I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 324: Strategic slaughter

Cursed with bad luck would be the best way to explain the fate, of which this geezer suffered.

Gerlach was the smallest creature of the group, as he only stretched around four-inches long; yet he was the only one who got struck with all of that green-tar!

Certainly unfair to some extent. But what other option did the tiny old man have? He could only deal with this misfortune.

He could feel a great portion of his skin, sizzling to the point of madness thanks to all the discomfort!

The old man could feel that most of his legs broke off already, as if the chunk he was entrapped in carried nothing but direct spite!

So understandably the process was anything but peachy.

Yet the rest of the team didn't even realise what the oldest was going through. Osira didn't exactly notice the other's lack of presence.

And the rest couldn't notice such detail either, since the old man was simply dragged along by the patch of tar.

Now, he headed directly toward the tunnel's flooring, simply because the chunk of tar proved itself too heavy.

He was entrapped in this chunk, and crashed into an even larger quantity of tar. At this point his fate seemed rather apparent.

But as for the rest of the group, they truly put in quite some effort to harass the enemy.

Of course their prime goal was to kill the bastard in several ways, but it proved difficult.

If the enemy’s size wasn’t enough of a problem to deal with, that same fish proved difficult in other aspects.

Such as speed, agility and strategy!

The team tried to land deadly blows of their own, or anything at all really; but this enemy was highly analytical, swift and efficient.

One wouldn’t expect such precision from a fish who seemed barbaric from the outside, and certainly acted so to an extent…

But this situation helped them understand once more, that the naked eye could often lie!

“We need to corner it,” Timothy shouted out as his eyes followed the enemy’s movements.

“Is that even possible?” Dana criticized.

Until now she had been mostly staying idle. The stingray lady couldn’t approach this enemy without harming herself, since she didn’t have any ranged attacks.

So the only bit of damage that she managed to deal, were a few stabs that were forced out of her just to fend the enemy away.

That same bastardous opponent dwelled in quite a bit of sticky tar right now. It was the same type of green-tar that was located in this large tunnel’s walls.

At first it was difficult to understand the paternal reasons behind such behaviour, but eventually the team managed to put two and two together.

This enemy, went there anytime it was attacked by one of the team members. So obviously the creature dwelled in the tar to replenish any received damage; however the hell that worked?

Timothy stalked the enemy once more, and put his little noggin into use just to develop a proper plan.

He understood that it would be difficult and eventually dangerous to fight this bastard. So he tried to figure out how to deliver massive damage all at once.

The hero was especially spooked, once he remembered that the enemy easily withstood a silver shout!

Sure a chunk of tar had pierced through the quantity of silver light, but the silver shot itself had actually hit the enemy, just a tad earlier.

Yet that same shot swiftly disappeared between the enemy’s skin, as if nothing had happened at all!

Azelaq's scream, was supposed to be power which was descended from an actual god of the seas ~ so he simply didn't understand how some random gravel-like fish, would effortlessly withstand it!

Necessarily such a staggering detail forced the boy to develop some paranoia, if not pure fear itself; he urged to take this enemy down

And at the moment Timothy felt like he had developed a proper plan, for that very same matter!

He peeked at both Dana and Osira, afterwards he put in quite some effort to get their attention - a few shouts were enough for that matter.

Once they got close enough to hear what he had to say, the hero deciphered the little plan that he managed to muster up.

Timmy peeked at the black-grouper first and then stated. “Us two need to attack this dumbass together! We can’t let it hide in the walls again!”

Before the enemy could have thought of a counter attack, the hero’s focus swiftly aimed towards Dana.

And that's when he shouted, “We need you to lure that bastard away from the walls!”

The fine stingray lady was a bit nervous towards such an idea at first, it didn't seem like the best idea to boldly approach such an enemy.

But afterwards she simply nodded to the command, and headed towards that ugly, tar-covered creature!

Her courage was admirable. Every portion of her being told the lady to stay away from this enemy, yet she still pushed forward!

Eventually she reached the opponent close enough, and tempted that bastard to leave the tar-infested walls!

The chubby fish was quick to chase Dana, and obviously she didn’t just wait around for the enemy to approach and obliterate her. She simply swam away instead.

After a short moment this same eight-foot long fish was greeted by the rest of the group!

Osira was the first to unleash her last bit of power towards this wretched creature, and she most definitely made sure that her shot counted!

She has used her powers a few times ever since they entered this darkened reef, and now she unleashed her last shot.

It would take a while for her powers to replenish, but it was certain that her shot was worthwhile!

Even though she generated a ball of black-light that only stretched half-a-foot wide; the damage she inflicted was precise and crucial.

It had struck the enemy right against the side of its big, pointed head!

And the team could see several pounds of gravel falling off the same target!

Somehow the enemy regenerated that same portion where the damage had been inflicted, but it was noticeable that the same foul creature was a hunch smaller in size now.

Regardless of such a detail, it was the sea-pancake’s turn to deliver a message of his own!

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