I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 321: Task thirty-eight

The team eventually managed to clean up every enemy that was brave enough to oppose them.

Although these foul creatures unapologetically inflicted quite some violent pain, they were overall easy to handle.

This team was the definition of overpowered in a battle like this one. The commotion was simply too easy for them, as one hit was enough to crumble any enemy into dust.

At a certain point the team even began messing around, rather than taking the battle seriously. They simply tried out trick shots against these mindless fools.

However. The main point was that this battle proved itself swift and easy.

The only thing that had slightly tampered with the team’s momentum, were the numerous sharp pains they experienced.

Every member of the team, apart from Dana, had been bitten by one of these gravel-like fish, and suffered the aftermath due to it.

Although the team was confused how a woundless aftermath burned that much, they were quick to forget about it once the pain entirely faded away.

Conversations grew dim between these friends, especially after they lightly bragged about the kills they had landed. That aside, they simply enjoyed the silence.

Peace was necessary if one wanted to be observant! They headed even deeper into this depressing reef, so it only sounded reasonable for the team to be on their top performance.

No one was even sure what trouble awaited one-hundred meters from here, not to mention any further. No no, top performance was a must.

But it was fair to say that the entire team partially contemplated their most recent encounter, there were just too many details that didn’t make sense whatsoever!

They wanted to figure everything out, as curiosity would affect even the dumbest fish in the ocean.

Timmy was the most contemplative of them all for once. A great portion of his ego was hurt, regarding why a weak fish managed to cause him such a large amount of pain.

Surely now he wanted to inflict even more damage, against every other enemy that would stand in front of their path; but his ego continued to grow damaged.

Especially after he remembered that those fish escaped the death-ensuring effects of the silver-shout. Such a thought made him shiver.

Simply since it meant that these fish had a soul, but yet they didn’t have one at all! Something helped them move, but only the divine knew what that was.

It proved even more staggering, once he remembered that those same enemies were extremely easy to kill; he just couldn’t wrap his head around all of this.

And it became even more confusing, once the system announced a bit of information of her own.

[Those fish you just killed don’t identify with a species, so there is only one category I can put them under]

[They can only be considered as a finished, system given task,]

[Of course we all are clueless regarding just what you have killed, but take this as a kind gesture]

[Your proximity to these… different creatures is quite risky, so of course such effort has to be rewarded]

[As I said, these kills will fall under the system-given-task category, so you have eight tasks marked as complete]

[In total, you have thirty-eight tasks marked as done. A couple more kills and your primary bars will increase again]

“This is… well better than I thought it would be,” Timothy expressed with the aid of a thought.

But the system didn’t exactly stop there. No, she had a few more things to say.

[You’ve killed exactly eight of those fish, so you’ve received thirty-system-points as a reward]

[But you won't be receiving bonus points for task completion, that would he pushing it to far]

[Total system points = Fourteen-hundred and ninety-eight]

“I feel spoiled now,” He added jokingly.

[These rewards are fairly measured. Risk for knowledge should be rewarded, and you were lagging behind with tasks anyway; so this is a win for both of us]

While the little boy’s ego healed by a hunch, he assured. “I’ll kill as many gravel-fish as you please then, fine system lady.”

Well such expressions still felt quite new, but right now it felt like a good way to follow the conversation - it didn’t make him feel uncomfortable either for once.

Yet before these two could have dwelled into the odds and ends of these gains, Dana decided to inform of some possible trouble that lied ahead.

“I can sense a lot of movement,” She lightly shouted.

And then she put in a bit more effort on focus, just to inform. “Something is over forty-meters away…”

“Are they coming to attack us?” Gerlach was the swiftest to ask.

“No… they are not fish.” The green-coloured stingray swiftly corrected.

Since this type of expansive sensing was exhausting, she had quite a bit of trouble to keep up even with the slightest questions. The headache that came with all of this didn’t help either.

Thankfully they were all patient enough to let her express a few points, “It’s… something. Definitely not alive, but it’s like some stream of water.”

“A stream of water... underwater?” The great-white shark by their side pressured.

“That does sound weird. Let’s just fuck around and find out,” Snoopy added, and instantly felt a few glares dotting towards him.

And then he had to debate, “What, y’all don’t cuss now?”

With little patience, the whole team continued to swim towards the very source that was causing all of these small vibrations.

So necessarily, Snoopy’s question had not been answered. But that wasn’t exactly a big problem, as he was equally curious to figure things out.

And within a minute, the whole team managed to reach the very source that tickled their curiosity.

It was fair to say that most of their mouths instantly hung open, because the scene they swam into stunned them a bit too much.

Because as a golden start, there was a thirty-meter wide hole spread across the reef!

It seemed like this hole was bottomless, as they couldn't get a proper view of what lurked down there.

However the hole itself couldn't give any vibrations on its own, no. The thing that seemed life-filled was the large amount of green-goo that circled around this massive opening!

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