I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 340: Worn out like a couple of rags!

At this point the couple of stingrays were rather clueless of the world around them. They simply enjoyed one another’s presence, and every second felt as if it was a decade!

It was fair to say that they were having the time of their lives, and almost were completely hesitant to get back to their day-to-day lives.

Whatever this soul bounding technique was, it sure granted the soul that ever desired pleasure for romance!

If these good friends weren’t almost unconscious, they would figure out just how well their contribution was working out.

The blockade of which insulted the canal, had been struck by an incredible force which gave this structure no option other but to clear up!

These stingrays floated at the front part of this whole procedure, and their souls simply bashed any part of the blockade wide open!

Their incredible strut continued downwards the canal, as they simply broke down anything that stood in their way.

One detail that managed to add beauty to this whole bit of work, was how a layer of thin, white-light followed along wherever the heroes had cleaned up.

This thin light was attached to the tunnel's walls, and behaved like an extra precaution of security.

If the cleaned tunnel planned to collapse again due to all of this commotion, then this extra precaution would behave like a barricade, which prevented disasters.

It was easy to figure out that one of the voids was releasing this kind of light, either one of them did so or all of them at the same time just for the sake of efficiency?

Regardless of the details, this plan simply worked like a charm. The couple of heroes remained clueless of the whole scene, but that wasn't a big problem.

What also blessed these tunnels was an incredible amount of slime. It dashed through the structure at any spot which the prior light had covered.

So it was no secret that every bit of force that was used to clean this long tunnel, were in perfect cooperation with one another!

Whatever these void-fish were and however they obtained all of this power, this scene proved that they truly were a true force to be reckoned with!

As for the couple of stingrays, they truly were on a honey-moon that they likely won’t experience again for the rest of their lives!

They could feel such an immense amount of pleasure, that they simply were ready to give their souls over just so they could live like this for an eternity.

Anyone could assume that the voids would be able to grant that wish, but that was not the deal.

And the other side of the stick were certainly eager to finish their end of the bargain.

So after these couple of souls met with what seemed to be the end of the blockade, over five-hundred meters away from their initial starting point, the voids felt like it was the best time to break apart the technique.

And they did exactly so. It took less than a blink of an eye to accomplish such a thought!

The stingrays simply saw themselves in that same cavern again, when they least expected it.

It felt odd for sure, but these friends were partially happy that those odd fish did not trick them.

Timothy peeked around for a little while, and found the void that resided in this large cavern.

This sight helped acknowledge that the whole ruckus had been fixed. He felt relieved but there were other emotions that caught his attention more.

Likewise he expressed it, “Oh damn… I feel so sore! Are you sure that I was the man in this battle? My ass feels drilled.”

“Soreness was only expected, young heroes. So don’t worry about such a setback too much.” A thick tone assured them.

Surely this was the void of which they had dealt with earlier. And for once it sounded like this creature carried a small hint of joy in its tone.

Dana ignored that massive fish and simply peeked at Timothy a couple of times, and then she became incredibly shy.

Sure they almost gave away part of their soul through that romantic process, but she still felt embarrassed regardless of how close they were a moment ago!

So she refused to speak and simply tried to avoid eye contact with the boy.

As for Timmy, he simply didn’t care about the moral parts of that wild moment they experienced. And he even darted his focus towards this void instead.

For that same matter he asked, “We helped you clean all those slime holes, now you’re supposed to help us.”

“I helped you already,” The odd fish corrected.

“What do you mean… oh, oh damn yes I understand now.” The hero mumbled.

His mind was bashed with what felt like a newly formed memory.

This memory featured a direct route towards the so-called source of the massive tunnel.

The route itself seemed highly complicated, so he felt lucky to have met this void.

Before he could have given a proper thanks, the same complicated species cutted the conversation short.

It slowly recited, “You have proven to be a great aid to us, young fish from the outside world. So if your lives are long enough for us to meet again, know that you are the most welcome here.”

And before these friends could say anything, their eyes blinked once and their surroundings astoundingly changed!

They could see a bunch of gems once more. But judging from how this place was shaped, they were in the massive tunnel again.

The same one of which behaved like a main route, to everything this downwards path was connected to.

Timothy tried to figure his way around here by checking out a few details.

And judging from a few crystals that stuck out as taller, in comparison to most of these shiny stones; he could figure out that they were at least two kilometers away, from the aimed destination.

But that was the fun part about it. They didn’t need to head straight down towards this main tunnel, in order to find the source.

No no, what awaited in front of them was a series of perplexing routes.

As for the source itself, neither of these stingrays could actually imagine what it looked like, but at least they knew how to find it.

So after a few words of care-oriented communication, the couple of stingrays felt ready to swim a bit lower to properly start this journey.

But it still felt like they were forgetting something...

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