.

"Everything for this human fairy disciple is on the store," she shouted from above while the workers down there only nodded in respect.

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