I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 312 Descendants of the Seven Dragon Kings

[The only one who has not abandoned us, she is the "Government of Time". She is the moment, all the time, the measurement of thousands of winds and sun and moon. She is all joy, all anger, all longing, all ecstasy. She is the moment of all delirium. We call her Cairos, or the Ruler and Ruler of the Unchanging World. The name of the real secret, we dare not speak out, so write it backwards here. "Lutasi" - I mention it only once. 】

Followed by this passage, the Haiyuan family lived in the dark underground, Farnes and his three shadows all chose to turn a blind eye to them, but one shadow was an exception.

She is the ruler of time, her name is Cairos, and her real name is Rutasui.

It is not difficult to see from this title that Lutasyi is the god in charge of time. She is one of the four shadows of Phanes, possesses supreme power, and is the earliest group of gods in this world. The war with the Second Divine Throne is ancient and inviolable.

When Farnese and his three shadows chose to abandon the Sea Abyss Clan, Lutasyi extended a helping hand to them. From this sentence, it is not difficult to see that although Farnese created his four shadows , but the will of these four shadows is not determined by him.

Not only that, these four shadows can even go against his will, otherwise, why Lutasyi chose to lend a helping hand to the Haiyuan clan, but was not sanctioned by Farnese?

Farnes must have known about this, but he did nothing to her, because he had no way of doing it, or could not do it.

From this point of view, the original god Phanes is really sad. The shadow he created can go against his will, the spiritual power of human beings he creates, and the throne that can threaten his status appears.

Is this the kind of god of resentment?

[The ancestors tried to find their way back. The war on the surface should be over. But the original One, the First Throne, forbade it. The ancestors could not find their way home. Since this is the case, then the original one should have defeated the later second one. Abrak was imprisoned by the order of the Son of the Sun. 】

This passage is about the ancient White Night Kingdom. The ancestors of the Haiyuan Clan tried to find a way to return to the surface. That was the end of the war between the First Throne and the Second Throne. people return to the ground.

It can also be seen from this that the first throne should have defeated the second throne, otherwise, the Haiyuan clan would definitely not be unable to return to land because of Phanes' ban.

And the latter sentence is related to the Great Sun Yuyu. Abrak is the sage of the White Night Kingdom who created the Great Sun Yuyu. Yuanshang said that Abrak was imprisoned in the prison because he opposed the actions of the villains. .

"That guy didn't lie to me." Suzumiya You was a little surprised. He originally thought that part of the history of Baiye Kingdom that Yuanshang told him earlier was false, but now it seems that what he said is the truth.

Maybe as a scholar, Yuanshang couldn't tolerate someone blaspheming history, so he didn't tell lies.

The above is almost the content of Sun Moon's previous events. Yusuke Suzumiya was very surprised that this seemingly peaceful world actually had such a history in the past.

Moreover, the descendants of the seven dragon kings have been mentioned many times in the book. As the original rulers of this world, they must represent the seven elements of this world.

There are quite a few creatures like dragons in Tivat Continent, such as Mengde's Dongfeng Dragon Twarin, Liyue's Ruo Tuo Dragon King, and Daozu's Deep Sea Dragon Lizard.

According to Sun and Moon, the descendants of the Dragon Clan chose to hide in the deep sea, so their eyesight gradually weakened, which reminds people of the encounter between the Dragon King Ruo Tuo and Morax.

Born deep within the rocky surface, Rathodra began as a boulder and was carved into the rock dragon by Morax.

In fact, the Dragon King Ruo Tuo itself is a dragon, but it becomes more obvious under the carving of Morax, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Dragon King Ruo Tuo was discovered by Morax. Sometimes, it has no eyes.

This sentence can continue the above. The descendants of the dragon clan lost their strength because they hid in the deep sea. The Ruo Tuo Dragon King may be one of the descendants of the dragon clan. They lost their eyes because they stayed underground for a long time.

Later, Morakes used divine power to light up its eyes, and the Dragon King Rado was born.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will discover a shocking secret.

The reason why Dragon King Ruo Tuo went berserk was because it suffered from wear and tear, which led to memory decline. But Zhong Li said that the wear and tear came from the heavenly law. In order to prevent the power of the Seven Gods from becoming too strong, the heavenly law created a restriction like wear and tear.

But why, why would the Dragon King Ruo Tuo suffer from wear and tear? If what Zhong Li said was true, then the wear and tear of the Dragon King Ruo Tuo should have come from heaven.

Why did Tianli wear down on the Dragon King Ruo Tuo? If it was before, Suzumiya Yu would definitely not think deeply about this issue, but now it is different.

Dragon King Ruo Tuo gave an introduction called "The Sealed Dragon King of Rock". If the seven dragon kings in the past symbolized the seven elements of this world, then there must be the Dragon King of Rock among them.

Dragon King Ruo Tuo was one of the seven great dragon kings in the past? No, this possibility is unlikely. If Dragon King Ruo Tuo was really the Dragon King of Rock who fought against Phanes back then, then Zhongli might have died long ago.

As the oldest existence in this world, even older than Farnese, how could the Dragon King of Rock not be able to beat a demon god born in later generations?

Therefore, the Dragon King Ruotuo may be the newly appointed Dragon King of Rock. The original Dragon King of Rock has already died, and it has selected a new Dragon King from its descendants, and that is the Dragon King Ruotuo.

It's just that the Dragon King Ruo Tuo seemed to have lost that part of his memory after being awakened, so he has been following Morakes' side to fight in the north and south, and made great contributions to the unification of Liyue.

Zhong Li may know about Sky Island's past, but he certainly doesn't know the identity of Ruo Tuo Dragon King, so he always thought that his old friend was just a pure elemental creature, and he didn't know its ancestor and the sky. The island has such great origins.

However, if Zhongli didn't know, it was impossible for Tianli not to know. She knew the identity of the Dragon King Ruotuo. Moon stretches out her claws and is forced to fight Morax.

In the end, Ruo Tuo Dragon King and Morax fought all the way from the rock abyss to the Nantian Gate, and were sealed because there was still a little kindness in their hearts. This is the result Tianli wanted to see the most, because the new Rock Dragon King has lost She lost the ability to resist, but she did not lose a single soldier.

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