I'm in Marvel 11

Chapter 13: Fighting, Light and Timeskip

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- That's it, Smith! You're going to die! - shouted Richard, drooling.

So here I stand, one against six, and I'm thinking. Not a simple thought, but an important and difficult one. Who's to blame and what to do. There's a saying that even a lion gets killed in a crowd. I'm the lion, if anything. But these kids are gonna have to work hard to take me down.

- Huh, let's do the pie dance, buddy!

- Go get the bastard!

But first things first.

It was a perfectly standard day with no hint of trouble ahead. I sat quietly and did not touch anyone, just decided to take a nap at recess. Naturally, the law of meanness prevented me from doing so, as one of my classmates, Ginny, shushed me.

- Kyle, they wanted me to tell you that Benjamin is calling for you. He's in the school park, in your usual spot.

- Huh? Who told you to tell me? - This is weird.

- The arsehole in the senior class who's always bothering everyone. Richard, I think.

- Right," I said, standing up. - Thanks for telling Ginny. I should probably get going.

- You're welcome, Kyle. I don't mind," she smiled shyly.

- Ahem," Gerda coughed behind her back. Ginny even jumped in surprise.

- Um, well I'll go Kyle," the girl said with a strained smile and yanked her seat briskly.

- Why did our classmate run away so quickly? - I thought Gerda asked sincerely. - As if she had seen a ghost.

- Well, sort of, - answered her, grinning crookedly. - Well, it's time for me to run away to save an innocent soul from the evil that is hidden in people's hearts. Well, I guess talking to you has taken its toll on me.

- I told you it was useless to help that mouse," said the girl, ignoring my words.

- Your moralising will wait for my return.

And he was gone. I am sure that if I had not left, Gerda would have spent another half an hour at least gargling my brains. And time was of the essence. I don't know what Richard was up to, but it wasn't good, so I had to hurry.

It took me a minute to get to my destination. There were seven people waiting for me.

- Kyle run! It's a trap! Mmmm! - shouted Ben, but he was quickly silenced by one of Richard's henchmen named Kenny.

- Well, hello Kyle! We thought we'd all get together and talk.

- And hello to you, Richard. Let Ben go, and I won't kick you in the arse again," I said to the main ringleader and put my hands in my pockets.

- Hey, little boy, don't be sassy to your elders! - One of the girls intervened. Barbara, I think.

- You're only a year older. You've got a lot to be proud of.

- Shut up! All right, Smith, get on your knees and apologise or you and your mate are going to be fucked!

- Is there nothing else I can do? - I asked him with interest.

- There's more for you to do...! - began one of the jackals called Bob, but he was interrupted by Kenny.

- He's kidding me! Enough of this bollocks, we'll whack him and be done with it!

- That's it, Smith! You're going to get your arse kicked! - shouted Richard, sputtering.

- Huh, let's do the pie dance mate! - With my hands out of my pocket, I shouted back.

- Get the fucker!

The whole crowd except for Kenny holding Ben rushed towards me. Well, luck don't fail me!

Richard was the first to reach me, but by happy coincidence he stumbled on the ground and flew into my fist. How lucky, eh? As I didn't want to leave any marks, I had to hit gently but hard, as Lelik had instructed.

Bob and Barbara were next. I can't help it, I'm using the invincible Jackie Chan style. It's just a pity I didn't have any tools. Oh, well. I intercepted the girl's punch and aimed it at Bob, as she was a bit closer.

- Hey!" he shouted, getting hit in the face with Barbara's fist.

- He did it!

- Stay focused! - Shouted the other girl, named Ash.

- Take that! - Lucy was the one who tried to hit me.

I crouched down and caught her legs, causing her to fall. But as such a fall could break your head, I picked Lucy up in my arms on the ground. Our faces almost touched, and the girl blushed. At that moment, the whole battle stopped.

- Are you okay? - I asked her a question.

- Y-yes," she mumbled, and reached out to me as if for a kiss.

- Fine," I answered her and let her go.

- Ouch!

The distance to the ground was small, so Lyuska was in no danger, but she got her arse kicked for sure. But next time she would know how to throw a fight.

Barbara was the first to wake up, and with an Amazon shout she threw herself at me. I missed her arm and grabbed the girl by the waist and started twirling as if in a dance, moving away from the others. Barbara screamed in surprise and grabbed onto me. Then holding her tighter and twisting four times, I bent the girl to the ground. Barbara, however, grasped my shoulders with wide-open eyes and a red face staring at me.

- The next thing you're going to say is ouch! - I told her in a heartbreaker's voice.

- W-what? - Barbara asked in surprise, and then I let her go and the girl landed on her heels. - Ouch!

- You're next! - I shouted, pointing at Ash.

- You can't take me with that kind of nonsense! - replied the girl, then turned to the guy standing there. - Bob, don't just stand there!

- Yeah! Take that, Smith!" the kid exclaimed, getting a shout-out from the girl.

And now I was in a bad way. I'd used up a lot of energy to keep the whole crowd from coming at me, so I had to use only my fists. Ash seemed to be doing some martial arts, plus she was bigger than the others, so I was getting hit with four fists. I also snapped back, spinning like a frying pan, making my opponents cringe from my blows, but it wasn't enough. I had to wait for the moment when Ash would hit harder, then I'd roll forward, dodge and counterattack her.

- Ghaaaa! - Ash hissed as I threw my favourite punch to the breath. It's great at making people think of the eternal-eternal, trying to breathe even a little bit of air, and the girl was no exception.

As she fell to the ground, all she could do was sneeze with her eyes going to her forehead. And needless to say, my ways of incapacitating ladies don't work!

But the only one left was Bob, who tried to do something, receiving a series of punches to the body. Seeing that their group had little chance left, Kenny hit Ben and threw him away and ran to help. I didn't have time to take out Bob, so I had to fight the two of them again. They beat me up pretty badly, but I was able to block some of their blows. I was also helped to stay on my feet and resist these jerks by dodging in the most unexpected positions, redirecting the puppies' attacks at each other, and taunting them. All in the spirit of Comrade Chan.

- Where are you Haah aiming?! - I've been throwing wood on the fire of their anger.

- Shut up hah and stop dodging Smith!" Bob shouted through his breath. - Kiya!

- Fuck you! - Kenny echoed him, trying to hit me in the head. - Hah!

- Try harder!The Oddity title was definitely to blame for this situation, as the fight turned into a theatre of the absurd. It got to the point where the boys cracked each other several times in addition to me, which only added to the shouting. I took every opportunity to strike and minimise the damage on myself. Even for a second I wanted to watch the fight from the sidelines.

Spotting the moment when they were attacking at the same time I decided to use another Jackie Chan trick. I fell on my back, letting the jackal's fists pass over me, pushing myself off the ground I quickly got up, putting both hands up, using my last strength both physical and energetic.

The impact was beautiful, which even made Bob and Kenny fly up a bit before falling to the ground and never getting up again.

- Kyle Smith wins! - He exclaimed, spoofing Shao Kahn's voice.

I added a Mortal Kombat punch to this one, where the character kicks from a sitting position. No lie in the game, he's very strong! Ah, nostalgia! But I digress.

- Muha-ha-ha-ha! Pathetic wimps! On your knees, in front of Z! Kyle Smith! - Oh, I'm getting a little crazy. - Ha-ha-ha, Ben, are you okay?

- I-I'm fine... I think," Ben replied, standing up.

- Okay. We should get out of here before someone sees us.

- Then you're too late," came a familiar voice from behind me. - I've already seen you.

- Gerda, don't scare us like that! - I exclaimed in surprise. - Do you know you can't sneak up on people like that?!

- Now I will know, - she replied with a wry smile. - Until I forget such irrelevant information again.

- Oh, never mind. We should go. And you kids behave yourselves, or there will be an a-ta-ta-ta! - I turned to the losers, wagging my finger at them.

- Fuck you, Smith!" said Richard, who had already recovered.

- And the same to you! - He said to the boy sitting on the ground, and then turned to Ben and Gerda. - Come on, boys.

- Aha!

- Hmm.

- By the way, Gerda, what were you doing here?

- Naturally, I came to rescue you when you couldn't stand to fight an outnumbered foe. But I am pleasantly surprised that you won this battle not for life, but for death, - as usual, the girl replied in high-pitched words. - True, you amused me with your grimaces. It was funny to watch that fight.

- Thank you," I snorted back. - You've gone too far with the fight to the death, though. Did it relieve your boredom?

- Oh, yes! Please invite me if you ever fight anyone else like that.

We were late for class, but the teacher didn't scold us. And I had to tell her about my shabby appearance, that I decided to do gym class at recess. Of course they didn't believe me, but since I looked more or less the teacher didn't insist.

I went after Ben after class to find out what had happened. It turned out that he had been caught at recess, so much so that the boy had no time to react. Daniel and Gerda were listening to the boy's story besides me. I already knew what happened next. What an indiscretion on the part of the white man. I had to promise more training in an ominous tone. Ben was frightened at first, but when I told him that I would also teach him the style of the great warrior Jackie Chan, the boy became enthusiastic.

So another month passed, during which I was finally able to synthesise two portions of Chiponosis. Outwardly, this wunderwaffle was a liquid of a pleasant greenish colour with a medium-thick consistency.

Except it wasn't just any liquid, but the purified tears of the Singularity of Company K. The Singularity itself was a huge eye that was made to cry. The resulting tears had one simple property. Return to its original form, as long as the brain wasn't badly damaged. The only thing was that the raw liquid could not be used, because of the transformation into the "original human form". I didn't know what it was, and I didn't plan to conduct experiments on the subject. But the fact is that before using chiponosis, it must be cleaned and "saturated with meaning". After that it was possible to use this liquid. And that with caution, because if the patient, for example, is convinced that he is a beetle, the chiponosis will turn him into an insect. The local telepaths can do that kind of compulsion. But with the help of my technology I was able to block such an outcome of events by "imbuing the liquid with the necessary meanings". Now it can only restore the human body and cannot transform it. But if I needed that function, I could easily get it back.

At least I could make substitutes for those disgusting Singularities, shifting their functions to technology. It was a bit of a pain in the arse, though. I was getting a lot less product that way. But that was fine with me. In this case I made two machines, the first one created tears, the second one purified them to the required level.

Speaking of which, it was possible to set them in the opposite direction so to speak, from which they would destroy the body, turning organics into slime. But such use did not interest me at the moment.Passing one ampoule to my mother and told her how to use the HP warned her to always have the medicine at her fingertips.

- Is it really this liquid can even grow a limb? - Mum asked disbelievingly.

- Yes. It sounds like magic, but... Ouch, any sufficiently advanced technology can be indistinguishable from magic.

- Amazing..." said Mum, staring at the vial in fascination. - If we could put this medicine on the market, all the diseases that the best minds in the world have been battling would be conquered. People wouldn't have to die of flu or genetic diseases.

- Yeah, but you know you can't do that.

- Of course I do, Kyle. I realise that as someone who's been in business for years. There's a lot of money in pharmaceuticals. And no one there needs a drug like this. Oh, well. Maybe in the future, you will be able to open this miracle to all mankind, - Mum said in a sad tone, looking at the chiponosis. Then she regained her joyful mood and turned to me with a warm smile. - And now thank you for such a gift. Now I will feel more comfortable knowing that my dear son has provided me with such a medicine. And in the first place!

- I gave it to you so that you would not nag! - I was embarrassed. - Don't think I'm so worried about you!

Mum looked at me with an unreadable look, then shrieked like a grown woman shouldn't and hugged me.

- You're so cute when you make that face!

- Mum! That's enough! - I tried to pull away, but not hard enough not to hurt that radish. Not because it felt good, that's why!

- Oh, a real tsundere! - She wouldn't let up.

- You're the owner of a huge company and a grown woman, and you're acting like a child! When are you going to stop?! - I asked her indignantly.

- Ni-ko-never! - Mum sang.

- Yes, I could have guessed....

In general, having endured one more violence on my personality (that is, on myself) I managed to free myself and go to rest, because the time was late. But I fell asleep in a great mood, because now I had a very important and necessary thing. And no one but me and Mum would be able to use it. I've coded chiponosis for me and Mum. It wouldn't work for anyone else.

And back at school, I had one more thing to look forward to. I reckoned Ben was already capable of fighting at least one of his abusers. Except that he was still unsure of himself and afraid to hit. I had to get him out of it. And I even knew how.

- Benjamin, I've invented a new workout for you," I told the boy at recess.

- Yeah?" He was surprised because I'd never mentioned anything new in our training before.

- Yeah. Come on. She'll be right in. - And I led him out of the office.

- Now? - Ben was even more surprised. - But class is in 15 minutes.

- Don't worry, that'll be enough.

- Whatever you say...

We didn't walk long. At the end of the path was the cubbyhole where Richard and his henchmen liked to sit. All six of us were there. That's fine. It's more fun this way.

- Hey, Richard! - I shouted as we approached. - Benji has something he wants to tell you!

- What? Smith and White? What the fuck do you want? - The boy who stood up asked us politely.

- I told you Ben has something to say.

- What is it? - Richard asked irritably.

- Benjamin said that you're all shitheads and he'll take any of you out any time of the day or night to prove it! - I answered his question with pleasure.

- What did he say?! - Richard exclaimed while the rest of the gang snickered and didn't know how to react.

- What did I say!!! - turned to me and asked Benjamin, whose eyes grew wider than his glasses in surprise.

- Yes, yes, that's exactly what he said!

- You motherfucking bastards, I'm going to get you! - Richard started to take off. But his mates didn't join in, as they remembered the consequences of the last beating.

- Go Benji! You'll take him out!

- N-but...! - The boy tried to object, but I pushed him gently against Richard.

- That's it, White. I'm going to make a chop out of you.

Ben didn't want that, though, so he dodged reflexively, and then struck a blow to his opponent's body, knocking him back. Ben was surprised by the situation, and then he dodged and threw a punch to the body of his opponent, thus throwing him back. Apparently from surprise at the situation, indignation at my action, and fear of being beaten, Ben began to squeeze Richard crookedly, but slowly. He was especially helped in this by the partially mastered Jackie Chan style. Clearly, the film didn't lie and it works. And it works!

- That's it! - I encouraged the boy. - Go Benji!

- Don't move, you freak! - yelled the gang leader.

- No way! - Ben snapped at me.

That fight was very funny. I could barely keep from laughing like a horse. The fight had turned into a zombie TV show where the lame and the slanted tried to punch each other in the face. This was at the expense of Ben's very strange movements and Richard's clumsy attempts to get at him. Eventually both fighters couldn't continue the fight and just stood there trying to catch their breath.

- Well done Ben! You're winning on points!

- I'm so sick of you arseholes!

- How rude Rich! You are destined to be the first step in the rise of a new martial arts genius! - I told him proudly. But when I saw the stares from everyone in the room, I replied. - All right, all right! That was a bit too much genius. Happy?! They can only criticise. Oh, never mind. Anyway, guys and gals. This is a warning to you not to bully people. Or you'll have some of your victims pick up a gun and shoot your stupid heads off. You know what I mean?

- Fuck you Smith!" Ash said politely, jumping to her feet. - What a defence of the poor and the weak! You're going to get clever!

- Don't forget how I defeated you single-handedly, so don't shout.

- That wasn't fair! - Bob was outraged. - You used some kind of trick! Even martial arts masters can't handle a crowd! And you're definitely not a master!

- But you're not much of a threat either," I parried.

- All right, go fuck yourselves. Stay out of our way and we'll stay out of yours. Happy? - Richard asked, coming to his senses.

- Yeah. Goodbye, then.

- I'll never see you again," Ash said quietly.

- You did good, Ben. You did good," I praised the boy as we walked away.

- Kyle, why did you do that?! What if I'd lost?! - Ben came at me.

- Don't worry, I'd have come to the rescue. And I was sure you'd be strong enough to win.

- Please don't do that again," the boy said in a firm tone.

Oh, my. Looks like at this rate, he's gonna be a tough and confident man. I just need to find him a few more worthy opponents.

- But you know, thanks to you, I feel like I've been relieved of a lot of weight. - Ben continued, looking at me gratefully.

- Heh-heh, Kyle Smith doesn't give advice! - I proudly stuck my nose up and clapped the boy on the shoulder. - As they say, with victory my chains will be broken and the Great Power will set me free.

- Hmm, that does fit my case. Is that the whole statement?

- Peace is a lie, there is only passion. With passion, I gain Power. With power, I gain power. With power I gain victory. With victory I will break my chains and the Great Power will set me free.

- How interesting," Ben said thoughtfully.

- But a different code would suit you. No emotion is peace. No ignorance is knowledge. No passions, there is clarity of thought. No chaos, there is harmony. No death, there is the Great Power.

- What is the Great Power?

- Something like magic, - I did not go into details.

So two and a half years passed slowly. Fortunately, they didn't stand out, so I studied quietly, created prototypes of all sorts of implants and prosthetics, and helped my mother and her company. During this time I finally mastered the knowledge of the Lobotomy company and built a machine to create enkephalin, the first batch of which is now ready.

And now the moment has come for the machine to distill this substance into Light. Today I will receive my E.G.O.. I couldn't wait any longer. Time stretched like rubber, but finally the vial of Light was filled to the brim.

Taking it in my hands, I examined the contents. The Light looked like... Light. But I felt that there was an incredible power hidden in that substance. It felt like I could do anything if I had it.

Digression No. 1. Somewhere in New York.

A partially destroyed city, heavy leaden clouds that covered the entire sky, pillars of Light beating into the sky, and creatures that filled the entire foreseeable space. They came in all shapes and sizes, from the most ordinary to the most bizarre, so strange that it was difficult to even describe what they looked like. But for the most part, they were extremely hideous and horrible.

As for the people... There were people here, too. And some of them were not different from the standard Homo sapiens at first glance. Some looked like different creatures themselves. Some only in small details, limbs, skin and so on. Some were composed of pure energy, stone, or something completely unimaginable. Pure Chaos.

Such a sight could appear before the casual observer. Really, there could be no casual observers in this place.

Another catch was that all of these creatures were human. That was exactly what the girl felt as she now looked at what was happening. She didn't understand why or how, but she knew for sure that everyone she saw was human, who had dropped their masks and revealed their innermost desire to the world.

- What's going on here? - The girl could only mumble as she looked at what was happening.

But she was not the only "normal" person in this place. Not far from her sat in a relaxed pose on a broken car, as if on a throne, a woman with long hair, a beautiful appearance worthy of a goddess and glowing eyes. She was definitely different from the people scurrying about, if only because she didn't feel at all. It was as if it was an empty space or a mirage. At least, that's what the girl's inner senses reported.In the meantime, this mirage pointed a hand behind the girl's back with a smile. There was another strange entity there. He could not be seen in detail. His silhouette was constantly blurring, changing from male to female, turning into mist, and so on. It also had a sense of hatred directed at the girl. And the creature approached inexorably.

- Did you think you were smarter than me? - came the snarling words from the silhouette. - You thought your plan was flawless? That you could outplay me and destroy me?

- What are you talking about?! - The girl stepped away from the creature looming over her. - What plan are you talking about?!

- I'm the one who will outplay you and destroy you! - As if not hearing the creature continued to speak, coming closer.

Now, being in close proximity, the girl felt that this apparently human being was both different and similar to the creatures around them that had stopped and were watching the two of them. She couldn't understand all the subtleties, just sensing the differences.

Meanwhile, the strange man took a momentary leap and grabbed the girl by the neck.

- 'This is the end,' the man said surprisingly calmly. - Any last words to say?

- I-I don't know what you mean! - the girl wheezed.

- 'I think you should go now,' the hitherto calmly seated woman said in a sensual voice and waved her hand as she was looked at. - Bye-bye!

At the same moment, the girl woke up. She jumped up from the bed and grabbed her neck. This was a bedroom, not the strange city that New York had been guessing at. With a relieved exhale, the girl looked at the alarm clock. She had to get up in thirty minutes, but since she wouldn't be able to sleep, she decided to wash her face and get ready for the new day.

After leaving the bathroom, the girl got dressed and went to her workplace, the laboratory. On her way she met several guards patrolling the area, whom she greeted with nods. When she arrived at her destination, she was about to get to work when a man with an unremarkable appearance entered the room.

- Good morning, Dr Reid," he greeted her politely. - You're earlier than usual today.

- Good morning, Mr Siemens," she replied. - I just had the strangest dream, so I got up early.

- Well, I see. Then can you tell me how the study of subject M is going?

- It's going well. In a month, my colleagues and I will be able to give you the first results.

- That's great. But please prepare a report for our superiors within two days. We need to show that everything is going as planned.

- I understand. I'll get right on it.

- Then I won't keep you any longer, Dr Reid. Heil Hydra! - the man said in a fanatical tone.

- Hail Hydra! - replied the girl and after waiting for her boss to leave she sat down at her workplace. She had a lot of work to do for the good of the organisation. She would think about what she had seen later.

End of digression #1.

Digression number 2. New York Airport.

- We're finally here. Twelve hours on a plane is too long," complained a young, sonorous voice. - I wonder how Kai is doing?

- Heh, I think he's grown into a real handsome boy! - replied a pleasant chesty voice. - I can't wait to see him.

- Mum! We're the same age! Look for guys your own age! - came a younger, indignant voice. - Don't embarrass me.

- Actually, age is not a barrier to love.

- But not twice as much?!

- Oh, there are even bigger differences. There's at least one such family in our clan. It's okay.

- It's different! Oh, that's it. Let's go already. I want to rest.

- Actually, a true warrior should despise such a thing as fatigue," the woman said with a joking reproach.

- 'Yes, yes, whatever you say mum. Now let's get going.

End of retreat number 2.

I think I've had enough of looking at the ampoule. It's time to put it to good use. After calming the trembling in my hands (it's not every day you get superpowers) and breathing in more air, I stuck the ampoule into my chest.

- Haaaaaaah!!! Fuck me...!


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