I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 2: Unfamiliar Warmth

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 2

「Unfamiliar warmth」

2 hours later. 

Finally. I thought. It took two hours to process Lukas' memories. It would normally be longer but I skimmed through his memories to only get the important details and memories. Of course, I also knew where my house is. 

My house was near Vanitas High. Because this city is the first city to house all races, the rent here is expensive. Luckily, from my memories, I know that we bought a house here when the market prices were at a low. Also, Rose's family lives close to us. After all, we are childhood friends. 

You could say that the relationship between the Gasper and Hart family runs deep. Both my and Rose's fathers were old adventurers who retired and own their own shops. My family would support the Hart family when it gets tough and the same would be done if we were in a bind. This created a deep and firm friendship between each family. 

Naturally, when my parents found out about my fondness for Rose, they tried their best to pair us together. As innocent kids, we were oblivious to their antics. Hell, when I was a kid, I thought it was the God helping me for having so much time with Rose. However, as we grew older, we got smarter. 

The previous Lukas was oblivious. He cared for his family and Rose but his actions were completely fucked up in more ways than one. Forced dates by using her parents as the mediators, 'Accidental' meet-ups in malls and stores, and dog-licking her at every opportunity to earn her favor are a few to speak. It was hectic and completely idiotic, but that's what I did in the past. 

I was conflicted in my past actions. As the 'new' Lukas, I had to bear up the troubles and mistakes he made in the best. Also, regarding my transmigration, most of the influence is from me, but Lukas' memories, emotions, and feelings are also apart of me. You could say we mixed together. It's not two distinct personality, but one whole new personality from the combination of our souls. 

I felt like me, but I also felt like I was Lukas. It was weird to explain, but you could say I turned into a new Lukas that was different but still held his feelings. 

Again, it's difficult to explain but that's the best I got. Feelings and emotions were always complicated, so I couldn't put it into better words other than my explanation just now. Moving on, I had a much bigger problem to deal with. 

It was my house. 

It was simple one family house. It's only uniqueness was that it was located in one of the most famous cities in the world, but other than that, it was nothing special. However, the more I looked at it, the more my feelings swayed and trembled. I felt comfort but also awkwardness. It was the contradiction between my and Lukas' feelings. 

For one, I didn't have a family. I know Lukas' family was loving and affectionate, unlike my original family. I felt a sense of nervousness and anticipation greater than my interactions with Rose. They said blood was thicker than water and I finally understood the saying. My emotions were more intense and powerful than my time with Rose, but since the emotions weren't anything negative like sadness or betrayal, I could control them. 

My hands burrowed into my school bag instinctively. After a few seconds, I take out my house key. It seems that the everyday actions of Lukas' are being ingrained in my body now. I didn't hate it. In fact, I welcomed it. I lacked alot of fundamental knowledge of this world, so having Lukas' knowledge was a great addition. 

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, I enter the key into the keyhole with bated breath. I was nervous as hell, but I quickly shut down my nerves and open the door. 


The door opened slowly but surely. I walked in on inside and closed the door. I could quite literally hear my heartbeat to my ears. I felt like a teenager who just got home after going pass his curfew. It felt awkward, uncomfortably, and slightly fearful. No amount of time would prepare me for this sort of situation. 


My body froze. All amount of composure left my body in an instant. Her voice, cheeky but also worried, made me nostalgic. However, unlike with Rose, the effect was several magnitudes greater. A tender and gentle feeling overpowered the apprehension I had. 

"H-hey Amelia." 

Amelia Gasper. The youngest child of the Gasper family and my little sister. She had blonde hair that spanned close to her waist and blue big eyes. She's cheeky, annoying, and a pain in the ass. But even then… She's my beloved sister, someone I wouldn't trade for the world.

"What's up with the stuttering? Go get me some ice cream in the grocery store. Here's some money." 

Nevemind. She's a pain in the ass. I'll trade her for a bag of chips and a 2 liter soda. 

"Amelia, don't order your brother around. He just got back from his first day in school after all." 

A robust and deep voice scolded my sister. My body yet again stiffened. However, it was significantly less compared to my initial reaction towards Amelia. Going inside the living room, a middle-aged man sat in the couch. His gray hair and tired face never left the TV that was displaying the latest news. It was Peter Gasper, my father. 

My heart stirred at the sight. I never really had a father figure in my life, so the collision of my own confusing feelings and Lukas' serene emotions left me conflicted and puzzled. I didn't know what to make of it, but one thing was for sure. I didn't hate it. 

"Boo~ I still have a year left before I join Vanitas…" 

I look to my right only to see my sister pouting. Without hesitation, I take my right hand and started pinching her cheek. 

"W-wait! That hurts! Dad, stop my brother. Arghhh! Stop pinching it you idiot!" 

She wiggled to get out of my hold. Although my STR was originally low, it was more than enough to restrain her. After a couple of minutes of her struggling, she finally relented. 

"ouhhh… I yield.." 

Once I heard her pleading voice, I take out my hand. Her cheeks red from the vice-like grip I had on her. 

"Lukas honey, don't bully your sister too much."

Our little banter must have gotten the attention of the last member of the Gasper family. With blonde hair and blue eyes similar to mine and Amelia, she radiated an aura that was both motherly and angelic. She was my mother in this world, Anna Gasper. She was wearing an apron, indicating she was just in the midst of cooking dinner. 

"Okay, mom." 

It felt weird calling another person my mother, but it felt oddly fitting. Maybe it was Lukas' influence. 

"Lukas, go change your clothes and get some rest. We'll have dinner later." 

My father's voice rang across the room. I reply with a simple 'okay' and make my way to my room.


Entering my room, it was surprisingly clean. Most of the stories I've read about transmigrators involved the previous owner of the body being lazy. However, Lukas kept his room clean. 

Of course, it didn't mean it was spotless. It was clean enough for a person to live in. The bed wasn't tidied, my desk had a few books littered, and so on and so forth. I wasn't a clean freak in my previous life, but I kept my hygiene to a reasonable level. 


Looking at the mirror in Lukas' room, my eyes went wide yet again. There was me. Sharp blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a face that screams trouble. I looked like a villain… Well, I was one. Anyways, my stature was regular. Not too short but neither too tall. My physique was thin and my skin was deathly pale. I looked like a vampire. 

I wouldn't be surprised if I drop dead from a breeze of wind. I looked that weak. The only benefit I could make out with my new body is my face. It was toned, sharp, and fresh. Although I looked like a villain, some people liked this look. It gave them a wild and bad boy feel. In short, I looked attractive in my own way. 

'Forget it, let's clean up while we wait for dinner.'

Changing my clothes to an attire suited for cleaning, I started cleaning my room for the first time in a while. 


It took only 30 minutes to clean up my room. It wasn't that dirty in the first place. It was more of me cleaning things that I normally wouldn't have the time for. It felt satisfying at the very least. As I was changing clothes, my mother's loud voice resounded. 

"Lukas, dear. Dinner's here!" 


I shout back at her. Quickly changing my clothes, I head down to the dining room. Our house had two floors. The 1st floor contained the living room, my parent's room, a bathroom, the kitchen and the dining room. The 2nd floor had the storage room, my room, Amelia's room, and a single bathroom. 

Heading down the stairs, I make out the scenery of my mom pacing around with a pot in her hands, my dad placing plates and utensils into the dining table, and my sister playing with her phone absent-mindedly. 


"Lukas? Are you okay?" (Mom) 

"Mhm… It's nothing." 

This scene… 

It's like a family. 

It felt so foreign… I wasn't used to it but I also was. It was hard to explain. The scene that I never would have imagined in my previous life was now transmitted into my eyes. My chest tightened when I realized it. So many conflicting emotions clashed to one another, leaving me both numb and raw. 



"Don't look at us like that. Congratulations on attending Vanitas High!" (Mom) 

"Ahem. Good job on passing the entrance ceremony." (Dad) 

"Congrats brother!" 


A warm and mellow sensation ran across my heart, soothing my soul. My body, which was filled with tension since I entered the house, relaxed. A weak, soft smile made its way up to my lips. 

I never expected a congratulations or any form of praise from anyone… Not even my previous family. I long since hoped for it before, but I learned to give up.  

But… This scene… 

What an unfamiliar warmth… 

Dinner went smoothly. Although I was slightly awkward because of my gaps in my memory, my family didn't seem bothered by it. In fact, they seem to dismiss it as me being too tense from the entrance ceremony. Although I was at 6th class, the lowest class in Vanitas High. It was still leagues better than other mediocre human schools.

My heart felt at peace in this place. At first, it was hesitation and apprehension. But as time goes by and my assimilation with Lukas being deeper, I came to embrace his feelings. I didn't have the best family on Earth. It was strange for me to suddenly be tossed into a loving one. However, I was willing to understand this foreign feeling. 

Desserts were handed out. It was honey cake. It was Lukas' favorite. Coincidentally, it was also my favorite. I stuff most of the slices into my plate, much to my sister's dismay. She also loved honey cake, but as the occasion was to celebrate my enrollment, she couldn't protest and could only watch in envy as I stuff my cheeks with it. 

Noticing her envious gaze, I look at her and ate my honey cake enthusiastically, purposely slowing down to show her how much I enjoyed it. She gritted her teeth when she saw me and hurriedly ate her portion, which was much smaller than mine. 

My parents saw our petty banter and burst out chuckling. I chuckle with them, but not because of our ridiculousness but more so for my sister's reaction. 


A soft voice, almost like a whimper left my sister's voice. I stopped chuckling and glanced at her. She was staring at her cake… or what was left of it. It seems my little prank forced her to gobble down her portion of the cake. Then, she looked towards me with her iconic puppy eyes, something she's done since we were kids. 

I knew she was using it to get more of the cake. But my brotherly instinct refused to take my rational side as I reluctantly gave half of my already big portion towards Amelia. 

Amelia's eyes glistened with excitement as she greedily stared at the new portion of honey cake I gave her. However, before she could eat it, she flashed me a mischievous smile. 

'This little…!'

A vein in my forehead bulge as I fell for my sister's trap once again. However, retaliation was almost nonexistent as the transportation of goods was finalized. Commander Amelia knew this as her already mischievous smirk widened sadistically. I cursed my heart that fell for her innocent-looking yet cunning nature. 

"Lukas, how was your first day?" (Mom) 

"Mhm— I also want to know!" (Amelia) 

"Amelia, don't talk with your mouth full." (Dad) 

Heaving a sigh at my sister's behavior, I begin to tell them about everything that happened. Of course, I left and tampered with some details so as to not appear suspicious. After I was done, my throat was parched. I take a sip of water from my glass and wait for their reaction. 

Their expression were filled with excitement and relief. I didn't understand the latter but I knew of the former. By the time my parents settled in the city of Vanitas, it didn't have the same fame as it is today. As the only child who attends arguably the most famous academy in the world, they would naturally be excited by my daily life in such a prestigious place. 

Even my father, the usual stoic and serious man that he was, was now interested in my time in the school despite it only being a day. I inwardly chuckle at their behavior. The person with the most extreme reaction was my sister, as her eyes would sparkle and twinkle whenever I spoke about the premise and layout of the school. 

She's only a year younger than me. So she would be enrolling in her 1st year by the time I reach my 2nd year. However, she seems impatient as she started spouting about wanting to enter the academy early and enter dungeons. 

Like I said before, the Vanitas ID could be used to get your A-ID to enter dungeons. There is another way and that is an extension of the A-ID that enables children under 16 to enter the dungeon. However, they would need written consent from their guardians and a supervisor to make sure they wouldn't get hurt. 

As I already got my A-ID licensed, I can enter dungeons and labyrinths without any legal problems. But my sister on the other hand might face legal issues if she goes in without her A-ID. And from the fuss she's making about our parents not allowing her, I can safely assume that my parents rejected her appeal to get an extension. 

"Don't worry. If I get to a certain level, I'll take you to the labyrinth." 


"If you behave well enough." 


My sister started jumping and skipping across the dining room. I guess my words lifted her up. 

"Lukas, only take her to the first floor. Understood?" 


My father warned me with a stern voice. I instinctively nodd at his words. I understood his concern for my sister's safety. My father was a shopkeeper of miscellaneous items. Things such as first-aid, potions, and weapons were sold. Naturally, my dad served people that didn't quite make it back from their journeys. Maybe that was why he was so concerned about our safety. 

"You also be careful. Anything can happen." (Dad) 

"That's right~ Lukas. Rule #1 of all dungeon exploration: Anything goes in a dungeon!" (Mom) 

"Yes, I know. I'll be sure to be careful." 

I nodded seriously to their warnings. Even in the game, anything goes inside a dungeon. Now that this was reality, death was an actual element instead of just respawning. Although there were skills and items that could prevent and even ressurect me from death, I was too low leveled to be able to claim them. 

I had to be careful. 

We continued talking about various stuff. Such as dungeons and labyrinths, the situation at my father's shop, and my mother's part time job. Our main source of income was from our father's shop. We weren't well off but we also weren't inconvenienced. If funds go low, my mother would go to her part time job as a guild receptionist. This family was as normal as it could get.

Maybe that was why I felt so comfortable. It had the warmth, comfort, and safety of a regular family. I didn't mean anything negative… Far from it. This was what I wanted in my previous world, so having this seemingly impossible dream of mine now visible… It soothes my heart. 

"Ah. It's about that time." (Mom) 

My mom started scurrying over to her room. I was confused and send a look towards my dad, but he averted my eyes. They were up to something, but I didn't bother trying to find out. Looking at the clock hanging from the wall, it was 7 PM. When my mother came back, she held two white boxes in each of her hands. One was decorated with a red ribbon and the other with a blue one. I wryly smile as I puzzle the pieces together. 

"Here, this is our gift." (Mom) 

My mother hands me the blue ribboned white box. I carefully took it and gently unscrew the ribbon on top. Then, I open the box to reveal a blue leather bracelet. It perfectly slid to my right arm. I felt an odd sensation when I inserted the bracelet, which confirmed my theory. 

The bracelet was a magic item. 

Magic item, artifacts, talismans, or relics. They were terms referring to equipments used to better aid players in their exploration in dungeons and labyrinths. There was a limit to how much you could go through with raw stats. Equipment was a must when diving in the depths of the dungeon. 

"How is it? I spent quite a lot." (Dad) 

"It's great." 

I softly smile while inspecting the bracelet. I didn't have a skill that could help me inspect the contents but I could tell it was a great item. My father seemed satisfied as he smiled briefly before turning back to his stoic expression. My sister watched proudly as she saw me playing with the bracelet. And my mother looked happy as she was grinning uncontrollably. 

"And what's that for?"

I question my mother that's holding the same white box but with a red ribbon this time. I had a speculation but I needed to hear her direct words. 

"Oh, this? It's for Rose. They should also be celebrating Rose's first day… So Lukas, why don't you give this to her?" (Mom)

With a somewhat sad expression, my mother handed me the red ribboned white box. I, on the other hand, leaked the only appropriate word to describe my current mood. 


It seems Lukas isn't too fond of his previous life's parents. Well, he won't be able to see them in a while KEKW. Anyways, that foreshadowing —if I even call it one since I made it so obvious — will be important in the future. Stay tune! 

Thanks for reading!

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