Chapter 38: Chapter 38
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Being friends with Fitz comes with a lot of perks. But perhaps chief among them is the opportunity to get help with his projects. Thinking back to the first season of the Agents of Shield series, there were a lot of gimmicks that came to mind. But the one I remember most was the portable VX. That tablet was too cheating. Offering this idea to Leopold, I received enthusiastic nods and an unbridled desire to sit in the workshop for a couple of dozen hours. Pleased that Fitz hadn't yet come up with new technology I was immediately able to provide a very crude mock-up. It worked like a mini X-ray, but it took a lot of power. If we succeed, the rights to the device will be split in half. Which means it'll fall into the hands of the Shield, and therefore Hydra.
So for the rest of the time I was working on the blueprint and prototype, I didn't suggest any improvements. All the creativity came from Fitz. I only intervened when my colleague's new ideas made the device inoperable or greatly increased the risk of internal systems failure.
For me, the most important thing was to create a working prototype. And its modification and full completion would be left to my time outside of work for the Shield. I already have plans to drastically reduce the device and increase the length of coverage. In our joint prototype, these modifications were immediately cancelled due to too great an increase in energy costs. But with some of Tony's reactor blueprints and the battery that powers my armour I think I can do something about it. Ideally its size would be reduced to normal points.
In parallel with the general development, I've been working on a new type of ammunition. No, of course, my current ammo would be able to penetrate most walls, but something specialised would be desirable. So in my spare moments I was finalising the blueprint for my new bullet. The current version was a kind of drill, which because of the frequent mini explosions will be about five times during the flight to increase its speed of rotation. Which would serve as the perfect reinforcement for penetrating obstacles. After all, what could be better than killing your opponent through a wall.
After a month of long and very hard labour, we were able to complete the prototype. My ammunition was ready a week ago, but I was not able to test it until now. I kept them hidden behind a test of my previous design. I really don't want Shield to get their hands on this kind of stuff. I can't stand the uncomfortable VC, but the VC and my bullets are too unpleasant a combination.
I've contacted Frank a few times this month. Firstly, I sent a couple of dozen hardened knives with one of his guys. I also forwarded him a list of materials to procure without attracting attention. From his reports, his firm was doing well. So far, they'd only received small orders from a couple of firms and medium-sized moneybags. Still, they're new to the field. And a reputation has to be earned first. On one of my walks, I even decided to check out their website. I smiled when I saw the Castle symbol. A white skull on a black background. Maybe it's the universe trying to restore some balance, or maybe it's just a quirk of Frank's.
But that's not what's important right now. A couple of minutes ago, while I was sipping coffee and checking the news online, I got a message from Frank.
- "3".
Something interesting must have happened for him to give it that level of importance. Going to the loo, I dialled his number. After two rings, he picked up.
-"As you asked, I've sent people to watch Selvig. He and a couple of other lab techs took a trip to New Mexico today. My man's still on their tail. What's he going to do next? - Asked Frank not understanding what Pierce could be interested in a mere astrophysicist.
-Continue tracking. I have a rough idea where they're headed. So give your man a new assignment. At some point, they're gonna take the blond guy they hit to the hospital. I need your man to covertly draw about a litre of blood from him. After that, we can take surveillance off the targets. But by then, there should be a couple or three guys you trust in town. There's a high probability of alien metal. I'm gonna need at least a couple of kilos of it. The part of town you want will likely be cordoned off quickly by Shield agents. I sent you the information on it along with a list of materials. So your men will have to act quickly and very discreetly. - Rahin laid out a hefty list of tasks. At the same time he asked Castle a lot of questions, which he, observing his military habit, decided not to ask. If it's necessary, it's necessary.
-Any other news?
-That's it, then. - Said Ryan hung up the phone.
When I got back to the workshop, I found Fitz and Simons arguing, which had become a regular occurrence over the past week. Yes, he'd finally introduced me to his secret friend. Now they were arguing about some kind of gas. They had a project together. Simons was in charge of the formula for an improved nerve gas, and Leopold was creating a means of delivering and distributing it.
-I'm saying the sphere will be perfect. -Yes. Your pancake has too little storage space. That much compression force could cause decay reactions. - Almost shouting, the girl defended her point of view.
-Could? Since when do we operate on theories to create a finished product? My disc has been storing your gas for three days straight and there's been no change. - Fitz went ballistic.
-Calm down, guys. Want some cake? - Said Ryan, raising the sweetness to eye level.
-I will. - The grief scientists answered at the same time.
Previously, only a fully thought-out and maximally logical argument could stop their squabble. But now I've succeeded in getting them hooked on sweets. Like them. Just Simons. For the last fortnight of development, Leopold's been working purely on my biscuits. They may not be biologically addictive, but I don't know anything about psychologically addictive. He even called Simmons for their recipe. I'm sure they ran long tests on my culinary creation. But with the arrival of a very competent chemist, I stopped adding the secret ingredient. Though it lowered the quality of the buffs, they still charged the free energy at the proper level.
While the hidden geniuses devoured the cake, I just sat sipping tea and smiling inwardly. They had already fallen into my net. Now all that's left to do is wait for the Shield to fall and beckon them with a finger, well, or a biscuit. After all, talented scientists are always valuable. Talented scientists like these two are even more so.
For instance, Frank's men are already tracking a very interesting German scientist. Otto Octavius is working on his hand star project right now. I mean, I understand clean energy and all that. But imagining what could happen if such a device got out of control is scary. It's a direct threat to the earth. But even considering the risks involved, Otto's genius is invaluable. That's why I'm co-sponsoring this creation.
This gives me several advantages. First and most importantly, I can legally test drive his end-of-the-world machine. Of course it's a pity that you can't take the whole project under your control, but unfortunately I don't have such sums and possibilities. More than 50% of the total cost was sponsored by Ozcorp. And the costs are not small. One site capable of withstanding the power of the star cost $700,000,000, and building the star itself will require another $500,000,000 minimum. So it turns out that only a couple of companies can afford such costs. But given the rumours circulating among the rich, this is more of a last stand for a losing player than a demonstration of their power.
Something went wrong for Ozcorp there. First they teamed up with Hammer and made a couple of partnerships. Then they cancelled their military order for Stark-like suits. And now they've put all their remaining eggs in the same basket of Otto's long-building project. Next year, this hen will finally lay a supernova. And what they'll do if that egg turns out to be rotten I don't think anyone wants to think about. I'm guessing they're already starting to fall into debt.
-Did you bring the biscuits? - Simmons interrupted my musings.
-"Unfortunately, I don't have any today. But if you can help me with one thing, I'll bring a double batch tomorrow. - That's a very sweet bait Pierce took.
-Okay. What do you need my help with? - Gemma agreed without question.
-"Introduce me to the head of your division. I need access to the lab. - Raen put out his request while thinking about a possible exchange rate of biscuits for formulas and developments Simmons.
-And that's it? Easy. Let's go. - Simmons stood up immediately, heading for the door.
-Right now? All right. - Raine followed Gemma with a couple of biscuits.
Fitz glanced round at his friends, thinking about taking a couple of cooking lessons from Pierce. Still, he'd been hanging out with Simons for months now, but their relationship hadn't progressed one bit. Of course, he wasn't going to blame himself for being indecisive. But seeing Gemma devouring Pierce's culinary creations and smiling so beautifully at the same time, he began to consider more active attempts to show his feelings.
Going after Simmons Raine didn't even realise that today he had solved an almost impossible problem. After all, let fate take its course and for Leopold to have such thoughts, he and Simmons would have to be in mortal danger, and he would even have to die.
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