I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 295: Spooked fatty

[You have lost fifty points of health]

[That and you only have thirty-four points of healthy remaining, out of your total bar of one-hundred-and-twenty-one]

As Timothy tried to comprehend just what happened right now, the only thing he could acknowledge was the massive pain that enveloped one of his fins!

All of his concentration had been taken hostage by it. And it wasn't any easier on his consciousness, once he realized that the same fin couldn't quite be moved.

He was tossed against the sea-floor just a moment ago, and noticed that the waters themselves had been coated, with blood that likely belonged to him ~ which alone managed to describe how severe the situation had become.

Definitely against his favour, that was certain. As if losing a friend wasn't hard enough on its own, now he had to deal with escaping death for himself.

That was why he tried to get a good glimpse of the battle. He wanted to prepare a counter attack, against the wretched shark who had inflicted such tremendous damage.

Timmy understood quite well that the enemy won't have mercy. One bite had not been enough, to send this sea-pancake towards the heavens. But another strike would likely do the job.

That was why the good hero wanted to prepare, but couldn't quite do so thanks to the wound itself. Sure he could wiggle around a little bit, but any attempt ended up burning worse than swimming in boiling water!

So it took little thought to figure out that he was in no position to fight, no one would be able to do so, under these same conditions.

But it didn't seem like his immobility mattered too much at the moment. Because as he peeked at the battle, he could notice that Osira was putting in work against the same shark who inflicted such foul damage!

It was easy to see that the fine lady was boiling in anger, she likely thought her friend was dead. Simply because a bite from a great-white could not be underestimated!

And the first form of attack that she embraced, was to crash against this bastardous enemy's neck!

Considering how much blood had been spilled across the waters today, she had quite some power to attack in such a way.

And for the enemy, it felt as if a one-ton beast had attacked! The clash was truly extraordinary.

Not only had the same enemy begun bleeding, but a loud crack has echoed across the waters as well!

Due to the fact that the actual clash was isolated over the neck area, such a thud could not be taken lightly!

That point was proven when the black-grouper, turned around to crash against the enemy once more. She swiftly noticed that the shark had stopped moving!

Apart from that, it was easy to see that the enemy's neck had been permanently tilted to the left. It was as if the impact had molded this shark's neck bone, and it would likely take quite some power to push the head back in place.

The result was truly frightening but yet it was expected. Especially after considering just how much power, she was putting behind a single attack; it was no luck that the resulting crash could turn dire.

And at this rate, generating black-light wouldn't quite be necessary in order to win a battle.

However, since this shark had been bashed into submission, the grouper headed for the only other great-white that had remained in the battlefield.

And once this beast saw that all of its allies had been shot dead, a rough male tone was unleashed by the same shark. Fear was the key feature of this reverberating scream.

But he also demanded an answer, "Why are you doing this?"

Osira was not one who could hold up a conversation, but such a sudden question did manage to stun her. She slowed down and observed the shark.

For a second she began thinking that they might have attacked the wrong group. But that thought swiftly fiddled away once she took a peek at the enemy's pelvic-fins, one of them was missing.

Gerlach approached the scene afterwards, and weighed in. "Your little group has killed the wrong stingray family. As you just witnessed, such mistakes only came back to bite you in the behind."

"But I never killed a stingray!" The latter stated, hoping that such a claim would get him out of trouble.

Understanding that such a claim can be a lie, the mantis shrimp sighed. "Don't lie to me, son."

Determined to live, the latter contradicted. "It's true! I only joined this group two days ago! They promised me power and strength, but I didn't get any of that."

Quite swift at picking up social patterns, and able to form a theory regarding this dilemma, Gerlach decided to put an idea to the test.

That was why he asked, "These sharks promised you power?"

By now it was easy to see that this remaining shark was quite cowardly, but that wasn't necessarily a disadvantageous situation. Specifically, since this scared bastard had information to share.

And this fat beast specifically continued to do so, "Yes! Well they promised me... and this old lady, a mantis shrimp just like you! She promised me great power, but I don't even know what kind of power that is. No one in our group even had it!"

Spotting that there were many holes in that explanation, the old man pointed out. "Either you're a horrible liar, or your entire group was incredibly stupid."

Anger arose across this shark's mind, as he began feeling sure that death was near. That was why he began shouting even louder, as panic knocked in a bit too.

With a hurry, the enemy stumbled upon a few words. "I can take you to her! That will prove my words."

To further prove a point on this topic, this fat fish continued. "She told us that the secret to unlocking this power, is hidden behind killing a few stingrays and..."

"And?" The old man attempted to pressure.

That was when this spooked shark developed a bit of hesitancy; he didn't want to answer in the first few moments, but also understood that these little marine-animals meant quite some business.

So the great-white mumbled, "She said that we could find this power easier, if we give away one of our fins..."

"What kind of bizarre method is that? It never fails to surprise me just how dumb your species can be! It's tricky for me to figure out if you're lying, that's how stupid you are!" Gerlach was lashing quite a bit right now.

He had many rights to do so. The geezer might not have had a deep connection with either Timmy or Dana, but he felt quite a lot of sorrow for what fate they were suffering today.

And as he continued to debate with this shark, the black-grouper had already swam towards the little stingray, who suffered quite some damage a moment ago.

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