I’m Almost Losing to a Muggle

Chapter 1362 Boss Lin finally realized

Although the ranking has been determined, there is also the attribution of bonuses.

But the show isn't over yet.

It also has a second episode.

After all, it is a half-month trip.

At the end of the movie Blade Runner, Roy, who had only one day left in his life, sat down slowly and muttered.

You humans will never believe what I've seen. I watched battleships burn on the rim of Orion, I watched C-rays shine in the darkness near Tannhauser's Gate, all of these moments lost in time like tears lost in rain. The hour of death has come.

This probably interprets the most compelling part of the story.

It seems that Roy's actor Rutger Hauer played it impromptu. This is probably the most awesome live extra scene in history. Being able to make up such a line is enough to brag for a lifetime.

During the whole process, Duka the Blade Runner watched silently as Roy burned his last life and passed away suddenly. The rain beat on him without saying a word, astonished at the replicant who was chasing him but saving his life at the end.

Harrison Ford's expression at this time is said to be the true color of the actor. The old man himself didn't think this was a masterpiece back then. He was very unhappy with the filming, depressed, and his eyes were blurred. As a result, this state was unexpectedly different from the atmosphere of the Blade Runner movie God's fit, sometimes God's work is like this.

Wildness Summer Camp should also be a very compelling program.

Compulsion lies in doing things you shouldn't do.

Therefore, the second half of this program became an act of the program group taking everyone to gain knowledge.

The children saw a mansion worth hundreds of millions.

I saw the mountain people carrying goods and climbing the ladders on the mountain road.

I saw the drone passing by at low altitude, delivering the courier to the target accurately.

Seeing the soldiers crawling in the muddy water, I tried my best to temper myself for possible wars in the future.

I saw the perfect calculation and execution capabilities of intelligent robots.

They also saw a dilapidated classroom with only two students in a remote mountain school that had been washed away by flash floods.

There is also the majestic Tiananmen Square and the slowly rising five-star red flag.

At that moment, all the children felt the shock.

The great Great Wall records the thickness of Chinese history, and the three mountains and five mountains depict the beauty of the land's mountains and rivers.

Whether it is a child who has never stepped out of the mountains or lives in a bustling city, it is an eye-opener.

When the so-called successor talks about it, it doesn't mean that the power and wealth will be handed over to you.

Instead, you have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting and building.

The world is not beautiful, but that should not be a reason to stop us chasing beauty, especially for the next generation of children.

Some people may have to trek hard, but they will inevitably be busy for half their lives.

But if you don't work hard, no one will sympathize with the weak and extend a helping hand.

Many parents are exhausted, but children still have infinite possibilities.

Lin Dong participated in the whole process and traveled to many places.

After finishing this program, it was very meaningful, although I was a little tired and lost a lot of time.

Before the show even started broadcasting, the advertisers had already been contacted.

There aren't many actual commercials, though.

Only Huawei took the naming rights, which cost 60 million yuan, and there are several other small implants.

It is the two public service advertisements that really keep this variety show from going bankrupt.

One is from Capital Fang, and the other is from Meowyu.

The former gave 40 million advertising fees, the main body is to care for the mental health of teenagers,

The latter gave 30 million, the main body is to protect the environment.

All are produced by the advertising department of Miaoyu.

The advertising revenue of this variety show alone has reached 150 million.

It is impossible to lose money.

After deducting the production fee and so on, there is also an income of 100 million yuan.

There are incentives for the children, but no appearance fee.

Most of the money is spent on frivolous expenses.

It doesn't cost much to invite celebrities and entertainers, just look at Lin Dong and Wu Feng, they are at the top of the list, but they didn't spend a dime on the show.

Even the carriage and horse fares are paid for by themselves.

Other artists are naturally embarrassed to accept this money.

There is no need to worry that no one will participate in the show. In fact, the stars themselves or through their agents express their wishes to the show group, and they can already be scheduled after three seasons.

Participating in other programs of Maochang is just ordinary participation in programs.

Both money and goods are settled.

The variety show of Maochang is very valuable, and the money given is also a lot.

But Wildness Summer Camp is different, it is completely public welfare, which means that the participating stars have given Maochang a favor.

Any change in this favor can benefit these stars a lot.

Not everyone can participate.

You have to have the temperament of a man, and you can really stand in front of a group of children like an idol.

A bitch obviously won't do.

In mid-April, Lin Dong returned to the capital to start preparations for the new movie The Empty Barrel.

Mainly strategy scripts.

I found a few professional screenwriters, as well as experts from Junfang to participate, as well as people from the review side.

To make a film is to tell a story.

Even if it is to shoot a real promotional video, it must have a certain story.

Otherwise, if no one sees your photos, isn’t it a waste of time?

The participation of the average person is to shoot a little more professionally without leaking the secrets.

At least it can't make other military fans think it's nonsense.

As for the people on the film review side.

They weren't originally going to be involved in any of the films.

But The Empty Barrel was an exception.

Their task is to ensure that The Empty Barrel can be released smoothly, rather than being stuck in the review stage.

It is equivalent to the magic spell of the crew.

But everyone doesn't hate such a magic spell, so it's not a kind of love.

The office of the temporary crew is located in the headquarters of the cat factory.

Lin Dong actively participated in the script discussion all day long, although his role in it was minimal.

But as long as he is counted as one, he can eat and drink with public funds without psychological pressure.

As usual, the film still needs an assistant director.

This time Lin Dong invited two.

One of them chose Lin Chaoxian.

On the one hand, Lin Chao is knowledgeable and can save a lot of things with him, and on the other hand, he has already taken off the box office hit.

The other chose Lu Qingyi.

An unknown little director, in 2017, he made the movie Four Springs.

This is a documentary.

It was filmed in 2017 and has not yet been released.

The film is based on real family life and tells the story of director Lu Qingyi taking his parents in a small southern town as the protagonists and recording their daily life for four years.

The reason for choosing him was that Lin Dong wanted to support the documentary.

Documentary is a very real art form. It may not have high commercial value, but it has a positive effect on recording the real appearance of various regions in various ages.

Lin Dong also hopes that through this form, more new directors will be encouraged to devote their energy to this.

Earning Galleons depends on this.

After struggling for seven years, Lin Dong finally realized.

According to his non-chief physique, don't expect to become fat all of a sudden, if he could, he would already be three hundred catties.

You should invest in literary films and documentaries honestly.

Save money slowly.

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