I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 314: Snake-fangs

Timothy felt absolutely ready to go through a few upgrades right now, he was as healthy as a newborn baby.

But of course, memorisation was one attribute that he still didn't possess; so it was best to ask questions rather than buy in a clueless manner.

So necessarily he asked, "System, can you remind me what marvelous upgrades await me?"

He wasn't yet used to such forms of expressions, but they are becoming more common thanks to the emotional upgrade.

These types of sophisticated words didn't envelop his entire dialogue, but they occasionally came in as a spike.

Typically he would be proud of sounding so smart, because who wouldn't be?

But now as his brain was equal to that of a genius, he had become a bit more able to reflect and comprehend.

Although this dialogue change seemed minor, Timmy grew a paranoia that he was being stripped out of his identity. Surely such an aspect would spook anyone who could absorb hints.

However, such a minor dilemma can be put aside by now, as the system reminded which upgrades remained.


[You currently have two available upgrade options. Afterwards you'll be introduced to what could be categorized, as a different era of upgrades]

"Wow!" The hero instantly celebrated. Similar to a child who found a shiny marble.

And then he questioned, "Will they make me a god or something?"

[These upgrades aren't necessarily stronger than whatever you possess now, but they surely can prove lethal in time]

"Oh," The latter sighed, he was a tad disappointed.

[Enough about that, let me tell you about the current options]

[Purchase option number one = Upgrade jaws to level-four]

[Price = four-hundred system points]

His eyes lit up right away, as he felt a bit of joy after hearing about such an upgrade.

The boy's memory had been chaotic lately, due to Azelaq's influences; but he remembered that his jaws would face quite some changes, the system acknowledged it so.

Therefore he wasn't even eager to hear out the other option, his patience descended towards the lack of existence.

So he instantly demanded, "Uh that! Upgrade my jaws now, yes!"

Such an outburst might not be the most intellectual, but he wasn't ashamed of it whatsoever. In a way, expressions like this helped the hero stick to his characteristic roots, it felt comforting.

And of course without the slightest hesitance, the system obliged with the demand of which the other made.


Just a moment later, he acknowledged the aspect that was ever-so-present in every upgrade; pain!

A sharp stab struck him right across the jaw! It felt as if another stingray had struck him through the mouth, and managed to land a foot-deep wound.

Such pain could certainly not be considered kinky. And obviously he was still young to fully acknowledge kinks, as he was only five-months old.

However, all-and-all the entire procedure was incredibly painful.

This discomfort spread across his entire head, and it began to feel more like a burn rather than anything a sharp stab would represent.

Yet it was durable in comparison to what pain this young man had suffered before. The current upgrade didn't have any luck whatsoever, in terms of knocking him out cold.

No, he was still up and kicking. Necessarily, he continued to do so until the whole effects of this upgrade wore away ~ which itself only took less than a minute, but surely felt longer than that.

And finally the system could announce, [Upgrade complete]

[Four-hundred system points consumed]

[Twenty-five-hundred and twenty-three system points remaining]

"Uh, these points are flying off like crazy," Tim lightly complained.

But he also understood the concept of expenses growing with progress, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Instead he put an attempt to peek at his jaws, but it was quite tricky to do so. Because he had to flip upside-down in order for the third-person-view map to capture the changes.

He opened the map and then of course zoomed-in on it. Joy grew stronger upon every bit of view he attained on these little choppers.

They truly had changed, just as the system had informed before time. And these changes seemed quite worth it, the pain felt pale in comparison now.

Because first things first, his jaws had grown big enough to escape his flat marine lips.

A couple of sharp and thick upper-jaw teeth, curled out of his mouth and lightly touched his lower lip-skin.

These jaws looked a lot like that of a dangerous snake's, but there was more to it!

Upon further focus, he noticed that these curls behaved more like saws. They were carved similar to tiny stairs, and of course they would prove quite lethal as well.

Truly magnificent, and he was eager to test out how well they would work against actual skin; perhaps there will be a lot of enemies to test them on?

Regardless. At the moment, he thought that it would be the best time for his friends to understand just why he was floating upside down.

The team was a bit spooked by such behaviour. Because usually, only dead-fish faced their belly towards the ceiling.

He faced them with a little burst of energy, and lightly shouted. "Look at my mouth!"

"Sure," Dana expressed, she was the most enthusiastic about such a request.

And after acknowledging why he called for attention, she celebrated. "Wow those jaws look great!"

"Right?" He followed along with the same enthusiasm.

"They're alright," The black-grouper complimented, and tried to ignore the fact that she barely had teeth.

Gerlach might have a word to say about such an upgrade, but he was currently observing the tens of bodies, and desperately tried to make sense out of them.

Sure the theory they built up was good enough, but it was convenient for this dilemma to be thought over more thoroughly. It was better to be more prepared.

However, after the team celebrated the upgrade that Timothy went through, he asked the system what the remaining one was.

And of course the fine lady in his head instantly obliged, [You have one more purchase option remaining, before new ones open up]

[Purchase option number one = Increase your depth durability by two-hundred meters more]

[Price = five-hundred system points]

"Oh my points, my beautiful points..." He lightly sighed, and felt that his heart lightly tightened.

It took a disaster and a half to obtain such a large amount of points. And it felt odd to let them go so swiftly, even though they were tossed towards self improvement.

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