I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 291: A foul fate

Any viewer would think that they will collide head to head, but that was not what the hero planned.

And just as they got close enough to each other, Timmy's back muscles flinched for the sake of taking a dive!

He swam just a couple of feet downwards, and shouted. "Grey-tail!"

And of course, such marvelous weaponry instantly generated and graced the waters with its stunning length.

With the best of his abilities, the young man began focusing for the sake of attaining more control of this tail...

And with a flick upwards, the sharp and transparent barb met with the target's flesh.

However. This time, a loud slap had not sounded out across the waters.

Instead, the hero's tail was sliding right through the enemy's belly. And when it began sinking deeper through that flesh, he was ready for another portion of the plan.

With the help of a holler, he demanded. "Eruptive-heat!"

Necessarily, this splendid power move activated itself and aided to deliver one of the deadliest moves yet.

At the beginning, Tim was just being optimistic and mostly hoped for the best; but now he figured that such desperate positivity was paying off.

Because the grey-tail itself, lost its original colour for a quick second and shifted towards a fire-like shade!

Such a transformation has aided to deliver an attack that can not be underestimated.

The hero's tail had already been dug half a meter in the shark's belly. But, when such a result was linked with a stunning heat that went up to a one-hundred-and-fifty degrees celsius, the enemy was quick to find itself in a deadly situation.

Because at this point, this attack was no different from being sliced with a darn heated sword!

It was an excruciatingly dangerous situation to be in, even though the actual long-tail managed to disintegrate, just a blink later.

Layers after layers of blood began puking across the waters afterwards, and that was no surprise. It was no secret that some of the target's vital organs had been fried, and such fate only had one destiny.

[Great-white-shark killed. This one was not a full grown carcass, so you only get six-hundred system points as a reward]

[Total system points = Two-thousand-one-hundred -and-twenty-three]

[My compliments on the kill, you're really forcing that creative intelligence of yours to work over time]

"Do I have another choice?" The latter unleashed a bit of sass, as he swam away from the carcass.

[Well you don't, so better not make a bad move]

"No shit!" Timothy expressed, having it very difficult to hold the volumes of sass back.

Afterwards he wanted to land any other attack, but also began worrying about his friends a bit more.

So ultimately, his eyes rolled around the battlefield for the sake of finding an ally that he hasn't seen enough through these past few minutes.

Dana! He found her on quite the other end of the battlefield, she was putting in quite some work to slaughter one of the smallest sharks here.

It was fair so to say? Because even though she was bigger in comparison to the rest of the group, the good lady did not have any powers.

She was just a swimming, and surprisingly living skeleton that was held together by purified radiation. Perhaps she could give cancer to an enemy, but that would take too many business days.

However. These details helped everyone understand that she wasn't the strongest here. It was already a strongly brave gesture, for her to be on the battlefield...

But she doesn't seem to be struggling. Her many exposed bones aided to land numerous scratches, and her long tail could help deliver the most damage.

Timmy wanted to help reduce the stress on that side of the battlefield, so he began swiftly swimming towards the splendid skeleton lady.

His confidence was over the moon at this point, thanks to the kills he has been landing against enemies that are many times stronger.

So even though waves of anxiety were almost forcing him to poop across the battlegrounds, he still felt confident to lend a hand.

So within a few seconds, he reached the only other stingray in this group. And it was fair to say that once Dana acknowledged his presence, she was almost forced towards a blush.

If this swimming skeleton had any skin, they would turn a bit red in excitement!

But since her focus was suddenly dedicated to the newcomer, she began ignoring the grand threat that was behind her. It was a surprise for her to be unaware of surroundings, because her senses are supposed to be super high!

But right now, before anyone could even blink, the team became spooked with quite a horrible scene.

Dana had been bitten by one of the biggest sharks here, who decided to simply get rid of this troublesome skeleton!

And if that wasn't enough, this same shark began shaking its head violently from left to right. So the actual bite became even more dangerous!

So when this beast eventually decided to let go, Dana ended up being a pile of glowing bones that had been tossed a few meters away...

Her green features were swiftly dimming in radiation, and only the divines of the waters knew where some of her bony-parts had been tossed towards.

"No!" Timmy shouted out with all the power he could muster up, and began swimming faster towards the scene.

Osira had no clue what was going on. But streams of fear had stricken her heart, because she thought that the friend of which she knew the longest, had met with a sour fate.

She genuinely thought that Timothy had walked into a situation where he was close to death. And such a thought had almost shocked her to the point of losing willpower.

Her eyes dotted towards the direction of where the scream came from. And all she could see was the same little boy, charging towards a shark at full speed!

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