I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Quidditch and Meowth (2)"

The auditorium is always particularly lively during meal time.

Apart from the major festivals, events, opening and graduation ceremonies every year, you can only see so many students gathering here during meal times.

The curriculum of each college from grade one to grade seven is different. In order to meet a good classmate or senior, many young wizards, in addition to waiting outside the dormitory or classroom, can only stay in the auditorium during meals. . (At least you can eat and wait in the auditorium)

This is the case for Harry and Ron. They came to the auditorium today not specifically to wait for Rudy, because they didn't know when Rudy would be discharged from the hospital.

The main reason is for the training of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Captain Wood is a third-year student. There are already many other courses in the course that are not available in the first and second years. This results in their time being often out of reach. face.

Today is their first day joining the Gryffindor team. Originally, Wood required all regular and substitute players to attend training and tactical discussions in the morning.But as luck would have it, the air wave set off by the mushroom cloud yesterday blew Wood, who was training to turn on the ground, and was helpless. Wood could only limp and announced that the morning training plan was canceled and changed to Noon seminar.

After lunch, Harry and Ron, who were waiting for Wood to come to dinner after class, had no choice but to stay and get some desserts and tea. Otherwise, they would have gone back to the dormitory to play wizard chess. Since Ron learned After Harry played Wizard Chess, he became obsessed with this lively and interesting chess game. The two of them would play two games whenever they had free time.

But today they had no choice but to stay and have afternoon tea with Hermione, while discussing the matter of 'borrowing' homework for some courses...

Ahem, we are all little wizards who love to learn. It is normal for everyone to discuss whether the answer to the after-school homework is correct, isn't it...

In this way, there was a scene where the three little ones met Rudy by chance in the auditorium.

After the four of them chatted about the 'meteorite' for a while, the three of them saw that Rudy could eat, drink, and play with the cat. After the three of them saw that his health was really fine, they felt relieved and continued to chat about other topics.

For example... let's talk to Hermione about homework after class...

In fact, Harry and Ron didn't know that Hermione was a top student at the beginning. After the first two days of contact, at most they thought she was more expressive, knew a lot of strange knowledge, had a violent personality, etc. It's just...

But when they were catching up on homework in the common room yesterday afternoon and saw Hermione sitting by the fireplace reading comfortably, they realized something was wrong.After asking, I found out that she had taken the time to finish her homework as early as after class in the afternoon.

When the two of them thought about those devastating after-school homework assignments, and how easily and happily Hermione solved them in just a short period of time after class, they were immediately shocked.

You know, they both just played chess after class...

As a result, the next morning, when Hermione received extra points from the professor for completing her homework very well, Harry and Ron's eyes changed. Those two pairs of sparkling lantern eyes were clearly replicas of the top academics. by my side'!

Unfortunately, from that class to now, no matter what the two said, Hermione was unwilling to lend them her homework because she felt that the homework should be completed independently and should not be copied from others.

Such a reaction naturally aroused dissatisfaction from Ron and Harry (mainly from Ron, of course). Seeing that the three of them had a tendency to have conflicts over homework, Rudy tilted his neck and suddenly interrupted and asked : "Harry, Ron, when will you train? Can we go and see?"

Sure enough, the two of them immediately changed their eyes when they heard Quidditch, and their original unhappy mood gradually dissipated on the scoring system of the Quaffle and the Golden Snitch.

Hermione glanced gratefully at Rudy who came to her rescue, put Mew on the table, stood up and left the long table.

After chatting with Harry and Ron for a while, Wood finally arrived late. He limped and trotted into the auditorium, looking around, and finally found Ron, who was pulling Rudy to brag about himself, and Ron next to him. Harry.

Wood: "Harry! Ron! Come on, it's just you, it's time to go to training!"

Seeing Wood, Ron was shocked and quickly put away his pretense mode. The two said goodbye to Rudy, got up and ran towards Wood.

After they walked away, Rudy picked up the squinting and sleepy Meow and stuffed it back into his hood, got up and walked towards the corridor where the Potions classroom was.

Due to the incident in the Forbidden Forest, he watched the entire battle between Old Bat and Wang Xiang. Although Wang Xiang did not hurt Snape, he was still defeated by the other side. He had to go and visit him due to both emotions and reasons.

Of course, Rudy will definitely not say that this is because the first class in the afternoon is potions class...

He just wanted to try to influence the old bat. As a professor who teaches and educates people, he cannot avenge his students just because of some personal grudges...

Snape's office is said to be at both ends of the same corridor as the Potions classroom, so he now needs to go to the basement of the castle.

Along the way, whether it was Rudy's handsome appearance or the orange cat sticking his head out from behind to look left and right, they attracted the attention of many passing students. Apparently, the 'library god' changed his job to a 'shovel' The news about "The Shit Officer's Mount" is probably going to be in the top ten of the Hogwarts gossip rankings this afternoon.

But Rudy didn't know that these students were so boring. Of course, even if he knew, he would probably ask what the other gossip is?

In this way, one person and one cat walked down from the auditorium, passed the Slytherin common room, and came to the corridor where the Potions classroom was.

Looking at the slightly gloomy and damp basement corridor, Rudy couldn't help but sigh: "Although no traces can be seen now, the tragic battle of the 'Lion and Snake War Corridor King' in the past is still vivid in my mind. Just call people..."

"I couldn't help clapping my hands and shouting - well done!"

Ahem, after looking around to make sure no one heard, Rudy tidied up his appearance seriously, strode to the door at the other end of the corridor, raised his hand and slammed the wooden door hard.

However, just as he was about to buckle it down, the wooden door suddenly opened inward with a "squeak" sound!

A familiar figure walked out quickly with a dark face, and then...

Obviously, all the fists Rudy was planning to hit on the door hit Snape's chest, almost causing the old bat to bleed.

Snape was just grading homework in his office, regarding the paper he left in the first class on 'The practical steps of narcissus root powder and mugwort infusion, and the crisis response plan for uncontrollable variables'.

Although the classes in the Snake and Lion courtyards ended up with no homework due to Neville's "explosion art", the Eagles and Badgers attended the class completely and received their homework.

Of course, as an excellent teacher, he must not favor one thing over another.Therefore, he very responsibly sent people to notify the first-year students of Gryffindor one by one, doubling the homework for Gryffindor and asking them to write two completely different project papers.

Good guy, this inhumane operation immediately made the little lions wail and suffer terribly.

So, after exhausting their brains, they thought of traditional techniques - "make up random things and write Dafa randomly!"

The result was that after a thick pile of parchment papers was handed over to Snape, he read every piece of it very responsibly, and in the end he almost succeeded in dying in the line of duty and died of anger in his office...

'God knows what those stupid lions are thinking about every day! ? '

'A student actually mentioned in his paper that appropriate leeches and aconite flowers can be added to the mugwort infusion, mixed with narcissus root powder, and then waved a magic wand to add heat! ? '

One look at the name...huh?Seamus, Seamus Finnigan?

Snape raised his eyebrows in surprise. Wasn't this the genius idea of ​​Longbottom's 'explosion genius'?

(Actually, during class, Neville just tried adding the powder to the mugwort infusion. What really made it boil and eventually explode was Seamus, who was sitting next to Neville, casually helping him a little...)

After reviewing a dozen assignments in a row that were obviously made up, Snape stood up abruptly and walked out of the office.He was going to vent his anger on some stupid Gryffindor lions. If he continued like this, he might not be able to suppress his rising blood pressure.

Just like that, a very coincidental coincidence happened...

After holding his chest and rubbing for a while, Snape, who was almost bleeding from Rudy's hammer, raised his wand with a vigilant expression, pointed at Rudy who raised a picture of "I Surrender" with both hands in front of him and said: "What do you want to do!?"

Rudy raised his hand in embarrassment and quickly explained: "Professor Snape! It's me! The previous senior has left, don't worry."

Although he felt relieved after hearing Rudy's explanation, Snape still remained wary.There was nothing he could do. Those three punches just now almost made him vomit blood. He couldn't be more careful.He continued to ask: "Why did you come to me?"

Rudy poked his finger sheepishly, showing an 'innocent' expression, and asked with concern: "It's nothing important, I just want to come and see you, how are you doing when you come in... Or, If you feel that you need to study on your own for the next class or find another professor to take your place, I am willing to help you with the errands."

Snape's mouth twitched. He must have understood the purpose of this boy's courtesy.

'The first class in the afternoon is the potions class of the first grade, and this boy is one of the students in the two classes. '

'It turns out that the key is here!Are you afraid that I will retaliate against you? '

After immediately guessing the purpose of Rudy's attentiveness, Snape's original idea of ​​going out to find trouble disappeared.What else are you going out for?Didn’t the fun come to your doorstep?

Seeing Snape laughing inexplicably, Rudy felt a chill down his back. Just as he was about to run away, he was grabbed by the shoulder.

Snape smiled evilly and said, "It just so happens that I need someone to help me with some of my homework."

Rudy: ...I suddenly felt an ominous premonition.


Ten minutes later, in front of a cauldron, Snape was concentrating on mixing some kind of potion. However, it could be seen from the curved corners of his mouth and the raised eyebrows that he was in a very good mood at this time.

As for Rudy...he was the reason why Snape was happy...

Time goes back to when he was first arrested and taken into the office.

Rudy thought he would be punished corporally by the old bat, or work hard.Unexpectedly, after Snape caught him in, he actually sat him down in his previous seat, then pointed at the pile of homework on the table that had not yet been marked and said: "Complete marking them all, plus Note to yourself, and you can leave once you’re done.”

He looked at Snape in disbelief, who turned around and left to do his own thing after handing over the task, feeling a little disbelieving in his heart.

'That's it?Just correct the homework and let him go?So simple? '

However, it turns out that he is still too young...

After reading several parchment papers, Rudy looked suspicious of life. What on earth was written on this?

'In order to enhance the fusion of mugwort extract and narcissus root powder, is it recommended to add an appropriate amount of glue? ? ? '

And this one is even more outrageous! 'Can you pour mugwort infusion into a pile of narcissus root powder, and then knead it manually with great force to form a dough ball with a smooth surface? ? ?Damn, are you making steamed buns?Next, do you need to take some action to roll out the dough? ? '

At first, after Rudy read a few papers that were obviously messed up, he kindly made more tactful comments at the back, and complained to Snape in his heart that he 'suggested giving up potions' after reviewing the first few papers. The remarks are too offensive to the students and do not have the demeanor of an excellent teacher at all.

It wasn't until he read a few more copies...the grumpy corrector came online again!

Feeling physically and mentally exhausted, Rudy lay on the table and seriously doubted whether he was too naive.

With such a powerful mental punishment attack at hand, why is there any need for corporal punishment that is lagging behind and easily reported?Isn’t this kind of powerful mental oppression more able to transform and train a person than hard labor?

What Rudy couldn't accept the most was that after he finished correcting his last paper and wanted to see which house the young wizard was so talented, he saw the lion statue representing Gryffindor and the name of the house. .

Oh my God, he was defeated by his own people after fighting for a long time! ?

"Clang clang-"

Not long after Rudy finished reviewing his paper, the preparation bell rang for the first class in the afternoon.Putting the potions he had just completed into small bottles, Snape returned to his desk and said to Rudy: "Okay, let's go to the classroom. I think you still remember the way back, right?" "

Judging from his funny questions, this guy seems to be in a very good mood now.

Rudy, who was a little depressed, didn't bother to talk nonsense to this old thief. He stood up and shouted "Goodbye, Professor" and walked out of the office door without looking back.

Unlike when he came in, Rudy took a look at Snape's office on the way out.

How can I put it this way? The dark decoration, the room full of books, the large jars filled with various liquid specimens, the various materials everywhere, and the still smoking crucible all look like they belong to a certain villain. It's like a lair, and it's hard to imagine that this is a serious professor's office.

Just before he was about to walk out of the office door, Rudy suddenly thought of something and looked back at Snape, who was packing up the potion materials and textbooks needed for class.He should be in a good mood now. If you ask him now, will he agree?

Rudy suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. He hesitated and asked carefully: "That, Professor?"

The old bat, who had just finished making Rudy sick and had made a successful potion, was now in a very happy mood. When he heard Rudy calling him, he immediately asked impatiently: "What are you doing? Tell me."

Rudy encouraged himself secretly and asked in a low voice: "Um, that day in the Forbidden Forest, I saw you use a magic spell called 'Shen Feng Wu Ying'. It seemed very powerful. Can you teach it?" me?"

After saying that, he felt that Snape might not agree to this, so he immediately added: "Oh, of course, I can come here at any time to help you do whatever little things I can when you need it. Well, yes, I think I it should be OK."

To Rudy's surprise, Snape's first reaction was confusion when he heard that he wanted to learn the magic sword.

He didn't understand that the person behind Rudy was obviously a master of magic, so why did he need to teach him himself?

He did think about refusing, but when he thought of the old fox Dumbledore's words, and for some reasons... I don't know why, he found this kid quite pleasing to him... In this case, it was okay to pass it on to him. nothing.

There was silence for a while, seeing Snape just staring at him quietly without saying anything.Rudy immediately shouted "Excuse me" and turned around and wanted to run away, but the expected taunting did not appear. On the contrary, after a moment of silence, Snape actually said: "I come to my office after dinner every day. If you are late, Just don’t come.”

Rudy was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly thanked him. Then he was afraid that Snape would regret it, so he left the office without saying a word.

In the dim room, Snape stood there for a long time with the textbook in his arms, not knowing what he was thinking.

【Sports tickets...ah...】

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