I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 305: Progression

Within a few moments, Timothy's eyes opened up, and he began witnessing a few portions of his surroundings.

A few seconds later, he noticed that his friends were slumbering on numerous spots in this hole; which gave a great hint that night-time has enveloped the horizon.

It seemed a bit rude to wake them up, so he decided to consult with the system instead. Although the developing headache was burdening enough, he still had another worry to consider.

And that was what the topic swiftly became, "How long have I been asleep?"

[A bit over a day, so to say. Such a slumber is a bit overdone for a stingray, but at least you didn't suffer a coma this time]

As the young man was pondering over that information, the fine lady in his head steered the topic towards a sub-direction.

She questioned, [Did you consult with Azelaq?]

"You mean... talk?" He questioned, because he felt quite baffled. "Yes I talked with her, but she didn't help me in any way."

Eager to figure out more, the system pressured. [So she just... didn't do anything?]

A headache across his noggin was becoming stronger, and brought along a mental cloud as well; so it became difficult for the sea-pancake to follow any conversations.

So the system had to repeat her question a couple of times, before the guest cooperated. "Azelaq wants me to help her, and said that she could give me more powers."

[That's all?] The system continued to pressure.

"No," The latter answered, as he used every bit of his ability to focus even for the slightest.

And then he finally continued, "I need to kill other fish, with the scream she gave me. That will help her somehow...?"

Of course this didn't prove as understandable information either. So he and the system continued to converse for a few minutes, before they could finally catch up on everything.

It was fair to say that the lady in his head was utterly staggered for once. The existence of some sea god, or even a weird entity that strode the waters, was beyond her grasp of information.

Such a discovery gave a hint that these large seas, carried more than just plain fish. There was a lot more to discover, and such a fact made the powerful system dwell in discomfort!

She wanted to know more, but her ego was hurt because she didn't know everything about the ocean. Or at least a large percentage of information regarding what the waters carried, she simply didn't have such quantities of knowledge.

Such feelings were conflicting, but it was not like mortality was chasing her from behind. If one guest died, she could just bounce over to another. The death-rate on earth wasn't minimalistic, so it was easy to snatch a human soul and barge it into some random fish.

However, the system understood that the little stingray, was in no position to thoroughly follow a conversation at the moment.

So she just encouraged him to eat the barracuda's carcass, that had been laid down near his face ~ and just discuss further details later.

It was easy to notice that Osira had put in extra efforts earlier, to make sure that her friend could eat; even if he woke up when everyone else was asleep.

Such a gesture was rather kind and detailed. If the sea-disk could think thoroughly, he would have surely appreciated her hidden layers of kindness.

But now with just half a conscious, he was simply chewing through the half-carcass at a slow pace.

Bit by bit, he could feel portions of his energy returning; it was no mistake that this meal had something to do with it.

It was weird how he didn't have much energy, especially after considering how long he had slept. But after acknowledging the wound, it began making sense.

These broken bones were reaping every bit of energy, just to heal themselves faster. Which meant that most bars were being continuously depleted at a rapid pace!

Such realisations proved quite frightening, but he didn't want to think much about it, especially since he had friends who refused to let him die.

However. Eventually he managed to eat what was left of the barracuda carcass, and managed to notice its positive effects bit by bit.

Tim's stomach felt a bit bloated in the first few moments, but his speeding metabolism didn't exactly allow for such discomfort to last.

After a few moments he even began feeling slightly hungry, but still wanted to take time in order to process half of the barracuda carcass he had just eaten.

It was no secret that the most important part of this meal, was strictly related to health. So Timmy asked about such an aspect, and of course the system didn't shy away with the details whatsoever.

[That meal you just ate, has given you thirteen points of health]

[Total health = 86/121]

[I also want to assure you, that one of your bones has been completely healed]

[That and, the couple of other broken bones are in the process of patching together]

[Now is the most crucial time to avoid any movement. In fact, don't even try to speak too much]

[No, use your mouth to eat only. So the chances of muscle strain reduce]

Such information had managed to give him quite a bit of hope, so he could only agree to the system with the aid of a thought.

His mental clarity was a bit better now, so of course he could heed these demands with ease; as the system's chatter didn't sound gibberish anymore.

There was a cloud that stood present in his mind, but it wasn't as overwhelming in comparison, to when he first felt it before the large battle.

As such advice was being thoroughly pondered, the system decided to unravel a bit more information.

[At the time being, I recommend you to purchase the emotional intelligence upgrade]

[The worst it can do is knock you out cold, but that isn't really a problem right now. Sleep can't kill you anymore]

As a little soft smile spread across his face, the hero muttered. "Then we shouldn't waste time, I want to buy that intelligence thing. Hope that this time I don't sleep for a week or something."

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