I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 9: Unexpected visitor


I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 9


「Unexpected visitors」


The next day. 




I heave a yawn. Cleaning my armor and clothes took longer than expected. In the end, I slept a little later than usual, resulting in my current state. I didn't expect blood to be so difficult to get rid of. Ughh… At the very least, my parents don't seem suspicious, that's good. 


Also, Amy seems to have brought the goblin soldier's magic stone to class. I warned her not to do anything that may get it confiscated, but she seems too excited to listen to my words. All I know is that she's going to brag about it to her friends. That cheeky brat.


I enter the classroom and was immediately surrounded by animosity. Great, can't even catch a break. I groan in irritation. Heading over to my desk, I ignore all the glares and whispers. Grow a pair of balls and say it to my face, you cowardly bunch. I took out a book about our topic yesterday and started reading, acting impervious. 


Should I try attending homeroom last minute? Honestly, I'm tempted. I'd get more time to eat breakfast, walk around, and the likes. Also, I wouldn't have to spend 10 or so minutes being glared at by my classmate. It's a good idea. I'm going to do that tomorrow. 




The door to our classroom swung wide open, creating a loud bang. Classroom doors are sliding ones, so the noise was especially loud. I frown and glare at the person responsible, but my eyes quickly widen. 


What the… 


"Heyya, human mutts." 


"Ughh… Why did you bring me in this room filled with dunces." 


"Wow, all of them look so weak." 


Classes 1-5 and 1-4 entered our classroom. The two classes have a group consisting of 4-5 members in them. Honestly, I expected class 1-5 because of yesterday's commotion. class 1-4, on the other hand, I did not expect. 


Various ideas bloom in my head before settling into my hypothesis. My lips pursed when I realize why class 1-4 is here. Seriously, Andrew is a calamity magnet. It was most likely the 2nd or 1st class who ordered them to spectate us. This didn't happen in the game, but then again, this was reality. Not the game. 


If class 1-6 was filled with only humans and class 1-5 with only hybrids, then class 1-4 would be filled with commoners of the other races. They were the pinnacle of the lower classes. Their levels should be around 11-12, almost ten times greater than ours. 


I knew the hero party went into the dungeon. However, since they were a party, I doubt any of them would have reached level 2. The exp distribution was that brutal. Also, I had to kill over a hundred or so slimes. I was being efficient with it too. In short, Andrew and Co. shouldn't have reached level 2 yet. Maybe today they will. 


I ignore class 1-5's group. Andrew should be dealing with them. I focus on class 1-4's groups. There were four of them. One female and three males. The males were a devil, an orc, and a dragon judging by their features. The female was an elf. All of them look human, but features such as slitted eyes, pointy ears, green skin, and jet-black horns show that they were, in fact, not human. 


They stood to the side, observing us. Each of them has a disgusted expression on their face, showing their reluctance and repugnance toward the current situation. Well, aside from their expressions, they weren't causing any problem, which put me at ease. class 1-5, however… 




Someone struck their palm into Andrew's desk. Coincidentally, that someone was the devil hybrid yesterday. His face red, veins bulging in his forehead. Is he okay? I don't think that's healthy.


"What are you doing? Did getting your ass handed to you by the guards teach you anything?" (Andrew) 


"Be quiet, you human maggot. You're lucky you're in school. Otherwise, you would be missing a few limbs by now." 


"What are you doing here then? I don't think you're here to start a fight." (Andrew) 


"Isn't it obvious? I challenge you to a duel!" 


My classmates audibly gasp at his words. class 1-4's group had a look of interest. Their reaction made sense. A duel was a proper request to fight someone. Inside a duel, anything goes. You could break, severe, or even cut off limbs in certain cases. The only rule applied is that you couldn't kill. 


Now, what would Andrew choose? In the game, this was another event. Refuse it, you lose morale and impression from your classmate and get mocked by class 1-5. Accept it, you need to fight this guy in a month and win. It was a hard decision for new players. 


"I accept." (Andrew) 


Resolution flashed in Andrew's eyes as he calmly declared his acceptance. The crowd stirred at his composed appearance, giving others a sense of reliability and security. The devil hybrid snarled as an imperious smirk bloomed into his face. 


"We'll do it in a month. What's your name?" 


"Andrew Rubis. And you?" 


"Marc Baylon. See you in a month." 


With that, he turns around and started leaving with his lackeys. Well, they were mostly his hypemen more than anything. 4th class, seeing the end of the confrontation, got bored and left shortly after. A sigh of relief leaked out of everyone's mouth when they saw them leave the door. 


In the end, the classroom was filled with a peculiar mood. 




Gasper household. 


I routinely open the door and took off my shoes, placing them on the shoe rack. Class, as always, was uneventful. The only notable thing was the unexpected visit from the two classes. Other than that, it was glaring, bad-mouthing, and even more glaring. 


In front of me, the sight of my father laying on the ground was seen. The solemn air that usually encompasses him was nowhere to be seen, leaving me more shocked than worried. 


"… I don't want to work…" (Dad) 


A ghastly face said the words every functioning adult of society would say. A shiver went down my spine when I heard how heart-wrenching and genuine he sounded. The image of the man I looked up to my entire life was slowly, steadily crumbling. 


"Uhhh… Dad?" 


"Oh, Lukas." (Dad) 


Suddenly, he stood up and wiped his face of his earlier grievance. He radiated a sense of solemnity and pensiveness. However, instead of praising and looking up to him, I blankly stared at the scene, more dumbfounded at the complete 180 in attitude. 


"Weren't you suppose to start working tomorrow?" 


"Yeah, but a change of plans happened. The company I've been buying my potions in bulk sent them earlier than planned. I have to pick them up." (Dad) 


"Are you going to open the store?" 


"I will, why?" (Dad) 


"I'll take a visit later." 


"Okay. I'll be going now." (Dad) 


"Goodbye. See you later." 


Waving at my father, he waves back and leaves in his work clothes. I say work clothes but they're semi-formal wear. Enough to leave a good impression as a salesperson. As someone who worked retail in my previous life, I had infinite respect for my father who works and manages a store on his own to support us. 


Although that respect is fragile from his earlier appearance… Anyways, I head inside the living room and saw my mother and sister watching the TV together. 


"Lukas, you're back. How's school?" 


"So-so. What are you watching?" 


"Some documentary about the 46th floor in the labyrinth. Amelia wanted to watch it with me."




Amy only hummed and focused her attention on the TV. I sat down to her right, sandwiching her between me and mom. I left her enough space to wiggle through. 


A live video feed showing the 46th floor, the highest floor, was displayed on the TV. They were probably using an item forged to transmit the data from one point to another and broadcast it. It was similar to WiFi, but MP was used instead. 


The labyrinth of Vanitas was one of the biggest labyrinths in the world. Heck, even the labyrinths in other races were slightly smaller than Vanitas'. This was the main reason why the other countries coveted the labyrinth so much. 


It consisted of 100 floors. In the game, I was one of the very first players to clear it. But even then, it was painstakingly difficult. 


The video transitioned to an icy mountain. At the top of the largest peak, a dragon covered in blue scales stood at the top, dormant and resting. A squeal of excitement leaked out of my sister. Even my mother seemed interested at the sight of such a powerful creature. 


'The 46th floor is the highest, huh.'


That would mean that, at best, the strongest person in the world should be around level 50. A few candidates rose to my mind. The knight commander of humanity, the devil queen, and the elven queen are a few to speak. 


Level 50, by all means, is not easy to reach. Even in the game, you would need to spend a month or two of consistent grinding to reach that level. Now, with the element of death, the pace is slower. However, I wasn't afraid of such a milestone. 


After all, the max level of the game was level 155, three times greater than the current world's strongest. I spent three years reaching that level in my previous life. I was patient enough to wait it out and grind. For now, I had to stay low-key to avoid trouble and calmly level up. 


The labyrinth of Vanitas would be a valuable asset in helping me level up but I had to be careful. Starting from the 20th floor, themes would be added every 10 floors. For the 40th up to the 50th floor, they would be fighting in an icy biome all the time, so cold-resistant armor/clothes were a must. 


The first 19 floors were meant to introduce the player to the labyrinth. After that, you were thrown into a whole other environment. It was one of the features that made Vanitas as popular as it was. The uniqueness, complexity, and difficulty of the labyrinth were what aroused the players all across the globe. 


Thinking I'd seen enough, I excuse myself and went to my room. Today, I planned on reaching level 5 and getting my class. It should be possible since the spawn rate is higher on the 3rd and 4th floor if I remember correctly. The difficulty does increase but my fight against the goblin soldier filled me with profound confidence. 


I wear my leather armor and boots. Then, I strap the waistband on and latch my sword with its sheath in there. Finally, I wore a standard travel backpack. Beneath the armor and other equipment, I was wearing peanut brown cargo pants and an army-green hoodie. 


Again, I'm not one for fashion. As long as it's comfortable, I like it. On the 3rd floor, the temperature is slightly colder than on the 2nd floor. The humidity there is a lot higher than on the 2nd floor. After checking myself in the mirror, I head down to the foyer. However, in the midst, I met Amy and mom. 


"Woahh!" (Amy) 


"What's with you? Do I look weird?" 


"Nope, you look like an actual adventurer." (Amy) 


"You look handsome, dear." (Mom) 




"So… When are you bringing me?" (Amy) 


"Amelia now's not the time. Your brother hasn't even reached level 2 yet." (Mom) 


I ponder a bit. If it's the first 2 floors, bringing Amy shouldn't be a problem. Thing is, I want her to get stronger. She can also protect the family when I'm not around. The thing about her A-ID would also be problematic. Since she's 15, I can't exactly bring her to the dungeon without my parent's consent. 


Wait… I can bring her to the dungeon, just not out in the public's eye. After all, that feature should still be available. However, I haven't heard anyone use it. Does no one know about it? Eh, I'll check it out later. 


"When I get to level 10, I'll bring you along, okay?" 


"Mhm." (Amy) 


I pat her head and mess with her hair a little. She doesn't mind as she happily nods her head at my words. My mother looked a little conflicted. To her, reaching level 10 might take a year, even more with my horrendous initial stats. I feel a little bad about deceiving her, but I needed to get stronger as fast as possible. I'll listen to her scolding when I'm strong enough. 


Bidding farewell to the two, I head to the labyrinth. I should hurry. The possibility of meeting the hero party or my classmates increases the longer I get there. Heck, I already wasted enough time watching TV with my family. 


With newfound caution, I hastened my gait. 



3rd floor of the labyrinth of Vanitas. 


A cold breeze brushed past my body. What greeted me was the sight of the 3rd floor of the labyrinth. Similar to the 2nd floor, moss and weed grew from the edges of the corridor. However, the 3rd floor had grass. 


Most floors of the labyrinth have the main road leading to the next floor. These roads are usually taken care of, evident by the fact that the grass on the 3rd floor was trimmed to an even height. The main roads are usually safer for the first 10 floors since most adventurers are here and barely any monster spawns. 


If you diverge from the main route, the likelihood of monster spawning increases. Some routes lead to well-known spawn rooms. However, those places are usually monopolized and I don't want to fight for space there. 


Opening my smartwatch, I open a map to the 3rd floor. My knowledge of the game is one of the highest in the whole community, but I can't exactly remember everything. I knew of the important spots, but expecting me to remember every floor of the labyrinth would be too much. I am only human after all. 


I diverge from the main route. The farther I got, the less of a chance I'll meet other people, and the greater the spawn rate becomes. It was risky, but what's a little risk for some benefits? 


A few minutes of walking and I was already a ways off from the main route. Soon, the sound of smoke converging was heard to my right. I look at it and unsheath my sword. Then, when most of the smoke coalesced, a goblin equipped with leather armor and a standard Viking sword came into existence. 


I dash at it, not letting it compose itself. Unfortunately, the goblin was fast enough to block my attack aimed at its skull. Two swords clashed at each other, creating sparks as they rattle, both of us eager to overpower each other. 




With a mighty roar, the goblin soldier put more strength into his sword. I click my tongue as I was forced to retreat. His STR was higher than mine. Maybe all his stats were better than mine. My initial stats are seriously becoming a nuisance to me. It was starting to get annoying. 


A series of slashes hurtled at me. I counter by either parrying or redirecting them. Pivoting my foot to a 90 degrees angle, I avoid the incoming downward slash from the goblin. 




The floor cracked at his slash. The air pressure dispersed like a shockwave, forcing me to close my eyes shut. The soldier looked confused at my healthy appearance. He tried to withdraw his sword from the ground, but I use my left foot, preventing him from lifting it by stepping on the sword. 




A confused cry seeped out of the goblin. Adjusting my grip to a thrusting one, I stab at the goblin's neck. With no weapon or armor protecting his neck, my blade easily pierced through. A shriek of anguish left the goblin's mouth before dissolving into black smoke. 


A golf-sized magic stone emerged from its corpse. Although the size was similar, the quality was inferior to the one I fought on the 2nd floor. I picked it up and stuffed it into my backpack. 


I stretch my muscles. The fight just now stiffened them a little. I had to grind more than a hundred or so goblin soldiers. I might have to skip dinner if I don't hurry. Time was always the issue when dungeon diving. Hah, I should reach level 5 as fast as possible. 


Two more black clouds of smoke started forming, agglomerating into their respective center points. I point my sword at the two, before dashing at them. 


Let's speed up a little. 





I stab the nearest goblin soldier in the neck, spurting green blood everywhere. My peripheral vision warned me of a shadow to my left. Taking a large step back, I narrowly miss the sword that almost decapitated me. Then, I kick the goblin soldier, creating some distance. 


Without looking behind, I turn around and redirect another sword slash from another soldier and thrust at his skull. When I heard a crack — indicating I had successfully pierced through —, I immediately kick him and pull my weapon out, leaving his convulsing body to die. 


I relax my body and take a deep breath. In front of me, three goblin soldiers appeared, glaring at me. They each brandished their sword while surrounding me, teeth-gritting creating an unpleasant noise. They were pissed off and rightfully so. I just ended two of their comrades. 


'Maybe taking five of them at once wasn't the best of ideas.'


A wry smile was seen on my tired face. I wanted a challenge because I was getting bored, but maybe I pushed it too far. I relaxed my stance, slouched my posture, and loosened my grip. I needed to exert as little energy if I wanted to win. 


One goblin rushes toward me, thrusting the tip of his sword to my head. I parry it to the side. As I was about to counterattack, another came in and intercepted me, forcing me to back out. I grimaced, more annoyed than concerned at their teamwork. 


If I continue attacking one, another will support it, and the last one would attack me. It was an annoying strategy, but smart for a goblin. They probably want to wear down my stamina as much as they could. 


I breathe in, basking in the fresh air filled with MP and humidity. A plan began forming in my head. It's my best odds at beating them without expending all of my stamina. 


I twist my body and clash with the nearest goblin. Sparks flew and the air dispersed. I focus on my peripheral, eyeing for the next attack. It came. I lean back, forcing the goblin I was in a stalemate with to stumble forward due to inertia. 


The other goblin, the one who was sneak attacking, switched the direction of his blade, aiming at my head. I exert all of my strength to my sword, pushing the goblin I was in a stalemate into the side and parrying the incoming strike. 




The goblin's blade slid to the right. I pivot my foot and grab his right arm — the arm holding the sword — with my left hand. Then, I kick him in the chest whilst striking his forearm, making him let go of his sword. 


My senses told me to watch my back. Taking the sword that the goblin left and turning around, I parry the hit with my new sword. A loud clank resounded. Reversing my grip, I stab the goblin in the head with the sword in my right hand. 


Yes, I was duel-wielding. It was inefficient since you needed a free hand for magic. However, I currently lacked the means to use magic, so duel-wielding was a viable option for me. 


The first goblin I kicked was regaining his footing. Without hesitation, I took the sword in my left hand and threw it with all my might, piercing the soldier in the head and killing him. 


Finally, it was just the unarmed goblin. Without a weapon, all it took was a stab in the throat and he quickly turned into black smoke. 


[Level increased!] 


The familiar sensation washed my body, recovering my stamina to a certain extent. I quickly down a stamina potion and wipe the sweat on my face. 


'Let's go to the 4th floor.'


With that thought in mind, I slowly, tiredly made my way to the 4th floor.


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