Chapter 7: The Colour of Mood Black
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All in all, the day ended well for our class. None of my classmates were injured or killed. What can't be said about the parallel class. There, that murderer shot a dozen kids and the teacher. Then some elite guys and girls managed to tie her up.
When they started to find out why she did it, it turned out that she was bullied at school, and badly. They did all sorts of things to her. Anyway, she broke down, drank some crap for courage, took a gun and went to take revenge. Except that either she wanted to die or something else, but she finally went on a rampage and started shooting at everyone after the killed offenders.
Naturally such a case got a lot of publicity all over the country. Of course, as in my previous life, there were many shooters in this America who went on a killing spree. Except there were fewer of them specifically, and usually it was adults who were dealt with, whose deaths were looked at more lightly. Like in my first life, the deaths of men. I remember how in the news, if there were civilian casualties, they always specified how many women and children suffered. The number of men was not mentioned. Here, on the contrary, they said the number of men and children who suffered.
In general, children in this world, even quite hardened bandits tried not to touch them in order to avoid them. Up to now they had been treated with special piety. This attitude had remained since the Dung Ages, due to the high mortality rate in the past. The locals did not indulge in all the whims of the spinsters and often brought them up rather harshly. But as far as children's lives and health were concerned, the picture was different. Only men were treated in a similar way, because of their small number, but still not to such an extent. Although the deaths of both were punished very severely.
But here we have 12 people at once, 11 of them children. They immediately started checking everything they could. Including those who participated in the killer's humiliation. There's still a couple of people left, though. She took out the most odious ones. Congress is even concerned about the case. Now they're gonna try to solve the problem of these humiliated students. I don't know if it'll work, but I hope for the best.
The murderer was sentenced to death after reaching the age of majority. On the one hand, I could understand her. She'd only kill the guilty and fuck them. If they don't realise that people shouldn't be bullied, then that's the way they should go. Besides, they were all 17 or older. If they don't want to behave like human beings, then that's the way to go. But shooting a bunch of kids who are certainly not at fault is a bit extreme.
After the incident, I did some experiments with luck, not just drugging myself, but trying to direct this substance to the desired action. For example, I tossed two coins, wishing for heads or tails, but trying to direct luck only to one of them. The result was so-so, I got it once out of a dozen, but it was already a breakthrough. I'd never been able to do anything like that before the school shooting. I also tried to direct my desires and will with emotions to achieve a similar effect according to the precepts of Rodi* without using the talisman. It worked much less often, one time out of 50 or so and only for something insignificant. But it was a start.
And there was a change in our class. Because of the murder of the teacher of the parallel and its halving, our classes decided to unite. They were left with 12 children, 10 girls and 2 boys. So after a while, when all the issues were sorted out, they started studying together. Only one of the pupils called Gerda has been sick for a few days and will come later. But I have heard from the children who were added to us that she is strange and creepy. It seems that this girl always sits in the back, does not communicate with anyone but the teacher, and occasionally smiles terribly. I decided not to be guided by the opinion of children, so I decided to look at this mysterious person and then personally decide what to do. And if I didn't care what she was like. I'm not going to baptise my children with this Gerda.
Children little by little forgot about the horror they had experienced, in which plastic psyche and psychologists helped them a lot. Since the situation was high-profile, a lot of good specialists were recruited, who worked hard for their bread. At least, I could say so, looking at my fellow students calming down.
But trouble came when I wasn't expecting it. Daniel was now looking at me with admiration and as if he was expecting something. Finally, unable to bear the confusion, I dragged him to a secluded nook, wanting to know what was going on.
- I know it was you who jammed that student's machine! - Blue told me as soon as I asked him why he was acting like that.
- I don't know what you're talking about, Dan," I said, pretending to be a hose. What a young genius I've got on my hands!
- I'm sure it's because of you that the machine jammed! - The boy repeated stubbornly, his eyes shining with admiration.
- You're wrong," I tried to retort sluggishly. But Dan, though he was easygoing, could be stubborn, and this was probably the case now. So I had little hope of changing his mind.
- I'm not wrong! Besides, I've seen the paint from that drawing you put on your skin fall off afterwards. I had that too! - The usually calmer Daniel said, choking with excitement. Apparently, the situation was really getting to him. - I still don't know what it was about, though. Although... Could it be wish fulfilment?! You wished the killer wouldn't shoot, didn't you?! And then what I wished for happened to me for a couple of days. Did I get it right?!
- No. It wasn't wish fulfilment," I told him with a chuckle. Well, at least the once-not-a-genius didn't guess that it was luck.
- So you're not denying it anymore?! - A delighted Dan jumped on me. - What was that all about?! I'm not telling anyone!
- Forget it. Nothing happened.
- You're a mutant, aren't you?! - Literally vibrating at the possibility of touching the secret, the boy asked in a whisper. - You can create drawings with disposable superpowers?!
- No, it's not an ability, it's a technology... - And immediately realising that he had said too much, he almost covered his mouth with his hands. What a little guy! I said too much to get rid of him!
- Wow!
- Okay, you didn't hear anything, okay?!
- I'm gonna be a fish out of water! - Daniel tried to use Russian wisdom, but he made a mistake. He was the one who followed me into Russian.
- Just like a fish.
- Hm? - The boy didn't understand, but after a second he brightened up. - Ah, got it! I'll be like a fish!
- Oh, I hope so. If you tell, I'll be dragged off to the torture labs and I'll never see you again," I said, trying to intimidate Dan.
- Not a word to anyone, don't worry Kyle!
From that point on he seemed to calm down a bit and I breathed a sigh of relief. The next few days passed quietly enough, both in and out of school. I studied quietly, did the occasional addition and debugging of social media. Even the massacre that had occurred at school began to be forgotten. And then the absent student returned.
Looking ahead, I can say that the kids were telling the truth, it's really creepy. Even I didn't feel comfortable with her presence. But first things first.
The day did not portend trouble, it was quite sunny and started quite standard. I went to the toilet, washed my face, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to school. When I arrived at the place, as usual, I sat down on my seat of the main character and started to look out the window, because what was happening there was more interesting than the material I already knew, taught at school. But before the beginning of the lesson, our teacher came in with a girl and, shouting at the students to be quiet, began to speak.
- And so, class, Gerda Wright has returned from her illness. Some of you know her, some of you don't. Gerda, pick a seat and sit down.
I began to look at the girl I'd been talking about so much, out of interest. She was short, with shoulder-length black hair and dark almond-shaped eyes in which one could see something dangerous. An aristocratic, oval face with a sharp chin, a thin nose, and a small mouth. The only thing that broke the perfection and symmetry of her face was a small mole under her left eye. Beautiful, obviously expensive clothes, mostly in black colours. Her skin was the colour of snow, once again suggesting aristocracy. This was also indicated by the manner of holding himself proudly and a look of condescension on those present. It was also evident to the naked eye that this Gerda Wright knew her worth and held herself with the dignity of a duchess at least. Unexpected behaviour from a child, I must say. Something told me that the girl would become a real snow queen in the future, both in beauty and behaviour.
Wright began to look at her new classmates, and those she looked at began to shiver. Her eyes expressed nothing but superiority until she reached me. At first, she looked in my direction without much interest, and we met gazes. After a second, Gerda frowned, then squinted, blinked a few times. After that, her eyes became dangerously deep, and the corner of her left lip lifted in the semblance of a smile.
I, however, at one moment, looking at her, suddenly saw something very strange. It was as if Gerda were surrounded by some translucent ball-shaped thing with tentacles scurrying around her. And just at the moment of her smile, they began to dart around with multiplied frequency. I blinked in surprise, and the weird thing disappeared. Maybe it was a glitch.
But Wright, ignoring the teacher, who was coughing and signalling that she should sit down, walked in my direction, keeping her gaze fixed on me and smiling creepily. I decided to use a proven formula of success - in any unclear situation use a good luck charm. It had never failed me yet. It was a dangerous situation once, but it didn't matter. I slipped my hand into my pocket and clenched the talisman in my fist, ready to use the luck stored in it at any moment. But luckily I didn't have to. Gerda, still smiling creepily with half her mouth, walked past me and stopped in front of a girl named Jane who was sitting behind me.
- Could I sit here, please? - Without any arrogance in her voice, even seeming kindly, Gerda asked. Her voice was pleasant and beautiful enough. But it was a beauty like the beauty of a sharply sharpened rapier.
- K-c-certainly! - Jane mumbled, and, from the sound of it, began to gather up her belongings. Apparently she appreciated Wright's smile.
- Thanks for understanding," Gerda said in the same tone of voice.
- A-ha-ha!
Jane moved to an empty seat away from the creepy student, and I stayed. At the same time, I felt the skin of my back that the ointment girl was looking at me. I never realised I had such a sensitive back, but lo and behold. I also felt like a sharp dagger was being held to my neck. After that, I clearly realised that I'd blown it and hadn't used the good luck charm when I should have. Something tells me one piece of paper wouldn't have been enough.
Sitting through the next lesson was a real pain. I kept wanting to turn around and ask why the girl was staring at me so much that it gave me goosebumps. But like a Seneca-like stoic, I sat quietly. And not because I was scared!
By the way, Den looked at me and at Gerda, apparently sensing that I was behaving differently from usual. He stopped looking at the girl after one glance. I was facing him and sideways to the black girl, so I noticed her glaring at the boy.
In the end, this school day went on for an extremely long time. I sat tense, all the while sensing from Gerda, a strange emanation or something. Luckily everything comes to an end sooner or later and I walked briskly to the car my mum had sent. Convenient to be a big shot, though. Already getting into the car, I again felt a sharp look on me and turned my head to its source. Not far from me stood a luxurious car, in black and yellow colours. Gerda was standing beside it, looking at me. What does she want?!
But before I could ask her directly, she got into the car. In a moment the engine roared and rolled off in the opposite direction from my route. That was probably the only good thing about today, aside from the end of class.
I got into the car in the front, where the driver, Diana, was waiting for me. She was a girl of about 25, with brown hair, greyish eyes, and a mischievous face. But it seemed to me that she not only had to drive me, but also to guard me at the same time. She had a rather athletic body, though not overly athletic, as well as a grace that I had not seen very often. For example, one of those seen was Aki's mum, who as I'd learned was a dangerous fighter. Admittedly, Diana wasn't as dangerous as Naomi in my inner danger-metre, but still.
- Shall we go? - The driver asked cheerfully.
- Mm-hmm," I answered her, thinking about Gerda's incomprehensible attention.
- And who was that girl? - Diana looked at me with interest.
- Gerda Wright. She had just appeared in our class today.
- Is it really love at first sight?! No wonder, if I were younger, I'd fight for the master's heart! - Said Diana. I didn't realise whether she meant it as a joke or in earnest.
Although, for this world, the second option is not strange. If in my first world the age difference between a couple was looked at according to gender, then here there was only one condition. The main thing was that the woman must be capable of conceiving a child. If she was no longer fertile and was living with a young man, she was strongly discouraged. Instead of increasing the demography of the country, the lady thus reduces it, so to speak. If it was the other way round, it was treated more easily.
And due to good heredity, women could look 30 even at 60 without resorting to plastic surgeons. So it was more difficult to determine age by appearance.
- Don't be pompous. You look great. And you'll pick up a bloke no problem," he told her, smiling.
- Wow! Young master, maybe I should really try to make you fall in love with me! - Diana asked cheerfully, but then answered herself. - No, I'd better not, or Miss Smith will rip my head off.
- Mum's not capable of such a thing, don't talk badly about her," said Diana, staring at her indignantly.
- 'I'm only joking! Miss Smith is the best teacher I've ever had! - Diana waved her free hand in denial.
- Look at me! - Making an exaggeratedly menacing face, I answered the girl. Diana looked at me and laughed, followed by me.
So we were driving home, but when we hit a traffic jam, the driver decided to switch on the radio to listen to something interesting.
- ...So you're saying you saw the Devil of Hell's Kitchen? - Asked what appeared to be the host of some show.
- Yes! All red, with horns on her head, she swept by me and scattered all the bandits in a split second, then disappeared into an alley! - Excitedly replied the female presenter. - I barely had time to see some details, she was so fast! A human definitely can't do that!
- I see. Thank you for telling our listeners about this case.
- I can't believe this lady actually exists. - Diana asked a rhetorical question as she changed the channel.
- Have you heard about her? - I asked with interest, turning my head to the driver.
- Yes. But all information on this Devilitsa is not very detailed. She's always seen at night, always only in Hell's Kitchen. And she's also credited with magical powers. Disappearance in shadows, teleportation, super speed, and so on," Diana answered me with interest. - Though who knows, maybe there was a copycat this time?
- Interesting. Could it be a mutant?
- A mutant? - The girl wondered. Diana had sort of met one in battle during her service. - It could be anything. We don't even know for sure if it exists or not. Although vigilantes do pop up from time to time.
- How do you feel about them? - I was interested in the opinion of the locals.
- Generally positive," the girl answered me, shrugging her shoulders. - They often save people, so why not? And you?
- Neutral. They're of very little use anyway. You treat the disease, not the symptom. They're just beating up pawns.
- If you look at it that way, I think I agree with you," Diana said after a while. - That's a pretty mature way of looking at things. I would have thought you'd be more age-appropriate.
- Pfft, why would I be? I'm 12 years old! I'm an adult! - I proudly stuck my nose up and replied to the girl.
- Ahem! If you say so! - Why do I get the idea that she wants to laugh?
So we, discussing various entertaining personalities, arrived home, where I, undressed, immediately fell on the bed, wanting to rest from such a hard day.
Alas, the next day I had to go to school again. What a surprise. I even wanted to skip it, but gathering my will in a fist, I convinced myself that at my age to be afraid of a girl of 12 is a disgrace and not the way of the warrior.
Half of the school day went fine, though a little tense, because of the constant glaring at my back. But apparently I had built up an immunity and today I didn't react so keenly to what was going on. But I didn't expect Gerda to come up to me at recess.
- Kyle, right? - The girl asked me with a dangerous smile.
I turned to her with as much dignity as I could muster and answered.
- Yes. And you're Gerda, right? - I gave her the same answer.
- I am. You see, I want to talk to you. Shall we go outside while we have time before class? - The girl asked politely.
- Busy," I said, wanting to stall for time. - Why?
- I'll tell you in private.
- Wow, Gerda's talking to someone other than the teacher?! - I heard a muffled whisper behind the girl's back.
- Aha! Is she in love?! - Another voice echoed.
- Who?! Her?! It can't be!
But Gerda must have heard what was being said and turned to them. All at once they all looked away and tried to get away from the frightful girl. Well, it's a talent to be able to intimidate everyone without doing anything. For such a result I had to prove with my fists in the past how these little scoundrels are wrong.
- Well, well, let's go, - answered Gerda, trying to understand what she wants.
The girl smiled and led me to the exit. At that moment the whole class saw us off with attentive glances. After wandering around the school, we went out through one of the entrances and stopped in the shade.
- So, what did you want to say?
The girl looked at me carefully, as if expecting a reaction, smiled and said:
- I know who you are Kyle Smith.
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