I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 315 The Deepest World

The world was pitch black, and Suzumiya Yu woke up from the dim environment. He opened his eyes, and the originally dark world instantly became extremely bright.

He touched his drowsy head, then stood up from the ground, looked around, and found that he had come to a place similar to a canyon.

The environment here is very dark, basically there is no light at all, Suzumiya Yuu is a ghost, he has night vision ability, so don't worry about it.

Falling from such a high place, even a ghost would lose a lot of strength. Suzumiya Yu didn't know how long he fell, because he fell into a coma halfway through the fall.

Recalling the scene I saw before I fell into a coma, that tall figure like a god, if I guessed correctly, it should be the original god Phanes, who became the master of this world as an outsider, the original God.

Suzumiya You never imagined that he would be targeted by such a powerful person just after reading a history book. He obviously ignored him before, so why would he take action because of such a trivial matter?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is not a trivial matter. The most unknown secret of this world is recorded in the past events of the sun and the moon. In order to keep it buried in the ground forever, Farnes even abandoned the Haiyuan clan and ordered them to be banned. Return to the ground.

All he did was to not want his identity as an outsider to be exposed. Orobus was sentenced to death because he read this forbidden book.

Suzumiya You's reaction was quick. Such a decisive decision is not something ordinary people can make, but now the biggest problem is, how will he return to the ground?

This place is far away from Fuchixia Palace. Although Fei could easily leave, Suzumiya Yu felt very keenly that there was an inexplicable force here, which seemed to prevent him from leaving.

In a trance, Suzumiya Yu seemed to hear someone's whispered call, so he opened his legs and started walking towards the direction of the sound.

After a while, Yusuke Suzumiya saw many deep-sea dragon lizards around. Rather than saying that they were deep-sea dragon lizards, it might be better to say that they were descendants of dragons whose appearance was somewhat similar to those of deep-sea dragon lizards.

"Are these the descendants of the Seven Great Dragon Kings?" Suzumiya You murmured softly. From these descendants of the Dragon Race, he could feel the oldest aura in the world. These are the direct descendants of the Seven Great Dragon Kings, and some even witnessed it with their own eyes. through that terrible war.

"It's really surprising that they can survive until now." Suzumiya You couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The Demon God War was more than 2,000 years ago, and the White Night Kingdom existed for at least 10,000 years. Ancient, and going forward is the battle between the first god seat and the second god seat.

And the direct descendants of these seven dragon kings were born in the first battle of the gods, which was the war between the first god Phanes and the seven dragon kings. As the losers of the war, they were exiled To the bottom of this never-ending sun.

Not only that, Suzumiya Yu also discovered that these descendants of the dragon race generally have no eyes, which was mentioned in the previous story of the sun and the moon. Because they lived in such a dark environment for a long time, the eyesight of the descendants of the dragon race began to gradually decline.

The light here is so dim that the eyes are useless, so nature naturally degenerates.

At this point, Suzumiya Yuu has begun to doubt whether the voice that is calling him is the Seven Great Dragon Kings who once fought Phanes. If this is the case, should he go there?

The strength of the seven dragon kings is obviously higher than that of the seven gods. They fought against Phanes for forty years and finally lost. Even if they were trapped underground for so long, their strength may not have declined too much.

After all, the wear and tear of the laws of heaven cannot affect them, so they will naturally not experience a decline in strength. At most, it is because they have not fought for too long, so they are rusty.


Suddenly, a descendant of the dragon clan yelled at Suzumiya You, and then more and more descendants of the dragon clan gathered around Suzumiya You, as if they were looking at something novel.

Suzumiya Yu didn't notice any malice from them, because he possessed a penetrating world, which could hide all auras, and these descendants of the dragon clan would naturally not regard a lifeless person as an enemy.

At this time, a descendant of the dragon clan walked out of the group of dragons. Unexpectedly, it actually had two eyes, but those eyes could not see anything, so they were just a decoration.

However, since it can stand out from so many dragons, it means that it is the leader of this group of dragons and the only one who can talk to Suzumiya Yu.

Of course, it can't really speak human words, but the consciousness of living beings is interlinked, and it will definitely guide Suzumiya You's next move. No, after taking a look at Suzumiya Yu, it motioned for the other party to follow on yourself.

Suzumiya You didn't know the reason for this, but he still followed, after all, there was no way to leave in this kind of place, maybe these dragons could help him.

Soon, under the leadership of the leader of the Dragon Clan, Suzumiya You came to a big mountain. The mountain in front of him looked extremely mysterious, like a frozen throne, majestic and inviolable.

Suzumiya Yuu even sensed an aura similar to that of Farnese, what's going on? Could it be that the mountain in front of me was placed here by Farnese to prevent these dragon descendants from escaping to the ground?

This is unlikely, because the only thing that is the same is the sense of oppression, but the source of power is completely different. This should not be left by Farnes, but by another existence of the same level as him.

Yu Suzumiya, who exists at the same level as Farnese, really can't think of anyone in this world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Farnese. Even if it was the original Seven Dragon Kings, it took seven people to join forces to barely compete with Farnese. Lost.

But now, the sense of oppression exuded by the mountain in front of him is actually comparable to that of Farnese. This is really unbelievable. Suzumiya Yuu even began to wonder if there was something wrong with the previous events of the sun and the moon. Record it.

At this time, the leader of the Dragon Clan who came to the mountain looked back at Suzumiya You, with that expression telling him to go up the mountain, as if there was something on the mountain.

To be honest, Yusuke Suzumiya was a little hesitant at this time, because he knew very well that if the mountain in front of him started to show its power, he would definitely be reduced to ashes in an instant, and he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Farnese. That was not what he is now at all. able to contend.

However, until now, he has no way to turn back. Farnes already knows that he is such an existence, and he will never let him go.

Even if he is now hiding underground, if he returns to the surface one day, he will definitely be hunted down endlessly by Phanes.

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